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Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Examining the heterogeneous factors behind the conversion of various types of non-urban land into urban use is of great significance for controlling...  相似文献   

First mooted in 2011, the concept of Trapped Populations referring to people unable to move from environmentally high-risk areas broadened the study of human responses to environmental change. While a seemingly straightforward concept, the underlying discourses around the reasons for being ‘trapped’, and the language describing the concept have profound influences on the way in which policy and practice approaches the needs of populations at risk from environmental stresses and shocks. In this article, we apply a Critical Discourse Analysis to the academic literature on the subject to reveal some of the assumptions implicit within discussing ‘trapped’ populations. The analysis reveals a dominant school of thought that assisted migration, relocation, and resettlement in the face of climate change are potentially effective adaptation strategies along a gradient of migrant agency and governance.  相似文献   

The effect of buildings on the dry deposition of dust particles was investigated in Be'er-Sheva, a desert city with about 140,000 inhabitants in southern Israel, and at two reference points in the surrounding rural area. The mineral and chemical composition of dust sampled at all sites was similar, reflecting the composition of the local loess soil, its likely origin. However, dust deposited in the traps set up in the vicinity of buildings in the city was significantly coarser than the dust which accumulated in similar traps at exposed sites in the countryside. The amount of dust (by weight) in the urban dust traps was on an average more than twice the amount deposited in the rural area. The differences in grain-size distribution and quantity of dust are attributed to the properties of the urban wind field and to various effects of human activity in the city.  相似文献   



In order to reveal the potential relationships between body-size patterns of microzooplankton and environmental status, the spatial patterns in body-size spectra of ciliated zooplanktons were studied based on an annual dataset in a bay of the Yellow Sea, northern China.

Materials and methods

A total of 120 samples were collected at a depth of 1?m from each of five sampling sites with a spatial gradient of environmental stress from June 2007 to May 2008. A range of physico-chemical variables were measured synchronously for comparison with biotic parameters.


The spatial body-size patterns of ciliated zooplankton represented significant differences among the five sites, and were significantly correlated with the changes of physico-chemical parameters, especially salinity, dissolved oxygen and nutrients. Two paired indices, the average body-size distinctness (AvBSD) and the variation in body-size distinctness (VarBSD), were proposed based on the trait resemblances among ciliate species in body-size pattern. The paired measures showed a clear decreasing trend of departure from the expected body-size spectra in response to water quality status.


These results suggest that the body-size pattern of ciliated zooplankton might be used as a potential indicator of marine water quality.  相似文献   

Atmospheric fixed-nitrogen deposition can contribute to eutrophication in coastal and estuarine waters. Stable nitrogen isotope data can provide important information regarding the sources and processing of atmospheric fixed-nitrogen species and is thus important in controlling eutrophication. Size-segregated aerosol samples were collected from two coastal sites: Weybourne, England and Mace Head, Ireland and also aboard the RRS Challenger in the Eastern Atlantic Ocean. Aerosol concentrations of ammonium and nitrate were determined prior to δ15N isotopic analysis. The isotopic enrichment factor, ε, was calculated for both the species by subtracting the respective δ15N values of the coarse-mode fraction (>1 μm diameter) from those of the fine-mode fraction (<1 μm diameter). Variations in this parameter were observed as weak functions of the percentage of each species in the coarse mode and of meteorological condition. As a result, the presence of two different size-shift processes (dissociation/gas scavenging and dissolution/coagulation) is proposed, consistent with similar arguments based upon major-ion data obtained from the same suite of samples. Dissolution/coagulation processes appear to exhibit negative isotopic enrichment factors whereas dissociation/gas scavenging processes appear to exhibit positive enrichment factors, suggesting that they may be reversible and thermodynamically driven. In offshore-flowing air masses just entering the marine environment, transferral of nitrate to the coarse mode by initial dissociation of NH4NO3 followed by scavenging of the HNO3 produced appears to be significantly more important than in samples of onshore, marine dominated air. In contrast, ammonium appears to be transferred to the coarse mode during offshore flow largely via the dissolution and coagulation of aerosol ammonium, nitrate and sulphate-containing species. During onshore flow, the uptake of gaseous NH3, arising from the continued dissociation of NH4NO3, seems to become increasingly important.  相似文献   

Real-world particulate emission measurements usually include a fresh nanoparticle mode called the nucleation mode. The formation of the nucleation mode during mixing, dilution, and cooling of diesel exhaust is discussed based on existing experimental and modeling data. The further evolution of the nucleation mode and the local dilution ratio within the vehicle exhaust is reviewed. The nucleation mode forms at low dilution ratios (< or = 10) and is fully formed at the dilution ratio of approximately 100. The findings of the studies comparing real-world and dynamometer measurements are reviewed. A qualitative agreement of nucleation mode formation is generally observed. The geometric mean diameter of the nucleation mode, measured on-road, is well reproduced in the laboratory. However, the number concentration of the nucleation mode is too low in the laboratory (by a factor of 2-10). Nevertheless, the trends are reproduced, including those caused by differences in vehicle speed and engine load, engine and aftertreatment technology, as well as fuel and lubricant composition.  相似文献   

Currently, the poor water quality in Taihu Lake is a major problem in China, so pollution control in the upstream areas has become a government priority. In Jiangsu Province, pollution emissions around the western areas of Taihu Lake, including Changzhou Municipality and Yixing City, need to be highly restricted, and calculating the water environmental capacity is important if pollution is to be reduced. In this study, 19 control units in these areas were established, and a 0-D mathematical model was used to calculate the water environmental capacity. For three important control units with important cross sections, a 1-D model was established to redress the results. Finally, the total maximum monthly loads of each control unit were obtained using temporal allocation principles. The results suggested that (1) the total pollution control of chemical oxygen demand was 58,894.2 tonnes per annum (t a?1), with ammonia nitrogen, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus amounting to 3,808, 6,054.6, and 386.6 t a?1, respectively; (2) water environmental capacity per unit water area in the ambient control units was smaller than that in the middle control units; and (3) the largest water environmental capacity was in June, and the smallest capacity was in December. The study provides important information for local governments, which will enable them to implement pollution control strategies that will improve the water quality in Taihu Lake.  相似文献   

This work provided additional information for a better interpretation of lichen diversity values in biomonitoring studies of air pollution. The effects of 12 predictive variables were estimated for the Genova province (NW Italy) by means of a non-parametric model. The diversity of epiphytic lichens was strictly correlated with mean annual rainfall and mean annual temperature. Different variables were found to affect the lichen diversity in urban vs. forested areas. In urban areas, air pollutants, mainly SO2, are still the main limiting factor, even if under ameliorating conditions this relationship becomes less significant. In forested areas, harvesting and forest fires showed a predominant effect, suggesting the need to develop a more defined sampling protocol to estimate atmospheric pollution in such ecosystems.  相似文献   

Quantitative assessments have long been used to evaluate the condition of the natural environment, providing information for standard setting, adaptive management, and monitoring. Similar approaches have been developed to measure environmental governance, however, the end result (e.g., numeric indicators) belies the subjective and normative judgments that are involved in evaluating governance. We demonstrate a framework that makes this information transparent, through an application of the Freshwater Health Index in three different river basins in Latin America. Water Governance is measured on a 0–100 scale, using data derived from perception-based surveys administered to stakeholders. Results suggest that water governance is a primary area of concern in all three places, with low overall scores (Guandu-26, Alto Mayo-38, Bogotá-43). We conclude that this approach to measuring governance at the river basin scale provides valuable information to support monitoring and decision making, and we offer suggestions on how it can be improved.Electronic supplementary materialThe online version of this article (10.1007/s13280-020-01407-8) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Generally, harbours are polluted zones characterised by low values of hydrodynamism and oxygen in the water column and high concentrations of pollutants in sediments. The harbour of Ceuta, North Africa, has an unusual structure; it is located between two bays connected by a channel, which increases the water movement and exchange in the harbour, maintaining moderate oxygen levels in the water-sediment interface. Nevertheless, high concentration of organic matter, nutrients and heavy metals were measured in sediments from this harbour. Under these unusual conditions (high levels of pollution but total saturation of oxygen in the water column) we studied the responses of soft-bottom macrobenthic communities using uni and multivariate analyses. The number of species was similar inside and outside the harbour but the species composition differed between internal and external stations; oxygen levels seem to control the "quantity" of species whereas pollutants control the "quality" of them.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Mineralogy was an important driver for the environmental release of heavy metals. Therefore, the present work was conducted by coupling mineral...  相似文献   

Ground level ozone concentrations, in combination with the prevailing climate, at the estate Ostads S?teri in southwestern Sweden were estimated to reduce the yield of wheat and potato ranging between 5% and 10%. Occasionally, in years with the highest ozone concentrations and/or climatic conditions favoring high rates of ozone uptake to the leaves, yield loss levels above 10% may occur. Based on simple extrapolation, these ozone-induced reductions of crop yields at Ostads S?teri represent a potential total annual yield loss in Sweden in the range of 24.5 million Euro for wheat and 7.3 million Euro for potato, respectively. A simulation of forest growth at Ostad S?teri predicted that prevailing mean ozone exposure during 1993-2003 had the potential to reduce forest growth by 2.2% and the economic return of forest production by 2.6%. Using this value for extrapolation to the national level, the potential annual economic loss for Sweden due to negative impacts of ozone on forest production would be in the range of 56 million Euro (2004 prices).  相似文献   

Commercial octabromodiphenyl ether mixtures, containing hexabromodiphenyl ethers and heptabromodiphenyl ethers were listed in Annex A of the Stockholm Convention on May 2009 (Fourth Conference of the Parties) (UNEP, 2009a). Four compounds are specifically mentioned: 2,2′,4,4′,5,5′-hexabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-153), 2,2′,4,4′,5,6′-hexabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-154), 2,2′,3,3′,4,5′,6-heptabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-175), and 2,2′,3,4,4′,5′,6-heptabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-183). Presumably they were identified as key components of commercial mixtures and found to be present in environmental samples. However, since BDE-175 and BDE-183 co-elute on common HRGC columns, the presence of BDE-175 as an important component in technical octa-BDE mixtures has not been illustrated. The successful HRGC/LRMS separation of a 1:1 mixture of BDE-175 and BDE-183, as well as 1H NMR analysis of technical material, has allowed us to confirm that this congener is not present in technical products (e.g. Great Lakes DE-79™) in quantifiable amounts.  相似文献   

In aquatic ecosystems organisms are exposed to mixtures of pollutants. Still, risk assessment focuses almost exclusively on effect characterization of individual substances. The main objective of the current study was therefore to study mixture toxicity of a common group of industrial substances, i.e., brominated flame-retardants (BFRs), in the harpacticoid copepod Nitocra spinipes. Initially, 10 BFRs with high hydrophobicity but otherwise varying chemical characteristics were selected based on multivariate chemical characterization and tested individually for effects on mortality and development using a partial life cycle test (six days) where silica gel is used as a carrier of the hydrophobic substances. Based on these findings, six of the 10 BFRs were mixed in a series of NOEC proportions (which were set to 0.008, 0.04, 0.2, 1, and five times the NOEC concentrations for each individual BFR), loaded on silica gel and tested in a full life cycle test (26 days). Significantly increased mortality was observed in N. spinipes after six and 26 days exposure at a NOEC proportion that equals the NOEC LDR value (x1) for each BFR in the mixture (p=0.0015 and p=0.0105, respectively). At the NOECx5 proportion all animals were dead. None of the other NOEC proportions caused significant negative responses related to development and reproduction. This shows that low concentrations of individual substances can cause toxicity if exposed in mixtures, which highlights the need to consider mixture toxicity to a greater extent in regulatory work.  相似文献   

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