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Using a novel sampler, particulate organic compounds were collected in Santiago de Chile from June 9 to August 10, 1997. This sampler consists of a diffusion denuder to remove gas-phase organics prior to particle collection, a Teflon filter, and a PUF cartridge downstream of the filter. PAHs and n-alkanes were measured using gas chromatography/mass spectrometry analysis. Volatilization of particles collected on the Teflon filter varied from 15 to 85% for both n-alkanes and PAHs, with strong dependence on molecular weight. The relative distribution of n-alkanes and the values of molecular diagnostic ratios, such as Carbon preference index, indicated a mixed origin with strong anthropogenic input. Indeed, CPI values ranged from 0.66 to 1.96 (for the whole range of n-alkanes). The percent contribution of leaf “wax” n-alkanes (4.55–20.83%) indicated the low contribution of biogenic sources. In addition, the distribution pattern of PAHs was characteristic of anthropogenic emissions. The dominant contribution of combustion-related PAHs (CPAHs), 74–84%, indicated that vehicular emissions was the major source of PAHs.  相似文献   

Manoli E  Kouras A  Samara C 《Chemosphere》2004,56(9):867-878
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) adsorbed to ambient PM(10) were determined at three sites in Thessaloniki, northern Greece, during the period June 1997-July 1998. Ambient PAH profiles exhibited significant seasonal and spatial variations. Source PAH profiles were obtained for a number of urban, industrial and geological sources including cement, fertilizer and asphalt production, quarry operations, metal electroplating, metal welding and tempering, steel manufacture, lead and bronze smelters, metal scrap incineration, oil burning, non-catalyst equipped passenger cars, diesel fueled taxies and buses, paved road dust and soil dust. Principal component analysis (PCA) and diagnostic ratios were employed to compare ambient and source PAH profiles in an attempt to recognize compositional patterns. Similarities between the ambient PAH profiles and the profiles of certain sources, such as vehicular emissions, oil burning and metal industries, were identified.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to assess dietary risk resulting from consumption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with tea infusions. To this end, levels of 28 PAHs in black, green, red and white teas available on the Polish retail market have been assessed. Profiles and correlation between concentrations of individual PAHs have been identified. A model study on transfer of PAHs from tea leaves into tea preparations has been conducted. Relatively high concentrations of 28 evaluated PAHs have been found in 58 tested samples of black, green, red and white teas sampled on the Polish retail market. Total concentration ∑28PAH ranged from 57 to 696 µg kg?1 with mean 258 µg kg?1 (dry tea leaves). The most mature tea leaves fermented to a small degree contained relatively the highest PAH levels among all four tested tea types. Relatively low PAH transfer rates into tea infusions and limited volumes of the consumed tea keep the risks associated with PAH dietary intake at a safely low level.

The worst-case scenario dietary intake values were 7.62/0.82/0.097 ng kg?1 b.w. day?1 (estimated on the basis of the maximum found concentrations 696/113/23 µg kg?1 and maximum observed transfer rates 24/16/9%) for ∑28PAH/∑PAH4/B[a]P, respectively. MOE values calculated using the above worst case estimates exceeded 700,000 and 400,000 (BMDL10 0.07 and 0.34 mg kg?1 b.w. day?1) for B[a]P and PAH4, respectively. Both B[a]P and PAH4 concentrations may be used as indicators of total PAH concentration in tea leaves; PAH4 slightly better fits low molecular weight PAHs. Several correlations between various PAHs/groups of PAHs have been identified, the strongest one (R2 = 0.92) between PAH4 and EU PAH 15+1.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and quinones, a subgroup of oxygenated PAHs (oxy-PAHs), were measured in PM2.5 samples...  相似文献   

Urban aerosol was collected in a summer and a winter campaign for 7 and 3 days, respectively. Low volume samples were taken with a time resolution of 160 min using a filter/sorption cartridge system extended by an ozone scrubber. Concentrations of mainly particle associated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and oxidised PAH (O-PAH) were determined by gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry. The sampling site was located in the city centre of Augsburg, Germany, near major roads with high traffic volume. The daily concentrations and profiles were mainly governed by local emissions from traffic and domestic heating, as well as by the meteorological conditions. During the winter campaign, concentrations were more than 10 fold higher than during the summer campaign. Highest concentrations were found concurrent with low boundary layer heights and low wind speeds. Significant diurnal variation of the PAH profiles was observed. Enhanced influences of traffic related PAH on the PAH profiles were evident during daytime in summer, whereas emissions from hot water generation and domestic heating were obvious during the night time of both seasons. A general idea about the global meteorological situation was acquired using back trajectory calculations (NOAA ARL HYSPLIT4). Due to high local emissions in combination with low air exchange during the two sampling campaigns, effects of mesoscale transport were not clearly observable.  相似文献   

Motor vehicles are a major source of air pollution in Quito, Ecuador; however, little work has been done to characterize spatial and temporal variations in traffic-related pollutants, or to measure pollutants in vehicle emissions. We measured PAH continuously for one year at two residential sites in Quito, and PAH and traffic patterns for one week near a busy roadway. Morning rush-hour traffic and temperature inversions caused daily PAH maxima between 06:00 and 08:00. SO2, NOx, CO, and PM2.5 behaved similarly. At the residential sites PAH levels during inversions were 2-3-fold higher than during the afternoon, and 10-16-fold higher than 02:00-03:00 when levels were lowest. In contrast, at the near-roadway site, PAH concentrations were 3-6-fold higher than at the residential sites, and the effects of inversions were less pronounced. Cars and buses accounted for >95% of PAH at the near-roadway site. Near-roadway PAH concentrations were comparable to other polluted cities.  相似文献   

A PAH contaminated river floodplain soil was separated according to grain size and density. Coal and coal-derived particles from coal mining, coal industry and coal transportation activities were identified by organic petrographic analysis in our samples. Distinct concentrations of PAHs were found in different grain size and density fractions, however, similar distribution patterns of PAHs indicated similar sources. In addition, although light fractions had the mass fraction by weight of less than 5%, they contributed almost 75% of the total PAHs in the soil. PAH concentrations of all sub fractions showed positive correlation with their TOC contents. Altogether, coal and coal-derived particles that were abundant in light fractions could be the dominant geosorbents for PAHs in our samples.  相似文献   

Recent results from field studies in the Los Angeles air basin which focused on the nature and concentrations of mononitroarenes in the gaseous and particulate states in polluted ambient air are reviewed. Relative concentrations in organic extracts of ambient particulate polycyclic organic matter (POM) were found to be, in decreasing order, 2-NO2-fluoranthene > 1-NO2-pyrene ≳ 2-NO2-pyrene; this is in sharp contrast to primary emissions of diesel soot, where 1-NO2-PY > 3-NO2-FL > 8-NO2-FL. Since light and heavy duty diesel motor vehicle emissions are a significant source of sub-μm particles in the Los Angeles area, the relatively high abundance of 2-NO2-FL suggests that a significant fraction of the 2-NO2-FL in southern California may be formed via atmospheric reactions. In a wintertime 1986 study of a high-NOx episode ~ 20 km east of the Los Angeles International Airport, high concentrations of 1- and 2-nitronaphthalenes, much of which could have been in the gaseous state, were collected on a polyurethane backup ‘plug,’ along with lesser amounts of 2-NO2-FL (and 1- and 2-NO2-PY) adsorbed on the particles collected by a Hi-vol prefilter.Two gas phase mechanisms are proposed for the formation of adsorbed 2-NO2-fluoranthene and gaseous 2-NO2-naphthalene in urban air
  • 1.(a) during daylight, attack on gaseous FL by OH radicals followed by NO2 addition, loss of H2O and condensation of 2-NO2-FL on particle surfaces
  • 2.(b) reaction with N2O5 at night under ambient conditions during which the gaseous NO3 radical and NO2 are present, in equilibrium with N2O5. Chamber experiments with simulated polluted atmospheres support both of these mechanisms for the formation of 2-NO2-FL and 2-NO2-naphthalene; only the OH mechanism seems valid for 2-NO2-PY. Environmental and health implications of these studies are briefly discussed.

A large-scale assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from the 1991 Gulf War oil spill was performed for 2002-2003 sediment samples (n = 1679) collected from habitats along the shoreline of Saudi Arabia. Benthic sediment toxicity was characterized using the Equilibrium Partitioning Sediment Benchmark Toxic Unit approach for 43 PAHs (ESBTUFCV,43). Samples were assigned to risk categories according to ESBTUFCV,43 values: no-risk (≤1), low (>1-≤2), low-medium (>2-≤3), medium (>3-≤5) and high-risk (>5). Sixty seven percent of samples had ESBTUFCV,43 > 1 indicating potential adverse ecological effects. Sediments from the 0-30 cm layer from tidal flats, and the >30-<60 cm layer from heavily oiled halophytes and mangroves had high frequency of high-risk samples. No-risk samples were characterized by chrysene enrichment and depletion of lighter molecular weight PAHs, while high-risk samples showed little oil weathering and PAH patterns similar to 1993 samples. North of Safaniya sediments were not likely to pose adverse ecological effects contrary to sediments south of Tanaqib. Landscape and geomorphology has played a role on the distribution and persistence in sediments of oil from the Gulf War.  相似文献   

Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were used for measurements in air of twelve polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in two Genoa locations, both on building roofs, distant 300 m from each other. The first, site A, was in front a dismissing steel complex and the second, site B, was in an urban area overlooking a busy thoroughfare. SPMDs were deployed contemporary at the two sites, in nine monthly samplings, from April 2007 to May 2008. The amount of sequestered PAHs, in sites A and B, ranged between 61–267 ng SPMD?1 d?1 and 50–535 ng SPMD?1 d?1, respectively.PAHs profiles highlighted seasonal differences and suggested the possible role of different PAHs sources in the two areas. In particular, the contribution of remediation works of the steel complex was observed in site A. Moreover, a naphthalene leak from a tank, into the former industrial area, and a fire broke out near site A, were registered by time-integrated measurements of SPMDs.However, the strong dependence between amount of sequestered PAHs and air temperature needs further studies to distinguish between uptake rate variability and seasonal contribution of different sources. Finally, to measure air concentrations with reasonable accuracy, it should be very important to have certified sampling rates for all individual PAHs.  相似文献   

Concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were measured in soil and XAD-based passive air samples taken from a total of 22 sites along three transects (Revelstoke, Yoho, and Observation, 6-8 sites for each transect) in the mountains of Western Canada in 2003-2004. Median concentrations in air (4-ring PAHs: 33 pg/m3) were very low and comparable to those in global background regions such as the Arctic. Low median soil concentrations (16 EPA PAHs: 16 ng/g dry weight) and compositional profiles dominated by naphthalene and phenanthrene are similar to those of tropical soils, indicative of remote regions influenced mostly by PAHs from traffic and small settlements. Comparing levels and composition of PAHs in soils between and along transects indeed suggests a clear relationship with proximity to local sources. Sampling sites that are closer to major traffic arteries and local settlements have higher soil concentrations and a higher relative abundance of heavier PAHs than truly remote sites at higher elevations. This remains the case when the variability in soil organic carbon content between sites is taken into account. Both air/soil concentration ratios and fugacity fractions suggest atmospheric net deposition of four-ring PAHs to soils.  相似文献   

A method involving high resolution gas chromatography combined with ion trap (HRGC-MS/MS) and negative chemical ionisation (NCI) was developed for the determination of nitrated or oxygenated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (nitro-PAHs, oxy-PAHs) and other electrophilic substitutes in soil samples. Efficient clean-up was achieved by a combination of methods for the determination of PAHs in soil and nitro-PAHs in aerosol using solid phase extraction (SPE) and semipreparative high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In samples of surface soil from the city of Basle (Switzerland), nitro-PAHs (mainly 3-nitrofluoranthene and 1-nitropyrene) were found in concentrations between 30 and 800 ng/kg dry weight. Oxy-PAHs and parent PAHs revealed 102-104-fold higher levels. Nitro-PAHs which are up to 105 times more mutagenic seem to be less persistent in soil than the parent forms, although their entire mutagenic potential has to be estimated as being on the same order of magnitude. In urban air particulate matter, the amounts of nitro-PAHs (2–62 pg/m3) were 10–100 times lower than oxyPAHs and parent PAHs which were both found in a similar range. 3-nitrobenzanthrone, a recently described suspected human carcinogen has not yet been detected. Using multivariate statistical analysis, it was possible to elucidate similarities or special characteristics of substances in a given matrix reflecting their chemical properties or specific emission sources.  相似文献   

Sediments and fish bile collected from the Atlantic coastal waters of Colombia were analyzed for 16 parent polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and 23 hydroxylated PAHs (OH-PAHs), respectively. Sediments contained overall mean SigmaPAH concentrations of 2090, 234 and 170 ng/g, dry wt, for Cartagena Bay, Caimanera Marsh, and Totumo Marsh, respectively. The mean concentration of the summed OH-PAHs in fish bile was 1250, 180 and 64.1 ng/g bile wt for Cartagena Bay, Caimanera Marsh, and Totumo Marsh, respectively. The results suggest that Cartagena Bay is heavily polluted by PAHs, and that exposure to high concentrations of PAHs together with other factors could contribute to the decreased health of fish living in this ecosystem. This is one of the first studies to describe the analysis of 23 individual OH-PAHs in fish bile, using authentic standards.  相似文献   

The determination of sixteen polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in urban street dust has been done. Samples were collected from 12 sampling locations in a city centre location (Newcastle upon Tyne, north east England) and extracted using in situ pressurised fluid extraction followed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. From the results it was possible to identify three groups, with respect to PAH concentration, with PAH contents ranging between 0.6-2.3 mg kg−1, 15.6-22.5 mg kg−1 and 36.1-46.0 mg kg−1. The total PAH content of samples from these sampling sites has been compared to 22 urban locations around the world; comparable levels were found in these samples compared to the other cities around the world.The potential source of PAHs has been investigated by investigating the proportion of pyrogenic and petrogenic material in urban street dust using specific individual PAH ratios. The results indicate that the PAH content of urban street dust from the chosen sites are more likely to be due to pyrogenic sources i.e. vehicle exhaust emissions. The particle size fractions (<63 μm; 63-125 μm; 125-250 μm; 250-500 μm; 500-1000 μm; and 1000-2000 μm) of individual PAHs in three selected sampling sites was investigated. In two of the selected sites the PAH content was independent of particle size whereas in sampling site 10 elevated PAH levels are noted in the <63 μm size fraction. Sampling site 10 is located at the junction of three road tributaries which are used as major access points to the east of the city centre. Finally, the potential health risk for unintentional consumption of PAHs was assessed in terms of a mean daily intake (based on an ingestion rate of 100 mg d−1). It was found that all 4-6 membered ring PAHs had concentrations in excess of the mean daily intake thereby reflecting a potential health risk, particularly in the smallest size particle fractions.  相似文献   

The analysis of material used in this study demonstrated that the amount of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in smoked sprats varies from the level below the lowest detection limit in muscles up to 9.99 µg kg?1 of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) in fish skin. Such a high level of PAHs in skin was reported only in one of six batches of sprats, while mean BaP level was at 1.69 µg kg?1. Regardless such a high BaP level in skin, its concentration in muscles did not exceed the maximum acceptable level. The study objective was to assess to what extent packaging materials adsorb PAH compounds from food. Changes in the PAH levels were monitored in fish during their storage in packages made of various materials. The storage time was from 0 to 168 hours. The obtained results varied considerably, therefore their scatter did not allow to confirm unequivocally the preliminary hypothesis about the reduction of PAHs due to their migration to packaging material. However, analysis of the packaging used in this study demonstrated a significant increase in the level of total 16 PAHs. When high-density polyethylene (HDPE) packaging was analysed, a six-fold increase in the total 16 PAHs was observed comparing to the blank sample.  相似文献   

Air pollutants such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), their nitrated derivatives (NPAHs), and some metals on airborne particles in Nagasaki city, Japan were determined over a period of 12 months by high-performance liquid chromatography with chemiluminescence, fluorescence and flameless atomic absorption spectrometry. The average concentrations (range) were 18.24 (4.07-41.54) ng/m3 for total PAHs, 0.91 (0.23-4.10) pg/m3 for NPAHs, 7.95 (1.71-16.31) ng/m3 for Pb, 11.56 (3.35-24.96) ng/m3 for Mn and 3.79 (0.97-14.71) ng/m3 for Ni (n = 136). The toxic equivalency factors adjusted concentration of total PAHs determined in Nagasaki city area was 2.33 ng/m3. Concentrations of total PAHs and NPAHs in winter were higher than those in summer. In a weekly variations study, total PAHs and NPAHs concentrations, as well as traffic volume showed a similar tendency with all values higher during weekdays and lower at the weekend. The correlation coefficients between total PAHs or NPAHs and traffic volume were 0.781 and 0.818, respectively. These results suggested that one of the main sources for NPAHs and PAHs in a city area might be motor vehicles.  相似文献   

Passive air sampling (PAS) was employed to study the occurrence of gaseous and particle-bound PAHs in the North Chinese Plain. The averaged concentrations of gaseous and particle-bound PAHs were 485 ± 209 ng/m3 and 267 ± 161 ng/m3, respectively. The PAHs concentrations at urban sites were generally higher than those at rural ones with ratios <1.5 in spring, summer and fall, but differences between them were not significant for the wintertime and annually averaged concentrations. This urban-rural distribution pattern was related to the PAHs emission sources. PAHs spatial variation can be partially (49%) explained by emission with a simple linear regression method. Both the gaseous and particle-bound PAHs were highest in winter and lowest in summer, with winter/summer ratios of 1.8 and 8, respectively. Emission strength was the most important factor for the seasonality.  相似文献   

The presence of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in an urban region (Heraklion, Greece) and processes that govern their atmospheric fate were studied from November 2000 until February 2002. Sixteen samples were collected, by using an artifact-free sampling device, on a monthly basis and the concentration of PAHs in gas and particulate phase was determined. The most abundant members (gas + particles) were phenanthrene (20.0+/-7.0 ng m(-3)), fluoranthene (6.5+/-1.7 ng m(-3)), pyrene (6.6+/-2.4 ng m(-3)), and chrysene (3.1+/-1.5 ng m(-3)). Total concentration (gas+particulate) of PAH ranged from 44.3 to 129.2 ng m(-3), with a mean concentration of 79.3 ng m(-3). Total concentration of PAHs in gas phase ranged from 31.4 to 84.7 ng m(-3) with non-observable seasonal variation. Conversely, maximum PAH concentrations in the particulate phase occurred during winter months. Particulate concentration varied from 11.4 to 44.9 ng m(-3), with an average of 25.2 ng m(-3). PAH distribution between gas and particulate phase was in agreement with the sub-cooled vapor pressure. Shift in gas/particle distribution due to difference in ambient temperature elucidated to some extent the seasonal variation of the concentration of PAHs in particles.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to measure polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in eight indoor (In both kitchen and living room) air sampling locations using a passive sampling method for collection. Passive outdoor air samples were also collected from 3 of the same sampling locations as the indoor air sampling sites. Sampling was conducted in three seasons. The summer season, when windows are generally open, was between 18th July and 01st September, 2014; the autumn and winter seasons, when windows are mostly closed, was between 18th October and 01st December, 2014, and 01st December, 2014, and 18th January, 2015, respectively.

Average PAH concentrations in summer were 22 ± 21 ng/m3 and 17 ± 12 ng/m3 in the living room and kitchen, respectively, whereas living room and kitchen average PAH concentrations were 23 ± 16 ng/m3 and 20 ± 9 ng/m3, respectively, in autumn and 23 ± 13 ng/m3 and 23 ± 24 ng/m3, respectively, in winter. Outdoor air PAH concentrations in summer, autumn and winter were 7 ± 0.4 ng/m3, 22 ± 13 ng/m3 and 209 ± 33 ng/m3, respectively. An increase in outdoor PAH concentrations was measured in winter compared to the concentrations in summer and autumn, which paralleled the lower outdoor air temperature. However, PAH concentrations in the indoor environment vary according to the household characteristics and personal habits.  相似文献   

Wang J  McPhedran KN  Seth R  Drouillard KG 《Chemosphere》2007,69(11):1802-1806
Screening level risk assessment models are used by many countries to assess the treatability of organic chemicals during the sewage treatment process, especially those that are new to commerce. The performance of one such model, the sewage treatment plant model, is evaluated in the current study by comparing model predictions with actual measurement data collected at various stages of a typical full-scale activated sludge type sewage treatment plant. A suite of ten polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) with widely varying physico–chemical properties were monitored for the comparison. Model predicted removal efficiencies were in very good agreement with those measured for all ten PAHs. Observed chemical concentrations and their trends at various stages of the sewage treatment process were also well simulated by the model. Results also suggest that a reasonable first approximation estimate of a range for the biodegradation half-life needed for the model may be obtained by dividing reported aqueous biodegradation half-life by scaling factors of 50 and 150.  相似文献   

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