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The effects of compost prepared from waste material of banana plants on the nutrient contents of banana leaves 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Doran I Sen B Kaya Z 《Journal of environmental biology / Academy of Environmental Biology, India》2003,24(4):437-444
In this study, the possible utilization of removed shoots and plant parts of banana as compost after fruit harvest were investigated. Three doses (15-30-45 kg plan(-1)) of the compost prepared from the clone of Dwarf Cavendish banana were compared with Farmyard manure (50 kg plant(-1), Mineral fertilizers (180 g N + 150 g P + 335 g K plant(-1)) and Farmyard manure + Mineral fertilizers (25 kg FM + 180 g N + 150 g P + 335 g K plant(-1)) which determined positive effects on the nutrient contents of banana leaves. The banana plants were grown under a heated glasshouse and in a soil with physical and chemical properties suitable for banana growing. The contents of N, P, K and Mg in compost and in farmyard manure were found to be similar. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contents of leaves in all applications except control, and Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn, Cu contents in all applications were determined between optimum levels of reference values. There were positive correlations among some nutrient contents of leaves, growth, yield and fruit quality characteristics. Farmyard manure, Farmyard manure + Mineral fertilizers and 45 kg plant(-1) of compost increased the nutrient contents of banana leaves. According to obtained results, 45 kg plant(-1) of compost was determined more suitable in terms of economical production and organic farming than the other fertiliser types. 相似文献
室内发酵菌剂筛选试验的结果表明 :细黄链霉菌 (Streptomycesmicroflavus)、彩色云芝 (Polystictusversicol or)和假单胞杆菌属 (Pseudomonassp .) 3种菌剂对促进猪粪、城市垃圾腐熟最有利。在有机肥发酵过程中 ,除臭作用最明显的分别是绿色木霉 (Trichodermaviride)、青霉属真菌 (Penicilliumsp .- 1)和细黄链霉菌 (Streptomycesmicroflavus)菌剂。 相似文献
光质对烤烟生长发育、主要经济性状和品质特征的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
以烤烟(Nicotiana tabacum)云烟87为材料,在烤烟团棵期和打顶期用透光率相近的有色薄膜分别对其进行遮光处理直到采收结束,研究光质对烤烟生长发育、主要经济性状和品质特征的影响。结果表明:蓝光有促进烟株生殖生长和延缓烟叶成熟的作用,红光、黄光和白光对烟株的生育进程无明显影响,打顶期遮光有延长烟株大田生育期的趋势。光质对叶片生长发育影响最大,红光和蓝光的影响效应主要表现在烟叶生育前期,黄光和白光的影响效应主要体现在烟叶生育后期。自然光和红膜下烟株的农艺性状综合表现最好,红光有促进烟茎生长和叶片发育的作用,蓝光和黄光则抑制茎干生长和降低叶面积。烟株生长前期增加红光比例有助于初烤烟叶主要经济性状的改善,后期蓝光的作用逐渐凸显。烟株不同生长时期红光和黄光的适当组合在改善烟叶品质中起着重要作用,烟株生长前期增加红光比例有利于降低初烤烟叶烟碱和蛋白质含量,提高糖类物质含量和评吸质量,但对氧化钾含量作负效应贡献;烟株生长后期提高黄光比例可使初烤烟叶的化学成分更为协调,对吸食品质有较好的提升作用。 相似文献
水库疏浚底泥农用对芥菜生长和品质的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
疏浚底泥重金属污染是限制底泥农用的主要因素。采用土培盆栽试验,研究了底泥与土壤按不同质量比混合,对芥菜生物量、重金属、硝酸盐、维生素C(Vc)、以及可溶性糖含量的影响;并研究了m(底泥):m(土壤)=2:1时,施加20mg·kg-1的碳酸钙对土壤有效态重金属含量影响,以及对芥菜生物量和品质的影响。结果表明:加入水库底泥可以显著促进芥菜的生长,随着底泥加入比例的增加,芥菜地上部生物量表现出先上升后降低的趋势,以m(底泥):m(土壤)=2:1芥菜地上部生物量最高,是对照的1.71倍。底泥处理均能显著地增加芥菜地上部重金属含量,其中以全底泥处理芥菜地上部鲜质量Zn、Cd质量分数最高,分别是53.3、0.595mg·kg-1,是食品卫生标准的2.67、2.98倍。施用底泥可以提高芥菜地上部Vc、降低其硝酸盐含量。在m(底泥):m(土壤)=2:1的土壤上,施入20mg·kg-1的碳酸钙处理可以显著降低土壤有效态重金属质量分数,有效态Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd质量分数分别下降到对照的58.7%、75.4%、59.8%、44.0%,从而有效地降低了芥菜对重金属的吸收积累,施加碳酸钙处理后,芥菜地上部Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd分别下降66.1%、83.2%、70.5%、53.1%。施加碳酸钙处理不仅可以促进芥菜生长还可以提高芥菜品质,与对照相比施加20mg·kg-1的碳酸钙处理后,芥菜生物量、可溶性糖质量分数、Vc质量分数分别增加了3.2%、6.0%、27.5%,而地上部硝酸盐质量分数降低了24.4%。 相似文献
Paternal age and offspring growth: separating the intrinsic quality of young from rearing effects 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Younger individuals are often less successful in reproduction than older ones. This might be because of improving breeding skills with age or because the genetic quality of young or early maternal effects on them vary with parental age. However, no attempt has been made to experimentally separate these processes in vertebrates. We conducted a cross-fostering experiment in collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) in three breeding seasons to disentangle origin- and rearing-related effects of paternal age on chick growth, while controlling for date-specific environmental conditions as well as differences in clutch and brood size. The age of the male at the nest of origin, but not that of the rearing male, had a year-dependent effect on nestling body mass and tarsus length. In two seasons, young of subadult males grew slower in the early linear phase of growth than young of adult males. There was no compensatory growth in the final asymptotic phase, so both body mass and tarsus length before fledging reflected the differential early development. In the remaining year, the age of the male at the nest of origin had no significant effect on chick growth. The environment-dependent origin effect we detected was unexplained by incubation times, hatching asynchrony, chick masses at swapping or previously described age-dependent egg quality patterns. Our results therefore suggest a genotype × environment interaction on the relative development of offspring sired by subadult and adult males. Our results also raise the possibility that female birds may gain genetic benefits by mating with older males. Further studies should identify general patterns of male age-dependent female mate choice and offspring quality in different environmental conditions. 相似文献
Singh A Agrawal SB Rai JP Singh P 《Journal of environmental biology / Academy of Environmental Biology, India》2002,23(3):283-288
Assessment of agropotentiality of the effluent coming out from century pulp and paper mill, Ghanshyamdham, Lalkua (Uttaranchal) has been made on wheat (Triticum aestivum var. UP-2329) crop grown in two soils differing in texture with different effluent concentrations. Diluted effluent increased the chlorophyll content, plant height, shoot and root biomass, grain yield, protein, carbohydrate and lipid contents in wheat grains, while undiluted effluent caused inhibition in plant growth resulting in a sharp decline of yield. Pure soil provided better growth and yield results than those soil mixed with sand. 相似文献
《Ecological modelling》2005,181(2-3):173-190
Impacts of elevated temperature and CO2 on tree growth were introduced into a statistical growth and yield model for Finnish conditions based on corresponding predictions obtained from a physiological growth model. This one-way link between models was made by means of species-specific transfer functions describing the increase in stem volume growth of trees as a function of elevated temperature and CO2, stand density and the tree's competition status in a stand of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), silver birch (Betula pendula) and Norway spruce (Picea abies). This method allows the inner dynamics of the statistical model to be followed when the impacts of temperature and CO2 elevation on tree growth are introduced into the calculation of volume growth and further allocated between diameter and height growth. In this way compatibility with previous predictions of tree growth by means of statistical models and related model systems under current climatic conditions could be retained.The performance of the statistical model with species-specific transfer functions was evaluated by comparing its predictions with corresponding predictions given by a physiological model under conditions of elevated temperature and CO2. These calculations revealed that the growth response of individual trees to elevated temperature and CO2 can be introduced into the statistical model from a physiological growth model with an outcome that results in fairly satisfactory growth responses at the stand level as well. 相似文献
Chukwudi Nwaogu Henry D. Ogbuagu Selegha Abrakasa Vilém Pavlů 《Chemistry and Ecology》2017,33(7):589-606
The study aimed at evaluating the impacts of open municipal solid wastes dumps on soil and vegetation near the main roads linking major cities in Nigeria. We hypothesised that the metals from the wastes exerted substantial impacts at the dump sites which affect the soil and plants. Data were analysed from five dump sites and five control sites. The result revealed that the effects of the heavy metals (HM) were significant and higher at the dump sites where their concentrations were far above the EU, and Canadian environmental quality permissible limits for agricultural soils and vegetation. In contrast with dump sites, a significant relationship (R2?=?0.70; p?.001) was found between the number of plant species and area at control sites. Shrubs and herbs were more tolerance with higher contents of HM compared with grasses. Plants leaves showed more HM contents compared to the shoots or roots. The soil and plants contents of the HM were relatively in the order of Zn?>?Cr?>?Pb at both dump sites and control sites. Further study on the effects of more HM on soil and plant is recommended in the area. Recycling and bio-phytoremediation processes should also be introduced. 相似文献
PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs have been analysed in soil samples where waste electrical equipment has been burned directly on the ground in three locations of Burgos (Spain). High levels of PCDDs, PCDFs and PCBs were detected in the centre of combustion sites. The results show PCB levels between 0.824 and 1.240 μg/g, and PCDDs and PCDFs levels between 8.73–36.37 ng/g and 12.79–50.95 ng/g. The I‐TEF values between 2.96–9.15 for dioxins and furans indicate that these soils are heavily polluted and may represent a risk for human and animal health. 相似文献
福寿螺是我国华南地区一种危害十分严重的外来入侵生物。采用分布广泛的四种植物:水蜈蚣(Kyllinga brevifolia Rottb.)、红花酢浆草(Oxalis corymbosa DC)、红叶乌桕(Euphorbia cotinifolia L.)和辣蓼草(Polygonum flaccidum Meissn.)作为原料,在实验室内通过人工研磨方法提取植物体内的有效成分作为药剂,分别对福寿螺幼螺进行室内毒杀及刺激其上爬的效果研究。结果表明:水蜈蚣提取物的杀螺效果不明显,而红花酢浆草、红叶乌桕、辣蓼草等三种植物提取物具有较好的杀螺效果。72h的毒性实验表明,这三种植物提取物在质量浓度为400mg·L-1时,均能全部杀死福寿螺幼螺;其中,红花酢浆草的杀螺效果最强,质量浓度为100mg·L-1时的杀螺率就达到80%,200mg·L-1的质量浓度下已能全部杀死福寿螺,红叶乌桕在200mg·L-1质量浓度时的杀螺率为56.67%,而在此质量浓度下辣蓼草仅为26.67%。另外,提取物刺激福寿螺上爬实验结果表明,红花酢浆草和红叶乌桕均有刺激福寿螺向上爬的作用,且红花酢浆草刺激作用稍强于红叶乌桕。综合杀螺和刺激福寿螺上爬作用的效果,可以得出在控制福寿螺上红花酢浆草和红叶乌桕是比较理想的备选植物。 相似文献
Yuling CAI Bin LIANG Zhanqiang FANG Yingying XIE Eric Pokeung TSANG 《Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering》2015,9(5):879
As a promising in situ remediation technology, nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) can remove polybrominated diphenyl ethers such as decabromodiphenyl ether (BDE209) effectively, However its use is limited by its high production cost. Using steel pickling waste liquor as a raw material to prepare nanoscale zero-valent metal (nZVM) can overcome this deficiency. It has been shown that humic acid and metal ions have the greatest influence on remediation. The results showed that nZVM and nZVI both can effectively remove BDE209 with little difference in their removal efficiencies, and humic acid inhibited the removal efficiency, whereas metal ions promoted it. The promoting effects followed the order Ni2+>Cu2+>Co2+ and the cumulative effect of the two factors was a combination of the promoting and inhibitory individual effects. The major difference between nZVM and nZVI lies in their crystal form, as nZVI was found to be amorphous while that of nZVM was crystal. However, it was found that both nZVM and nZVI removed BDE209 with similar removal efficiencies. The effects and cumulative effects of humic acid and metal ions on nZVM and nZVI were very similar in terms of the efficiency of the BDE209 removal. 相似文献
Teresa MV Rekha K Bindu A 《Journal of environmental biology / Academy of Environmental Biology, India》2003,24(4):449-452
In the present study, the impact of sodium metabisulphite (Na2S2O5), a food preservative, on seed germination, growth and yield of Vigna sinensis, Savi has been evaluated. Observations clearly reveal the deleterious effect of Na2S2O5 on germination, stomatal development, stomatal index, chlorophyll content and yield. The shoot length exhibited a steady rise in length, while the biomass showed a gradual decrease with the increasing doses of Na2S2O5. 相似文献
研究了大田栽培条件下紫外辐射增强对冬小麦孕穗、抽穗、开花、灌浆、结实以及产量的影响。结果表明,UV B辐射增强使小麦植株矮化,叶面积减小,穗重、茎重、叶重减小,灌浆速度变慢,灌浆不充实,此外,UV B辐射增强还使花粉败育率增大。 相似文献
Influence of fertilizer and sewage sludge compost on yield and heavy metal accumulation by lettuce grown in urban soils 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
S. B. Sterrett R. L. Chaney C. H. Gifford H. W. Mielke 《Environmental geochemistry and health》1996,18(4):135-142
Previous research has demonstrated that many urban soils are enriched in Pb, Cd and Zn. Culture of vegetable crops in these soils could allow transfer of potentially toxic metals to foods. Tanya lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) was grown in pots of five urban garden soils and one control agricultural soil to assess the effect of urban-soil metal enrichment, and the effect of soil amendments, on heavy metal uptake by garden vegetables. The amendments included NPK fertilizer, limestone, Ca(H2PO4)2, and two rates of limed sewage sludge compost. Soil Cd ranged from 0.08 to 9.6 mg kg–1; soil Zn from 38 to 3490 mg kg–1; and soil Pb from 12 to 5210 mg kg–1. Lettuce yield on the urban garden soils was as great as or greater than that on the control soil. Lettuce Cd, Zn and Pb concentrations increased from 0.65, 23, and 2.2 mg kg–1 dry matter in the control soil to as high as 3.53, 422 and 37.0 mg kg–1 on the metal-rich urban garden soils. Adding limestone or limed sewage sludge compost raised soil pH and significantly reduced lettuce Cd and Zn, while phosphate fertilizer lowered soil pH and had little effect on Zn but increased Cd concentration in lettuce. Urban garden soils caused a significant increase in lettuce leaf Pb concentration, especially on the highest Pb soil. Adding NPK fertilizer, phosphate, or sludge compost to two high Pb soils lowered lettuce Pb concentration, but adding limestone generally did not. On normally fertilized soils, Pb uptake by lettuce was not exceptionally high until soil Pb substantially exceeded 500 mg kg–1. Comparing garden vegetables and soil as potential sources of Pb risk to children, it is clear that the risk is greater through ingestion of soil or dust than through ingestion of garden vegetables grown on the soil. Urban dwellers should obtain soil metal analyses before selecting garden locations to reduce Pb risk to their children. 相似文献
生活垃圾堆填区周边土壤的性状变化及其污染状况 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
对北京西郊某垃圾堆放场周边土壤的污染状况进行了分析研究。结果表明,受垃圾渗滤液的浸蚀影响,垃圾区周围土壤酸性增大,养分含量增高;垃圾区土壤的重金属含量明显高于对照区土壤,表明垃圾区周围土壤已受到渗滤液的重金属污染,土壤性状发生明显变化。 相似文献
Ramesh Chand Kasana Nav Raten Panwar Ramesh Kumar Kaul Praveen Kumar 《Environmental Chemistry Letters》2017,15(2):233-240
Copper nanoparticles have improved properties compared to the bulk copper material. Copper nanoparticles indeed find applications in gas sensors, heat transfer fluids, catalysis, solar energy and batteries. Antibacterial and antifungal activities of copper nanoparticles find applications in the agriculture and healthcare sectors. Nonetheless, careless use of copper nanoparticles may cause environmental pollution and health effects. Here we review the biosynthesis of copper nanoparticles using plant materials, named phytosynthesis, and micro-organisms. We also discuss the effect of copper nanoparticles on crops and pathogenic micro-organisms. Copper nanoparticles varying in sizes from 5 to 295 nm have been synthesized using leaf extracts and latex from plants, and using bacteria and fungi. Biosynthesized copper nanoparticles show good antimicrobial activity inhibiting the growth of pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic fungi. Copper nanoparticles enhance the germination and growth of some plants at lower concentrations, whereas high concentrations result in retarded growth. 相似文献
The effects of the diarrhetic shellfish poisoning toxins,okadaic acid and dinophysistoxin-1, on the growth of microalgae 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
The diarrhetic shellfish poisoning toxins okadaic acid (OA) and dinophysistoxin-1 (DTX-1) are potent phosphatase inhibitors produced by certain species of marine dinoflagellates. OA can cause hyperphosphorylation of a broad range of animal and higherpalnt proteins, but little is known regarding the effects of the DSP toxins on marine organisms or their biological function. A variety of microalgae, including a clone ofProrocentrum lima known to produce both OA and DTX-1, were incubated with solutions of OA and in one case DTX-1 or a combination of OA and DTX-1. OA inhibited the growth of all non-DSP-producing test species at micromolar concentrations, butP. lima was not affected even at much higher levels. This differential activity of OA suggests that the DSP toxins may play an allelopathic role and raises questions regarding the strategies adopted by DSP-producing dinoflagellates such asP. lima to avoid autotoxicity. The effects of DTX-1 on microalgal growth were found to be equivalentt to those of OA, and the effects of both toxins in combination were simply additive. 相似文献
Agrawal SB Rathore D Singh A 《Journal of environmental biology / Academy of Environmental Biology, India》2006,27(1):55-60
In a field experiment, the effect of enhanced UV-B radiation (simulating 20% ozone depletion at Allahabad, 20 degrees 47' N latitude) was studied on two cultivars of Vigna radiata L. with various levels of mineral nutrients (N and P). Study showed decrease in total biomass accumulation, harvest index, RSR and yield after exposure with enhanced level of UV-B. RGR and CGR also showed decline after exposure with UV-B. Application of recommended dose of mineral nutrients alleviated the deleterious effect of UV-B and increased plant dry matter vis a vis yield. Both cultivars showed sensitivity to UV-B but cultivar Malviya Janpriya was more responsive to UV-B than Malviya Jyoti. 相似文献
Marine Biology - The yield and some of the properties of the phycocolloids extracted from Gracilaria dentata, Hypnea musciformis, H. flagelliformis, Gigartina acicularis and Grateloupia filicina... 相似文献