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The purpose of the presented research is to identify local community opinions toward ecological problems in one of the mountainous region of Georgia (Upper Svaneti), to analyze how population ‘perceive, experience, and interpret’ the social, and ecological issues.

The paper is based on the results of Upper Svanet ipopulation’s survey which was carried out by the authors of presented paper during the August of 2015 and 2016.The questionnaire was elaborated taking into account the peculiarities of the region. Stratified-cluster selection method was used for selection of respondents and database compilation. For statistical analysis of polling data the SPSS package was used.

Based on the statistical analysis of survey results, the following issues have been studied: the most important ecological problems, environmental problems with respect to socio-economic ones, information sources on ecological problems, people’s trust in environmental issues, awareness level of the population on environmental policy, their personal contribution in environmental protection, ways to solve ecological problems, implemented environmental measures.

The obtained results are important to foster mountain population’s active participation in processes that contribute to decision-making processes, planning and implementing programs for sustainable development.  相似文献   

We discuss upper level set (ULS) scan as a type of spatially constrained clustering in relation to two ways of imposing the spatial constraint, retrospectively versus progressively. We show that ULS scan produces the same results both ways; whereas two popular clustering techniques, single-linkage and K-means, can yield different results when spatial constraints are imposed retrospectively versus progressively. The ULS scan approach examines spatially connected components of a tessellation as a threshold is moved from the highest level (value) in the data to the lowest level. When the variable of interest on the tessellation is a rate of incidence, then a significance test is available based on binomial or Poisson null models and Monte Carlo techniques. This is a common context for detecting hotspots of diseases in epidemiological work. We also discuss an approach for extending the univariate methodology to accommodate multivariate contexts. Received: September 2005 / Revised: February 2006 This material is based upon work supported by (i) the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 0307010, (ii) the United States Environmental Protection Agency under Grant No. CR-83059301 and (iii) the Pennsylvania Department of Health using Tobacco Settlement Funds under Grant No. ME 01324. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the agencies.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2004,180(1):41-56
Landscape simulation models are widely used to study the behavior of ecological systems. As computing power has increased, these models have become more complex and incorporated more realistic spatial representations of landscape patterns and ecological processes. The goal of this research was to examine the sensitivity of simulated landscape patterns to fundamental spatial modeling assumptions. The LANDIS simulator was parameterized for forests of the Georgia Piedmont and used to model landscape-scale community dynamics at fire return intervals from 20 to 100 years. A base scenario incorporating localized seed dispersal along with landform-related variation in species establishment rates and disturbance regimes was contrasted with three alternative scenarios. The uniform habitat scenario applied the same set of species establishment coefficients across all landforms. The uniform dispersal scenario removed the effects of seed source abundance and pattern on species establishment. The uniform disturbance scenario assumed identical disturbance regimes on all landforms.At the shortest fire return intervals, fire severities were low and the stand age distribution was dominated by older forests. At longer fire return intervals, fire severities were high and the stand age distribution was skewed toward younger forests. Species composition generally followed a gradient from fire-resistant species at short fire return intervals to fire-sensitive species at longer fire return intervals. However, some species exhibited bimodal distributions with high abundances at both short and long fire return intervals. Landscape responses to fire were similar in the uniform habitat scenario and the base scenario. Communities were less sensitive to fire return interval and had more fire-sensitive species in the uniform dispersal scenario than in the base scenario. Species composition in the uniform disturbance scenario was similar to the base scenario for the longest fire-intervals, but was more sensitive to changes in the fire regime at shorter fire return intervals. In models of Piedmont forest landscapes, accurate spatial representations of dispersal and fire regime heterogeneity are essential for predicting landscape-scale species composition under changing fire regimes. In contrast, the precise spatial representation of species–habitat relationships may be considerably less important.  相似文献   

● A novel Al-MOF was successfully synthesized by a facile solvothermal method. ● Al-MOF showed superior performance for phosphate detection. ● High selectivity and anti-interference for detection were demonstrated. ● The high coordination between Al-O and PO43− was the key in fluorescence sensing. The on-site monitoring of phosphate is important for environmental management. Conventional phosphate detection methods are not appropriate to on-site monitoring owing to the use of complicated detection procedures, and the consequent high cost and maintenance requirements of the detection apparatus. Here, a highly sensitive fluorescence-based method for phosphate detection with a wide detection range was developed based on a luminescent aluminum-based metal-organic framework (Al-MOF). The Al-MOF was prepared by introducing amine functional groups to conventional MIL to enhance phosphate binding, and exhibited excellent fluorescence properties that originated from the ligand-to-metal charge transfer (LMCT). The detection limit was as low as 3.25 μmol/L (0.10 mg/L) and the detection range was as wide as 3–350 μmol/L (0.10–10.85 mg/L). Moreover, Al-MOF displayed specific recognition toward phosphate over most anions and metal cations, even for a high concentration of the co-existent ions. The mechanism of phosphate detection was analyzed through the characterization of the combination of Al-MOF and phosphate, and the results indicated the high affinity between Al-O and phosphate inhibited that the LMCT process and recovered the intrinsic fluorescence of NH2-H2BDC. The recovery of the developed detection method reached a satisfactory range of 85.1%–111.0%, and the feasibility of on-site phosphate detection was verified using a prototype sensor for tap water and lake water samples. It was demonstrated that the prepared Al-MOF is highly promising for on-site detection of phosphate in an aqueous environment.  相似文献   

The Eastern Arc Mountains (EAMs) of Tanzania and Kenya support some of the most ancient tropical rainforest on Earth. The forests are a global priority for biodiversity conservation and provide vital resources to the Tanzanian population. Here, we make a first attempt to predict the spatial distribution of 40 EAM tree species, using generalised additive models, plot data and environmental predictor maps at sub 1 km resolution. The results of three modelling experiments are presented, investigating predictions obtained by (1) two different procedures for the stepwise selection of predictors, (2) down-weighting absence data, and (3) incorporating an autocovariate term to describe fine-scale spatial aggregation. In response to recent concerns regarding the extrapolation of model predictions beyond the restricted environmental range of training data, we also demonstrate a novel graphical tool for quantifying envelope uncertainty in restricted range niche-based models (envelope uncertainty maps). We find that even for species with very few documented occurrences useful estimates of distribution can be achieved. Initiating selection with a null model is found to be useful for explanatory purposes, while beginning with a full predictor set can over-fit the data. We show that a simple multimodel average of these two best-model predictions yields a superior compromise between generality and precision (parsimony). Down-weighting absences shifts the balance of errors in favour of higher sensitivity, reducing the number of serious mistakes (i.e., falsely predicted absences); however, response functions are more complex, exacerbating uncertainty in larger models. Spatial autocovariates help describe fine-scale patterns of occurrence and significantly improve explained deviance, though if important environmental constraints are omitted then model stability and explanatory power can be compromised. We conclude that the best modelling practice is contingent both on the intentions of the analyst (explanation or prediction) and on the quality of distribution data; generalised additive models have potential to provide valuable information for conservation in the EAMs, but methods must be carefully considered, particularly if occurrence data are scarce. Full results and details of all species models are supplied in an online Appendix.  相似文献   

It is known for decades that the isomeric composition of organic pollutants can be influenced substantially by environmental processes such as biotransformation or transfer between compartments. This accounts also for the pesticide 2,2,-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane, better known as p,p′-DDT, and its accompanied substitution isomer 2-(2-chlorophenyl)-2-(4-chlorophenyl)-1,1,1-trichloroethane (o,p′-DDT). Although many studies followed the environmental fate of DDT, only very few publications reported on quantitative data of both o,p′- and p,p′-isomers. Therefore this condensed review describes evidence for remarkable changes and shifts in o,p′-/p,p′-ratios of DDT-related compounds. The application of isomer-specific analysis remains dominantly on emission source apportionment, for example, to differentiate DDT and dicofol emission. Only very few studies linked observed isomer shifts to aspects of environmental processes, such as (1) volatility from soil to air, (2) environmental stability in soil or (3) bioaccumulation in fishes. Additionally, several studies failed to use isomer-specific interpretation in order to obtain more detailed insight into environmental processes, for example, for observed isomer shifts during air–water fluxes. The o,p′-/p,p′-ratios of DDT and its main metabolite DDD have been detected more or less on the same level, whereas the isomers of the second main metabolite DDE were definitely depleted by the o,p′-isomer in all environmental compartments, indicating a general isomer-specific differentiation during DDT metabolism.  相似文献   

水信息学及其在水环境中的应用研究综述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
水信息学是一门新兴的学科,是在水范围内运用知识的新途径、元知识.它着重运用计算机技术、通信网络技术、3S技术、可视化技术等一系列高新技术,并结合传统水科学和工程学的方法,研究与水环境相关数据的收集、存储、处理、模拟、预测和结果显示等问题.文章首先探讨了几种不同的水环境概念及水环境研究模型,阐述了近年生态水力学模型的制约因素.生态水力学模型建市在时空一致性和质量能量守恒等假设上,而水生态系统的高度复杂性、非线性和时空特异性制约模型的发展.从"知识发现"和"知识管理"两个视角出发,重点阐述数学模型、数据挖掘、数据同化、数据驱动、地理信息系统、决策支持系统、商业软件等水信息学方法在水环境研究中的应用.目前水信息学还处于起步阶段,各方法交叉结合的研究还比较少,在今后的研究中有待加强,包括基于数据的各方法手段的结合、基于数据和基于过程的两者结合、水环境的知识发现和知识管理的结合等.  相似文献   

张晓菲  汪磊 《环境化学》2020,39(1):8-11
微塑料作为环境中一类新兴污染物备受关注.然而对于尺寸更小的纳米塑料,尽管毒性效应被不断发现,但其在真实环境中的存在水平和检测技术还鲜有报道.本文评述了有限研究中纳米塑料分离和检测方法的优点与局限,并依据现阶段纳米污染物分析方法存在的问题,对相关方法的未来发展进行了展望.  相似文献   

A wide variety of environmental stresses can cause density-independent mortality in species populations. One example is cooling-water withdrawals, which kill or injure many aquatic organisms near power plants and other industrial facilities. In the United States alone, hundreds of facilities withdraw trillions of gallons from inland and coastal waters every year to cool turbines and other manufacturing equipment. A number of detailed, site-specific studies of the effects of such cooling-water withdrawals have been conducted over the last 30 years, but only a few generalizations have been proposed in the peer-reviewed literature. In this paper we use a series of basic theoretical models to investigate the potential effects of density-independent mortality on species populations and ecosystems, with particular focus on the effects of cooling-water withdrawals on fish populations, fisheries, and aquatic communities. Among other results, we show that the effects of cooling-water withdrawals on a species will depend on the magnitude of other co-occurring stressors, environmental variability, the nature of the management regime in the associated fisheries, and the position of the species in the food web. The general models in this paper can provide a starting point for further empirical case studies and some preliminary conceptual guidance for decision makers who must choose between alternative policy options for controlling cooling-water withdrawals.  相似文献   

Harsh and unpredictable environments have been assumed to favor the evolution of better learning abilities in animals. At the same time, individual variation in learning abilities might be associated with variation in other correlated traits potentially forming a behavioral syndrome. We have previously reported significant elevation-related differences in spatial memory and the hippocampus in food-caching mountain chickadees. Here, we tested for elevation-related differences in novel environment exploration, neophobia, and social dominance—behavioral traits previously thought to correlate with individual variation in cognition, using different birds from the same elevations. Compared to low-elevation birds, high-elevation chickadees were slower at novel environment exploration, but there were no detectable differences in neophobia. High-elevation chickadees were also socially subordinate to low-elevation chickadees in pairwise interactions. Considering previously reported elevation-related differences in cognition and the brain, our results suggest, however indirectly, that elevation-related variation in spatial memory might be associated with differences in novel environment exploration and in ability to obtain a high social rank in winter social groups. Whether these behavioral traits represent a behavioral syndrome or whether climate might affect these traits independently, our results suggest that multiple differences between elevations might assist with elevation-related separation. High-elevation chickadees would likely experience higher mortality if they move to lower elevation due to their low social dominance status and low-elevation chickadees might experience higher mortality if they move to higher elevation due to reduced memory ability and lack of behavioral adaptations to colder climate.  相似文献   

Behavior in eusocial insects likely reflects a long history of selection imposed by parasites and pathogens because the conditions of group living often favor the transmission of infection among nestmates. Yet, relatively few studies have quantified the effects of parasites on both the level of individual colony members and of colony success, making it difficult to assess the relative importance of different parasites to the behavioral ecology of their social insect hosts. Colonies of Polybia occidentalis, a Neotropical social wasp, are commonly infected by gregarines (Phylum Apicomplexa; Order Eugregarinida) during the wet season in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. To determine the effect of gregarine infection on individual workers in P. occidentalis, we measured foraging rates of marked wasps from colonies comprising both infected and uninfected individuals. To assess the effect of gregarines on colony success, we measured productivity and adult mortality rates in colonies with different levels of infection prevalence (proportion of adults infected). Foraging rates in marked individuals were negatively correlated with the intensity of gregarine infection. Infected colonies with high gregarine prevalence constructed nests with fewer brood cells per capita, produced less brood biomass per capita, and, surprisingly, experienced lower adult mortality rates than did uninfected or lightly infected colonies. These data strongly suggest that gregarine infection lowers foraging rates, thus reducing risk to foragers and, consequently, reducing adult mortality rates, while at the same time lowering per-capita input of materials and colony productivity. In infected colonies, queen populations were infected with a lower prevalence than were workers. Intra-colony infection prevalence decreased dramatically in the P. occidentalis population during the wet season.An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   

Summary. This article surveys early chemosensory mechanisms regulating behaviour in neonatal and juvenile domestic cats (Felis sylvestris catus). It aims to retrieve material from the available literature which may promote a better understanding of the semiochemical system that supports female-to-kitten exchanges. Studies dealing with the development of olfaction from birth through weaning are presented in three sections. The first aims at locating developmental periods suitable for applying analytical procedures combining behaviour and chemistry. The second section offers a survey of observational and experimental work related to the role of olfaction in the social and feeding behaviour of kittens before weaning. The final section traces the current knowledge on the odour sources and substrates that may be involved in early mother-kitten transactions.  相似文献   

Twelve Longhurst Hardy Plankton Recorder (LHPR) profiles were taken over a 16 h period in January 1990, in order to study feeding of four copepod species at an Antarctic oceanic site near South Georgia. Vertical distributions of their life stages, as well as those of dominant competitors and predators, are described in relation to the feeding cycles of Calanoides acutus CV, Calanus simillimus CV, Calanus propinquus CV and Rhincalanus gigas CIII, CV and CVI. Comparisons with vertical ring-net catches, which were used for concomitant gutevacuation experiments, demonstrated the suitability of the LHPR for these fine-scale studies. Planktonic predators, with the exception of the diel migrant Themisto gaudichaudii, resided deeper than the herbivores. During the day and around midnight, when feeding rates were low, species and stages reached their maximum vertical separation. At these times, new generation copepodites of the four species lived progressively deeper and the overwintered generation (i.e., R. gigas Stages CIV, CV, CVI) were progressively shallower. During the afternoon or evening (depending on species), all stages older than CII, as well as Euphausia frigida and T. gaudichaudii, migrated upwards, to amass in the surface mixed layer. Feeding was restricted to darkness, although R. gigas commenced several hours before dusk. In detail their migration and feeding differed widely, with combinations of unimodal and apparent bimodal cycles. As a whole, the results suggest that (1) feeding could occur during sinking as well as during upward migrations, (2) upward migrations were not always associated with feeding increases, and (3) individuals appeared to descend after filling their guts.  相似文献   

Longitudinal capture-mark-recapture data were used to estimate abundance and survival rates for green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in San Diego Bay, California, USA. These turtles were closely associated with warm effluent from a power plant during winter months. The life stage distribution of green turtles in the bay ranged from post-pelagic juveniles to adults (44.0–110.4 cm straight carapace length). During 99 capture sessions between December 2, 1990, and March 25, 2009, 96 individual green turtles were caught. To estimate abundance and survival rates, robust-design mark-recapture models were fitted to capture-recapture histories using software MARK. The estimated annual survival rate was 0.861 (SE = 0.147, 95% CI = 0.356–0.986), whereas annual abundance ranged from 16 (SE = 6.3, 95% CI = 4–29) to 61 (SE = 13.2, 95% CI = 36–88). This study provides the first survival rate and abundance estimates for a green turtle foraging population in the highly industrialized San Diego Bay.  相似文献   

Lead in New Orleans soils: New images of an urban environment   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
This paper describes a survey of lead in soil and computer generated maps that have been derived for New Orleans, Louisiana. The soil survey included streetside, houseside and open space samples. Because the survey covered every census tract in the metropolitan area it was possible to construct a computer-generated map of the distribution of lead dust in the soils of the urban environment. The data base consists of coordinates, site characteristics and lead analytical results of 3,704 soil samples. The resulting graphics show peaks of lead ranging from 600–1,200 g per g in the streetside soil of the inner-city and a steeply declining slope to the suburban areas of the city where the lead content of streetside soils is less than 75 g/g. In the inner-city, the amount of lead in soils found near building foundations is 10 to 20 times higher than the soils adjacent to streets where the median lead content of soils is over 300 g g–1. In areas surrounding the city core (mid-city), the amount of lead next to the foundation and adjacent to the street are equivalent with medians of 110 g g–1. In suburban locations, the median lead content of soil along streetsides is 86 g g–1. Soils adjacent to surburban foundations has a median Pb content of 50 g g–1. The lowest median lead content in soil is found in open spaces, ranging from 212 to 40 to 28 g g–1, respectively, for the inner-city, mid-city, and suburbs. These observations are consistent with the production and consumer use of lead-based paint and leaded-fuels within the modern city.  相似文献   

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