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Chemical process industries such as oil refineries, fertiliser plants, petrochemical plants, etc., which handle hazardous chemicals, are potential targets for deliberate actions by terrorists, criminals and disgruntled employees. Security risks arising out of these threats are real and must be assessed to determine whether the security measures employed within the facility are adequate or need enhancement. The essential steps involved are threat analysis, vulnerability analysis, security countermeasures, and emergency response. Threat analysis involves the study of identifying sources, types of threats, and their likelihood. Vulnerability analysis identifies the weaknesses in a system that adversaries can exploit. Depending on the threat likelihood and vulnerabilities, various security countermeasures are suggested to improve the plant security. Appropriate emergency response measures that could mitigate the consequences of a successful attack and concepts of inherently safer processes in the light of process security are also discussed in the paper. It is recognised that serious terrorist threats exist to the transport system of hazardous chemicals (by road, rail cars, ships, pipelines, etc.). However, that is not a part of this study, which concentrates on process plants and hazardous materials within immovable boundaries. A case study of a fertiliser plant is used to show the application of ideas presented.  相似文献   

为明确城市公共安全关键影响因素,解决以往研究中存在的研究区域小、影响因素单一、评估方法主观性强、对策措施缺乏针对性等问题,基于风险评估基础理论和因子分析法,构建城市公共安全风险评估指标体系和风险评估模型,并以武汉市为例进行公共安全风险评估,提出相应的风险控制对策。结果表明:构建的“灾害严重性-风险应对能力”风险评估指标体系对因子分析法具有较好的适用性,风险评估模型能够有效判别城市公共安全的关键影响因素;影响武汉市公共安全的4大关键影响因子为城市发展水平和基础设施、事故灾害、环境影响和地质灾害及其防治;2010—2017年间武汉市公共安全水平总体呈上升趋势,风险应对能力的提升对武汉市公共安全水平提升贡献较大。  相似文献   

Under the new threat situation it is necessary to impede and if necessary detect ingress by unauthorised persons into the relevant establishment. It may be necessary to take additional measures to protect installations or parts thereof that are especially hazardous or at risk from terrorist attacks from interference by unauthorised persons.

It is the duty of the state to take precautionary and preventive measures to impede or prevent external terrorist attacks or entry by force into establishments. The necessary resources for this purpose must be made available even in times of limited budgets.

Since total protection can never be guaranteed, external emergency measures have a particularly important role to play. The competent authorities in this sector must receive the necessary information from the operators and must take the measures within their sphere of responsibility without delay.

Much of the information necessary for assessment of the risk situation by the operators and the authorities is already available under the provisions on the safety report and the external alarm and emergency plans according to European Seveso II Directive (96/82/EC).

It is recommended that a restriction of disclosure of information on the grounds of public safety should only be permitted for establishments/installations which are to be regarded as security-relevant on the basis of the hazard and the risk analysis.

The outline of the systematic approach of a security analysis like it is proposed in Germany is described separately.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Safety and security share numerous attributes. The author, who heads the (Security) Vulnerability Assessment Team at Los Alamos National Laboratory, therefore argues that techniques used to optimize security might be useful for optimizing safety. OPTIMIZING SECURITY: There are three main ways to attempt to improve security-security surveys, risk assessment (or "design basis threat"), and vulnerability assessments. The latter is usually the most effective. SAFETY ANALOGS: Vulnerability assessment techniques used to improve security can be applied to safety analysis--even though safety is not ordinarily viewed as having malicious adversaries (other than hazards involving deliberate sabotage). Thinking like a malicious adversary can nevertheless have benefits in identifying safety vulnerabilities. SUGGESTIONS: The attributes of an effective safety vulnerability assessment are discussed, and recommendations are offered for how such an adversarial assessment might work. CONCLUSION: A safety vulnerability assessment can potentially provide new insights, a fresh and vivid perspective on safety hazards, and increased safety awareness.  相似文献   

基于AHP的模糊法在面粉厂安全评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的发展,面粉厂规模也逐渐扩大.近几年面粉厂发生爆炸的事故时有发生,对面粉厂进行安全评价,建立相应的预防措施显得非常必要.面粉厂安全性评价是综合运用安全系统工程的方法对系统的安全性进行度量和预测.本文确定了面粉厂安全性评价的指标体系,提出了应用AHP模糊法评价面粉厂安全性的方法和步骤,以及面粉厂安全性的等级划分,并应用AHP模糊法对面粉厂进行了实际评价.根据评价结果和存在的问题提出了一些可行的对策措施.评价结果对于面粉厂的安全生产有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI)/American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 780 Security Risk Assessment (SRA) Methodology was published in June 2013 as a U. S. standard for security risk assessments on petroleum and petrochemical facilities. The standard represents a model standard for evaluating all security risks of petroleum and petrochemical infrastructure and operations and assists industries in more thoroughly and consistently conducting SRAs. The 2013 Standard is an update from the previous API/NPRA SRA Methodology (2004) and focuses on expanding functional utility without changing the basic methodology.The methodology can be applied to a wide range of assets even beyond the typical operating facilities of the industry. This includes refining and petrochemical manufacturing operations, pipelines, and transportation operations including truck, marine, and rail, as well as worker and executive security, housing compounds, and remote operational sites. The new standard describes the most efficient and thorough approach for assessing security risks widely applicable to the types of facilities operated by the industry and the security issues they face. It is voluntary but has been adopted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Interior High Commission for Industrial Security as the mandatory security risk assessment methodology for industrial facilities.This paper examines the key elements of the ANSI/API SRA process and discusses how forward thinking organizations may use risk-based performance metrics to systematically analyze facility security postures and identify appropriately scaled and fiscally responsible countermeasures based on current and projected threats. The AcuTech Consulting Group developed the methodology under contract to the API, and the author was the project manager for the project.  相似文献   

借鉴现有的生态风险评价方法,提出适合危险化学品储存的区域生态风险评价体系,即区域生态风险受体确定,评价终点选择,暴露途径和方式,暴露剂量分析与计算,风险表征以及区域生态风险管理对策等。研究结果表明:在有风模式中,鸟类的不可接受风险范围最远可达下风向7km,蛙类的不可接受风险最远可达下风向27km。大部分敏感点的蛙类急性暴露剂量都超标,处于不可接受风险水平;80%的敏感点的鸟类处于不可接受风险水平。根据风险评价结果,提出从防范措施、应急预案、环境监测和生态补偿4个方面制定区域生态风险管理措施。该区域生态环境风险评价研究为同类型区域生态环境风险评价提供借鉴作用。  相似文献   

从2006年春运期间北京西站发生的大规模旅客滞留事件入手,通过对事件发生的原因、发生过程以及事件发生过程中管理者应对突发事件的措施详细分析,以及对北京西站现有应急管理措施的总结,指出北京西站在应急管理中存在的主要问题。首先缺乏持续全面的风险评估工作,其次应对新的突发事件中准备不足,再次应急管理的中心环节应急响应过程中措施不得力,再次之是恢复阶段工作重点不突出。针对暴露出的问题给出提高西站应急管理能力的几点建议,建立长期动态的风险评估机制,加强铁路与地方的协调合作,加快对硬件设施的改造,以及完善应急预案和加强培训、应急演练等解决措施。  相似文献   

城市综合防灾应急能力可拓评价模型构建及应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
城市综合防灾应急能力可以衡量一个城市在面临灾害时的抗御能力及恢复能力,并且是辅助城市灾害决策的重要依据.以城市灾害发生时及其后所展开的各种紧急救援工作所涉及的城市防灾建设状况作为评价依据,按照一定的指标选取原则,构建出包括消防能力、避难安置能力、医疗救护能力、物资供应能力、治安防护能力、环卫能力、协调能力7个1级评价指标及17个2级评价指标的指标体系.根据国际通用或相关规范规定的救灾资源配置标准进行等级划分,利用可拓学理论及其特点建立可拓评价模型.并将评价模型应用于长沙城市综合防灾应急能力的评价,得出长沙市城市综合防灾应急能力等级为"差",以及长沙需要重点加强的指标:消防车数量、人均避难面积、城市综合防灾管理体系完备度.  相似文献   

查阅了2019年通过评审并备案的390家企事业单位突发环境事件应急预案,总结了企事业单位突发环境事件应急预案存在的问题及对策.为提高应急预案的适用性,应在准确辨识企业的环境风险物质、详细调查企业的周边环境风险受体情况、建立快速的应急监测机制、储备足够的应急物资等方面基础上,使应急措施和方案达到可操作性,凸显应急预案的使...  相似文献   

Security incidents around the world causes enormous loss in terms of life, economy, and environment. The 9/11 ′triggered the serious onset of research initiatives in the field of security with a more specific focus on the protection of high sensitive and hazardous facilities. It is well known that technology is advancing in a very rapid phase, proportionally increasing the security risk of the facilities. Conventional deterministic risk techniques widely found their applications in the earlier stage but owing to the increasing dynamic nature of the security risk, probabilistic dynamic risk assessment models were developed over time. In this article, the authors attempted to present the evolution of security risk concepts, their present status, and their future scope in a precise and consolidated form. The last 20 years of development in the security risk assessment concept involving deterministic and dynamic risk assessment models and applications in security risk assessment relevant to physical security are discussed in this article. The objective of the article is to outline the past, current and future directions of security risk highlighting their strength, weakness and limitations.  相似文献   

为对化工企业风险进行评价,根据公共安全三角形理论,从危险源破坏性、目标脆弱性和应急处置可恢复性3个方面建立风险分析模型。在危险源破坏性上,从事故发生可能性和事故后果危险性2个方面进行讨论并得出可能性和危险性系数。在目标脆弱性上,建立人和物的脆弱性计算模型得出目标脆弱性的系数。设立应急管理指标,结合专家评分得出应急处置可恢复性系数。将各系数归一化相乘得到化工安全风险分析整合系数,建立基于危险源破坏性(Destructiveness)、目标脆弱性(Vulnerability)、应急处置可恢复性(Recoverability)的DVR风险分析模型,并进行应用实例分析。结果表明:该模型在化工企业的风险评价中具有一定的实用性。  相似文献   

海洋石油作业具有高危险性、高投入的特点,从事故应急管理内涵角度出发,以海洋石油作业事故历史数据统计及风险分析为基础,开展了不同海洋石油作业事故在应急管理过程中的重点内容的研究,进而指导、细化海洋石油作业应急工作。  相似文献   

化工园区应急管理模式研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
在化工园区特点和危险性分析的基础上,建立"风险防控、应急队伍、应急平台、应急组织、应急预案、运行机制"的化工园区应急管理模式;探讨加强化工园区应急管理的对策措施;提出以重大危险源普查与监控、区域风险评价和安全规划为重点,构建风险防控与管理体系;增强包括公安消防特勤队、特种工程抢险队、医疗救护队在内的化工园区应急救援队伍的处置能力;依托园区现行管理体制完善应急组织体制及其运行机制;完善化工园区应急预案体系等。  相似文献   

汪建国 《安全》2019,40(6):16-18
矿山企业生产系统复杂、生产环节多、地质条件复杂多变、生产条件较为恶劣,要求其不断提高自身的应急管理水平和应急响应能力。本文首先对矿山生产事故的特性进行了分析,划分了人的不安全行为的类型,在此基础上建立了矿井事故致因模型,对事故情况下人员的行为特点、矿工的行为与井下应急场所的关系进行了深入探讨。最后,从安全管理和矿山救护队伍建设两个方面提出了控制矿山事故风险的对策。  相似文献   

应急评估及其方法研究是建立水源地突发性污染事件应急机制的关键环节之一.在综合评价现有相关应急评估方法的基础上,根据水源地突发性污染事件的风险源不确定性、受体易损性以及需快速反应性等特征,提出了对突发性污染事件的危害影响程度进行应急评估的"时间特征指数"方法.选取了泄漏物质危害性、泄漏量、泄漏位置、流速和风速5项评估指标,计算得出能够反映突发性污染事件对取水口危害威胁性的综合指数.对上海市黄浦江上游水源地一起突发性污染事件进行了案例评估,结果表明该方法具有一定的科学性和可行性.  相似文献   

危险化学品道路运输系统危险性分析   总被引:21,自引:10,他引:21  
针对危险化学品道路运输中的安全问题 ,建立了危化品道路运输系统模式和系统危险性评价程序。应用所开发的ACES软件系统对汽车燃料汽油的替代品LPG的道路运输进行了最大事故后果分析评价 ,并提出了建议和对策。研究结果不仅能够为危化品道路运输系统危险性的控制和预防提供科学指导 ,还能为减少系统事故损失及事故时的应急疏散等提供参考数据 ,具有潜在的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

职业安全和公共安全有许多共同点,可以把公共安全技术用于职业安全,公共安全主要有3种工作方法:安全监察、风险评价(或叫设计隐患)和薄弱环节评价。后者常常最有效。公共安全的薄弱评价法可以用于职业安全分析,象“坏人”一样思考有利于辨识安全薄弱环节。安全薄弱环节评价可以为职业安全分析提供新的视角。  相似文献   

贺明磊  周国旭 《环境与发展》2020,(2):139-139,141
在发生突发环境事件事件时,污染事件较为常见,为准确采取应对措施,必须有针对性地开展应急监测,及时采取有效的应对措施。对此,本文首先对突发环境污染事件与应急监测响应概念进行介绍,然后对突发环境事件应急监测准备工作以及应对措施进行详细探究。  相似文献   

生产作业区重大危险源评估方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
危险源是危险的根源,是系统中存在的可能发生意外释放能量的危险物质,开展重大危险源评估工作可有效预防和控制生产作业区重大安全事故的发生,保障人民群众生命财产安全,同时也为生产作业区安全监督管理提供依据。以某生产作业区为例,研究了生产作业区重大危险源辨识标准及分类分级方法,研究了重大危险源安全现状及危害等级的安全评估方法,指出了企业在重大危险源安全管理上应采取的安全技术措施和安全管理措施,为提高生产作业区安全管理水平,制定重大危险源专项应急预案提供了依据,上述辨识和评估思路和方法可为其他企业借鉴参考。  相似文献   

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