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Southern elephant seals Mirounga leonina display extreme sexual dimorphism. In addition females show great variation in size and stored resources at parturition. Therefore they present an excellent opportunity for examination of responses of sex ratio to resource availability. We studied the relationships between the size of southern elephant seal females at parturition and the size and sex of their pups at South Georgia over four breeding seasons. We found a large individual variation in maternal post-partum mass (range 296–977 kg, n=151). Larger mothers gave birth to larger pups, irrespective of the sex of their pup. Male pups were on average 14% larger than females at birth and consequently more costly to bring to parturition. Our results suggest that female southern elephant seals must weigh more than 300 kg if they are to breed at all, and more than 380 kg if they are to give birth to a male pup. Above this threshold the proportion of males among offspring rapidly increases with maternal mass, and stabilizes at a level not significantly different from parity. These results show that smaller females of southern elephant seals vary offspring sex ratio in a way that is consistent with theories on adaptive offspring sex ratio. A smaller mother with a male foetus may benefit from terminating her pregnancy and allocating the resources she saves to her own growth. She could then give birth to and raise a larger pup in the subsequent season.  相似文献   

The number of adult males in a bisexual primate group is thought to be determined mainly by the defensibility of mating access to the females. However, among primates, small groups sometimes contain several adult male. We evaluate the hypothesis that high predation risk may lead to greater male representation in primate groups, independent of the effect of group size. Male primates are known to be more vigilant than females, and may also be better at detecting potential predators. A comparative test was done using arboreal folivores in three continents, howler monkeys in the Neotropics, colobus monkeys in Africa and langurs in South and Southeast Asia. Howlers and colobus are exposed to predation by large monkey-eating eagles, whereas the langurs are not. We conducted regression analyses on group composition data of single populations and on mean group compositions among populations, and found that the arboreal langurs basically live in groups with only a single adult males whereas groups of howler and colobus monkeys of comparable size have multiple adult males (Fig. 3). Thus, the hypothesis was supported. Several alternative hypotheses do not account for this pattern.  相似文献   

California ground squirrels (Spermophilus beecheyi) and northern Pacific rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridus oreganus) have an adversarial relationship. Adults are partially protected by venom resistance and harass rattlesnakes in part to defend their more vulnerable offspring. Larger, warmer snakes are more dangerous than smaller colder snakes, and in escalated conflict squirrels could benefit from risk assessment strategies. Rattlesnakes often rattle at harassing squirrels and rattling sounds produce cues related to body size and temperature. In study 1 we played back rattling sounds from snakes that varied in dangerousness and evaluated the roles of sex and parity in squirrel risk assessment strategies. In general, squirrels tail flagged and stood bipedally more, and were slower to reapproach the playback speaker following playbacks of rattling sounds from more dangerous snakes. In comparison with males and nonmothers, mothers were most responsive to rattling sounds and more sensitive to variation in snake dangerousness. Mothers tail flagged more than males and nonmothers, and this behavior tracked variation in snake dangerousness most closely, perhaps reflecting the effects of snake size and temperature on pup vulnerability. These findings suggest that many aspects of squirrel antisnake behavior are governed by their effects on descendant kin. In study 2 we tested the effects of offspring age on mothers responses to live rattlesnakes and rattling sounds. According to the offspring value hypothesis, mothers should take more risks in defense of older offspring because they are more likely to survive to reproductive age. By contrast, under the offspring vulnerability hypothesis, older offspring are less vulnerable to predators and thus mothers should take fewer risks. Risk-taking, as measured by behaviors that bring the squirrel close to the snakes strike range, was either unaffected by or negatively correlated with offspring age. Thus, our findings suggest that whereas offspring value is unimportant in squirrel antisnake behavior, offspring vulnerability may affect maternal defense. We suggest that offspring vulnerability in mammals, in comparison with birds, may play a larger role in parental defense against predators.Communicated by P.A. BednekoffAn erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

The present work reports oxygen uptake in relation to group size in the juveniles (body weight: 0.70 to 1.30 g) of a climbing perch, Anabas testudineus (Bloch). The experiments were conducted at 21.5 +/- 1.0 degrees C using a cylindrical glass respirometer having continuous water flow system. With an increase in the number of fish at an interval of 5 from 5 to 40 in each fourth subsequent experiment, the weight specific aquatic oxygen uptake of a fish decreased from 0.192 +/- 0.030 to 0.800 +/- 0.006 ml O2 x g(-1)x(h(-1). When compared with a controlled fish, there was a reduction of 27.80% in the oxygen uptake in a group of 5 but 58.39% in a group of 40. A negative and significant correlation (r = 0.8411, p < 0.01) was calculated between oxygen uptake and group size of fishes. The investigation showed that probably due to shoaling behaviour, the aquatic oxygen uptake in the juveniles of A. testudineus always remained high in controlled fish or a fish in isolation than when they were in a group.  相似文献   

One unexplored area in sexual conflict studies is the female physiological costs and possible resource reallocation that accompany evolutionary costs due to male harassment. Using females of the damselfly Hetaerina americana, I first investigated whether male harassment affected female mating rate and survival and explored whether such effects induced a resource allocation from immunity (in the form of phenoloxidase activity) and muscular fat reserves to egg number and size. Using two seasons that differed in male harassment, it was found that the higher the male harassment, the fewer are the female matings and the lower is the female survival. These results were corroborated using an experimental approach in which a situation of high male harassment was induced. It was also found that when the first mating takes place and at high male harassment, females had more reduced phenoloxidase activity and fat reserves and tended to lay most of the eggs they produce in their lifetime and these were considerably large. However, at low male harassment, egg number and size were more equally produced across matings. Females under high male harassment seemed to suffer the survival costs but may show a plastic evolutionary response of reallocating resources to egg traits to maximize fitness.  相似文献   

Sperm competition is a well-recognised agent in the evolution of sperm and ejaculate structure, as well as variation in female quality. Models of the evolution of ejaculate expenditure predict that male body condition, female fecundity and the risk and intensity of sperm competition may be the ultimate factors shaping optimal ejaculate size. We investigated sperm allocation in Austropotamobius italicus, a freshwater crayfish exhibiting a coercive mating system and external fertilisation, in relation to male and female traits and copulation behaviour under laboratory conditions. We found that mating males were sensitive to female size and produced larger ejaculates when mating with larger females, which were more fecund in terms of number of eggs produced. We found no evidence for female egg production being sperm-limited, as the number of eggs was not dependent on male sperm expenditure. Copulation duration and number of ejaculations reliably predicted the amount of sperm transferred, and both these behavioural measures positively covaried with female body size. These results indicate that male freshwater crayfish can modulate their sperm expenditure in accordance with cues that indicate female fecundity. In addition, a novel finding that emerged from this study is the decrease in sperm expenditure with male body size, which may either suggest that large, old male crayfish are better able than small males to economise sperm at a given mating to perform multiple matings during a reproductive season, or that they experience senescence of their reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Sex ratio theory is one of the most controversial topics in evolutionary ecology. Many deviations from an equal production of males and females are reported in the literature, but few patterns appear to hold across species or populations. There is clearly a need to identify fitness effects of sex ratio variation. We studied this aspect in a population of a long-lived seabird, the wandering albatross (Diomedea exulans), using molecular sex-identification techniques. We report that parental traits affect both (1) fledgling traits in a sex-dependent way and (2) chick sex: Sons are overproduced when likely to be large at fledging and, to a lesser extent, daughters are overproduced when likely to be in good body condition at fledging. Because for the same population, a previous study reported that post-fledging survival was positively affected by size in males and by body condition in females, our results suggest that wandering albatrosses manipulate offspring sex to increase post-fledging survival.  相似文献   

Juveniles and adult females were presented a food spectrum of three algae of different sizes (4.5, 12 and 20 m cell width). The increase in rate of ingestion of the medium-sized alga with an increase in copepod size was significantly greater than the increase in rate of ingestion of the small alga. It is hypothesized that the perception of chemical signals from the small alga by a copepod decreases as the copepod moults from stage to stage. The rate of ingestion of the large alga by copepod stage V (CV) and adult females was lower than the rate of ingestion of the medium-sized alga at mid- and high phytoplankton concentrations. The amount of nitrogen ingested when the medium-sized alga alone was offered was either higher than (stage C II) or not significantly different from that when the three algae were offered together (stage C IV). Ingestion rates are reduced when there is a multialgal food source. This implies that there is increased stability in the ocean because multiparticle food sources are more slowly depleted than unialgal foods. Weight-specific ingestion rates of copepods fed the three algae simultaneously increased from nauplius to stage C III and then decreased as adulthood approached. The contribution of the small alga to the total amount of nitrogen ingesied was greatest for naupliar stages while the contribution of the medium-sized cells was greater for later stages. The largest alga was readily ingested by stage C V and adult females but never contributed more than 25% of the nitrogen ingested. Eight to 12% of the nitrogen ingested by adult females was from the small alga. It is hypothesized that the algal cell size for maximum nitrogen ingestion in upwelled waters is relatively small, round or square and close to the size threshold below which adult females do not sense individual cells.  相似文献   

The relationship between the rates of oxygen consumption, ammonia and phosphate excretion of a pelagic tunicate, the larvacean Oikopleura dioica Fol, 1872 were assessed as a function of size, dry weight and ash-free dry weight at 15°, 20° and 24°C. O. dioica has higher respiration and excretion rates than copepods of similar weight, but the weight exponent of the allometric power function: Y=aX b is similar to that of other poikilotherms. Temperatures above 20°C have a depressing effect on respiration and ammonia excretion. 90% of the variance in metabolic rates is explainable by body mass and temperatures Q10 values for oxygen consumption, ammonia and phosphate excretion, respectively, are 2.45, 1.86 and 1.75 between 15° and 20°C, and 3.75, 2.90 and 3.60 between 20° and 24°C. Metabolic quotients (O:N, O:P, N:P) indicate a protein-oriented diet. The results of this study suggest weak metabolic regulation in O. dioica, an energetic strategy which allows an immediate response to favourable changes in feeding conditions.  相似文献   

 We examined the adjustment of parental effort of puffins by switching 20-day-old chicks randomly between parents of known body condition. Among unmanipulated birds mass gain (5–20 days) and mass of 20-day-old chicks was positively correlated with the body condition of parents at day 6. During the first 5 days after chick switching 28% (n = 55) of the parents deserted their foster chick. Parents which deserted their foster chick originally had a chick of their own that was smaller than that of those which did not desert their foster chick. Whether parents deserted their foster chick was also negatively related to the size of the foster chick. The mass of the foster chick was more important than the size of the parents' own chick in determining the desertion rate of chicks. The mass gain of the foster chick during the first 5 days after switching was positively related to the body condition of foster parents and also positively related to the mass of the foster parents' own chick, but negatively related to the size of the foster chick. The results suggest that puffins adjust their parental effort according to both their own body condition and the size of the chick. The latter may indicate the chick's prospect of survival and recruitment to the population. Received: 20 January 1996 / Accepted after revision: 27 October 1996  相似文献   

Summary Cnemidophorous uniparens, an all-female, parthenogenetic species of whiptail lizard (Teiidae), were housed in the laboratory under seminatural conditions in groups of four, in pairs, or as isolates. Group structure and an animal's position in the dominance hierarchy affect reproductive effort. Housed in pairs, the dominant animals exhibit a higher rate of reproduction, as measured by number of clutches and length of clutch cycle, than do their subordinate cagemates. Females housed with dihydrotestosterone-treated ovariectomized females lay more clutches than females housed with ovariectomized hormone-untreated females, those housed with intact females, or housed alone.  相似文献   

Birds may influence the fitness of their offspring by transmission of different amounts of carotenoids to their eggs. Carotenoids play crucial roles in antioxidant protection and immune defence mechanisms, but they may be available to females in limiting amounts. Therefore, their allocation to the eggs may be influenced by the female’s condition, age and environmental circumstances. Furthermore, the quality of the male parent, which affects the reproductive value of the offspring, may also influence this investment. In this correlational study, we investigated proximate and ultimate factors that may lead to variation in yolk lutein, zeaxanthin and β-carotene concentrations among and within clutches of a wild passerine, the collared flycatcher (Ficedula albicollis). We found that carotenoid concentration was positively associated with caterpillar supply at the time of egg formation, which suggests a proximate constraint of carotenoid availability on yolk composition. Neither female condition, body size, age, nor male plumage ornamentation, age and body size correlated with carotenoid deposition. Yolk β-carotene concentration was found to be positively linked to yolk testosterone concentration. We suggest that females allocated more β-carotene to their eggs to mitigate the potentially detrimental effects of elevated steroid concentration. We found that concentration of β-carotene increased with laying order. The possible function of this pattern may be to enhance the resistance to oxidative stress and pathogens of the disadvantaged last-hatching nestling, suggesting that collared flycatchers pursue a compensatory, “brood survival” strategy.  相似文献   

Green lacewings in the carnea group of Chrysoperla engage in species-specific heterosexual duets using low-frequency substrate-borne signals. Within each species, both sexes sing nearly identical songs. Songs are the principal barriers to hybridization between sympatric species in the complex. Here, we investigated the responsiveness of males and females of Chrysoperla plorabunda to synthesized, prerecorded songs that differed from the species mean in the period between repeated volleys of abdominal vibration. We tested 15–16 males and 15–16 females using playbacks of two signals that gradually increased or decreased in volley period, starting at the species mean. We found that (1) duets during courtship are accurate, interactive, and adjustable by each participant; (2) in staged duets, both sexes respond best to song tempos near the mean volley period of their population, but can nonetheless maintain duets with signals of nearly twice, or half, the normal volley period; (3) individuals fine-tune their adjustments to signals of different volley periods by changing their own volley duration and latent period, or less often by inserting extra volleys or skipping every other volley; (4) males are significantly better at matching signals of changing tempo than females; and (5) the range of song responsiveness of C. plorabunda does not overlap the natural range of volley periods found in Chrysoperla adamsi, an acoustically similar sibling species, thus reaffirming strong behavioral isolation. In sum, the precise, almost unbreakable heterosexual duets characteristic of song species of the carnea group result from tight mutual feedback between partners. Effective reproductive isolation between species can be based on song differences alone.  相似文献   

J. Kyomo 《Marine Biology》1988,97(1):87-93
At the beginning of the reproductive period in May, there was an increment in both the gonad and heaptopancreas. During the peak phase in June, with high ovary production, there was a decrease in the hepatosomatic index (HSI), particularly for the Ariake females. The minimum gonadosomatic index (GSI) of 2% in August and September for the Ariake and in September and October for the Hakata populations was inversely related to the increase of HSI. A second rise in GSI was observed in November at the 1% level as against the June peak of 5% for the Ariake and 3.5% for the Hakata females, and it remained at this level until December, while the HSI decreased to the minimum. The December minima for both GSI and HSI were about the same as the initial February values. The spermathesomatic index (SSI) had a slight increase to 0.8% in August, but remained constant at 0.5% throughout the year. Likewise, GSI for males was constant at the 0.5% level, with minor fluctuations, and did not show any clear relationship with the HSI as for female GSI. Females had higher hepatosomatic indices but the soma weighed less than males throughout the year. Again in May, medium-sized females had the highest GSI followed by large and then small-sized individuals. As the HSI steadily decreased, GSI increased with advancing egg development stages for ovigerous females. The quantitative stomach analyses showed that females had higher stomach quantity indices (SQI) in May than in September, when the breeding period had ended. Contrary results were observed for males. Also, female SQI in May was higher than that for males.  相似文献   

In the present study short-term (96 hr) toxicity of mercury in relation to water hardness (270 and 560 mg/l) and temperature (16 degrees C and 35 degrees C) to the fingerlings of Indian major carps, i.e. catla, rohu and mrigal has been evaluated using static bioassay. The LC5o indicates that both water hardness and temperature played significant role in mercury toxicity. The test fishes were found most resistant with water hardness of 560 mg/l at 16 degrees C as compared to that of water hardness of 560 mg/l at 35 degrees C and water hardness of 270 mg/l at both the temperatures, i.e. 35 and 16 degrees C. Whereas the order of relative sensitivities of these fishes for mercury ions were recorded as catla>rohu>mrigal. The safe concentrations of mercury were ranged in between 12.133 to 19.689 microg/l for catla; 64.039 to 82.555 microg/l for rohu and 73.510 to 89.585 microg/l for mrigal for both the water hardness and temperature.  相似文献   

Individual variation in female preference for male traits may influence mate choice, especially if benefits and costs of choosiness vary with the range of available males or reproductive timing. We examined variation in female preference for male leg tuft size in Schizocosa ocreata (Hentz) wolf spiders with video playback. Dichotomous (simultaneous) choice test experiments included all possible combinations of four stimuli (i.e., modified versions of the same video male stimulus): average tuft size (control), reduced (−25%), enlarged (+25%), and no tufts (removed). Females exhibited a directional preference for larger tuft size independent of the nature of the choice (except for reduced tufts vs no tufts where no difference was seen). Female preference in the short term (over a period of 4 days) was also highly repeatable for control vs reduced tufts, but not for control vs enlarged tufts. Responses of females in ‘no-choice’ presentations of a single (control) male stimulus varied with age post-maturity; females were less receptive in weeks 1 and 2, highly receptive at week 3, and less thereafter. Mated females were least receptive and most aggressive towards a male stimulus. Females offered choices repeatedly at different ages post-maturity consistently preferred the control male vs reduced tufts over all 3 weeks but varied in their preference for enlarged tufts vs control male. In the first 2 weeks, females preferred the enlarged tuft male stimulus, but showed no preference by the third week. Females tested in week 4 showed no preference in either choice. Results suggest that the potential interaction between female preference for male traits and female reproductive timing may be a critical consideration in mate choice.  相似文献   

The calorific, ash, carbon and nitrogen content, length and dry weight were determined for the hyperiid Parathemisto gaudichaudi (Guerin). Regression equations for all these variables were determined so that they can be estimated by calculation from measurements of length of the hyperiid. Mean values for total nitrogen and carbon were 7.79±0.85% and 36.80±4.18% of the dry weight, respectively. The carbon to calorific equivalent for P. gaudichaudi was 10.37 kcal g-1 carbon (9.13 kcal g-1 when corrected for nitrogen). The calorific value for ash-free adult P. gaudichaudi was 5.138 kcal g-1±1.309 (4.510 kcal g-1 when corrected for nitrogen). This large variation in the calorific content (coefficient of variation of 25.84%) can be accounted for largely by variation in the ash content (coefficient of variation of 21.84%). The calorific value determined for P. gaudichaudi is similar to that measured for other carnivorous crustaceans and adds support to the hypothesis that animals with high calorific content have a low fecundity and an energy-rich store which can be used as a buffer during unfavourable periods in their life.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Estimating disease-associated mortality and transmission processes is difficult in free-ranging wildlife but important for understanding disease impacts and dynamics and for informing management decisions. In a capture–mark–recapture study, we used a PCR-based diagnostic test in combination with multistate models to provide the first estimates of disease-associated mortality and detection, infection, and recovery rates for frogs endemically infected with the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), which causes the pandemic amphibian disease chytridiomycosis. We found that endemic chytridiomycosis was associated with a substantial reduction (approximately 38%) in apparent monthly survival of the threatened rainforest treefrog Litoria pearsoniana despite a long period of coexistence (approximately 30 years); detection rate was not influenced by disease status; improved recovery and reduced infection rates correlated with decreased prevalence, which occurred when temperatures increased; and incorporating changes in individuals' infection status through time with multistate models increased effect size and support (98.6% vs. 71% of total support) for the presence of disease-associated mortality when compared with a Cormack–Jolly–Seber model in which infection status was restricted to the time of first capture. Our results indicate that amphibian populations can face significant ongoing pressure from chytridiomycosis long after epidemics associated with initial Bd invasions subside, an important consideration for the long-term conservation of many amphibian species worldwide. Our findings also improve confidence in estimates of disease prevalence in wild amphibians and provide a general framework for estimating parameters in epidemiological models for chytridiomycosis, an important step toward better understanding and management of this disease.  相似文献   

Variations in number and biomass of benthic bacteria were examined in the surface sediments of a Mediterranean seagrass bed [Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile] in the Gulf of Marconi (northwestern Mediterranean Sea) from 1990 to 1991. The annual dynamics of benthic bacterial density and biomass were compared to changes in elemental (organic C and total N) and biochemical (lipids, proteins, carbohydrates) composition of sediment organic matter, as well as to microphytobenthic biomass, dissolved inorganic nutrients and ATP. Bacterial densities exhibited marked seasonal variations (5.12 to 322.7x108 cells g-1 sediment dry wt) with highest values in late spring. Bacterial standing stocks (15.8 to 882.33 g C g-1 of sediment dry wt) were high. Bacterial biomass did not correlate with organic C, total N or to specific biochemical components, but correlated significantly with chlorophyll a, ATP and porewater phosphate concentrations. There is evidence that benthic bacteria were responding to variations of algal biomass. Bacterial biomass accounted, on average, for 30% of total living carbon (calculated on the basis of the ATP concentrations) and 8.4% of total organic carbon.  相似文献   

A comparative study on the accumulation of inorganic mercury and methylmercury by the mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis was based on nine days of exposure to 25 µg L?1 HgCl2 or to 2.5 µg L?1 methylmercury in laboratory microcosms. Mercury (Hg) content was evaluated in the gills, digestive gland, and mantle. A higher accumulation occurred in the gills than in other tissues. The effect of the sediment on the bioaccumulation of the Hg species was evaluated. The results showed that the sediment accumulated the inorganic Hg more efficiently than the methylmercury. In both cases, the bioaccumulation in the tissues was reduced. The observed differences emphasized the need for caution when field results are compared with the results of laboratory experiments. The fate of either inorganic or organic Hg was depicted considering the absolute total amount given and the amount found in all the matrices (organism, sediment, and seawater).  相似文献   

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