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Ashkanasy, N. M. The JOB saga continues: chapter three. Journal of Organizational Behavior, Volume, 28, 137–139. The above editorial (DOI: 10.1002/job.437) was published in print in February 2007. A number of printing errors were subsequently identified throughout the article: Page 137, line 1: ‘Volume 25’ should read ‘Volume 28’ Page 137, line 4: ‘Issue 28’ should read ‘Volume 28’ Page 137, line 22: ‘for over 30 years now’ should read ‘for over 30 years’ Page 138, line 31: ‘though the JOB’ should read ‘through the JOB’  相似文献   

Current brief aims to introduce the concept of safety in European industrial sectors, particularly in mechanics and machinery industry. It also highlights the importance to ensure an even level of machinery safety along the European Union, setting up the appropriate frame and procedures to keep it under control. An overview over market surveillance activities for machinery (regulations, main actors and their roles) first at Community level, and secondly an approach to one of the Member States is also introduced.  相似文献   

柯达公司1995年在上海投资电子设备厂,1998年开始与中国感光业合作,投资12亿美元成立了柯达(中国)股份有限公司,柯达无锡股份有限公司;2000年又投资建立了柯达(厦门)有限公司。目前有职工4000多名,生产传统和数码照相机,彩色胶卷和彩色相纸,黑白X光片,照相用冲印套药,以及符合环保再制造概念的一次性相机,涵盖化工,精细化学,机械制造和机电设备等多种行业,至今没有发生过一起“失工时事故”(即员工因工负伤,在24小时内不能返回工作岗位),安全生产达到4383万小时,实现中国柯达安全生产5000年,创造了制造业安全生产的奇迹。  相似文献   

This study is a constructive replication of investigations into the technology-job design relationship. It is hypothesized that the utilization of a preprogrammed/system controlled technology reduces environmental variance resulting in routine (simple) versus non-routine (complex) job designs. Empirically it was noted that employees perceive and describe their jobs as routine when they interact with a system controlled technology.  相似文献   

新春佳节,阖家团圆,不仅要吃得开心,还要玩得开心.不要以为春节娱乐只是年轻人的事,中老年人也不该放弃玩的权力.  相似文献   

The Flixborough explosion was the largest-ever peacetime explosion in the UK. There were 28 fatalities as well as near-complete destruction on the 24 ha plant. An official Court of Inquiry was immediately established and charged with the responsibility of determining the cause(s) of the disaster and the lessons to be learnt. Reviews are made here of the evidence and arguments behind an alleged 8 in initiation to the event and briefly that of the Court's determination of failure—the simultaneous failure of two 28 in bellows attached to a temporary 20 in dog-leg pipe bridge. Both cases are seen as flawed. The only credible hypothesis appears to be one that involved the failure, most probably by fatigue, of only one of the two bellows attached to the dog-leg—this then buckled, sealing the lower reactor. The dog-leg later collapsed by the blast. This process resulted in a much smaller explosive release than either alternate hypothesis and thus may have consequences for reportable inventories and process safety. The investigation employs NIST FDS CFD analyses of the potential releases, fires and their influence.  相似文献   

This document sets out a diagnostic approach regarding the mechanical resistance of silos to an internal explosion that could occur within them. Even though prevention is logically a priority, risk analysis is about studying contingencies and vulnerability. Presented herein are risk assessment methods — including methods for quantifying the effects of an explosion on structure, as well as methods for assessing structure vulnerability. The data required for the vulnerability research approach are defined. The location of sampling holes, which may prove necessary for diagnosis purposes, is more fully developed for tower silos. A stability analysis for the different silo components is established. This approach is useful for risk analysts and allows them to highlight the sensitive elements in order to integrate the protection aspect into an existing facility or a facility to be constructed.  相似文献   

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