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上西关涌流域调蓄工程控制溢流污染研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
广州市上西关涌调蓄池的主要作用是截留储存服务范围内的初期雨水,以减少雨天溢流量和溢流污染负荷.详细介绍了调蓄池的设计计算方法,同时,通过对广州城区降雨的初期冲刷效应分析,对调蓄池的环境效能进行了评估.  相似文献   

合流制溢流与降雨初期的径流污染日益成为影响城市河流、湖泊等天然水体水质的主要因素。调蓄池可以将降雨径流截流并滞后输送至污水处理厂,这是一种控制城市径流污染的有效手段。近年来,中国各地逐步建起了调蓄池并投入运行,然而缺乏科学、合理的方法对已建调蓄池进行评估。围绕调蓄池在污染减排指标、排涝能力指标、截流能力指标、利用效率指标、综合感官指标等方面的作用,构建了一套调蓄池综合环境效益评估指标体系,并用于调蓄池建设与数据监测较完善的深圳市龙岗区丁山河流域调蓄池评估。结果表明,在多种设计降雨量和实测降雨量工况下,使用该指标体系能够简单直观地对调蓄池削减污染、调蓄水量等作用进行较客观的评估,为全面定量分析调蓄池的综合环境效益提供了技术支持。  相似文献   

刘彦飞 《环境工程学报》2009,3(6):1044-1048
已有的实验和实践表明,周期循环静止沉淀工艺与常规连续进、出水的单一沉淀工艺相比,其沉淀效率明显提高,其出水水质显著改善。为了进一步研究周期循环静止沉淀工艺的性能,进行了工业性试验研究。结果表明,周期循环静止沉淀池与常规沉淀池相比具有较高的处理能力和水质澄清效果,是常规沉淀池处理能力的1.2倍;在两池循环的周期循环静止沉淀工艺中,当反应池与静止沉淀池总处理能力比为1∶1时,周期循环的静止沉淀池清水层高度为2 m、周期内清水层形成速度为1.67 mm/s、体积负荷和表面负荷较常规沉淀池均提高了20%;受反应池进水流量的冲击影响,周期循环静止沉淀工艺的静止沉淀池设置数以2~3个为最佳;周期循环静止沉淀工艺中反应静止沉淀系统不会对后续过滤单元产生水力影响。  相似文献   

目前,合流制溢流(CSOs)污染仍是我国大多数城市老城区排水系统的一个顽疾,并已成为环境水体污染物的主要来源之一,CSOs调蓄池作为控制CSOs污染的一种有效措施,在国内外诸多城市得到越来越多的应用。从CSOs水质水量特征、调蓄池规模设计方法、调蓄池模型及实时控制等方面对CSOs调蓄池在控制CSOs污染方面的国内外应用及最新研究进展进行了综述,以期为中国CSOs调蓄池污染控制策略的制定、合流制排水系统升级改造、调蓄池优化设计、科学系统的决策等提供参考。  相似文献   

通过在二沉池一维分层模型中加入弥散作用建立了二沉池一维分层弥散模型,并采用数值求解的方法开发了二沉池模拟程序.利用竖流式沉淀池中试试验实测数据验证了模型的可靠性,以COST(欧洲科技领域研究合作组织)624/682文件中基准污水处理厂二沉池晴天时的稳态和动态进水数据为模型输入值,分析比较了一维分层弥散模型模拟程序与国外成熟软件的模拟结果.结果表明,纳入了弥散作用的一维分层模型能较好地描述实际二沉池中的悬浮固体浓度分布,模拟结果具有较好的精度,有待于在二沉池模拟和控制领域进一步深入研究.  相似文献   

为了提高给水处理中常规沉淀池的沉淀效率,采用多个沉淀池代替常规的单一沉淀池进行沉降实验,多池依次进水、依次静止沉淀,然后出水,周期循环,并在实验的基础上提出了“周期循环静止沉淀”这种给水处理新工艺。实验结果和实践表明,周期循环静止沉淀工艺与常规连续进、出水的单一沉淀池工艺相比,其沉淀效率明显提高,其出水水质显著改善。  相似文献   

以规模小区生活污水为水源,对采用聚丙烯网状填料和强化炉渣组合填料的二段生物接触氧化工艺(以下简称二段法)进行了试验研究,试验针对本工艺的各项技术指标、影响因素以及各相关参数进行了较系统的试验测试。结果表明,反应器在第一接触氧池HRT为20 min、气水比为6∶1和第二接触氧池HRT为25 min、气水比为5∶1条件下,接触氧化池达到最佳降碳条件;反应器在第一接触沉池上升流速5.5 m/h和第二接触沉池上升流速4.5 m/h条件下,接触沉淀池达到最佳处理条件。  相似文献   

将南美白对虾养殖尾水逐级排入沉淀池、曝气池、生物膜池、贝类净化池及生态洁水池进行多级处理,对养殖中后期养殖塘水及各级尾水处理单元排水进行水质分析,分析尾水处理系统各单元的处理效果。结果表明,经过多级处理后,养殖尾水中总氮、总磷、高锰酸盐指数和悬浮物的质量浓度平均值由3.94、0.47、9.00、75.80 mg/L分别降至1.77、0.16、5.67、16.33 mg/L,各项指标均达到《淡水池塘养殖水排放要求》(SC/T 9101—2007)规定的一级标准。养殖尾水从沉淀池进入曝气池、生物膜池和贝类净化池后,主要水质指标均逐渐降低,但进入生态洁水池后却有不同程度增加。可见,多级养殖尾水处理系统明显改善了养殖尾水水质,沉淀池、曝气池、生物膜池、贝类净化池对养殖尾水净化均起到积极作用,后期应合理配置生态洁水池中沉水植物及洁水鱼的密度,加强运行管理,确保尾水治理效果的长效稳定。  相似文献   

厌氧-局部循环供氧生物膜技术处理农村污水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过模拟农村生活污水水质和间歇进水特点,利用“厌氧-局部循环供氧生物膜”技术,研究该工艺对有机物、氮、磷的去除效果.厌氧池和局部循环供氧池有效容积比为1∶1.6,曝气装置位于局部循环供氧池中间底部,环形导流板将局部循环供氧池分隔成中间好氧区和四周缺氧区,斜管沉淀池前置到厌氧池与局部循环供氧池之间,出水端设置循环水池.装置连续稳定运行12个月,平均进水量为140 L/d,生物反应区HRT为1.3d.监测结果表明,出水COD、BOD、NH3-N、TN和TP平均浓度分别在40.31、3.38、2.69、11.98和0.75 mg/L,达到了国家城镇污水处理厂污染物排放指标(GB-18918-2002)中的一级排放标准.研究表明,厌氧-局部循环供氧技术是一种适合农村分散污水处理的新工艺,可有效减轻农业面源污染.  相似文献   

介绍了采用UASB反应器-兼氧池-鼓风式氧化沟-混凝沉淀池工艺处理D-异抗坏血酸钠生产废水的工程实例.运行结果表明,该工艺处理效果稳定,耐冲击负荷能力强,出水水质好.处理出水COD≤150 mg/L、BOD_5≤30 mg/L、SS≤150mg/L,达到了<污水综合排放标准>(GB 8978-1996)二级标准的要求.  相似文献   

臭氧/ 生物活性炭深度处理循环养殖废水   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着工厂化循环水养殖的不断发展,高浓度循环养殖废水对环境污染日益严重.为实现环境友好和资源节约,采用臭氧/生物活性炭对循环养殖废水进行深度处理中试研究.实验结果表明,臭氧化臭氧最佳投加量为4 mg/L,显著增强水体的可生化性,使TOC(总有机碳)/UV254(在波长为254 nm处的单位比色皿光程下的紫外吸光度)提高80%.臭氧/生物活性炭对循环养殖废水中的有机物和氨氮具有良好的去除效果.臭氧/生物活性炭对TOC、高锰酸盐指数和UV254的最终去除率比生物活性炭分别高11.9%、13.4%和6.5%.臭氧/生物活性炭和生物活性炭对氨氮的最终去除率分别为96.0%、90.7%.  相似文献   

生物法处理挥发性有机废气的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物法处理被污染的空气这一技术已经被德国和荷兰成功地运用了 2 0年之久 ,但是在国内还属于一种较新的空气污染治理技术。本文主要概述了有机废气生物处理的 3种主要形式 :生物滤池、生物滴滤塔和生物洗涤器的原理、流程和几种影响反应器性能的因素 ,并比较了以上 3种反应器及其不同支撑材料的优缺点。目前 ,气态生物反应器主要以通用的指导方针、试验性的研究和来自类似应用的经验为基础进行设计的。  相似文献   

基于最佳管理实践(BMP)理念和方法,以中新生态城为例,采用多属性决策分析方法的ELECTRE-Ⅲ方法和模型,采用VisualBasic语言自行编制辅助计算机程序,对该地区8种雨水控制管理措施进行了优化比选。优选结果表明,对于中新生态城,8种雨水控制管理措施的优选排序为:湿地〉地下蓄水库〉人渗沟〉可渗透路面砖〉道路边沟〉绿色屋顶〉下凹绿地〉绿化缓冲带。  相似文献   

偶氮二异庚腈的生产过程中产生大量的废水,其有机物和氨氮含量高,生化性差.为解决其处理达标问题,采用氨氮吹脱-上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)-A/O- NaOCl强氧化-接触氧化的组合工艺对其进行了试验研究.结果表明,该工艺对COD、氨氮的去除率分别达到99%、98%以上.并在此试验研究的基础上,投资建设了一个污水处理站,采用氨氮吹脱-UASB-A/O-二级好氧-NaOCl强氧化-接触氧化-气浮池的组合工艺,经过一年多的运行,出水水质稳定,对COD、氨氮的去除率分别为99%、98%以上,出水水质达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB 8978-1996)的一级标准.  相似文献   


Nitrogen removal by a methane fermentation plus activated sludge process with the intermittent aeration was presented based upon a full‐scale pig farm experiment. Swine wastewater had a T‐N/BOD ratio from 0.2–0.29. The BOD concentration input to the process ranged from 1050–1608 mg l‐1 and the T‐N concentration from 273–350 mg l‐1. More than 90% of organic carbon was removed in each experimental run. Only small concentrations of NO3‐N were found in the effluent and higher than 60% of the T‐N and 73% of NH4‐N which were loaded to the intermittent aeration tank was removed. The nitrogen balance of each run was calculated. Denitrification was estimated to be accountable for 45–90% of the T‐N removed in the intermittent aeration tank. Denitrification rate increased as the BOD concentration increased (> 1300 mg l‐1). The T‐N removal percentage was a function of the T‐N/BOD ratio of the influent. Although higher DO concentration (> 3 mg l‐1) did not enhance the denitrification rate, nitrification did maintain at relative higher rates at a lower DO concentration (ave. 1.5 mg l‐1). An operational condition of intermittent interval of aeration/nonaeration at 1:1 hr is better than that of the condition at 3:1 hr. As a result, T‐N and NH4‐N were removed up to 30% and 40% respectively, and the denitrification rate reached 79% in the intermittent aeration tank. An experimental run in a pilot plant on treating anaerobically pretreated swine wastewater was observed to verify simultaneous nitrification/denitrification. The results of the full‐scale plant experimentation seem to be confirmed by those obtained from the pilot plant runs.  相似文献   

The design and the construction of an actual 8.7-m3 pilot/full-scale biotrickling filter for waste air treatment is described and compared with a previous conceptual scale-up of a laboratory reactor. The reactor construction costs are detailed and show that about one-half of the total reactor costs ($97,000 out of $178,000) was for personnel and engineering time, whereas approximately 20% was for monitoring and control equipment. A detailed treatment cost analysis demonstrated that, for an empty bed contact time of 90 sec, the overall treatment costs (including capital charges) were as low as $8.7/1000 m3air in the case where a nonchlorinated volatile organic compound (VOC) was treated, and $14/1000 m3air for chlorinated compounds such as CH2Cl2. Comparison of these costs with conventional air pollution control techniques demonstrates excellent perspectives for more field applications of biotrickling filters. As the specific costs of building and operating biotrickling filter reactors decrease with increasing size of the reactor, the cost benefit of biotrickling filtration is expected to increase for full technical-scale bioreactors.  相似文献   

Bonnet JL  Bohatier J  Pépin D 《Chemosphere》1999,38(13):3155-3168
Two experiments were performed to assess the impact of cadmium on the sewage lagoon wastewater treatment process. For each one, three laboratory-scale pilot plants with one tank receiving the same raw effluent were used; one plant served as control and the other two were contaminated once only with cadmium. In the first study, the effects of a shock load of two concentrations of cadmium chloride (60 and 300 micrograms/l) on the plant performance, microbial populations (protists and bacteria) and enzyme activities were determined. Initially, most of the performance parameters were affected concentration-dependently. A reduction in the protist population density and some influence on the total bacterial population were observed, and the potential enzymatic activities were also modified. A second experiment with a lower cadmium concentration (30 micrograms/l), supplied as chloride or sulphate, still perturbed most of the parameters studied, and the effects of the two cadmium salts were identical.  相似文献   

The advent of stringent regulation of the storage of liquids in underground containers presents a new dimension to an operating practice long taken for granted. Previously, tanks went underground to provide a safe and convenient method for handling.liquids. Unfortunately, the environmental impact of leakage from those containers was not anticipated, nor were tank designs properly configured to minimize the threat. As local officials became alert to the potential for damage, public pressure forced tank owners to rethink this casual practice. Manufacturers and suppliers of tanks and associated hardware have moved rapidly to the new state of the art called for to meet the new standards for storage techniques, and to provide effective leak prevention and detection. This paper presents a chronology of the progress made to date in storage equipment and operating practices to provide the environmental protection demanded of underground tank owners and operators. Tank design, secondary containment, monitoring, spill and overfill protection, tank testing methods, and installation and closure procedures—as related to leak prevention—are presented  相似文献   

倒置A2/O污水处理工艺的特点及应用实例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
传统A2/O工艺在保证脱氮效果的同时除磷效果往往不佳。在充分分析传统A2/O工艺的基础上,提出了将缺氧池置于厌氧池前面,厌氧池后设置好氧池的分点进水倒置A2/O工艺。某污水厂的现场试验表明,在COD去除能力与常规A2/O工艺相当的情况下,倒置A2/O工艺的脱氮除磷功能明显优于常规A2/O工艺。  相似文献   

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