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Water supply is the primary element of an urban system. Due to rapid urbanization and water scarcity, maintaining a stable and safe water supply has become a challenge to many cities, whereas a large amount of water is lost from the pipes of distribution systems. Water leakage is not only a waste of water resources, but also incurs great socio-economic costs. This article presents a comprehensive review on the potential water leakage control approaches and specifically discusses the benefits of each to environmental conservation. It is concluded that water leakage could be further reduced by improving leakage detection capability through a combination of predictive modeling and monitoring instruments, optimizing pipe maintenance strategy, and developing an instant pressure regulation system. The environment could benefit from these actions because of water savings and the reduction of energy consumption as well as greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

微/纳米塑料具有分布广泛、粒径小、难降解、可吸附有毒物质等特性,其去除效果及对环境污染的现状尚不明晰,是当前研究热点和难点.本文从供水管网中微/纳米塑料的来源、分布规律及水质安全危害等角度,概述了全球范围内供水管网中微/纳米塑料的研究现状.结果表明,给水处理厂出厂水携带残留的微/纳米塑料颗粒进入供水管网,而塑料材质管道在水力、水质作用下(流速、机械磨损、消毒剂等)同样存在微/纳米塑料释放可能.微/纳米塑料自身的密度、电荷等固有特性影响了它在供水管网中的空间分布规律,且在饮用水输配过程中,微/纳米塑料可同有机物、微生物等物质反应,从而影响供水管网的水质安全.本文旨在提出未来的研究重点和方向,从而为进一步了解微/纳米塑料对饮用水安全的影响及如何控制其污染提供理论基础.  相似文献   

结合饮用水水源地管理需求,设计开发包含在线监测、模拟分析、水质预警和风险应急等模块的饮用水水源地水质监测预警管理信息系统.本文介绍了该系统的功能设计.  相似文献   

给水管网中,管垢是各种污染物的源和汇,但目前污染物在管垢中的累积释放特征尚缺乏系统研究.本文以实际的城市供水管网的球墨铸铁管和灰口铸铁管为对象,一方面采用扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱分析(EDS)、晶体衍射结构分析(XRD)等手段对其管垢进行表征,另一方面运用管段滞流反应器研究了三氯甲烷、铅、锰和锌等污染物滞流状态下在管垢上累积和释放特征.结果表明:同为铸铁管,使用一定年限后,管垢成分有所差异,灰口管管垢量较大,具有明显的锈蚀和管瘤出现,成分以二氧化硅、金属复合氧化物为主,而球墨管管垢量较小,以二氧化硅为主;随着初始浓度的提高,管垢对污染物的累积量逐步提高,对于三氯甲烷,其吸附量和释放量都非常低,而对于Pb、Mn和Zn 3种金属,管垢的吸附量远大于释放量,说明在实验条件下它们易累积不易释放,但水质条件的改变有可能引起大规模释放.研究结果对饮用水管网生物化学安全提出了更高的要求,为管网的饮用水安全保障提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Many problems in drinking water distribution systems (DWDSs) are caused by microbe, such as biofilm formation, biocorrosion and opportunistic pathogens growth. More iron release from corrosion scales may induce red water. Biofilm played great roles on the corrosion. The iron-oxidizing bacteria (IOB) promoted corrosion. However, when iron-reducing bacteria (IRB) and nitrate-reducing bacteria (NRB) became the main bacteria in biofilm, they could induce iron redox cycling in corrosion process. This process enhanced the precipitation of iron oxides and formation of more Fe3O4 in corrosion scales, which inhibited corrosion effectively. Therefore, the IRB and NRB in the biofilm can reduce iron release and red water occurrence. Moreover, there are many opportunistic pathogens in biofilm of DWDSs. The opportunistic pathogens growth in DWDSs related to the bacterial community changes due to the effects of micropollutants. Micropollutants increased the number of bacteria with antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs). Furthermore, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) production was increased by the antibiotic resistant bacteria, leading to greater bacterial aggregation and adsorption, increasing the chlorine-resistance capability, which was responsible for the enhancement of the particle-associated opportunistic pathogens in DWDSs. Moreover, O3-biological activated carbon filtration-UV-Cl2 treatment could be used to control the iron release, red water occurrence and opportunistic pathogens growth in DWDSs.  相似文献   

黄浦江上游饮用水源地水及沉积物中汞、砷的分布特征   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
对黄浦江上游饮用水源地水及沉积物中Hg、As的含量及分布进行了调查研究.结果表明,水中Hg、As的浓度范围分别为0.0407~0 2287μg·L-1、0.6087~5.2667μg·L-1,平均值分别为0.1492μg·L-1、2.7442μg·L-1;与地表水环境质量标准(GB3838-2002)Ⅲ类水标准相比,83.3%的样点Hg浓度超标,As未出现超标现象.沉积物中Hg、As的含量范围分别为0.0479~0.4169mg·kg-1、4.84~9.01mg·kg-1,平均值分别为0.1488 mg·kg-1、6.59mg·kg-1;57.1%的样点Hg含量超过了上海市土壤背景值,As含量未超标.从空间分布来看,位于工业园区河流的采样点及河流入江口的采样点水体中Hg、As浓度较高.沉积物对Hg、As的浓缩系数分别位于209~2361、1113~11171之间.沉积物中Hg、As的含量均与有机碳含量成显著正相关关系,表明本研究区域沉积物中有机碳是Hg、As含量的主要影响因子.根据Hg、As的分布特征,推断黄浦江上游饮用水源地Hg、As的污染源主要包括工业污染源、农业污染源、生活污水垃圾、上游来水、河流沉积物的二次污染、来往船只污染物的排放等.  相似文献   

东莞市饮用水源地中抗生素分布特征及风险评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由于抗生素被频繁和大量使用,从而对生态环境和人类造成潜在风险,研究其在水体中的分布特征及评估其对生态和人类造成的风险具有重要意义.基于此,本文对东莞市饮用水源地11个采样点进行样品采集,采用固相萃取对样品进行前处理,利用液相色谱-三重四极杆质谱联用仪对45种抗生素浓度水平进行检测并分析其分布特征;同时,结合主成分分析和Pearson相关性分析阐述饮用水源地中抗生素可能的污染来源,并采用生态风险商值(RQ)和人体健康风险商值(HQ)对水样中抗生素进行风险评价.结果表明,本次检测中共有34种抗生素在评估样点中被检出,检出频率占总目标抗生素的75.6%,检出抗生素浓度范围为ND(未检出)~143.94 ng·L~(-1),浓度最高的是竹桃霉素.东莞市饮用水源地主成分的累积贡献率为63.5%,磺胺嘧啶、磺胺间甲氧嘧啶、培氟沙星、卡巴多等污染物的来源可能与污水处理厂有关,对生态环境造成高风险的抗生素排序为:克拉霉素新生霉素诺氟沙星,其中,克拉霉素的RQ值最高达到4.78,出现在石龙西湖水厂水源地中,新生霉素的平均RQ值为1.15.不同年龄段的人群健康风险评价结果显示,检出的抗生素对人体未构成风险,但仍应对抗生素累积效应带来的潜在风险给予重视.  相似文献   

关于饮用水供应和污水处理的法律规范,属于市政水管理的核心领域,是水管理法的重要组成部分。特别在国际和欧盟层面,以长期保障饮用水供应为核心内容的“涉水人权”成为关注热点。首先对德国水事管理法律的发展做一概览,《水法》确保一种公法上的监管秩序。尽管受到欧盟《水框架指令》影响,德国水事管理在向水环境质量达标转型,但饮用水供应与污水处理仍是《水法》的核心内容。在欧盟层面上,除了《水框架指令》外,《市政污水指令》和《饮用水指令》分别对供水保障和污水处理2个领域做了具体规定。在德国法律层面上,首先对供水保障和污水处理领域的组织体系,从集中式和分散式的发展趋势以及保障效率的私营化趋势加以评析;其次对《水法》在联邦制改革下的发展和作为水事监管核心的许可制度进行介绍;然后在污水监管领域,分别就污水排放许可的先进技术水准、直接与间接排放、污水收费和污泥处理进行分析;最后就饮用水供应领域,从水源地保护和饮用水供应2个方面加以介绍,指出了德国在水事监管领域的挑战。  相似文献   

The continuously deteriorating quality of source water is threatening the safety of drinking water in China. Various efforts have been made to update water treatment processes to decrease the pollution problems of drinking water, such as protection of drinking water sources, enhancement of conventional treatment processes, and development of new or advanced treatment technologies. This paper reviews a variety of protection and remediation methods for drinking water sources, development and application of drinking water treatment technologies, new technologies for special pollutants removal from groundwater, and the latest research progress on water distribution systems in China.  相似文献   

To manage potential microbial risks and meet increasingly strict drinking water health standards,UV treatment has attracted increasing attention for use in drinking water systems in China.However,the effects of UV treatment on microbial control and disinfection byproducts(DBPs) formation in real municipal drinking water systems are poorly understood.Here,we collected water samples from three real drinking water systems in Beijing and Tianjin to investigate the impacts of UV treatment on microbia...  相似文献   

本研究对广东一饮用水源保护区的河流氟喹诺酮类(Fluoroquinolones,FQs)抗生素进行分析.采用高效液相色谱法定性定量分析9个沉积物样品和5种鱼肉及1种鱼内脏中3种FQs—诺氟沙星(Norfloxacin,NOR)、环丙沙星(Ciprofloxacin,CIP)、恩诺沙星(Enrofloxacin,ENR)的残留特征,并与沉积物中有机质、总氮、总磷进行Person相关性分析.结果表明:河流沉积物各点平均值NORCIPENR,最大含量分别为:NOR248.25 ng·g-1,CIP 158.69 ng·g-1,ENR 56.81 ng·g-1;FQs和沉积物有机质、总磷相关系数平均为0.946、0.968(p0.01);5种鱼的鱼肉中FQs的含量可能高于或低于沉积物中FQs含量均值;鳙鱼内脏FQs含量是鱼肉中的3.21~9.53倍.研究结果对保障饮用水安全及水产品生态安全具有重要的意义.  相似文献   




Problems due to the taste and odor in drinking water are common in treatment facilities around the world. Taste and odor are perceived by the public as the primary indicators of the safely and acceptability of drinking water and are mainly caused by the presence of two semi-volatile compounds – 2-methyl isoborneol (MIB) and geosmin. A review of these two taste and odor causing compounds in drinking water is presented. The sources for the formation of these compounds in water are discussed alongwith the health and regulatory implications. The recent developments in the analysis of MIB/geosmin in water which have allowed for rapid measurements in the nanogram per liter concentrations are also discussed. This review focuses on the relevant treatment alternatives, that are described in detail with emphasis on their respective advantages and problems associated with their implementation in a fullscale facility. Conventional treatment processes in water treatment plants, such as coagulation, sedimentation and chlorination have been found to be ine ective for removal of MIB/geosmin. Studies have shown powdered activated carbon, ozonation and biofiltration to be e ective in treatment of these two compounds. Although some of these technologies are more e ective and show more promise than the others, much work remains to be done to optimize these technologies so that they can be retrofitted or installed with minimal impact on the overall operation and e ectiveness of the treatment system.  相似文献   

饮用水消毒副产物-卤乙酸的分析检测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
卤乙酸是氯化消毒饮用水中一类主要的消毒副产物 ,由于存在的广泛性和潜在的健康危害 ,许多国家和卫生组织相继将其列为饮用水常规监测项目 ,而我国至今还没有相关规定 ;为更好地控制饮用水中卤乙酸的形成 ,世界各国科研人员先后研究和开发出了性能逐趋完善的多种分析检测方法 ;在大量国内外文献调研的基础上 ,对卤乙酸的各种分析检测方法进行系统的介绍 ,并指明今后的发展方向  相似文献   

何昭丽  王瑞方 《自然资源学报》2021,36(12):3215-3231
干旱区旅游业在促进区域社会经济发展的同时,也加剧了地区的水资源供需矛盾。针对中国干旱区水资源禀赋及旅游产业的特点,提出干旱区旅游业用水供需适配性评价模型。按照旅游业产值对地区生产总值贡献率、旅游业从业人员占地区就业人员比例、地区水资源禀赋约束等指标,构建综合测算干旱区旅游业用水供给量测算模型;从旅游“食、住、行、游、娱、购”全要素视角,建立由餐饮水足迹、住宿水足迹、能源水足迹、游览水足迹、购物水足迹等账户组成的旅游业用水需求量测算模型;针对“供给”与“需求”水量的数量关系,利用组合分析方法,构建旅游业用水供需适配性程度指数评价模型,并设定评价阈值,测算干旱区旅游业用水供给与需求适配性程度的评价等级。实证分析了新疆2025年旅游业用水供需适配性程度,得出结论:为使旅游业用水维持在“供需基本平衡”或“供需平衡”的状态,新疆旅游业规模最高发展速度应在15%以内,同时新疆政府必须保持社会用水量年均节水率在0.95%及以上;而如某年发生突发性事件,则其之后年份的旅游业规模发展速度可放宽至20%。  相似文献   

Human health is greatly affected by inadequate access to sufficient and safe drinking water, especially in low and middle-income countries. Drinking water governance improvements may be one way to better drinking water quality. Over the past decade, many projects and international organizations have been dedicated to water governance; however, water governance in the drinking water sector is understudied and how to improve water governance remains unclear. We analyze drinking water governance challenges in three countries – Brazil, Ecuador, and Malawi – as perceived by government, service providers, and civil society organizations. A mixed methods approach was used: a clustering model was used for country selection and qualitative semi-structured interviews were used with direct observation in data collection. The clustering model integrated political, economic, social and environmental variables that impact water sector performance, to group countries. Brazil, Ecuador and Malawi were selected with the model so as to represent the diversity of the clusters. This comparative case study is important because similar challenges are identified in the drinking water sectors of each country; while, the countries represent diverse socio-economic and political contexts, and the case selection process provides generalizability to our results. We find that access to safe water could be improved if certain water governance challenges were addressed: coordination and data sharing between ministries that deal with drinking water services; monitoring and enforcement of water quality laws; and sufficient technical capacity to improve administrative and technical management of water services at the local level. From an analysis of our field research, we also developed a conceptual framework that identifies policy levers that could be used to influence governance of drinking water quality on national and sub-national levels, and the relationships between these levers.  相似文献   

There are many watercraft and production accidents in the Three Gorges Reservoir Area (TGRA) of the Yangtze River in China every year. Accidents threaten the water quality of the 1085 km2 surface area of the TGRA and millions of local people if oil and chemical leakage were to occur. A water pollution management system for emergency response (WPMS ER) was therefore designed for the management of pollution in this area. An integrated geographic information system (GIS)-based water pollution management information system for the TGRA, called WPMS ER TGRA, was developed in this study. ArcGIS engine was used as the system development platform, and Visual Basic as the programming language. The models for hydraulic and water quality simulation and the generation of body-fitted coordinates were developed and programmed as a dynamically linked library file using Visual Basic, and they can be launched by other computer programs. Subsequently, the GIS-based information system was applied to the emergency water pollution management of a shipwreck releasing 10 tons of phenol into the Yangtze River during two hours. The results showed that WPMS ER TGRA can assist with emergency water pollution management and simulate the transfer and di usion of accidental pollutants in the river. Furthermore, it can quickly identify the a ected area and how it will change over time within a few minutes of an accident occurring.  相似文献   

阐述了海口市的母亲河——美舍河黑臭的主要原因以及整治工程措施,总结了黑臭水体治理的成效。由于市政基础设施薄弱,美舍河沿线存在生活污水直排,雨污错接、混接,合流溢流污染等情况,导致水体常年黑臭。自2015年以来海口市以流域为单元,遵循海绵城市、生态河道的先进理念,按照控源截污、内源治理、生态修复三步走原则,对美舍河开展黑臭水体整治。在控源截污方面,新建合流制排放管、布设截污管道共7.2 km,一体化污水处理设施3个,增加污水处理量7 500 m3/d;内源治理方面,采用挖掘机和绞吸清淤船配合的清淤方式清除污染底泥;生态修复方面,采用环境修复剂对底质进行改良,种植沉水植被36万m2,建设1.0 m×22 m橡胶坝2座,全水域投放水生态修复剂等。此外,美舍河采用梯级潜流人工湿地技术,在增强处理效果的同时,营造出良好的景观。通过上述综合整治,美舍河于2017年消除黑臭。  相似文献   

把低碳生态城市考虑成一个包含众多相互耦合的组元的非线性复杂系统,建立起一个评价低碳生态城市发展水平的最大信息熵(MIE)模型,计算了ξ参量及系统演化动力学方程,其中,ξ参量是低碳生态城市系统组元间相互耦合形成的结构模式,表征系统发展水平的高低.同时,对2007—2011年间天津市低碳生态城市发展水平进行了评价.结果表明,2007—2011年天津低碳生态城市发展水平逐渐提高,而以ξ值来度量的环比增长速度在2008年达到最大值6.96%.ξ值各分量的雷达图表明,交通系统的完善、第三产业的发展和固定资产投资规模的增大是5年间这一低碳生态城市系统发展的主要推动因素.ξ-xi的拟合结果显示,指标的实际值与理论预测值间的误差比较小,证实了MIE模型可以用于低碳生态城市发展水平的预测;与灰色预测法的比较表明,MIE模型可以更准确地对低碳生态城市的发展水平进行评价.本文最后讨论了MIE模型在低碳生态城市发展水平评价上的特点及优势.  相似文献   

柴达木盆地水资源决策支持系统的设计与开发研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
柴达木盆地水资源规划管理决策属典型的半结构化、多层次、多决策者和多目标的决策问题,为此设计开发了柴达木盆地水资源决策支持系统。文章系统地介绍了柴达木盆地水资源决策支持系统结构框架、设计原则、开发思路、决策模式和基本功能。系统由数据库、模型库及其管理系统三部分组成,模型库包括人口动态模型、宏观经挤模型、水资源模拟模型、绿洲生态需水模型和水资源多目标优化分析模型等5个基本模型。在求解水资源多目标优化分析模型时,使用了逐步法(STEM),把多目标化为单目标进行求解,决策者在迭代权衡过程中输入经验与偏好信息来获取满意的决策信息。  相似文献   

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