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杨志山  蒋文举  刘燕  李道贵 《四川环境》2002,21(2):61-63,69
判断水泥企业的清洁生产水平,从而推动企业开展清洁生产是一件非常有意义的工作。通过利用生命周期法和专家打分的方法,制定出评价指标原则和建立评价指标体系,运用层次分析法计算权重,最终得出水泥企业的清洁生产水平潜力。通过三个水泥厂的实例检验,证明本评价方法能够达到科学地评估水泥企业的清洁生产程度和发掘企业的清洁生产潜力的目的。  相似文献   

利用黄磷厂废渣作煅烧水泥熟料的矿化剂、水泥混合材和利用黄磷厂废渣生产胶凝材、白水泥是消除黄磷渣污染环境的有效途径;通过影响黄磷渣作水泥混合材和生产胶凝材因素的研究,推荐了提高黄磷渣作水泥混合材的掺量及生产优质胶凝材的工艺条件;黄磷渣的开发利用不仅可使企业获得显著的经济效益,而且可减少磷渣堆放占用耕地和消除磷渣对环境的污染,具有显著的经济效益、社会效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

湖南省常德市湘北水泥二厂是鼎城区一家骨干乡镇企业,年设计生产水泥13.2万吨。近两个月来,与鼎城区环保局围绕超标排污费问题引发了一连串令人始料不及的事情。湘北水泥二厂拒不按期缴纳1994年1~6月超标排污费,鼎城区环保局依法作出了行政处罚决定,并通过鼎城区人民法院强制执行。湖北水泥二厂有关领导扬言:此事并没有完,强制执行了上半年,下半年怎么办!言下之意,好戏还在后头。——演变至此,事出有因早在去年年初,鼎城区环保局根据国家环保法律法规,结合湘北水泥二厂污染排放的实际·考虑到企业的承受能力,给该厂下达了全…  相似文献   

龙岩市地处闽、粤、赣三省交界,是龙岩地区行署所在地、也是闽西经济。文化、交通中心。通过40年的建设,龙岩市已发展成为具有以冶金、建材、卷烟、造纸、化工、电力等为主体的小型工矿城市。改革开放以来,龙岩市抓住有利时机,充分利用本地丰富的石灰石资源.大力发展水泥工业。据不完全统计,龙岩市辖区内已建成投产和在建的水泥企业有76家,119条生产线,年设计生产能力达64463万吨’(含水泥熟料),总投资近14亿元人民币。现已有70家水泥企业投入生产,生产能力528.85万吨。水泥行业已成为龙岩市经济的主要支柱行业之一。但是,水…  相似文献   

随着社会不断进步,各行各业蓬勃发展,环境污染也日趋严重,节能减排已成为我国环境保护的主要方面,而这一工作的基础是进行污染物的总量核查评估。为进行水泥行业大气污染物总量核查,通过现场监测法、在线监测法、排污系数法、理论计算法以及无组织排放法进行污染物排放量核算,再利用层次分析法计算权重,最后通过综合指数计算得出结果。  相似文献   

针对现代通讯与电子技术设备的发展带来的电磁辐射污染,采用电磁屏蔽功能建筑材料是解决电磁辐射危害的一种有效途径。本文对一种钢丝网水泥砂浆建筑材料具有屏蔽效能的原理进行了分析,在此基础上给出一种钢丝网网孔尺寸并计算其屏蔽效能,计算结果表明该钢丝网在中短波频段具有较高的屏蔽效能。将该网孔尺寸的钢丝网嵌入水泥砂浆制备出带钢丝网复合结构的水泥样板并对其屏蔽效能进行测试,通过对测试结果进行分析,验证了这种钢丝网水泥样板在中短波频段内具有较好的屏蔽效能。  相似文献   

本文较系统地研究了提钛后的残渣、矿渣、熟料、激化剂等因素对复合水泥与少熟料水泥强度的影响;找出了利用提钛后的残渣生产复合水泥与少熟料水泥生产的最佳条件,并对复合水泥和少熟料水泥的性能进行了初步探索。试验数据表明,利用提钛后残渣可生产525 ̄#复合水泥和425 ̄#少熟料水泥,工业废渣利用率可达70%。  相似文献   

本文较系统地研究了提钛后的残渣、矿渣、熟料、激化剂等因素对复合水泥与少熟料水泥强度的影响;找出了利用提钛后的残渣生产复合水泥与少熟料水泥生产的最佳条件,并对复合水泥和少熟料水泥的性能进行了初步探索。试验数据表明,利用提钛后残渣可生产525^#复合水泥和425^#少熟料水泥,工业废渣利用率可达70%。  相似文献   

袋装油井水泥库的粉尘治理王喜祥,张天保(中原油田钻井工程一公司)一、水泥粉尘的产生过程和危害我们公司的袋装油井水泥库自1988年1月投产以来,每年吞吐水泥量约4万余t,是一座较为现代化的油井水泥转运输送、装车的水泥库。但由于设计不合理,在生产过程中环...  相似文献   

云南国资水泥红河有限公司(开远水泥厂)于1969年12月26日建成投产,设计年产水泥27万吨。经1984年和1996年两次扩建,年产水泥达80万吨:2004年6月日产2500吨新型干法水泥熟料的生产线建成投产,使公司年水泥生产能力达到200万吨。2003-2005年水泥产销量连续三年位居全省第一成为云南省最大的水泥生产企业。  相似文献   

介绍了长袋低压脉冲袋式除尘器的工作原理,比较客观详实的分析了在实际除尘过程中的前景及应用除尘效果。实践证明,袋式除尘器在水泥机立窑烟气除尘中适应性强,除尘效率可达99%以上,经济效益显著,是一种较理想的除尘设备.尤其适合在水泥行业中的应用。  相似文献   

Solid waste management is one of the major environmental concerns around the world. Cement kiln dust (KKD), also known as by-pass dust, is a by-product of cement manufacturing. The environmental concerns related to Portland cement production, emission and disposal of CKD is becoming progressively significant. CKD is fine-grained, particulate material chiefly composed of oxidized, anhydrous, micron-sized particles collected from electrostatic precipitators during the high temperature production of clinker. Cement kiln dust so generated is partly reused in cement plant and landfilled. The beneficial uses of CKD are in highway uses, soil stabilization, use in cement mortar/concrete, CLSM, etc.Studies have shown that CKD could be used in making paste/mortar/concrete. This paper presents an overview of some of the research published on the use of CKD in cement paste/mortar/concrete. Effect of CKD on the cement paste/mortar/concrete properties like compressive strength, tensile strength properties (splitting tensile strength, flexural strength and toughness), durability (Freeze–thaw), hydration, setting time, sorptivity, electrical conductivity are presented. Use of CKD in making controlled low-strength materials (CLSM), asphalt concrete, as soil stabilizer, and leachate analysis are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Solid waste management is one of the major environmental concerns around the world. Cement kiln dust (KKD), also known as by-pass dust, is a by-product of cement manufacturing. The environmental concerns related to Portland cement production, emission and disposal of CKD is becoming progressively significant. CKD is fine-grained, particulate material chiefly composed of oxidized, anhydrous, micron-sized particles collected from electrostatic precipitators during the high temperature production of clinker. Cement kiln dust so generated is partly reused in cement plant and landfilled. The beneficial uses of CKD are in highway uses, soil stabilization, use in cement mortar/concrete, CLSM, etc.Studies have shown that CKD could be used in making paste/mortar/concrete. This paper presents an overview of some of the research published on the use of CKD in cement paste/mortar/concrete. Effect of CKD on the cement paste/mortar/concrete properties like compressive strength, tensile strength properties (splitting tensile strength, flexural strength and toughness), durability (Freeze–thaw), hydration, setting time, sorptivity, electrical conductivity are presented. Use of CKD in making controlled low-strength materials (CLSM), asphalt concrete, as soil stabilizer, and leachate analysis are also discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

At present, many rural enterprises in China's mountainous areas are developing rapidly, and due to poor planning and improper management, in an uncontrolled manner. These small enterprises are making atmospheric pollution far more serious and more difficult to control than before. Thus, as is the case with most developing countries, China is facing the challenge of managing the increased environmental pollution that is accompanying its economic development. This paper examines the case of cement dust pollution in the town of Wenquan in Sichuan province in order to determine how to adjust the relationship between development of rural enterprises and atmospheric environmental pollution in mountainous areas. Using the single objective linear programming method, and based on the principle of overall optimization, an optimal control plan for different pollution sources was worked out and an economic assessment on reclamation of cement dust was completed. According to our analysis, after implementation of this plan for four years, two months, the concentrations of suspended particles in Wenquan will achieve the requirement of the national third-order ambient air quality standard; the current serious dust pollution will be completely controlled; and the reclamation of cement dust will totally compensate for the cost of dust control and will result in 92,000 yuan of pure profit per year. At that time, the economy and environment will be in harmony.  相似文献   

调查发现,张店区水泥行业整体经营粗放,资源、能源消耗高,综合利用水平低,生产能力落后,其生产对环境造成了严重的粉尘、废气和噪声污染。基于此基本情况,根据水泥行业产业政策,建议张店区水泥行业进行工艺创新、材料创新,完善水泥产业链,环保部门要加大监察力度。  相似文献   

介绍了南阳航天水泥厂3000t/d水泥生产线窑尾收尘系统的改造背景、技术方案、施工方案和工程造价。改造采用了在原窑尾反吹风高温玻纤袋收尘器旁并联一台同类型单排袋式收尘器的方案,以增大窑尾袋收尘器过滤面积和降低过滤风速。该窑尾收尘系统的改造取得了明显的成效。  相似文献   

在对水泥生产线篦冷机尾气除尘进行分析的基础上,提出了电除尘改袋式除尘的必要性,可有效控制新型干法窑烟尘和粉尘的排放浓度;针对具体案例的使用结果进行了阐述。  相似文献   

傅自强 《四川环境》1994,13(2):52-54
本文阐述了小水泥厂非水硬性粉尘采用湿式除尘器的可行性分析,指出在效率、阻力、泥浆处理,腐蚀解决等方面,均能满足要求,并举出国内近年成功实例四则。  相似文献   

Electric arc furnace dust from steel production is generated in considerable amounts worldwide and needs to be treated as hazardous waste. The aim of this study was to investigate the properties of electric arc furnace dust solidified/stabilized by using Portland cement. Mortar and paste samples were prepared with varying waste-to-binder ratios between 0% and 90%. A comprehensive experimental program was designed including XRF characterization, setting time, unconfined compressive strength, and toxicity characteristics leaching procedure (TCLP), synthetic precipitation leaching procedure (SPLP), and acid neutralization capacity (ANC) tests. The results were evaluated in order to determine if the solidified /stabilized product can be disposed of at a landfill site with domestic waste or at a segregated landfill. The effect of using sand on S/S performance was also investigated. The results indicated that the solidification /stabilization process using PC helps the heavy metals to be bound in the cement matrix, but the TCLP leaching results exceeded the EPA landfilling limits. The SPLP leaching results conformed to the limits implying that the waste or S/S products can be disposed of at a segregated landfill; however the low ANC of the S/S products reveals that there may be leaching in the long-term. The sand used in the mortar samples adversely affected the S/S performance, causing higher heavy metal leaching levels, and lower pH levels in the leachate after the TCLP extraction than those measured in the leachate of the paste samples.  相似文献   

Various wastes and by-product materials are generated in the Sultanate of Oman including reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) aggregate, demolition concrete, cement by-pass dust (CBPD), copper slag, petroleum-contaminated soils (PCS), discarded tires, incinerator ash, and others. Recycling of such materials in construction is not practiced. Research data are also minimal into the potential use of selected materials in construction applications. This paper will present the results of several laboratory studies conducted into the use of PCS in asphalt concrete mixtures; on the use of CBPD in soil stabilization and flowable fill mixtures; on the utilization of copper slag and CBPD as cementitious materials; on the use of incinerator ash in cement mortars; and on the use of RAP aggregate in road bases and sub-bases. Laboratory data generally indicate that it is feasible to partially reuse some of these materials in construction provided that economic incentives and environmental concerns are taken into consideration.  相似文献   

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