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Fitness Decline under Relaxed Selection in Captive Populations   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: We compared life-history schedules among populations of the housefly (  Musca domestica L.) maintained in the laboratory under curtailed life span, such that selection on mutations that affected only late-life fitness traits was reduced. As a result of this regime, late-life ( but not early-life) fecundity declined within a few generations. The results suggest that if captive populations are maintained with minimal selection, either by direct manipulation of the environment or by equalizing family contributions, the increased frequency of potentially deleterious mutations may rapidly lower the ability of these populations to exist under natural conditions. This would be independent of population size, so expanding captive populations would not alleviate potential fitness reductions due to relaxed selection.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Inbreeding effects have been detected in captive populations of threatened species, but the extent to which these effects translate into fitness under field conditions is mostly unknown. We address this issue by comparing the performance of replicated noninbred and inbred Drosophila lines under field and laboratory conditions. We asked whether environment-dependent effects of inbreeding can be demonstrated for a field-fitness component in Drosophila , the ability of flies to locate resources, and associated the results with results on effects of inbreeding investigated in the laboratory. Inbreeding effects were evident when releases were undertaken under warm conditions, but not under cold conditions, which illustrates the environment-dependent nature of inbreeding depression. Inbreeding effects were much stronger in the field at warm temperatures than in laboratory stress tests, particularly for females. Effects of inbreeding based on performance in traditional inbreeding assays (viability, productivity) or from laboratory stress tests poorly predicted performance in the field. Inbreeding effects on resource location in the field can be strongly deleterious under some thermal conditions and involve traits not easily measured under laboratory conditions. More generally, inbreeding effects measured in captive populations may not necessarily predict their field performance, and programs to purge captive populations of deleterious alleles may not necessarily lead to fitness benefits in the wild.  相似文献   

Egg production ofAcartia clausi andCentropages hamatus was measured along 6 transects in the Skagerrak every third day from 26 May to 20 June 1990. Egg production was highest in the shallow waters north of Denmark, with occasional peaks in frontal regions along the Swedish and the Danish west coasts. Linear regression analysis showed that the egg production was significantly (p<0.05) related to chlorophylla measured either as average surface concentration or integrated over the whole water column. When analysing each transect or each time period separately, the surface chlorophyll generally was a better predictor of egg production than the depth-integrated chlorophyll. Regressions improved when analysing the whole area for a short period of time rather than analysing a single transect for a month. The data suggest that the Skagerrak planktonic system functions more similarly over the whole area in a short period of time than over a month in a restricted area. Mixingwithin the system in frontal regions or in connection with eddies is more important for the secondary production thantransport to it by the Baltic Current or the Jutland Current.SKAGEX Contribution No. 4  相似文献   

The Gila topminnow (Poeciliopsis o. occidentalis) is a small, live-bearing, endangered fish extant in a maximum of nine locales in four separate watersheds in the United States. To determine if these populations differed in their fitness, we obtained samples from the four watersheds and examined them for four fitness correlates: survival, growth rate, fecundity, and bilateral asymmetry. Earlier research found that one population, Sharp Spring, had higher allozyme heterozygosity than the other three and had higher survival, growth rate, and fecundity and lower bilateral asymmetry than a sample from one of the other populations with no polymorphic allozyme loci, Monkey Spring. We also verified that Sharp Spring fish were polymorphic for the same allozyme loci whereas the Monkey Spring population was not. We did not, however, find positive associations of allozyme heterozygosity with the four fitness correlates for the four samples. Because the earlier study had much lower survival, it is likely that the differences resulted from differential response of the two populations to a stressful laboratory environment. Whether this unknown stress occurs in natural environments or its effect is predictive of other stresses remains unresolved. As a result, we concur with suggestions in the draft recovery plan that topminnows from nearby sources be used for reintroductions and that the Sharp Spring stock not be used outside the upper Santa Cruz River drainage.  相似文献   

野生马齿苋种子发芽试验   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
本文对野生马齿苋种子的发芽特性进行了初步研究,结果表明,马齿苋种子发芽受温度、浸种时间、种子贮藏时间等因素影响.温度低于20℃时,不发芽,20℃时开始发芽,发芽适温为25~30℃,温度超过35℃时发芽受到抑制,在25℃下催芽,其发芽时间集中在24~48h内.温水浸种有利于发芽,浸种时间以12~24h为宜.马齿苋种子存在3~4个月的生理休眠期,用清水浸种可打破休眠,野外播种马齿苋时覆盖塑料小拱棚可明显提高发芽率和出苗率.  相似文献   

Fitness consequences of prolonged copulation in the bowl and doily spider   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Bowl and doily spiders, Frontinella pyramitela (Araneae, Linyphiidae), copulate much longer than the 15 min required for insemination. This apparently maladaptive behavior has been satisfactorily explained in the literature by invoking hypotheses that involve sperm competition, resistance to predators and parasites, or foraging enhancement. In this study, the fertility, live progeny production, progeny size, female receptivity, and latency to oviposition of bowl and doily spiders were measured and related to copulation duration. Using these data, we were able to eliminate six hypotheses and support a seventh: in this species, longer copulations result in larger hatchlings in the first clutch of eggs produced by the female. Although the correlation between copulation duration and progeny size is positive and significant, much of the variation in progeny size remains unexplained, and the reason for the variability in copulation durations remains obscure. Offprint requests to: R.B. Suter  相似文献   

Social dominance confers potential advantages in terms of access to superior resources, habitats, and breeding opportunities. In the cooperatively breeding acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus), within-brood dominance among juveniles is correlated with relative body size as nestlings. Capitalizing on this relationship, we investigated the fitness consequences of dominance by means of paired comparisons of broodmates. We found that (1) larger fledglings retained at least some of their size advantage as adults; (2) overwinter survival of larger, dominant fledglings was significantly greater than subordinates, but was not relatively greater when resources were poor than when they were good; (3) among birds surviving their first winter, there were no differences vis-à-vis dominance in terms of the proportion of birds acting as helpers or inheriting their natal territory. However, larger, dominant males were present in the study area longer than subordinates, suggesting that they either survived better or were more successful at gaining reproductive opportunities; (4) if only one male broodmate became a helper instead of dispersing, he was significantly more likely to be the smaller subordinate, consistent with the view that helping is a best-of-a-bad-job strategy; and (5) there were no significant differences in reproductive success among pairs of male broodmates that cobred together as adults, consistent with prior work failing to detect a phenotypic correlation of reproductive skew. Our results indicate that within-brood dominance relationships established as juveniles have significant effects on first-year survivorship and at least some aspects of adult fitness.  相似文献   

The trade in wild meat is an important economic component of rural people's livelihoods, but it has been perceived to be among the main causes of the decline of wildlife species. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought to light an additional concern of wildlife markets as a major human-health challenge. We analyzed data from the largest longitudinal monitoring (1973–2018) of the most important urban wild-meat markets in Iquitos, Peru, to examine the trends in and impacts of these markets on people's livelihoods. Over the last 45 years, wild meat sales increased at a rate of 6.4 t/year (SD 2.17), paralleling urban population growth. Wild meat sales were highest in 2018 (442 t), contributing US$2.6 million (0.76%) to the regional gross domestic product. Five species of ungulates and rodents accounted for 88.5% of the amount of biomass traded. Vulnerable and Endangered species represented 7.0% and 0.4% of individuals sold, respectively. Despite growth in sales, the contribution of wild meat to overall urban diet was constant: 1–2%/year of total meat consumed. This result was due to greater availability and higher consumption of cheaper meats (e.g., in 2018, poultry was 45.8% cheaper and was the most consumed meat) coupled with the lack of economic incentives to harvest wild meat species in rural areas. Most wild meat was sold salted or smoked, reducing the likelihood of foodborne diseases. Community-based wildlife management plans and the continued trade bans on primates and threatened taxa may avoid biodiversity loss. Considering the recent COVID-19 pandemic, future management plans should include potential viral hosts and regulation and enforcement of hygiene practices in wild-meat markets.  相似文献   

Inbreeding Depression in the Speke's Gazelle Captive Breeding Program   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: The Speke's gazelle ( Gazella spekei ) captive breeding program has been presented as one of the few examples of selection reducing the genetic load of a population and as a potential model for the captive breeding of endangered species founded from a small number of individuals. In this breeding program, three generations of mate selection apparently increased the viability of inbred individuals. We reanalyzed the Speke's gazelle studbook and examined potential causes for the reduction of inbreeding depression. Our analysis indicates that the decrease in inbreeding depression is not consistent with any model of genetic improvement in the herd. Instead, we found that the effect of inbreeding decreased from severe to moderate during the first generation of inbreeding, and that this change is responsible for almost all of the decline in inbreeding depression observed during the breeding program. This eliminates selection as a potential explanation for the decrease in inbreeding depression and suggests that inbreeding depression may be more sensitive to environmental influences than is usually thought.  相似文献   

2004年11月~2005年4月,进行了王锦蛇的冬眠期饲养试验.结果表明:在王锦蛇的冬眠期内,人工保持其环境温度为25~30℃,相对湿度为60%~85%,并提供其所需要的食物条件,就能够使王锦蛇在冬眠期内正常地生长发育,不仅能缩短其饲养时间,而且能提高其成活率,从而达到高效饲养王锦蛇的目的.  相似文献   

对首次发现的一只野化培训大熊猫“祥祥”采食半枯竹的现象及原因进行研究.作者用4只圈养大熊猫为对照进行试验,从行为观察、营养成分及适口因子、环境气候条件等方面进行了研究.研究发现,圈养大熊猫中也存在采食半枯竹的现象,而且在采食的时间段上和祥祥一致;相对于新鲜竹子,半枯竹中葡萄糖含量有所增加,单宁含量明显降低,并且具有特殊的香甜味,使在一定时期内的半枯竹营养增加,适口性得到改善,这是大熊猫在特定时期更愿意采食半枯竹而不采食新鲜竹子的重要原因;7~9月是全年温湿度最高月份,对引起半枯竹成分中适口因子的改变可能有诱发作用.图3表4参9  相似文献   

Because populations in zoological parks and nature reserves often are derived from only a few individuals, conservationists have attempted to minimize founder effects by equalizing family group sizes and increasing the reproductive contributions of all individuals. Although such programs reduce potential losses of genetic diversity, information is rarely available about the actual persistence of family groups or genetic lineages in natural populations. In the absence of such data, it can be difficult to weigh the importance of human intervention in the conservation of small populations. Separate long-term studies of two mammals, the North American bison (Bison bison) and the white-nosed coati (Nasua narica), and a bird, the Acorn Woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus), demonstrate differential extinction of genetic lineages. Irrespective of the mechanisms affecting population structure, which may range from stochastic environmental events to such behavioral phenomena as poor intrasexual competitive abilities, our results show that lineages can be lost at rapid rates from natural populations. A survey of comparable studies from the literature indicates that the loss of matrilines over the course of the study varies from 3% to 87% in wild mammals and from 30% to 80% in birds, with several small mammals losing approximately 20% of matrilines per year of study. These lineage extinctions were not an artifact of the length of the study or the generation time of the species. Such rapid losses of lineages in less than 20-year periods in natural populations suggest that efforts to maintain maximal genetic diversity within populations may not always reflect processes that occur in the wild. Conservation biologists need to give further thought to the extent to which parity among genetic lines should be a primary goal of management of captive and small wild populations.  相似文献   

The addition of synthetic zeolites and similar materials to metal contaminated soils has been shown to reduce soil phytotoxicity and to improve the quality of plant growth on such amended soils. To gain an understanding of the mechanism by which the phytotoxicity of contaminated soils is reduced when treated with synthetic zeolites, sequential extraction procedures and soil solution techniques have been used to identify changes associated with metal speciation in amended soils. Sequential extraction data and changes in soil solution composition are presented for three different contaminated soils, amended with three synthetic zeolites (P, 4A and Y) at concentrations of 0.5%, 1% and 5% w/w, or lime at 1%. The soils were collected from the site of a metal refinery, an old lead zinc mine spoil tip and from a field which had been treated with sewage sludge. After incubation of the zeolite treated soils for between one and three months, results showed a reduction in the metal content of the ammonium acetate fraction between 42% and 70%, depending on soil, zeolite and rate of addition, compared with the unamended soils. In addition, soil solution experiments indicated that synthetic zeolite amendments were more efficient at reducing metal content than comparable lime treatment. The mechanism by which synthetic zeolites reduce metal bioavailability in contaminated soils is discussed and compared to other amendments.  相似文献   

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