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We described a new case of mosaic isochromosome 20q revealed by amniocentesis. The propositus presented with craniofacial dysmorphism, clubfeet, and vertebral abnormalities. A 46,XX,i(20)(q10)[14]/46,XX[1] karyotype was confirmed by FISH on cultured cells. The pregnancy was terminated. From review of literature, fetus with mosaic isochromosome 20q identified on amniocentesis are most likely to be phenotypically and cytogenetically normal after birth. So we performed CGH and array-CGH to exclude another possible imbalance. We discuss here the possible relation between this chromosomal abnormality and the abnormal phenotype. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A paracentric inversion in the long arm of a number 7 chromosome was detected in an amniotic cell culture from a 41 year old woman, screened because of maternal age. The karyotype was 46, XX, inv(7) (q11q22). Her husband carried an identical inversion. The parents were advised that the pregnancy should continue and a healthy infant was born at term. Prenatal diagnosis and counselling for paracentric inversion heterozygotes are discussed in the light of published and unpublished cases.  相似文献   

Glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT1) gene dosage studies were performed on uncultured amniotic cells from a fetus at risk for duplication/deficiency of 10q24→qter, due to maternal translocation t(9;10)(p24;q24). Previous investigations in the same pedigree had shown triplex dosage effect of GOT1 on red blood cells of a 10q24→qter trisomic fetus monitored by midtrimester amniocentesis. In the present pregnancy, the GOT1 activity of amniotic cells exhibited a triplex gene dosage, suggesting duplication of region 10q24→qter in the fetus. The biochemical prediction was confirmed two weeks later by cytogenetic analysis.  相似文献   

The prenatal diagnosis of an 11q;22q translocation in a triplet pregnancy detected at the time of chorionic villus sampling (CVS) because of advanced maternal age is reported. Karyo-types obtained from two apparently different CV samples showed the balanced form of translocation, while the one obtained from a third empty sac showed the unbalanced form: 46, XX, −22, + der(22)t(11;22). Second-trimester amniocentesis confirmed the balanced translocation in one of the two viable fetuses and a normal karyotype in the other. The detected karyotypes derived from two different types of meiotic segregation, alternate and adjacent 1. To our knowledge, this is the first reported case of an unbalanced karyotype not due to a 3:1 meiotic segregation of this specific translocation.  相似文献   

The autopsy findings of a fetus with deletion of the long arm of chromosome 8 are described. Many of the features are similar to those of the tricho-rhino-phalangeal syndromes, types I and II, which are associated with deletions on chromosome 8q24. Other findings in this case, such as total absence of the corpus callosum and intestinal malrotation, have not been described in these syndromes. Genes involved in the development of the latter malformations may reside in adjacent regions on the long arm of chromosome 8. An elevated serum level of beta human chorionic gonadotropin (βhCG) was found during pregnancy. This aberration should be included with other chromosomal disorders which may be detected by this test.  相似文献   

Prenatal prediction in families at risk for autosomal recessive proximal spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) mainly of type I is often requested due to the high incidence and the fatal outcome of the disease. So far, only indirect genotype analysis can be performed in SMA families, since the gene has not yet been identified. We present our experience of 109 prenatal diagnoses obtained in 91 families by use of single- and multi-locus polymorphic microsatellites of the region 5q11.2–q13.3. The marker combinations and specific features of the closest microsatellites are described in detail. From 137 requests for prenatal prediction of SMA between October 1991 and August 1994, 28 families were excluded, mostly because the clinical diagnosis was uncertain or doubtful. Others had to be classified as ‘SMA-variants’ or showed autosomal dominant transmission of SMA. Of the 109 prenatal diagnoses performed, 29 fetuses were diagnosed to be at high risk (>99 per cent) of developing the disease, while in seven additional pregnancies no exact prediction could be made due to a recombination event in one parental haplotype. Altogether, recombinations between closely flanking markers were observed in 14 cases. In 35 cases, the parents decided to terminate the pregnancy. Of the remaining pregnancies, 32 could be followed beyond term. All infants were reported to develop normally without signs of SMA. Two children were born with transverse reduction defects of one hand, which was most likely related to early chorionic villus sampling at 9 and 10 weeks' gestation. No further abnormalities could be detected. The limits of indirect genotype analysis and the problems of diagnostic accuracy and heterogeneity of proximal SMA are discussed.  相似文献   

Interrupted aortic arch is a rare, severe congenital heart defect subdivided into three types, A, B and C, according to the site of interruption. Type C is by far the least common form of interrupted aortic arch (less than 5% of cases), type A is commonly an isolated defect whereas type B is frequently associated with 22q11 deletion. Differentiation of interrupted aortic arch type A from type B by prenatal echocardiography is possible but difficult; it needs to be done on the basis of observation of reliable morphological indicators which point to the correct diagnosis. Here we report the first case of prenatal diagnosis of interrupted aortic arch type A associated with 22q11 deletion. The significance of this association is not yet clear, since 22q11 genes mainly affect embryonic cardiovascular morphogenesis of those regions whose development is critically dependent on neural crest cell migration and function, affected in type B defect but not in type A. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This communication presents the first case of complete trisomy 19q, prenatally detected by ultrasound investigation. Real-time high-resolution ultrasound examination was performed at 19 weeks of gestation. After termination of the pregnancy, autopsy investigation was done. GTG-banding, fluorescence in situ hybridization m-(FISH) analysis, and FISH analysis with a 19q subtelomeric specific probe were used for identification of the fetal karyotype. Sonographic examination revealed an enlarged cisterna magna, cerebellar hypoplasia and aplasia of the inferior part of the vermis, combined and bilateral kidney malformations, significant nuchal fold, absence of fetal nasal bones, and intracardial calcifications. Autopsy confirmed ultrasound findings, but also revealed situs viscerum inversus of the lungs. Fetal karyotype was defined as: 46,XY,der(21)t(19;21)(q11;p13)mat. Our ultrasound and autopsy findings will certainly contribute to better knowledge of phenotype characterization of this rare chromosomal disorder. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A case of del(15)(q11q13) was detected in amniotic fluid cell cultures and confirmed by cordocentesis in a 27-year-old woman with a low maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein level. The fetus was shown to have a short femoral length on ultrasonography. This structural chromosome abnormality associated with the prenatal ultrasonographic findings and the morphological characteristics visualized after termination of pregnancy strongly suggest Prader-Willi syndrome.  相似文献   

We present a case of esophageal and ileal duplications at 18 weeks of gestation. Transabdominal ultrasonography of the fetus showed multiple cystic masses of 12 to 17 mm in diameter and continuity with each other in the abdomen and a unilocular cystic mass of 15 mm in diameter in the posterior mediastinum. The cystic mass filled the abdominal cavity with signs of intestinal obstruction. The thoracic cystic mass was tubular, sausage-shaped and behind the heart, which was displaced to the antero-lateral wall of the chest. Amniocentesis revealed a normal fetal karyotype 46,XY. Peristaltic movements in the abdominal cystic structure at 30 weeks of gestation suggested dilated intestinal loops. Follow-up ultrasound examinations showed polyhydramnios with amniotic fluid index of 30 cm and gradual enlargement of the cystic structures to 50 mm in the abdomen and 30 mm in the posterior mediastinum at 38 weeks of gestation. A male infant weighing 3900 g was delivered. Postnatal ultrasonographic examination and the findings of magnetic resonance imaging also suggested enteric duplication cysts. Prenatal diagnosis allowed prompt neonatal evaluation and surgical treatment of the esophageal and the ileal duplications, which was confirmed by pathological examination. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The prenatal diagnosis of a complete trisomy of the long arm of chromosome 1 is reported. Major ultrasound findings included: nuchal thickening, bi-temporal narrowing, a single choroid plexus cyst, andmild ventriculomegaly. There was a mass in the chest and abdomen, pleural effusion, ascites and a hyperechoic bowel. Skin edema was present. The fetus died at 26 weeks' gestation. A literature review is presented of 17 de novo and two inherited cases with only trisomy 1q. Of note is the fact that 3/5 prenatally detected 1q trisomies have teratomas. A review of the literature reveals a dismal outcome fortrisomy 1q cases if the duplication involves bands 1q25→q32. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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