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Reuse of by-products in road construction is most often environmentally evaluated from the narrow perspective of the material itself, i.e. the material level. In this article, we argue that the current mainstream environmental evaluation of reuse of by-products in road construction should use wider system boundaries. In order to illustrate the importance of system boundaries to the final result, three additional levels that complement the material level, are applied to the environmental evaluation of reuse of by-products. In total these four levels of evaluation are, firstly, the material itself, mainly studied by leaching tests, secondly, the road environment studied by substance flow analysis, furthermore, a narrow life-cycle perspective and, finally, the industrial system level that addresses the reuse of by-products in a broader sense. Methods and tools applied to different levels emphasise different environmental aspects and consequently they are appropriate for addressing different questions. However, especially for the evaluation of environmental aspects on the industrial system level, there is a need to develop the methods. To apply these four levels to the evaluation would broaden the knowledge about the environmental impacts of the reuse of by-products. We argue that current leaching tests have to be complemented by the broader system boundaries used in substance flow studies and in life-cycle assessments in order to discuss the use of resources and environmental impacts from a wider perspective.  相似文献   

As the construction industry continues to recognise the importance of sustainable development, technologies such as controlled low-strength material (CLSM) have come to the forefront as viable means of safely and efficiently using by-product and waste materials in infrastructure applications. CLSM, also known as flowable fill, can be defined as an engineered backfill material containing fine aggregates, Portland cement, water and a by-product material. CLSM can provide an economically and technically feasible alternative to conventional fill materials because of potential cost savings related to its unique and often superior technical properties. In this present experimental study, three industrial by-products, namely fly ash (FA), rice husk ash (RHA) and quarry dust (QD), were used as constituent materials in CLSM. Mixture proportions were developed for CLSM containing these industrial by-products and were tested in the laboratory for various properties, such as flowability, unconfined compressive strength (UCS), stress-strain behaviour, density, water absorption and volume changes. Comparison between the two pozzolanic materials, namely FA and RHA, for their potential to produce an effective CLSM has been made. It can be observed from the results that by-product materials such as FA, RHA and QD can be successfully used in CLSM. This successful utilization of by-product materials is important to sustainable development and is the focus of this research.  相似文献   

Environmental impact of ferrochrome slag in road construction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vargon Alloys in Western Sweden is one of the largest producers of ferrochrome slag in Europe. Ferrochrome slag is a by-product from the production of ferrochrome, an essential component in stainless steel. Extensive tests have been carried out on the physical properties of the ferrochrome slag from Vargon Alloys and it was found to be highly suitable as road construction material. The composition and leaching tests of the ferrochrome slag show that the chromium content is high, 1-3%, although leaching under normal conditions is very low. With the exception of potassium (K), which had a potential leaching capacity (availability test) of around 16%, the leaching of chromium, nickel, zinc and other elements was just a few per cent. However, all these tests were conducted in the laboratory. What happens out in the field, under the influence of acid rain and biological activity, and how does this compare with the laboratory results? To answer this question an investigation was carried out to study the environmental impact of ferrochrome slag in roads that were built in 1994. The investigation includes soil sampling (total content and leachable amounts of metals) and groundwater analysis (filtered and non-filtered samples). In addition, a new method involving the bio-uptake of chromium and other metals by the roots of the dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) was tested. The results show that there was a low migration of particles from the slag to the underlying soil and that the leaching into the groundwater was also low for all the elements analysed. However, there seemed to be a significant uptake of Cr by plants growing with their roots in the slag. An investigation of plant uptake was an important complement to laboratory leaching tests on alternative materials.  相似文献   

Industrial by-products were used for the production of controlled low-strength material (CLSM). CLSM, also known as 'flowable fill' is used as a replacement of compacted soil in cases where the application of the latter is difficult or impossible. The low mechanical requirements (compared with structural concrete) enable the use of industrial by-products for the production of CLSM. In this study cement kiln dust, asphalt dust, coal fly ash, coal bottom ash and quarry waste were tested for the possibility of producing CLSM with large proportions of those wastes. The results showed that in most cases, CLSM with good properties could be made with significant amounts of dust (25-50%w), especially when the dust has some cementing or pozzolanic potential as do fly ash and cement kiln dust.  相似文献   

Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash is an atypical granular material because it may include industrial by-products that result from the incineration of domestic waste. The prospects for the beneficial use of this particular material mainly lie in the field of road construction, as a substitute for the traditional natural aggregates. However, its mechanical properties are still little known, particularly in term of stiffness and deformability, characteristics that are essential to the construction of a durable roadway. The purpose of this paper is to describe better the mechanical behaviour of this recycled material. In order to reach this objective, a large experimental campaign is presented. The first part of this paper presents and comments in detail on the results obtained from static monotonic tests. Oedometric and triaxial shear tests were performed on MSWI bottom ash both before and after treatment with a specific hydraulic binder. These tests allow specification of the mechanical characteristics of the MSWI bottom ash, such as the initial Young's modulus, Poisson's ratio, the compressibility index, the friction angle, and the contracting or dilating behaviour of the material. The results reveal a mechanical behaviour similar to that of initially dense standard materials (sands, unbound granular materials) and a dependence on the applied average pressure, characteristic of the mechanical behaviour of granular media. More laboratory data on other samples of MSWI bottom ash are required to ensure that this comparison is statistically valid.  相似文献   

Three industrial by-products (fly ash, phosphogypsum and blast furnace slag), were evaluated for their potential re-use as soil amendments to reduce methane (CH4) emission resulting from rice cultivation. In laboratory incubations, CH4 production rates from anoxic soil slurries were significantly reduced at amendment levels of 0.5%, 1%, 2% and 5% (wt wt−1), while observed CO2 production rates were enhanced. The level of suppression in methane production was the highest for phosphogypsum, followed by blast slag and then fly ash. In the greenhouse experiment, CH4 emission rates from the rice planted potted soils significantly decreased with the increasing levels (2–20 Mg ha−1) of the selected amendments applied, while rice yield simultaneously increased compared to the control treatment. At 10 Mg ha−1 application level of the amendments, total seasonal CH4 emissions were reduced by 20%, 27% and 25%, while rice grain yields were increased by 17%, 15% and 23% over the control with fly ash, phosphogypsum, and blast slag amendments, respectively. The suppression of CH4 production rates as well as total seasonal CH4 flux could be due to the increased concentrations of active iron, free iron, manganese oxides, and sulfate in the amended soil, which acted as electron acceptors and controlled methanogens’ activity by limiting substrates availability. Among the amendments, blast furnace slag and fly ash contributed mainly to improve the soil nutrients balance and increased the soil pH level towards neutral point, but soil acidity was developed with phosphogypsum application. Conclusively, blast slag among the selected amendments would be a suitable soil amendment for reducing CH4 emissions as well as sustaining rice productivity.  相似文献   

A test road constructed with municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) bottom ash was monitored over a period of 36 months. Using chemical and toxicological characterisation, the environmental impact of leachates from bottom ash was evaluated and compared with leachates from gravel used as reference. Initial leaching of Cl, Cu, K, Na, NH4-N and TOC from bottom ash was of major concern. However, the quality of the bottom ash leachate approached that of the gravel leachate with time. Leachates from the two materials were compared regarding the concentration of pollutants using multivariate data analyses (MVDA). A standardized luminescent bacteria assay using Vibrio fischeri did not show any toxicity, most likely because saline contamination can mask the toxic response and stimulate luminescence in these marine bacteria. A mung bean assay using Phaseolus aureus revealed that the toxicity of bottom ash leachate collected at the very beginning of the experimental period (October 2001 and May 2002) might be attributed to the following components and their respective concentrations in mg l(-1): Al (34.2-39.2), Cl (2914-16,446), Cu (0.48-1.92), K (197-847), Na (766-4180), NH4-N (1.80-8.47), total-N (12.0-18.5), and TOC (34.0-99.0). The P. aureus assay was judged as a promising environmental tool in assessing the toxicity of bottom ash leachate.  相似文献   

This study analyzed the toxicity and sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in road dust from six representative areas (three urban residential areas and three industrial areas) from a typical industrial city in Korea. The concentrations and the toxicity equivalent concentrations (TEQs) in road dust varied by area, depending on the type of traffic and industrial activities and the PAHs identified. High correlations between the total concentration and the TEQ of PAHs in road dust were found in road dust from both the urban and industrial areas. To identify the sources of PAHs, this study utilized a factor loading method in a principal component analysis, the ratio of PAHs from combustion sources to total PAHs (ΣCOMB to ΣPAH), and bivariate plots of phenanthrene/anthracene (PA/Ant) versus fluoranthene/pyrene (FL/Pyr), and ΣCOMB/ΣPAH versus FL/Pyr in road dust. The identified origin of the PAHs was fuel combustion, including gasoline, diesel, oil, and coal, used in urban and industrial areas.  相似文献   

国家“十二五”规划纲要将园区循环化改造列为循环经济重点工程.在结合浙江嘉兴秀洲工业园区循环化改造课题研究基础上,阐述了工业园区组织制度建设的必要性和创建“动态联盟”的可行性.  相似文献   

In industrialized countries, large amounts of mineral wastes are produced. They are re-used in various ways, particularly in road and earth constructions, substituting primary resources such as gravel. However, they may also contain pollutants, such as heavy metals, which may be leached to the groundwater. The toxic impacts of these emissions are so far often neglected within Life Cycle Assessments (LCA) of products or waste treatment services and thus, potentially large environmental impacts are currently missed. This study aims at closing this gap by assessing the ecotoxic impacts of heavy metal leaching from industrial mineral wastes in road and earth constructions. The flows of metals such as Sb, As, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, V and Zn originating from three typical constructions to the environment are quantified, their fate in the environment is assessed and potential ecotoxic effects evaluated. For our reference country, Germany, the industrial wastes that are applied as Granular Secondary Construction Material (GSCM) carry more than 45,000 t of diverse heavy metals per year. Depending on the material quality and construction type applied, up to 150 t of heavy metals may leach to the environment within the first 100 years after construction. Heavy metal retardation in subsoil can potentially reduce the fate to groundwater by up to 100%. One major challenge of integrating leaching from constructions into macro-scale LCA frameworks is the high variability in micro-scale technical and geographical factors, such as material qualities, construction types and soil types. In our work, we consider a broad range of parameter values in the modeling of leaching and fate. This allows distinguishing between the impacts of various road constructions, as well as sites with different soil properties. The findings of this study promote the quantitative consideration of environmental impacts of long-term leaching in Life Cycle Assessment, complementing site-specific risk assessment, for the design of waste management strategies, particularly in the construction sector.  相似文献   

Dredging operations are necessary to maintain harbour activities, to prevent floods, and to restore ecosystem. These sediments after dredging are considered as waste, and their management is a complex problem. In the context of sustainable development, traditional solutions, such as dumping, will be more and more regulated. More than ever with the shortage of aggregates from quarries, dredged sediment could constitute a new granular material source for Civil Engineering domain. The principal objective of this works is to use dredged river sediments in the road construction. This study consists to determine the physical–chemical, geotechnical, and environmental impact characteristics of raw river sediments. To improve the mechanical performance of this river material be used in road construction, a treatment by the hydraulic binder in combination with granular corrector has been proposed. The impacts of the treated material on the environment have been evaluated. The last part of this study focuses on the realization of an experimental road with the designed mixes in the laboratory. The validation of mechanical characteristics and the study of the environmental impacts have been made on core samples from the experimental road. The monitoring of the quality of the percolating water and runoff water has been explored. The obtained results in laboratory and in situ are promising for potential use of river sediments in foundation layer of the road construction.  相似文献   

Limited natural resources and landfill space, as well as increasing amounts of ash produced from incineration of bio fuel and municipal solid waste, have created a demand for useful applications of ash, of which road construction is one application. Along national road 90, situated about 20 km west of Sollefteå in the middle of Sweden, an experiment road was constructed with a 40 cm bio fuel ash layer. The environmental impact of the ash layer was evaluated from soil solutions obtained by centrifugation of soil samples taken on four occasions during 2001–2003. Soil samples were taken in the ash layer, below the ash layer at two depths in the road and in the ditch. In the soil solutions, pH, conductivity, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the total concentration of cations (metals) and anions were determined. Two years after the application of the ash layers in the test road, the concentrations in the ash layer of K, SO4, Zn, and Hg had increased significantly while the concentration of Se, Mo and Cd had decreased significantly. Below the ash layer in the road an initial increase of pH was observed and the concentrations of K, SO4, Se, Mo and Cd increased significantly, while the concentrations of Cu and Hg decreased significantly in the road and also in the ditch. Cd was the element showing a potential risk of contamination of the groundwater. The concentrations of Ca in the ash layer indicated an ongoing hardening, which is important for the leaching rate and the strength of the road construction.  相似文献   

Sustainable construction: composite use of tyres and ash in concrete   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An investigation was carried out to establish the physical, mechanical and chemical characteristics of a non-standard (unprocessed) pulverised fuel ash (PFA) and waste tyres from a former landfill site at the Power Station Hill near Church Village, South Wales, United Kingdom. Investigations are on-going to establish the suitability of the fly ash and/or tyres in road construction (embankment and pavement) and also in concrete to be used in the construction of the proposed highway. This paper reports on concrete-based construction where concrete blends (using various levels of PFA as partial replacement for Portland cement (PC), and shredded waste tyres (chips 15-20mm) as aggregate replacement) were subjected to unconfined compressive strength tests to establish performance, hence, optimising mix designs. Strength development up to 180 days for the concrete made with PC-PFA blends as binders (PC-PFA concrete), with and without aggregate replacement with tyre chips, is reported. The binary PC-PFA concrete does not have good early strength but tends to improve at longer curing periods. The low early strength observed means that PC-PFA concrete cannot be used for structures, hence, only as low to medium strength applications such as blinding, low-strength foundations, crash barriers, noise reduction barriers, cycle paths, footpaths and material for pipe bedding.  相似文献   

Laboratory investigations were carried out to establish the potential utilisation of brick dust (BD) in construction. The dust is a waste material from the cutting of fired clay bricks. Currently, the disposal of the dust is a problem to the brick fabrication company, and hence an environmental pollution concern. The dust was stabilised either used on its own or in combination with Pulverised Fuel Ash (PFA), a by-product material from coal combustion. The traditional stabilisers of lime and/or Portland Cement (PC) were used as controls. The main aim was to use a sustainable stabiliser material, where these stabilisers were partially replaced with Ground Granulated Blastfurnace Slag (GGBS), a by-product material from steel manufacture. Compacted cylinder test specimens were made at typical stabiliser contents and moist cured for up to 56 days prior to testing for compressive and California Bearing Ratio (CBR) strength tests, and to linear expansion during moist curing and subsequent soaking in water. The results obtained showed that partial substitution of the dust with PFA resulted in stronger material compared to using it on its own. The blended stabilisers achieved better performance. These results suggest technological, economic as well as environmental advantages of using the brick dust and similar industrial by-products to achieve sustainable infrastructure development with near zero industrial waste.  相似文献   

Three years of leachate emissions from municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash and crushed rock in a full-scale test road were evaluated. The impact of time, construction design, and climate on the emissions was studied, and the predicted release from standard leaching tests was compared with the measured release from the road. The main pollutants and their respective concentrations in leachate from the roadside slope were Al (12.8-85.3 mg l(-1)), Cr (2-125 microg l(-1)), and Cu (0.15-1.9 mg l(-1)) in ash leachate and Zn (1-780 microg l(-1)) in crushed rock leachate. From the ash, the initial Cl(-) release was high ( approximately 20 g l(-1)). After three years, the amount of Cu and Cl(-) was in the same range in both leachates, while that of Al and Cr still was more than one order of magnitude higher in ash leachate. Generally, the release was faster from material in the uncovered slopes than below the pavement. Whether the road was asphalted or not, however, had minor impacts on the leachate quality. During rain events, diluted leachates with respect to, e.g., salts were observed. The leaching tests failed to simulate field leaching from the crushed rock, whereas better agreement was observed for the ash. Comparisons of constituent release from bottom ash and conventional materials solely based on such tests should be avoided.  相似文献   

Incineration of municipal solid wastes (MSWs) produces by-products which can be broadly classified as bottom and fly ashes. Since MSW incineration started, possibilities other than landfilling the incineration residues have been sought; most initiatives in this sense tend to use these residues as aggregate substitute in pavements and other road construction elements. The main goal of the present work is the physical and chemical characterization of the local incineration bottom ash towards its eventual re-utilization. The study includes not only the specific aspects regarding its role as pavement element, but also the assessment of the environmental effects. Therefore, together with the determination of physical (moisture content, apparent and bulk densities, crystallinity, etc.) and engineering properties (particle size distribution, abrasion and impact resistance, etc.), full chemical characterization of the bottom ash and the study of leaching as a function of aging time have been undertaken. The results obtained indicate that the metal content of both the raw bottom ash and its leachates fulfill the environmental regulations provided that the bottom ash is stored for at least one month. Engineering properties of the bottom ash are close to those of natural aggregates and, thus, road-construction use of these residues seems to be feasible.  相似文献   

通过对资源枯竭型城市白银市在工业固体废弃物回收利用方面的现状分析发现存在诸多问题,如对固体废弃物回收利用工作重视不够、激励和引导固体废弃物回收利用产业发展的政策不健全、技术体系不完备等。基于循环经济"减量化、再利用、再循环"三原则理念,提出建设资源枯竭型城市工业固体废弃物回收利用体系的一系列措施:提高工业固体废弃物的循环利用效率;完善固体废弃物分类回收系统;开发引进固体废弃物回收利用的高新技术;完善垃圾处理收费及管理制度等。  相似文献   

With 2020 energy targets set out by the EU fast approaching, the UK is trying to source a higher proportion of its energy from renewable resources. Coupled with this, a growing population and increasing trends in consumer demand have resulted in national waste loads increasing. A possible solution to both issues is energy-from-waste (EfW) technologies. Many studies have focused on municipal solid waste (MSW) as a potential feedstock, but appear to overlook the potential benefits of commercial and industrial waste (C&IW). In this study, samples of C&IW were collected from three North West waste management companies and Lancaster University campus. The samples were tested for their gross and net calorific value, moisture content, ash content, volatile matter, and also elemental composition to determine their suitability in EfW systems. Intra-sample analysis showed there to be little variation between samples with the exception two samples, from waste management site 3, which showed extensive variation with regards to net calorific value, ash content, and elemental analysis. Comparisons with known fuel types revealed similarities between the sampled C&IW, MSW, and refuse derived fuel (RDF) thereby justifying its potential for use in EfW systems. Mean net calorific value (NCV) was calculated as 9.47 MJ/kg and concentrations of sulphur, nitrogen, and chlorine were found to be below 2%. Potential electrical output was calculated using the NCV of the sampled C&IW coupled with four differing energy generation technologies. Using a conventional incinerator with steam cycle, total electrical output was calculated as 24.9 GWh, based on a plant operating at 100,000 tpa. This value rose to 27.0 GWh when using an integrated gasification combined cycle. A final aspect of this study was to deduce the potential total national electrical output if all suitable C&IW were to be used in EfW systems. Using incineration coupled with a steam turbine, this was determined to be 6 TWh, 1.9% of the national demand thereby contributing 6.5% towards the UK’s 2020 renewable electricity target.  相似文献   

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