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Species interactions affect plant diversity through the net effects of competition and facilitation, with the latter more prevalent in physically stressful environments when plant cover ameliorates abiotic stress. One explanation for species loss in invader-dominated systems is a shift in the competition-facilitation balance, with competition intensifying in areas formerly structured by facilitation. We test this possibility with a 10-site prairie meta-experiment along a 500-km latitudinal stress gradient, quantifying the relationships among abiotic stress, exotic dominance, and native plant recruitment over five years. The latitudinal gradient is inversely correlated with abiotic stress, with lower latitudes more moisture- and nutrient-limited. We observed strong negative effects by invasive dominant grasses on plant establishment, but only in northern sites with lower-stress environments. At these locations, disturbance was critical for recruitment by reducing the suppressive dominant (invasive) canopy. In more stressful environments to the south, the impacts of the dominant invaders on plant establishment became facilitative, and diversity was more limited by seed availability. Disturbance prevented recruitment because seedling survival depended on a protective plant canopy, presumably because the canopy reduced temperature or moisture stress. Seed limitation was similarly prevalent in all sites. Our work confirms the importance of facilitation as an organizing process for plants in higher-stress environments, even with transformations of species composition and dominance. It also demonstrates that the mechanisms regulating diversity, including invader impacts, can vary within the same plant community depending on environmental context. Because limits on native plant recruitment are environmentally contingent, management strategies that seek to increase diversity, including invader eradication, must account for site-level variations in the balance between biotic and abiotic constraints.  相似文献   

We compared populations of Laminaria hyperborea from different regions along the Norwegian coast (58–71°N). The aim of the study was to examine possible regional differences in population demography and to relate these to latitudinal gradients in ambient temperature and light. A number of population parameters were examined in understory and canopy kelp individuals. We found latitudinal differences in stipe growth rate and growth pattern, mortality, longevity, recruitment and density. Stipe growth rate was higher for young individuals in mid-Norway than in south and north Norway. Mean stipe length was related to temperature and light, and correlated significantly with indices combining temperature during the growth season and daylength in summer. Mortality decreased and longevity increased with increasing latitude, probably because of a temperature decrease with increasing latitude and a general reduction in metabolic rate. Greater longevity may also cause the observed decrease in recruitment rate with increasing latitude, since there are fewer opportunities for understory individuals to replace dead canopy individuals. The development of particularly large kelp in mid-Norway appears to be explained by high growth rates and not a particularly long life span, as earlier assumed. This has consequences for decisions of the optimal harvesting regime for the species in the region, with regard to yield and maintenance of associated biodiversity.Communicated by M. Kühl, Helsingør  相似文献   

Phylogeographic patterns in Uca annulipes sampled from 30 locations across an East African latitudinal gradient were investigated using mitochondrial DNA cytochrome oxidase I sequences and analysed together with patterns of morphometric differentiation. Four hundred and four specimens along the east African coast were sampled, and 18 haplotypes were encountered. Haplotype and nucleotide diversity values were very low and the phylogenetic analysis did not reveal any clear phylogeographic structure. Furthermore, the analysis of molecular variance and pairwise Φ ST values showed no significant spatial population differentiation. Mismatch analyses and tests of neutrality supported the hypothesis that this species has undergone a fairly recent demographic expansion. Our results, therefore, failed to demonstrate significant geographical structure in the pattern of genetic variation, indicating that populations of U. annulipes are capable of extensive gene flow among mangroves along the coast. The genetic structure of this species could be panmictic due to a high amount of gene flow along the geographical gradient in study during the planktonic larval phase, when larvae are carried along stream by the dominant currents. Moreover, the morphometric analysis performed did not reveal differences of shape differentiation according to a geographical pattern, although significant differences among the sampling areas were found.  相似文献   

Summary The mating behavior of the European common frog, Rana temporaria, was studied experimentally. Female body length was correlated with body mass as well as with fecundity. However, males showed no mating preference with regard to either female body length, body mass, or fecundity. In successive multiple matings, male readiness to re-mate as well as fertilization success did not vary among the first four matings. Further, fertilization success was not correlated with either the number of days since the previous fertilization, water volume in the experimental container, testes mass, female/male body length ratio, or female fecundity. However, there was a positive correlation between fertilization success and male fat reserve status. Sexual competition and mating patterns were studied in tanks in which operational sex ratio (OSR) and male density were manipulated, and time for sexual competition was allowed to vary. Successful take-overs and nonrandom mating (large male advantage) were observed only at a combination of a four-fold male bias in OSR and an unnaturally high male density (30–50/m2). I argue that in natural populations of Rana temporaria: (1) There is considerable intraspecific variation in the opportunity for sexual competition, (2) OSR influences mating pattern more than male density and time (duration of the prespawning period), and (3) nonrandom mating should be rare.  相似文献   

Understanding and predicting species range expansions is an important challenge in modern ecology because of rapidly changing environments. Recent studies have revealed that consistent within-species variation in behavior (i.e., animal personality) can be imperative for dispersal success, a key process in range expansion. Here we investigate how habitat isolation can mediate differentiation of personality traits between recently founded island populations and the main population. We performed laboratory studies of boldness and exploration across life stages (tadpoles and froglets) using four isolated island populations and four mainland populations of the common frog (Rana temporaria). Both tadpoles and froglets from isolated populations were bolder and more exploratory than conspecifics from the mainland. Although the pattern can be influenced by possible differences in predation pressure, we suggest that this behavioral differentiation might be the result of a disperser-dependent founder effect brought on by an isolation-driven environmental filtering of animal personalities. These findings can have important implications for both species persistence in the face of climate change (i.e., range expansions) and ecological invasions as well as for explaining rapid speciation in isolated patches.  相似文献   

Capelin is a planktivorous key fish species in many subarctic ecosystems representing the link between lower trophic levels and apex predators. Little is known, however, of capelin in Greenland waters, but it has been suggested that size and growth increases due to difference in food availability and temperature conditions along a 1,500 km south–north gradient on the west coast. It is presently unknown how the qualitative state of capelin energy content is affected along this gradient. Based on 2007 and 2008 samples, we show that energy content increases with capelin length in both spawning and non-spawning fish and that it varies with latitude in spawning fish along West Greenland (60–71°N). Combining our results on energy content with information on capelin growth along the same latitudinal climate gradient demonstrates that less and lower-quality food is available to capelin predators in the south than in the north.  相似文献   

Tropical organisms colonizing temperate environments face reduced average temperatures and dramatic thermal fluctuations. Theoretical models postulate that thermal specialization should be favored either when little environmental variation is experienced within generations or when among-generation variation is small relative to within-generation variation. To test these predictions, we studied six temperate species of damselflies differing in latitudinal distribution. We developed a computer model simulating how organisms experience environmental variation (accounting for diapause and voltinism) and performed a laboratory experiment assaying thermal sensitivities of growth rates. The computer model showed opposing latitudinal trends in among- and within-generation thermal variability: within-generation thermal variability decreased toward higher latitudes, whereas relative levels of among-generation thermal variability peaked at midlatitudes (where a shift in voltinism occurred). The growth experiment showed that low-latitude species were more thermally generalized than mid- and high-latitude species, supporting the prediction that generalists are favored under high levels of within-generation variation. Northern species had steeper, near-exponential reaction norms suggestive of thermal specialization. However, they had strikingly high thermal optima and grew very slowly over most of the thermal range they are expected to experience in the field. This observation is at present difficult to explain. These results highlight the importance of considering interactions between life history and environmental variation when deriving expectations of thermal adaptation.  相似文献   

Graff P  Aguiar MR  Chaneton EJ 《Ecology》2007,88(1):188-199
Isolating the single effects and net balance of negative and positive species effects in complex interaction networks is a necessary step for understanding community dynamics. Facilitation and competition have both been found to operate in harsh environments, but their relative strength may be predicted to change along gradients of herbivory. Moreover, facilitation effects through habitat amelioration and protection from herbivory may act together determining the outcome of neighborhood plant-plant interactions. We tested the hypothesis that grazing pressure alters the balance of positive and negative interactions between palatable and unpalatable species by increasing the strength of positive indirect effects mediated by associational resistance to herbivory. We conducted a two-year factorial experiment in which distance (i.e., spatial association) from the nearest unpalatable neighbor (Stipa speciosa) and root competition were manipulated for two palatable grasses (Poa ligularis and Bromus pictus), at three levels of sheep grazing (none, moderate, and high) in a Patagonian steppe community. We found that grazing shifted the effect of Stipa on both palatable grasses, from negative (competition) in the absence of grazing to positive (facilitation) under increasing herbivore pressure. In ungrazed sites, belowground competition was the dominant interaction, as shown by a significant reduction in performance of palatable grasses transplanted near to Stipa tussocks. In grazed sites, biomass of palatable plants was greater near than far from Stipa regardless of competition treatment. Proximity to Stipa reduced the amount of herbivory suffered by palatable grasses, an indirect effect that was stronger under moderate than under intense grazing. Our results demonstrate that facilitation, resulting mainly from protection against herbivory, is the overriding effect produced by unpalatable neighbors on palatable grasses in this rangeland community. This finding challenges the common view that abiotic stress amelioration should be the predominant type of facilitation in arid environments and highlights the role of herbivory in modulating complex neighborhood plant interactions in grazing systems.  相似文献   

The intensification of agricultural practices has been identified as the main cause of population decline in farmland birds since the 1960s in both Europe and North America. Although the links between species richness or abundance and various components of agricultural intensification are well established, the mechanisms underlying these trends have rarely been addressed along a gradient of intensification or have been quantified at only one spatial scale. Here we quantified the influence of landscape structure on the nest box occupancy and breeding success of Tree Swallows (Tachycineta bicolor) at seven spatial scales (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, and 20 km radii) over a 10 200-km2 gradient of agricultural intensification in southern Québec, Canada. A network of 400 nest boxes distributed among 40 farms was visited every two days over three breeding seasons, 2004-2006. Nest box occupancy decreased with the proportion of intensive cultures (maize, cereals, and soybeans) in the landscape, especially when manure heaps and tanks were abundant, and was also determined by local variables (i.e., nest box clearance, interspecific competition) and by previous-year fledging success. Clutch size decreased as the breeding season progressed and with the proportion of intensive cultures in the landscape, with no consistent variation across spatial scales. Hatching success was not related to any landscape variables but increased with clutch size. Both the number of fledglings and fledging probability increased with the proportion of extensive cultures (hayfields, pastures, and fallows). These effects increased with spatial scale and reached a plateau at the 5 km radius: the maximum distance from the nest reached by foraging Tree Swallows. Our results can likely be attributed to lower food availability in intensive cultures compared to extensive ones. This study suggests that several components of breeding that impact on population structure and dynamics of insectivorous birds will be negatively affected by agricultural intensification.  相似文献   

At least four hypotheses have been suggested to explain the formation and maintenance of song dialects among birds: historic processes (epiphenomenon), genetic or local adaptation, acoustic adaptation, and social adaptation. We studied spatial and temporal distribution of dialect in the orange-tufted sunbird (Nectarinia osea), a small nectarivorous bird that expanded its breeding range in Israel during the past 100 years from the southern part of Rift Valley to the entire country. Sunbird range expansion was concurrent with the establishment of many small settlements with an ethos of gardening, which introduced many ornithophilous plants. We recorded songs and genetically screened individual sunbirds in 29 settlements distributed across a 380 km north–south gradient along the Rift Valley. We show that dialects cluster together into geographical regions in 70% of cases, a moderate concurrence to geography. Settlement establishment date, geographical position, and genetic distance between local populations (i.e., settlements) were all poor predictors for the variance among song dialects. The specific effect of habitat was not tested because all sampled localities were similar in their physical and acoustic properties. Using a network analysis, we show that dialects seem to aggregate into several network communities, which clustered settlement populations from several regions. Our results are best explained by either the epiphenomenon hypothesis or the social adaptation hypothesis, but at present our data cannot state unequivocally which of these hypotheses is better supported. Last, we discovered a negative association between network centrality and genetic diversity, a pattern that requires further examination in other systems.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2003,170(1):45-53
The effect of an environmental gradient on inter-specific plant competitive interactions is modeled in a simple empirical model with biologically interpretable parameters. The model allows testing of hypotheses on the effect of the gradient on plant competitive interactions, as well as making ecological predictions from simple competition experiments using standard statistical procedures. The model, which is general and can be applied to different abiotic and biotic environmental gradients, is applied to a specific case of two competing Arabidopsis thaliana genotypes along a gradient of the general fungal pathogen Peronospora parasitica. One of the A. thaliana genotype is susceptible to the fungal pathogen P. parasitica and the other genotype is resistant. The Bayesian posterior distribution of the probability that the resistant genotype outcompetes the susceptible genotype is calculated as a function of the pathogen level. The design of the studied A. thaliana competition experiments is the minimum required experimental design needed to apply the model.  相似文献   

Thermal environment is often regarded as a key determinant of distribution limits in marine invertebrates and hence may represent one of the most important barriers to invasion by non-indigenous species. For the first time in the subarctic northwestern Atlantic, we investigated variation in the timing and magnitude of settlement, recruitment, and colony cover of the recently (early 2000s) introduced bryozoan Membranipora membranacea on the kelp Saccharina longicruris and how this variation relates to changes in sea temperature (thermal histories) across eight sites spanning a 450-km latitudinal range between southwestern Newfoundland and southeastern Labrador, Canada. We show that (1) up to 61 % of the variation in settlement, recruitment, and colony cover was explained by sea temperature alone, with highest and lowest abundances at warmest and coldest sites, respectively; (2) between-site differences in rates of sea cooling explained 85 % of the variation in settler abundance; (3) varying the temporal window over which data were aggregated increased the explanatory power of sea temperature to as much as 98 % for settlement and recruitment, and 86 % for colony cover; (4) exposure to waves and surface area of colonies improved relationships between sea temperature and settlement and recruitment by up to 11 %; and (5) recruit abundance was a strong predictor of colony cover, explaining as much as 89 % of the variation. Consistently low abundances of settlers and recruits at the northern tip of Newfoundland and southern tip of Labrador suggest that M. membranacea is nearing its northern distribution limit in the northwestern Atlantic. Our findings extend knowledge of population dynamics of M. membranacea in the northwestern Atlantic, while highlighting the complexity of the interactions between physical and biological factors and processes that affect population dynamics in invertebrates with planktonic larvae in predominantly cold marine habitats.  相似文献   

醇和酚类等有机化合物作为重要的工业原料,广泛应用于医药卫生、有机合成、食品工业等领域,但生产中排放于环境的这些物质,会对生物造成一定的毒性作用。为建立包含醇和酚类有机污染物对欧洲林蛙蝌蚪及梨形四膜虫毒性的定量结构-活性相关性模型,计算了227种有机污染物的分子连接性指数和分子形状指数,优化筛选了分子连接性指数的0X、1X、2X、4X和5Xc、分子形状指数的K1和K2共7种参数,将这7种结构参数作为神经网络输入层变量,110种有机污染物对欧洲林蛙蝌蚪的毒性值作为输出层变量,采用7:8:1的网络结构方式,构建了令人满意的对欧洲林蛙蝌蚪毒性的神经网络预测模型,方程总相关系数r为0.988,毒性预测值与实验值之间的平均误差为0.14。为检验指数的普适性,同样用这7个结构参数与117种醇和酚类化合物对梨形四膜虫的毒性进行分析,所得神经网络模型的总相关系数达到0.997,对梨形四膜虫毒性的预测值与实验值之间的平均误差仅为0.065,结果表明,所建模型具有良好的预测有机污染物对林蛙蝌蚪及梨形四膜虫急性毒性的能力。  相似文献   

We studied the effect of aquatic vegetation on the process of species sorting and community assembly of three functional groups of plankton organisms (phytoplankton, seston-feeding zooplankton, and substrate-dwelling zooplankton) along a primary productivity gradient. We performed an outdoor cattle tank experiment (n = 60) making an orthogonal combination of a primary productivity gradient (four nutrient addition levels: 0, 10, 100, and 1000 microg P/L; N/P ratio: 16) with a vegetation gradient (no macrophytes, artificial macrophytes, and real Elodea nuttallii). We used artificial plants to evaluate the mere effects of plant physical structure independently from other plant effects, such as competition for nutrients or allelopathy. The tanks were inoculated with species-rich mixtures of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Both productivity and macrophytes affected community structure and diversity of the three functional groups. Taxon richness declined with increasing plankton productivity in each functional group according to a nested subset pattern. We found no evidence for unimodal diversity-productivity relationships. The proportional abundance of Daphnia and of colonial Scenedesmus increased strongly with productivity. GLM analyses suggest that the decline in richness of seston feeders was due to competitive exclusion by Daphnia at high productivity. The decline in richness of phytoplankton was probably caused by high Daphnia grazing. However, partial analyses indicate that these explanations do not entirely explain the patterns. Possibly, environmental deterioration associated with high productivity (e.g., high pH) was also responsible for the observed richness decline. Macrophytes had positive effects on the taxon richness of all three functional plankton groups and interacted with the initial productivity gradient in determining their communities. Macrophytes affected the composition and diversity of the three functional groups both by their physical structure and through other mechanisms. Part of the macrophyte effect may be indirect via a reduction of phytoplankton production. Our results also indirectly suggest that the often reported unimodal relationship between primary productivity and diversity in nature may be partially mediated by the tendency of submerged macrophytes to be most abundant at intermediate productivity levels.  相似文献   

Garcia EA  Mittelbach GG 《Ecology》2008,89(6):1703-1713
Variation in the intensity of predation across the well-known environmental gradient of freshwater habitats from small, ephemeral ponds to large, permanent lakes is a key factor in the development and maintenance of aquatic community structure. Here, we present data on the distribution and abundance of four species of Chaoborus (Diptera: Chaoboridae) across this environmental gradient. Chaoborus show a distinct pattern of species sorting when aquatic systems are divided into fish and fishless environments, and this pattern is consistent with species traits known to influence their vulnerability to fish predation (i.e., pigmentation, diel vertical migration [DVM] behavior, and body size). To test whether fish are the drivers of this pattern, we created a gradient in fish density by stocking bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus) into 15 experimental ponds in southwestern Michigan, USA, and then allowed Chaoborus species to colonize. There was clear evidence of species sorting along the predation gradient; Chaoborus americanus was most abundant in the fishless ponds, C. flavicans was neutral in response to fish, and C. punctipennis and C. albatus were most abundant at high fish biomass, a response consistent with their field pattern. Furthermore, prey preference experiments confirm that size selective predation and differences in Chaoborus species traits contribute to the pattern of Chaoborus abundance and distribution.  相似文献   

The effects of burn severity on avian communities are poorly understood, yet this information is crucial to fire management programs. To quantify avian response patterns along a burn severity gradient, we sampled 49 random plots (2001-2002) at the 17351-ha Cerro Grande Fire (2000) in New Mexico, USA. Additionally, pre-fire avian surveys (1986-1988, 1990) created a unique opportunity to quantify avifaunal changes in 13 pre-fire transects (resampled in 2002) and to compare two designs for analyzing the effects of unplanned disturbances: after-only analysis and before-after comparisons. Distance analysis was used to calculate densities. We analyzed after-only densities for 21 species using gradient analysis, which detected a broad range of responses to increasing burn severity: (I) large significant declines, (II) weak, but significant declines, (III) no significant density changes, (IV) peak densities in low- or moderate-severity patches, (V) weak, but significant increases, and (VI) large significant increases. Overall, 71% of the species included in the after-only gradient analysis exhibited either positive or neutral density responses to fire effects across all or portions of the severity gradient (responses III-VI). We used pre/post pairs analysis to quantify density changes for 15 species using before-after comparisons; spatiotemporal variation in densities was large and confounded fire effects for most species. Only four species demonstrated significant effects of burn severity, and their densities were all higher in burned compared to unburned forests. Pre- and post-fire community similarity was high except in high-severity areas. Species richness was similar pre- and post-fire across all burn severities. Thus, ecosystem restoration programs based on the assumption that recent severe fires in Southwestern ponderosa pine forests have overriding negative ecological effects are not supported by our study of post-fire avian communities. This study illustrates the importance of quantifying burn severity and controlling confounding sources of spatiotemporal variation in studies of fire effects. After-only gradient analysis can be an efficient tool for quantifying fire effects. This analysis can also augment historical data sets that have small samples sizes coupled with high non-process variation, which limits the power of before-after comparisons.  相似文献   

The trophic organization of the crustacean fauna belonging to a photophilic assemblage exposed to an urban and industrial contamination gradient in the Gulf of Fos (South of France) was studied over a period of 16 mo (May 1974 to August 1975). An increasing destabilization of the four major trophic groups from clean waters towards those most polluted was noted. Carnivores dominated at the relatively cleanwaterCystoseira stricta station; at the second, moderately pollutedC. stricta station, carnivores were replaced by suspension-feeders. Deposit-feeders dominated theCorallina cf.mediterranea stations affected by the warm-water effluent of a power plant. Other polluted stations, dominated byMytilus galloprovincialis andUlva cf.rigida, were dominated by grazers. The faunal destabilization was related to changes in the structural composition of the photophilic algal assemblage which were, in turn, related to the industrial contamination gradient along this coast.  相似文献   

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