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113 Fishes (pike, vendace and roach) samples were analyzed for chlordane, PCB-and DDT-compounds. The average concentrations in pike (Esox lucius) muscle tissue in Finnish lakes were 0.05, 0.01 and 0.01 mg/kg wet weight for PCB compounds, total DDT and chlordanes respectively. The results show that chlordanes are evenly distributed in the Finnish environment which indicate that the main part of chlordanes in Finnish fish is due to long range transportation.  相似文献   

Background, Aims and Scope Despite the large number of studies on the forms of sulfur in marine deposits, investigations on sulfur organic compounds are still rare. It is known that the processes leading to formation of intermediate and final sulfur compounds (including organic ones) in modern deposits are the results of microbiological transformation of sulfur containing proteins, as well as the microbiological reduction of sulfate ions. The latter are finally reduced by anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria to H2S, HS and S2−; the total sum of these is referred to as ‘hydrogen sulfide’ in chemical oceanography. Further, the formation of reduced sulfur organic derivatives (sulfides and polysulfides) is the result of interaction of the organic substance destruction products with the sulfide ions. In such cases, the main source of organic substances, as well as sulfates for the sulfur reducing processes, is the pore water in the sediments. The choice of the target of our study is based on the fact that the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland water area receives the bulk of the anthropogenic load of the St. Petersburg region. Low vertical intermixing of the water thickness is observed there (thus creating a deficiency of oxygen near the bottom), and the bottom sea current transfers the polluted salty water of the Baltic Sea into the Neva Bay. The whole of the above are the preconditions for the formation of sulfur-bearing organic compounds. A great number of bottom sediment samples for analytical surveys were collected in the Eastern Gulf of Finland during research expeditions in the years of 1997 and 2001. These were screened for structures of sulfur organic microcontaminants, including organic forms of sulfur, using advanced instrumentation and experienced personnel in our two, cooperating laboratories. This work is a part of the research being carried out on organic micro-admixtures present in bottom sediments, and is the summary of our findings on previously unstudied sulfur organic substances there. Materials and Methods A number of sulfur organic compounds present in nineteen bottom sediment samples from the Eastern Gulf of Finland (EGF) were characterized by high performance gas chromatography connected to low and high resolution mass spectrometers (GC/LRMS and GC/HRMS). The structure screening was carried out as compared with literature and library mass spectra, and taking the GC retention times into account. In the cases of an absence of mass spectra not in the literature, interpretation of the most probable structures was performed with the help of high resolution mass-spectrometric data, fragmentation rules for sulfur-bearing organic substances and ICLU simulation of spectra. These data were registered to form a conclusive ‘fingerprint’ for identification and confirmation of the structure of each novel compound found, e.g. by later syntheses of authentic model compounds. The relative contents of sulfur organic compounds were determined from MS response ratios of each compound to 2-fluorine naphthalene (internal standard). Results This paper is a completion of work, which has been published in part as three papers in the European Journal of Mass Spectrometry. As the total study result, 43 sulfur-bearing compounds were characterized. The mass spectra of 20 of them were found in the literature. The most probable structures for the 23 compounds whose mass-spectra were not available in the literature data were proposed. All of those 23 compounds were detected in bottom sediments for the first time, and 5 of them were described as originating from plants or being generated by chemical synthesis products, while the remaining 18 substances were previously unknown. The structures of these were deduced to be most probably the following (in order of their GC retention): dichloromethyl thiylsulfenylchloride, chloromethyl dichloromethyl disulfide, 3,4-dithiacyclohexene, 1,2,4-trithiacycloheptane, 1,2,3-trithiacyclohexane, tetrathiacyclopentane, 3,4,5-trithiacyclohexene, 1,2,4-trithiacyclohexane, cyclopropylhydrotrisulfide, 1,2-dithiane-3-thiol, 1,3-dithiane-2-thiol, bis(trichloromethyl)-tri-sulfide, 1,2,4,5-tetrathiacyclohexane, 1,2,3,4-tetrathiacycloheptane, 1,2,3,4-tetrathiacycloheptane, 1,2,3,4-tetrathia-cyclo-hexane, pentathiacyclohexane, and 1,2,4,6-tetrathiacyclooctane. The highest amounts of sulfur organic compounds were found in the deepest, bottom areas in the open part of the sea, where the salinity was highest, and oxygen deficiency occurred as well. Also, some coastal places with a high solid matter deposition rate had elevated contents of sulfur organic compounds. Discussion From the 43 sulfur organic compounds found, the HRMS data provided the atomic composition of the molecular ions for 16 compounds with a high confidence (see Table 3). The LRMS spectra could be identified with catalogue or literature spectra in 29 cases. The MS information obtained was insufficient in two cases: 1) The obvious molecular ion (at m/z 110) of compound 1 was not visible in LRMS. 2) For compound 43, the HRMS measurement, due to the low intensity (2%) of the molecular ion (m/z 210), could not exclude the presence of 2 oxygen atoms (instead of one sulfur atom) in the molecule. Major fragments, however, of our 43, certainly contained no oxygen atoms according to HRMS. The limited LRMS data in the literature, for an isomer of 43, had m/z values of all fragments different from those of the compound found by us. The retention times (RT) formed one more evidence for identity between compounds in different samples. The use of different non-polar columns in GC and similar, but not identical, temperature programs produced eluted peaks of novel and known compounds in each sample (mixture) in GC/HRMS and GC/LRMS. These gave sets of RTs which were in a very significant linear correlation (measured example R = 0.999866, p = 1.85E-06, N = 5). Therefore, the RTs in the HRMS analysis systems could be converted to values comparable with those from the LRMS device. The RT values, HRMS m/z values, LRMS spectra, and ICLU simulation results for each organic sulfur compound form an identification ‘fingerprint’. The interpretation of these experimental data, with supporting use of fragmentation rules, allow the giving of a provisional name and structure to the ‘suspect’. In this study and in environmental surveys of micropollutants in general, the compounds suspected of anthropogenic or natural origin occur at low levels in complex mixtures. Therefore, no bulk amount of an authentic, pure model substance for the suspect is available quite often. The most probable name and structure from the fingerprint data are very useful in guiding the preparation of the model substance for a conclusive identification. Similarly, the unknown criminal can be identified in advance by forensic science and his fingerprint, DNA, etc. as registered before the arrest. The analogy can be found in the literature and CAS register of organic polysulfides, which in great part consists of the results of sensitive mixture analysis methods. Conclusions Sediment of the Eastern Gulf of Finland is over large areas anaerobic, as indicated by the existence of novel, non-oxygenated sulfur organic microcontaminants. These substances were most abundant in anoxic and saline, deep bottom regions, and, in addition, in one coastal area near industrial discharges. This occurrence, and also the limited information about sulfur organic compounds in scientific literature, is considered evidence for the dominantly natural processes in their formation. Recommendations and Perspectives The importance and necessity of investigating the sulfur organic compounds in the bottom sediments, result from the fact that their presence can be an indicator of stable anaerobic processes. Similarly, the oxygen disappearance (anoxia) in the marine water, due to a high concentration of the sulfate ions and relatively high content of organic matter, is practically always connected with the appearance of hydrogen sulfide and sulfides. The generation of sulfur organic compounds precedes the formation of the new, or expansion of the existing anaerobic (‘hydrogen sulfide’) zones, which lead to such environmental disasters as mass destruction of hydrobionts. Many organic compounds of sulfur, including sulfides and polysulfides, are toxic to the aquatic organisms. Therefore, in addition to the danger of mass wholesale deaths of marine fauna in the bottom sediments region, there exists a probability of secondary pollution of the water thickness as well, due to the entry of those substances from bottom sediments in the water when the environmental conditions are changed (stormy weather, floods, geological activity of the earth’s crust, etc.).  相似文献   

Mercury contamination in freshwater food webs can be severe and persistent, and freshwater fish are a major source of mercury contamination in humans. Northern hemisphere studies suggest that the primary pathway by which freshwater fish accumulate mercury is the food web, and that atmospheric deposition is the primary route by which mercury enters freshwater systems. Levels of atmospheric deposition are closely linked to proximity to sources of mercury emissions. These propositions have not been tested in the southern hemisphere. In this study, we measured mercury levels at three lakes in southern Brazil and assessed relationships between mercury in precipitation, lake water, sediment and fish tissues at sites close to (industrial and suburban areas) and distant from (protected conservation area) sources of mercury emissions. We also assessed relationships between mercury in fish species and their trophic habits. Mercury concentrations in sediment and lake water did not vary among lakes. In contrast, mercury in precipitation at the study lakes increased with proximity to industrial sources. Mercury in fish tissue generally increased along the same gradient, but also varied with trophic level and preferred depth zone. Atmospheric mercury deposition to these closed lakes may be directly linked to concentrations in fish, with surface-feeding piscivorous species attaining the highest concentrations.  相似文献   

Personal 48-hr exposures to formaldehyde and acetaldehyde of 15 randomly selected participants were measured during the summer/autumn of 1997 using Sep-Pak DNPH-Silica cartridges as a part of the EXPOLIS study in Helsinki, Finland. In addition to personal exposures, simultaneous measurements of microenvironmental concentrations were conducted at each participant's residence (indoor and outdoor) and workplace. Mean personal exposure levels were 21.4 ppb for formaldehyde and 7.9 ppb for acetaldehyde. Personal exposures were systematically lower than indoor residential concentrations for both compounds, and ambient air concentrations were lower than both indoor residential concentrations and personal exposure levels. Mean workplace concentrations of both compounds were lower than mean indoor residential concentrations. Correlation between personal exposures and indoor residential concentrations was statistically significant for both compounds. This indicated that indoor residential concentrations of formaldehyde and acetaldehyde are a better estimate of personal exposures than are concentrations in ambient air. In addition, a time-weighted exposure model did not improve the estimation of personal exposures above that obtained using indoor residential concentrations as a surrogate for personal exposures. Correlation between formaldehyde and acetaldehyde was statistically significant in outdoor microenvironments, suggesting that both compounds have similar sources and sinks in ambient urban air.  相似文献   

The effects of air pollutants on forests around the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland were studied by measurement of the sulphur and calcium content of pine needles and evaluation of the ecological conditions of pine forests. Several parameters for pine trees and their needles were chosen as well as the species composition and condition of epiphytic lichens. Very high pine needle S- and Ca-contents were measured in the vicinity of the Narva and Slantsy plants. In this region both the acid and basic pollutant load is massive, partly neutralizing each other. It is suggested that the total load will, sooner or later, cause unexpected environmental damage. Wide 'lichen desert' areas were detected around Narva and Slantsy. Near the margins of these areas extraordinary epiphytes on pines were observed namely Xanthoria parietina (L.) Th.Fr. and red-coloured green alga Trentepohlia umbrina. They are regarded as indicators of alkaline pollution. The lowest pine needle S- and Ca-contents of the study area were measured in south-eastern Finland. The condition of pine forests and their needles was, however, better on the neighbouring Karelian Isthmus although the species number of epiphytic lichens was very low and the condition of the lichens was poor. It is suggested that these most sensitive indicators of air pollutants are damaged by pollutants from St Petersburg and Narva. Vast virgin forests of the Karelian Isthmus act as pollutant sinks reducing the effect of pollutants on trees. On the Finnish side intensive forest management has been carried on for many decades making forests and trees more sensitive to pollutants.  相似文献   

湖泊围栏养殖容量估算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗国芝  陆雍森 《环境污染与防治》2007,29(12):949-952,957
随着中国水产养殖业的快速发展,水产养殖业对水环境的污染日益引起关注.确定合理的水产养殖容量是协调经济效益和环境保护的基础.分析、比较了目前关于养殖容量的主要观点,阐述了生态容纳量、环境容纳量和养殖容量等概念及其相互关系.从规划环境影响评价的角度,确定水产养殖容量的定义为:在自然条件、水环境及社会、经济和现有生产技术等因素的约束下,水产养殖活动所能获得的最大养殖产量.它由自然容纳量(Enp)、需求容量(Dp)和基于水环境容量的养殖容量(Ewp)3部分组成.据此,建立了养殖容量计算模型,并核算出东太湖围网养殖的最佳养殖模式为轮牧式养蟹600 kg/hm2,养殖容量为年河蟹养殖量1 685.0 t,年配套草食性鱼类5 015.6 t(散养,不围网),养殖面积为3 056.20 hm2(不使用外源性饲料).  相似文献   

To elucidate the roles of microorganisms in the nitrogen geo-chemical cycle, the distributions of nitrogen-utilising bacteria were studied in a small eutrophic lake. Ammonifiers, nitrogen fixers and nitrate reducers were more concentrated at the severely polluted Xili sub-area than at the Centre of Outer (CO), whereas the contrary was true for autolithotrophic nitrifiers. Molecular identification of predominant ammonifiers and nitrogen fixers showed that two of the ammonifiers were γ-Proteobacteria, two were β-Proteobacteria, one was CFB group and the other three were low G+C% Gram positive Bacillus. Among four nitrogen fixers, one belonged to α-Proteobacteria, and the other three were γ-Proteobacteria.  相似文献   

To investigate the characteristics of mercury exchange between soil and air in the heavily air-polluted area, total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentration in air and Hg exchange flux were measured in Wanshan Hg mining area (WMMA) in November, 2002 and July–August, 2004. The results showed that the average TGM concentrations in the ambient air (17.8–1101.8 ng m−3), average Hg emission flux (162–27827 ng m−2 h−1) and average Hg dry deposition flux (0–9434 ng m−2 h−1) in WMMA were 1–4 orders of magnitude higher than those in the background area. It is said that mercury-enriched soil is a significant Hg source of the atmosphere in WMMA. It was also found that widely distributed roasted cinnabar banks are net Hg sources of the atmosphere in WMMA. Relationships between mercury exchange flux and environmental parameters were investigated. The results indicated that the rate of mercury emission from soil could be accelerated by high total soil mercury concentration and solar irradiation. Whereas, highly elevated TGM concentrations in the ambient air can restrain Hg emission from soil and even lead to strongly atmospheric Hg deposition to soil surface. A great amount of gaseous mercury in the heavily polluted atmosphere may cycle between soil and air quickly and locally. Vegetation can inhibit mercury emission from soil and are important sinks of atmospheric mercury in heavily air-polluted area.  相似文献   

Zhao S  Fang J 《Ambio》2004,33(6):311-315
Human activities can have a remarkable effect on land-cover patterns over time. This study characterized long-term (1930s-1998) land-cover changes in Dongting Lake area in the Central Yangtze River, China, by digitalizing historical topographical maps for the 1930s and 1950s and interpreting satellite remote sensing data for 1978, 1989, and 1998. The study indicates that land-cover patterns in Dongting Lake area have been greatly altered by impoldering and subsequent lake restoration activities in the past 70 years. There are two distinct periods of change characterized by impoldering (1930s-1978) and lake restoration (1978-1998). In the former period, cropland increased sharply at the cost of a drop in other land-cover types, which had resulted in significant negative consequences, while the pattern of land-cover changes reversed in the later period.  相似文献   

The distribution of the density of foliage mass and area in forest canopies throughout Finland (60–70°N) were determined on the basis of the permanent sample plots used in the Finnish National Forest Inventory. These parameters were linked to the long-term monthly mean air temperatures for 1961–1990, which had been converted to hourly temperature and radiation values with the help of a weather simulator in order to calculate the spatial distribution of mean yearly emissions of monoterpene and isoprene over Finland. The mean total density of foliage mass in southern Finland (60°⩽latitude<65°N) was around 500 g m−2, equivalent to 4–5 m2 of total foliage area per m2 of land area. In northern Finland (65°⩽latitude<70°N), the maximum values remained below 200–300 g m−2, or 2–3 m2 m−2. The highest values were achieved in forests dominated by mature Norway spruces. The higher temperatures and longer growing season in southern Finland led to greater emissions than in the rest of the country. Total annual emissions of monoterpene were 1070 kg km−2 yr−1 in southern Finland and 460 kg km−2 yr−1 in the north, and those of isoprene from Norway spruce canopies 150 and 40 kg km−2 yr−1, respectively.  相似文献   

The presence of 26 congeners of polychlorinated diphenyl ethers (PCDEs) was investigated in salmon from three locations in Finland. In addition to salmon, one chlorophenol wood preservative (Ky-5) and one fly ash sample were analyzed for PCDEs. Concentrations of PCDE congeners in salmon muscle measured by high resolution gas chromatography/low resolution mass spectrometry ranged from < 0.02 to 2.4 ng/g fresh weight. The major components of tetra- to octachlorinated PCDEs in salmon were one TeCDE (22′44′-), two PeCDEs (22′44′5- and 23′44′5-) and three HxCDEs (22′44′56′-, 22′44′55′- and 22′344′5-). The Baltic salmon caught from the Simojoki River had higher levels of PCDEs than the Atlantic salmon from the Tenojoki River or salmon from Lake Saimaa in South-Finland. Same PCDE congeners which were abundant in the wood preservative were also detected in salmon, whereas PCDE congeners in the fly ash were different from those in salmon or in Ky-5.  相似文献   

Ozone remains one of the most recalcitrant air pollution problems in the US. Hourly emissions fields used in air quality models (AQMs) generally show less temporal variability than corresponding measurements from continuous emissions monitors (CEM) and field campaigns would imply. If emissions control scenarios to reduce emissions at peak ozone forming hours are to be assessed with AQMs, the effect of emissions' daily variability on modeled ozone must be understood. We analyzed the effects of altering all anthropogenic emissions' temporal distributions by source group on 2002 summer-long simulations of ozone using the Community Multiscale Air Quality Model (CMAQ) v4.5 and the Carbon Bond IV (CBIV) chemical mechanism with 12 km resolution. We find that when mobile source emissions were made constant over the course of a day, 8-h maximum ozone predictions changed by ±7 parts per billion by volume (ppbv) in many urban areas on days when ozone concentrations greater than 80 ppbv were simulated in the base case. Increasing the temporal variation of point sources resulted in ozone changes of +6 and −6 ppbv, but only for small areas near sources. Changing the daily cycle of mobile source emissions produces substantial changes in simulated ozone, especially in urban areas at night; results suggest that shifting the emissions of NOx from day to night, for example in electric powered vehicles recharged at night, could have beneficial impacts on air quality.  相似文献   

利用东部沿海城市天津大气边界层观测站(以下简称天津站)和西部兰州大学半干旱气候与环境观测站(SACOL)一年的臭氧和NOx体积浓度观测资料,对比分析了两观测站点近地层臭氧浓度的逐月变化、频率分布、日变化特征以及与NOx之间的相关关系.结果表明,两观测站点臭氧浓度月均值变化呈现出很好的一致性,均在4-7月出现高值,12月至次年2月出现低值,SACOL臭氧浓度月均值的最大值和最小值出现时间要比天津站推迟一个月.天津站臭氧体积浓度主要分布在10~50μL/m3,SACOL则集中在10~70 μL/m3,春、夏季两观测站点臭氧体积浓度低于10 μL/m3的频率均很小,秋、冬季两观测站点臭氧浓度频率分布特征类似.两观测站点臭氧浓度日变化在4个季节均呈现典型的单峰型分布,SACOL臭氧浓度日最大值出现时刻要比天津站晚2h.两观测站点臭氧浓度与NOx、NO2、NO的浓度之间均呈显著的负相关关系.天津站与臭氧浓度的相关性最强的为NO,而SACOL则是NOx.  相似文献   

We measured adipose tissue concentrations of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs), and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in 420 general Finns living in southern Finland. The mean (median) concentrations of WHO(PCDD/F)-TEQ and WHO(PCB)-TEQ were 29.0 (24.1) and 20.7 (16.7) pg g-1 fat, respectively. The concentrations clearly correlated with age. Expressing the concentrations as a function of subject's ages revealed that the exposure of Finns has declined over the last 30 years. A downward gradient was found in the concentrations from the Baltic Sea coast to inland areas in Finland, and this was assessed to be due to consumption of the Baltic Sea fish, especially Baltic herring. Linear regression models for natural logarithm WHO(PCDD/F)-TEQ, natural logarithm WHO(PCB)-TEQ, and natural logarithm WHO(total)-TEQ, explained 70%, 69%, and 72% of the variability, respectively. Age, lactation, place of residence, and fish consumption frequencies were significant predictors in the models.  相似文献   

宁波-舟山海域入海污染物环境容量研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在宁波-舟山海域数值模拟潮流场的基础上,建立了该海域各污染源的响应系数场,计算了主要污染源COD、无机氮和活性磷酸盐的分担率场,及各污染源和控制单元的环境容量.研究结果将为该海域入海污染物总量控制提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Experiments at a pilot scale waste incinerator (0.5 MW thermal power) showed that the conditions in the post-combustion chamber (650-900 degrees C) are strongly influencing the formation of chlorinated and non-chlorinated aromatics. Non-optimal combustion conditions resulted in increased concentrations of mono- to trichlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD), dibenzofurans (PCDF) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), while chlorinated benzenes (PCBz), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) and the higher chlorinated PCDD/F are only weakly affected or even decrease. The changes in concentration of the compounds investigated over a time span of hours gave hints on 'memory effects' in this combustion zone. For mono- and dichlorinated benzenes, a high correlation (r2 = 0.80) with the international toxicity equivalent (I-TEQ) value of PCDD/F was observed. As recently has been demonstrated, this correlation can be utilized for an indirect on-line measurement of the I-TEQ by a novel laser mass spectrometric technique (REMPI-TO-FMS).  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Elucidating the bacterioplankton spatial distribution patterns and its determinants is a central topic in ecological research. However, research on...  相似文献   

聊城市城区河湖水中Hg、As浓度分布特征及健康风险评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解聊城市城区河湖水中Hg、As浓度分布,于2010年12月19日采集、分析了20个表层水样中Hg、As浓度,并采用美国环境保护署推荐的健康风险评价模型对其进行了初步评价.结果表明:城区河湖水中Hg、As的质量浓度分别为0.016~0.366、0.494~23.438 μg/L,各主要河湖水中Hg的平均浓度大小为周公河>东昌湖>小运河>徒骇河;As的平均浓度大小为周公河>徒骇河>小运河>东昌湖;东昌湖Hg浓度超过《地表水环境质量标准》(GB 3838-2002)的Ⅲ类水标准值,超标率为71.4%.各主要河湖水中Hg、As浓度的空间分布差异显著,Hg主要来源于大气沉降和沿岸生活污水的排放,As主要来源于工业废水,两者均受到上游来水的影响.As通过饮水途径产生的健康风险值在10-6~10-4 a-1,是Hg的103~106倍,高于部分机构推荐的最大可接受风险水平(1.0×10-6 a-1).建议有关部门应加强对聊城市城区河湖水中Hg、As的监测和环境风险管理.  相似文献   

Peter F. Landrum 《Chemosphere》1982,11(10):1049-1057
Uptake, depuration and biotransformation rates of 14C-anthracene were determined for Pontoporeia hoyi, the dominant benthic invertebrate in the Great Lakes, at 4°, 7°, 10° and 15°C. The uptake rate constants for anthracene increased from 136±22 h?1 (n=4, X?±1SD) to 215±45 h?1 (n=4) over the temperature range studied and were seasonally dependent. The depuration rate constant at the apparent optimum temperature of 7°C was 0.015 h?1 for anthracene. The biotransformation ability of P. hoyi is low, and degradation of anthracene was undetectable even after exposures of 48 h. The bioconcentration factor can be predicted from the uptake and depuration kinetics to be approximately 16,800 at 4°C. These experiments imply that P. hoyi may be very important in food chain biomagnification of some toxic organics.  相似文献   

Atmospheric concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in 14 successive daytime and nighttime air samples collected from Melpitz, a rural site in eastern Germany. The average total concentration of PCBs was 110+/-80 pg m-3 and they were predominately present in the gas phase (approximately 95%). Composition of individual congeners closely resembled those of Clophen A30 and Aroclor 1232. Partial vapor pressures of PCBs were well correlated with temperature and the steep slopes obtained from Clausius-Clapeyron plots (-4500 to -8000) indicated that evaporation from adjacent land surfaces still controls the atmospheric levels of these pollutants. Particle-gas partitioning coefficients (KP) of PCBs were well correlated with the respective sub-cooled vapor pressures (PLo), but the slopes obtained from logKP versus logPLo plots (-0.16 to -0.59) deviated significantly from the expected value of -1. Overall, gas-particle partitioning of PCBs was better simulated by Junge-Pankow than octanol/air partition coefficient-based model.  相似文献   

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