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模块化沉床结构主要包括床体、基质和植物,对污染水体中TN、TP、COD的去除有着密切的关系。通过正交试验和数量化理论分析方法,显示自变量对因变量的影响极显著,并得出沉床最佳组合形式为A2B2C2D3,即水位是0.50m;陶粒床体;页岩基质;植物为狐尾藻、黄花鸢尾和旱伞草的混合型水生植物组合,可对TN、TP、COD去除率分别达到79%、85%、45%,其可靠性为95%。经正交表L9(34)完全试验中81种组合形式的工程平均估计和数量化方程的预测,所得结果吻合,其结果可作为实施富营养化水体修复时参考。  相似文献   

应用两种彗星试验方法检测饮用水源水的遗传毒性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用人外周血淋巴细胞彗星试验和小鼠睾丸细胞彗星试验,对苏南地区代表性饮用水源水的遗传毒性进行了监测。彗星试验的结果表明,各水样中有机浓集物均能对人外周血淋巴细胞和小鼠睾丸细胞产生不同程度的DNA损伤。研究表明,上述两种试验方法可有效地检测水中有机污染物的遗传毒性。  相似文献   

大气SO2监测方法对比试验分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

岳佳妮  肖峰  李一鸣 《环境工程学报》2023,17(10):3333-3341
为了解不同有机物对含藻水体混凝过程的影响,以含铜绿微囊藻水体作为实验对象,考察牛血清蛋白(BSA)和腐殖酸(HA)2种有机物及其质量浓度对含藻水体浊度、藻类有机物的去除效果以及絮体形成、破碎、再絮凝的影响。结果表明,少量的BSA对混凝反应起促进作用,当BSA的投加量超过1 mg·L−1转为抑制作用,因为投加量升高时,BSA抢占混凝剂活性位点,抑制混凝反应。HA不利于混凝反应的进行,因为HA中的官能团优先与混凝剂结合,从而导致混凝效果变差。提高混凝药剂投加量可缓解有机物质量浓度增加对混凝效果的影响。当BSA投加量为5 mg·L−1,PACl投加量为0.06 mmol·L−1时,能达到出水浊度小于1 NTU,藻细胞去除率大于90 %的混凝效果,HA添加量为5 mg·L−1,PACl投加量为0.12 mmol·L−1时,也能达到相同的混凝效果。混凝更容易去除分子质量较大的BSA和HA,而对小分子亲水性有机物的去处效果较差,如藻类有机物或HA中小分子有机物。少量的BSA和HA增加了混凝絮体的生成速率和初始粒径。本研究结果可为天然水体混凝除藻工艺优化运行提供参考。  相似文献   

论述了江苏省苏北地区饮用水源保护工作的现状和存在问题,分析了影响苏北饮用水源安全的因素,探讨了加强饮用水源安全的措施建议,为地方政府及环保等部门加强对苏北地区饮用水源保护工作的决策提供参考。  相似文献   

针对微污染水源水贫营养和低碳源的特点,利用固定化微生物技术将异养硝化菌(WGX8、WGX18)、好氧反硝化菌(HF3、HF7)固定于自制悬浮纤维海绵球型填料上,研究了贫营养及好氧条件下水源水的生物脱氮过程.试验结果表明,在原水总氮2.7 mg/L、氨氮1.3 mg/L以及控制水温25 ℃、溶解氧3~4 mg/L条件下,经过19 d的连续运行,构建的生物膜系统对水中氨氮的去除率达到了100%,总氮去除率最高达到52%,处理效果稳定.  相似文献   

对火电厂粉煤灰平衡湿含量的试验和分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对粉煤灰的平衡湿含量在各影响因素下进行了试验研究,并且利用半经验公式对实验数据进行了回归,得到了较好的拟合效果,为相关的理论及试验研究提供了计算公式及实验数据。  相似文献   

引黄水臭氧预氧化强化混凝处理及安全性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了山西省太原段的引黄水水质,探讨了臭氧预氧化强化混凝处理引黄水的适用性、处理效果及安全性。结果表明,引黄水原水中的COD含量较高,而Br-未检出,提示可以采用臭氧预氧化强化混凝处理;总体来说,臭氧低投加量(0.52~0.98mg/L)时的助凝效果更为显著,在不同的聚合氯化铝(PAC)投加量下的除浊效果都优于常规混凝处理;单独投加臭氧时,随着臭氧投加量的增加,水体紫外吸光度(UV254)逐渐降低,当臭氧投加量为2.52mg/L时,UV254去除率为44%;虽然常规混凝处理即可控制出水的浊度和UV254,但由于混凝剂投加量大,综合效益较低,而臭氧预氧化在一定程度上能起到助凝作用,也能对水体UV254起到良好的控制作用;从甲醛、BrO3-产生量控制的角度来看,太原段引黄水水质适用臭氧预氧化强化混凝处理,安全性较好。  相似文献   

从养殖污泥中分离筛选了一株优良的亚硝酸盐降解菌YX01,经ARIS 2X细菌自动鉴定系统以及16SrRNA系统发育分析,该菌株被鉴定为解淀粉芽孢杆菌(Bacillus am yloliquefaciens,GenBank登录号为JX649949),其16S rRNA序列与基因库中 芽孢杆菌属菌株的16S rRNA序列有99%~100%的同源性,而且与解淀粉芽孢杆菌菌株LD5(GenBank登录号:GQ853414)的亲缘关系最近.该亚硝酸盐降解菌YX01在浓度为2.0×107~2.0×109cfu/L时对小球藻(Chlorella sp.)生长有促进作用;在浓度大于2.0×1011cfu/L时对小球藻生长具有显著抑制作用;亚硝酸盐降解菌YX01对小球藻的半数抑制浓度(IC50)大于2.0×1011cfu/L.亚硝酸盐降解菌YX01对大型蚤(Daphnia magna)的48h-半数致死浓度(LC50)大于2.0×1011cfu/L,对草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)的96h-LC50大于2.0×1011cfu/kg.经分析,亚硝酸盐降解菌YX01为无毒菌株.  相似文献   

将万州区牌楼段的长江水与金属离子混合,通过测定荧光光谱得出,在金属离子质量浓度较低(1.0×10-7 mg/mL)时,长江水中的腐殖质与金属离子发生螯合作用而使荧光强度降低,而在更高浓度时,则由于吸附/解吸作用而使荧光强度增强.三维荧光谱图的测定结果表明,金属离子浓度的大小决定了其与腐殖质的基团反应类型.实验结果表明,...  相似文献   

Genotoxic effects of Bismuth (III) oxide nanoparticles (BONPs) were investigated on the root cells of Allium cepa by Allium and Comet assay. A. cepa roots were treated with the aqueous dispersions of BONPs at five different concentrations (12.5, 25, 50, 75, and 100 ppm) for 4 h. Exposure of BONPs significantly increased mitotic index (MI) except 12.5 ppm, total chromosomal aberrations (CAs) in Allium test. While stickiness chromosome laggards, disturbed anaphase–telophase and anaphase bridges were observed in anaphase–telophase cells, pro-metaphase and c-metaphase in other cells. A significant increase in DNA damage was also observed at all concentrations of BONPs except 12.5 ppm by Comet assay. The results were also analyzed statistically by using SPSS for Windows; Duncan’s multiple range test was performed. These results indicate that BONPs exhibit genotoxic activity in A. cepa root meristematic cells.  相似文献   

Genotoxicity of freshwater pollution was assessed by measuring DNA damage in haemocytes of caged freshwater crayfish Astacus leptodactylus by the means of Comet assay and micronucleus test, integrated with the measurements of physiological (total protein concentration) and immunological (total haemocyte count) haemolymph parameters as biomarkers of undergone stress. Crayfish were collected at the reference site (River Mre?nica) and exposed in cages for 1 week at three polluted sites along the Sava River (Zagreb, Sisak, Krapje). The long term pollution status of these locations was confirmed by chemical analyses of sediments. Statistically significant increase in DNA damage measured by the Comet assay was observed at all three polluted sites comparing to the crayfish from reference site. In addition, native crayfish from the mildly polluted site (Krapje) cage-exposed on another polluted site (Zagreb) showed lower DNA damage than crayfish from the reference site exposed at the same location indicating adaptation and acclimatisation of crayfish to lower levels of pollution. Micronuclei induction showed similar gradient of DNA damage as Comet assay, but did not reach the statistical significance. Observed increase in total haemocyte count and total protein content in crayfish from polluted environments in the Sava River also confirmed stress caused by exposure to pollution. The results of this study have proved the applicability of caging exposure of freshwater crayfish A. leptodactylus in environmental genotoxicity monitoring using Comet assay and micronucleus test.  相似文献   

The toxicity of receiving waters was evaluated by means of the young tadpoles assays. The sentinel organism was Bufo arenarum, an indigenous anuran species. The assayed water samples were taken from a highly polluted urban watercourse (Reconquista River, Buenos Aires, Argentina), characterized by high concentration of nitrites, phosphates and heavy metals. The toxicity of water samples was assessed performing the pass-fail test and by means of the NOEC and LC(50); TUs (toxic units) were also calculated. The effect of the addition of a positive control (Cd) on the toxicity of the river water samples was also examined. Water samples of three sites, characterised by their different degree of pollution, were assayed. The lethal response had a clear cut correspondence with the water quality of the sample evaluated by means of physicochemical parameters. In most cases, the dilution of the samples resulted in a significant reduction of their toxicity to TU values compatible to those stated by the USEPA for industrial effluents. It was concluded that (a) the used Bufo arenarum bioassay was an adequate method for assessing the toxicity of natural polluted water samples and (b) the three considered endpoints showed no important differences after 48 or 96 h of exposure, therefore we concluded that it may not be necessary to extend the assay for a longer period than 48 h.  相似文献   

Beck IC  Bruhn R  Gandrass J 《Chemosphere》2006,63(11):1870-1878
In the present study, the yeast estrogen screen (YES) has been used to assess the estrogenic activity in surface waters of a coastal region in the German Baltic Sea. Solid-phase extraction using the copolymer Oasis HLB followed by a clean-up on silica was carried out on approximately 50-l water samples. From the final 400 μl extract volume, 100 μl aliquots were used for the measurement of estrogenic activity and for chemical analysis, which was performed by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry (LC–MS/MS). From 29 samples taken during two campaigns (2003 and 2004) at five different stations 27 samples showed an estrogenic response higher than 10%. The response in the YES was expressed as measured estradiol equivalents (EEQs), which were in the range of 0.01 (Darss Peninsula) to 0.82 ng/l (Inner Wismar Bay). Samples from stations located in inner coastal waters showed higher estrogenic activities than those from outer located stations. A comparison of measured estrogenicity (YES) and calculated estrogenicity (chemical analysis) showed significant differences, probably due to the presence of anti-estrogenic compounds and/or the estrogenic activity of unknown, not identified contaminants. The main contributors to the overall estrogenic activity were synthetic and natural hormones.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the potential of the freshwater mussel Sinanodonta woodiana for detection of genotoxic pollution of the environment. Study was performed at two sites in the Velika Morava River, from May 2010 to February 2011. The alkaline comet assay on haemocytes was used, and the olive tail moment (OTM) was chosen as a measure of DNA damage. The specimens held on acclimation under controlled laboratory conditions for 10 d were used as a control. Chemical analysis revealed the presence of phosphates and increased concentrations of zinc, copper and nickel at both sites during the entire sampling period. The values of OTM in mussels collected from the environment, significantly correlated with the concentration of zinc (r = 0.6248), temperature (r = 0.7006) and dissolved oxygen (r = 0.7738). Seasonal variations in genotoxic response were observed, with the highest OTM values obtained during summer months. Preliminary results of the in vitro study indicated the effect of water temperature on genotoxic response to zinc and cadmium in S. woodiana suggesting that the presence of genotoxic pollutants during months with lower temperature could be under-estimated. Obtained results indicate that S. woodiana could be a valuable tool for active biomonitoring of aquatic environments and emphasizes the importance of seasonal genotoxic monitoring with this organism.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to study the genotoxic potentials of sodium arsenite (NaAsO2) in freshwater fish Oreochromis mossambicus by using alkaline comet assay and micronucleus (MN) test. Fish were exposed to three different concentrations (3 ppm, 28 ppm and 56 ppm) of arsenic and gill, liver and blood tissue samples were collected after 48 h, 96 h and 192 h of exposure. Arsenic exposure induced DNA damage in all tissues examined in a concentration dependent manner. A significant (< 0.05) increase in the comet tail DNA (%) of the exposed fish liver, gill, and blood was observed after 48 h and 96 h of exposure, but a decline in DNA damage was recorded in all the tissues at all the three concentrations studied after 192 h of exposure. Liver tissue exhibited significantly (< 0.05) higher DNA damage at all the concentrations examined, followed by gill and blood. Higher liver tail DNA (51.38 ± 0.21%) refers that it is more prone to injury to arsenic toxicity than the gill and blood. In blood samples arsenic induced micronucleus formation in a concentration dependent manner and highest (5.8 ± 0.46%) value was recorded in 56 ppm after 96 h of exposure, whereas, it was decreased after 192 h of exposure at all the three concentrations of NaAsO2 examined which refers to the DNA repairing ability of fish to arsenic toxicity. The results of this study depict the genotoxic potentials of arsenic to fish which in turns provide insight on advanced study in aquatic toxicology.  相似文献   

The distribution and occurrence of 15 antibiotics in surface water of the Pearl River System (Liuxi River, Shijing River and Zhujiang River) and effluents of four wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were investigated in two sampling events representing wet season and dry season by using rapid resolution liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (RRLC-MS/MS) in positive ionization mode. Only eight antibiotics (sulfadiazine, sulfapyridine, sulfamethazine, sulfamethoxazole, trimethoprim, roxithromycin, erythromycin-H2O and norfloxacin) were detected in the water samples of the three rivers and the effluents. The detection frequencies and levels of antibiotics in the dry season were higher than those in the wet season. This could be attributed to the dilution effects in the wet season and relatively lower temperature in the dry season under which antibiotics could persist for a longer period. The levels of the detected antibiotics in different sites are generally in a decreasing order as follows: Shijing River ?WWTP effluent ?Zhujiang River ? Liuxi River. Risk assessment based on the calculated risk quotients showed that only erythromycin-H2O and roxithromycin detected in the Pearl Rivers might have adverse effects on aquatic organisms.  相似文献   

Background, aim, and scope  It has been known that the pollutants of electronic wastes (E-wastes) can lead to severe pollution to the environment. It has been reported that about 50% to 80% of E-wastes from developed countries are exported to Asia and Africa. It has become a major global environmental problem to deal with ‘E-wastes’. E-waste recycling has remained primitive in Jinghai, China. This not only produces enormous environmental pollution but also can bring about toxic or genotoxic effects on the human body, threatening the health of both current residents and future generations living in the local environment. The concentration of lead in the blood of children in the E-waste polluted area in China is higher than that of the control area. But little is known about the cytogenetic effect to human beings caused by the pollution of E-wastes. In the present study, experiments have been performed to investigate the genetics of permanent residents of three villages with numerous E-waste disposal sites and to analyze the harmful effects of exposure to E-wastes. Materials and methods  In total, 171 villagers (exposed group) were randomly selected from permanent residents of three villages located in Jinghai County of Tianjin, China, where there has been massive disposal of E-wastes. Thirty villagers were selected from the neighboring towns without E-waste disposal sites to serve as controls. Chromosomal aberrations and cytokinesis blocking micronucleus were performed to detect the cytogenetic effect, dic + r (dicentric and ring chromosome), monomer, fragments (acentric fragments, minute chromosomes, and acentric rings), translocation, satellite, quadriradial, total aberrations, and micronuclear rate were scored for each subject. DNA damage was detected using comet assay; the DNA percentage in the comet tail (TDNA%), tail moment (TM), and Olive tail moment (OTM) were recorded to describe DNA damage to lymphocytes. Results  The total chromosome aberration rates (5.50%) and micronuclear rates (16.99%) of the exposure group were significantly higher than in the control group (P = 0.000). The percentage of DNA in the comet tail, tail moment, and Olive tail moment detected by comet assay showed that there was a significant difference in DNA damage in the exposure group (P = 0.000). The chromosome aberration, micronucleus rate, and DNA damage observed in women were significantly higher than those in men. Chromosome aberration and micronuclear rates of both smokers and non-smokers in the exposure group are obviously higher than that in the control group (P = 0.000). Discussion  The use of outdated (and unsafe) ways to deal with E-wastes can lead to exposure to a variety of substances harmful to human health. The components of pollution may enter the human body through the air, drinking water, and food chain to damage human genetic material, resulting in genomic instability. The rates of chromosomal aberration, micronucleus formation, and the degree of DNA damage in women in the group exposed to electronic waste were significantly higher than in men. The reason for this may be concerned with the traditional lifestyle of the local residents or the difference of sensitivity to the exposure to E-wastes or any others. Further investigations are needed to provide evidence to demonstrate this. Conclusions  Here, we report the obviously cytogenetic toxicity to the exposure population by the E-waste pollution for the first time. E-waste pollution may be a potential agent of genetic mutation, and may induce cytogenetic damage within the general population exposed to the pollution. These findings need to be considered, and steps should be taken to protect the current population and future generations from the effects of pollution with E-wastes. Recommendations and perspectives  The above results remind us that the impact of E-waste recycling on environmental quality of Jinghai should be evaluated soon. Moreover, it is urgent for the government to prohibit E-waste import and its processing by outdated ways. The future studies such as pollutant details of drinking water, air, and soil in the area as well as epidemiological investigations on the harmful effect to children must be performed eagerly. All the data available do provide a compelling case for immediate action in both countries to address workplace health and safety and waste management. Qiang Liu and Jia Cao contributed equally to this study and share the first authorship.  相似文献   

Yan S  Zhou Q 《Chemosphere》2011,85(6):1088-1094
Little information is available about the toxicity of toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene acting on macrophytes, and their toxicity data are rarely used in regulation and criteria decisions. The results extended the knowledge on toxic effects of toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene on aquatic plants. The responses of Hydrilla verticillata to these pollutants were investigated. Chlorophyll levels, lipid peroxidation, and antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase and guaiacol peroxidase) showed diverse responses at different concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. The linear regression analyses were performed respectively, suggesting the concentrations of toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene expected to protect aquatic macrophytes were 7.30 mg L−1, 1.15 mg L−1 and 2.36 mg L−1, respectively. This study emphasized that aquatic plants are also sensitive to organic pollutants as fishes and zooplanktons, indicating that macrophytes could be helpful in predicting the toxicity of these pollutants and should be considered in regulation and criteria decisions for aquatic environment protection.  相似文献   

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