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The aerodynamic diameter D of the particles in a gas diffusion flame and the concentration of particle-bound polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) are determined by in situ aerosol measurement techniques. Therefore a small gas volume is extracted at different heights from the combustion zone through a thin quartz capillary. By rapid cooling on expansion and ∼ 600-fold dilution with air at ambient temperature the physical and chemical processes affecting the particles are quenched. We find 5⩽D⩽10 nm, and D increases with increasing height above the burner. The number concentration of the particles has, however, a maximum in the middle of the flame, indicating particle formation and growth by condensation and agglomeration up to the middle and annihilation by burning in the upper part of the flame. Photoelectric charging of the particles indicates that PAHs are present in or on the particles everywhere, yet PAH concentration is higher at lower heights and also with smaller particles. Although the total mass of particles in the diffusion mode of the flame is much higher compared to the premixed mode, the size distribution is very similar in both cases. This indicates that the size of the particles and total particulate mass are not directly related.  相似文献   

基于土壤细菌代谢多样性和地上植被多样性具有协同关系的假设,利用BIOLOG技术研究西南典型喀斯特地区植被演替的不同阶段(草丛(T)、灌丛(S)、次生林(SF)和原生林(PF))土壤中细菌代谢多样性的分异特征,结果表明,植物群落和土壤细菌代谢Shannon's多样性指数分别遵循如下变化趋势:SF>PF>S>T,SF/PF>S>T,双因素方差分析结果显示,植被和植被与季节的交互效应对土壤细菌代谢Shannon's多样性有显著性影响(分别为P<0.001,P<0.05),季节变化没有显著影响(P>0.05);但同一植被下,独立样本t检验表明,细菌功能多样性仅在PF土壤中有显著的季节变化(P<0.01),而在其余土壤中季节变化不显著(P>0.05).多元方差和主成分分析表明,4种植物群落的土壤细菌利用碳源的模式具有显著差异(p<0.001);土壤细菌群落利用碳源的模式聚为3类:T、S(夏季)、SF(PF)和S(冬季).因此.植被的严重退化会降低土壤的微生物代谢多样性,而适度的人为干扰森林群落不会导致土壤细菌代谢功能的降低;灌丛土壤环境是植被演替过程中的过渡阶段,其孕育的土壤细菌具有森林阶段土壤细菌的部分特征.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the determination of trace elements in normal human hair, liver and kidney by Proton Induced X-ray Emission (PIXE) analysis. Sampling, specimen preparation and experimental procedures are described in detail. The accuracy of our system has been checked up with the determination of standard reference materials. The preliminary results on correlations between trace elements in human tissues are discussed. Application of the method described in the paper gives evidence in favour of the PIXE as a good tool on environmental life elements and health studies.  相似文献   

建立了大气细粒子中类腐殖质(HULIS)表面活性的动态表征方法,并以华北平原乡村站点冬季大气PM2.5样品为例,对PM2.5中HULIS的表面活性进行表征.HULIS碳质组分(HULIS-C)浓度为2.0~4.6μg C/m3,占水溶性有机碳和总有机碳的比例分别为31%~40%和20%~26%.浓度为88~200mg C/L的HULIS水溶液,其表面张力相对于纯水降低了18%~22%.HULIS-C浓度在低于70mg C/L时表面张力降低显著,在88~320mg C/L之间降低相对缓慢.动态表面张力随着时间变化逐渐降低,在液滴形成后200s以内表面张力下降迅速,之后趋于平缓,说明表面活性分子在液滴中扩散趋于稳定需要一定的时间,该特征时间可能影响表面活性物质在云凝结核活化时的作用.证实了在污染地区的大气PM2.5中含有一定量的表面活性物质,这些物质可能对颗粒物活化为云滴、雾滴过程产生显著影响;表面活性物质的存在可能在外界湿度变化过程中导致颗粒物发生液-液相分离现象,在颗粒物表面形成有机膜,影响活性分子摄取以及半挥发性物质的气-粒分配过程,从而影响大气非均相反应过程.  相似文献   

The impact of prenatal sonographic diagnosis of oesophageal and gastrointestinal obstructions has been analysed over a 10-year period. Three groups of patients were evaluated. The first group consisted of 46 newborns with abnormal prenatal sonogratns, 41 of which were confirmed to have intestinal obstruction postnatally. The second group consisted of 17 neonates with normal prenatal sonograms who had intestinal obstruction postnatally. The third group included 56 newborns who did not undergo a prenatal sonogram but who had intestinal obstruction confirmed at surgery. Polyhydramnios without the appearance of a stomach on ultrasound was diagnostic of pure oesophageal atresia. Polyhydramnios with intestinal dilation was diagnostic of intestinal obstruction. Although surgery was performed earlier in the infants diagnosed prenatally with ultrasound, mortality was no less than in the group that did not undergo a prenatal sonogram, probably because of the high incidence of associated anomalies.  相似文献   

城市化与生态环境耦合协调关系研究——以杭州市为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
刘巧婧  王莉红 《环境科学学报》2018,38(10):4214-4222
为了探索城市化与生态环境之间的耦合协调关系,以杭州市为研究对象,构建了城市化与生态环境评价指标体系,并利用耦合协调度模型,定量分析了杭州市2003—2016年城市化与生态环境的发展水平状况和两者之间的耦合协调关系及变化趋势.结果表明:经济城市化和生态环境压力分别对城市化子系统和生态环境子系统的贡献份额最大;耦合协调度受城市化子系统和生态环境子系统贡献份额比例(α/β)的影响很小,受城市化子系统与生态环境子系统的综合发展水平的影响较大;城市化与生态环境的耦合协调类型由"基本不协调-城市化滞后"发展到"高度协调-城市化滞后",再发展到"高度协调-生态环境滞后"阶段.在城市化快速发展的驱动下,生态环境滞后的问题凸显.因此,在研究制定城市化发展战略时应重点关注城市化过程中对生态环境的影响,以改善生态环境质量,实现两者协调发展.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the in vivo effects of benzo[a]pyrene (BaP) on hepatic ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) activity and its correlation with cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) protein levels in Sebastiscus marmoratus, which were exposed through a water column to BaP (10, 100, 1000 ng/L, respectively) or were treated with intraperitoneal injections of BaP (0.5, 1, 5, 10 mg/kg, respectively) every 7 d. The results showed that after 25 d of waterborne exposure to 1000 ng/L BaP, fish hepatic CYP1A levels and EROD activity were significantly induced. In contrast, EROD activity was not altered 7 d after second intraperitoneal injections, whereas, CYP1A protein levels were increased. Dose-dependent increase of biliary BaP metabolites demonstrated that the catalytic activity of CYP1A was induced by treatment with BaP. The lowest observable effect concentration with regard to biliary BaP metabolites (100 ng/L) was much lower than that with reference to EROD activity (1000 ng/L). The results suggest that biliary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolites were shown to better reflect the contamination gradients of PAHs than EROD activity. It appeared to be necessary to measure CYP1A protein levels to complement the EROD activity in relevant toxicological assessments.  相似文献   

In a population exhibiting partial migration (i.e. migration and residency tactics occur in the same population), the mechanisms underlying the tactical choice are still unclear. Empirical studies have highlighted a variety of factors that could influence the coexistence of resident and migratory individuals, with growth and body size considered to be key factors in the decision to migrate. Most studies suffer from at least one of the two following caveats: (1) survival and capture probabilities are not taken into account in the data analysis, and (2) body size is often used as a proxy for individual growth. We performed a capture–mark–recapture experiment to study partial migration among juvenile brown trout Salmo trutta at the end of their first year, when a portion of the population emigrate from the natal stream while others choose residency tactic. Bayesian multistate capture–recapture models accounting for survival and recaptures probabilities were used to investigate the relative role of body size and individual growth on survival and migration probabilities. Our results show that, despite an apparent effect of both size and growth on migration, growth is the better integrative parameter and acts directly on migration probability whereas body size acts more strongly on survival. Consequently, we recommend caution if size is used as a proxy for growth when studying the factors that drive partial migration in juvenile salmonid species.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) pollutants generated by human activities in karst areas flow into subterranean streams and contaminate groundwater easily because of the unique hydrogeological characteristics of karst areas. To elucidate the reaction mechanisms of arsenic in karst subterranean streams, physical-chemical analysis was conducted by an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer and an X-ray fluorescence spectrometer. The results show that inorganic species account for most of the total arsenic, whereas organic arsenic is not detected or occurs in infinitesimal amounts. As(III) accounts for 51.0% ± 9.9% of the total inorganic arsenic. Arsenic attenuation occurs and the attenuation rates of total As, As(III) and As(V) in the Lihu subterranean stream are 51%, 36% and 59%, respectively. To fully explain the main geochemical factors influencing arsenic attenuation, SPSS 13.0 and CANOCO 4.5 bundled with CanoDraw for Windows were used for simple statistical analysis and redundancy analysis (RDA). Eight main factors, i.e., sediment iron (SFe), sediment aluminum (SAI), sediment calcium (SCa), sediment organic matter (SOM), sediment manganese (SMn), water calcium (WCa^2+), water magnesium (WMg^2+), and water bicarbonate ion (WILCOX) were extracted from thirteen indicators. Their impacts on arsenic content rank as: SFe〉SCa〉WCa^2+〉SAl〉wHCO3^-〉SMn〉SOM〉WMg^2+. Of these factors, SFe, SAl, SCa, SOM, SMn, WMg^2+ and WCa&2+ promote arsenic attenuation, whereas WHCO3^- inhibits it. Further investigation revealed that the redox potential (Eh) and pH are adverse to arsenic removal. The dramatic distinction between karst and non-karst terrain is that calcium and bicarbonate are the primary factors influencing arsenic migration in karst areas due to the high calcium concentration and alkalinity of karst water.  相似文献   

本文通过对屠宰废水生化处理过程中COD快速测定法和传统的重铬酸钾法所测数据的分析比较, 证明两种方法具有较好的一致性, 可相互替代。并根据BOD5 的测定结果得到COD快 与BOD5 的回归方程式, 且具有显著的相关性。从而为屠宰废水生物化学处理装置的运行管理快速的提供数据, 具有一定的实际意义。  相似文献   

灌丛沙堆作为一种典型的风积地貌,其形成与演化过程受到学界的普遍关注。在我国北方河套地区,灌丛沙堆广泛分布于库布齐沙漠和毛乌素沙地边缘,其发展与区域农业活动联系紧密。本文选取河套地区灌丛沙堆集中分布的红旗一社和红眼沙样点,基于近年遥感影像分析和野外调查等方法,关注灌丛沙堆发展过程与农业活动之间的关系。研究发现:研究区内灌丛沙堆的发育规模和数量变化在很大程度上受到区域农业活动的影响。2009—2020年,红旗一社和红眼沙研究点灌丛沙堆面积均呈现出明显递减趋势,分别减少了约7.38 ×104 m2和35.02 ×104 m2。研究得出当地农民的垦荒行为是区域灌丛沙堆消亡现象发生的主要原因;此外,发现农民利用灌丛沙堆进行土壤改良,此活动可在一定程度上缓解河套平原黄河灌溉区存在的土地盐渍化问题。但考虑到灌丛沙堆对于风沙危害的防治作用,建议未来需对其进行有规划的保护。  相似文献   

The value of quantitative and qualitative methods of cholinesterase (ChE) analysis in the detection of open neural tube defect (NTD) has been assessed in a prospective survey of 1495 mid-trimester amniotic fluids. Using a quantitative method the mean ChE values were much lower in fluids from pregnancies of normal outcome but it was not possible to discriminate these fluids completely from those associated with NTD pregnancies. particularly when the specimens were contaminated with blood. Similarly, measurement of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity alone by three different methods also failed to eliminate the overlap between the two groups. In contrast, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed only a single band of ChE activity in 1408 out of 1410 fluids from pregnancies with a normal outcome whilst amniotic fluids from all 60 cases of open NTD. 6 out of 7 cases of exomphalos and 3 out of 4 cases of intra-uterine death gave the characteristic second faster-running AChE band. A qualitative gel method which requires the same amount of ChE activity to be loaded from each amniotic fluid is an effective method for pre-natal diagnosis of NTDs.  相似文献   

以南昌市为例,分析了不同功能区和公交车站降尘及其水溶解相中重金属浓度的空间分布特征.同时结合多种分析技术,探究降尘及其水溶解相理化性质对降尘重金属在固-液相中分配行为的影响.结果表明:南昌市降尘及其水溶解相中总重金属浓度范围分别为310~4393μg/g和2.17~55.62μg/g.两相中重金属的空间分布可能受到车流量较大的交通干线和汽车轮胎零件磨损的影响,其高值区主要分布于南昌县政府、部分高校以及客运站、驾校附近.风险评价的结果表明,南昌市降尘重金属综合生态风险总体处于中等水平,且Cr和As具有一定的致癌风险.溶解态中重金属所占百分比(K值)的排序为:Ni>Mn>Cu>As>Cr>Zn>Pb,K值的空间分布高值区多分布于人口密集地区、交通道路以及汽车客运站附近.大部分降尘及其水溶解相的理化性质与Pb、As、Mn具有显著正相关关系,降尘溶解相中较高的溶解性有机碳和腐殖化程度对重金属向溶解相中的释放具有重要作用.  相似文献   

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