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A survey was undertaken (August through November, 1998) to determine the extent of the awareness and implementation of cleaner production practices within small to medium-sized businesses in the Geelong region of Victoria, Australia. Information was also gleaned on improvements/benefits gained from the adoption of such practices, reasons for adopting or not adopting cleaner production methods and utilization of educational and assistance schemes. We conclude that the adoption of cleaner production by such businesses is still at a very early stage with much work to be done to raise levels of awareness and to convince these businesses of the potential benefits of cleaner production.  相似文献   

针对2020年2月8—13日新冠疫情防控期间京津冀地区一次持续的区域性重污染天气过程,利用地面、高空气象观测资料和欧洲中心ERA5数据,从环流背景、温度平流变化、地面气象要素和边界层风场分布等方面,分析了本次重污染天气过程的气象成因。结果表明:1)本次过程大气环流稳定,污染前期高空以西北气流为主,10日开始陆续有短波槽东移,850 hPa及以下转为偏南风,地面多次出现闭合低压,气压场整体较弱,天气形势静稳。2)中部地区冷空气活动不显著,大部分时段中低层为暖平流或弱冷平流。逆温出现次数明显偏多,且逆温层厚度和强度均大于南部,污染物不易扩散。3)中部地区地面风力较小,且边界层1 000 m以下风向较不稳定,通风性能差,加之南部污染物输送,导致该地区及周边重污染加强。4)重污染区域与地面辐合线分布相一致,出现在地面辐合线和湿区的北侧。5)对比2014年2月京津冀重污染天气过程,本次过程气象要素更加不利于污染物扩散,但防控减排在一定程度上减弱了污染程度。  相似文献   

膨润土(蒙脱石)在城市环境治理中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
现代城市地质环境日益恶化。环境污染日趋严重。粘土矿物因具有特殊的层问域而具有吸附作用、离子交换作用等性质,在治理城市环境污染、净化城市空间等方面发挥着重要的作用。本文对利用膨润土(蒙脱石)在治理城市垃圾产生的渗滤液污染、修复和净化城市污染水体中的研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

三峡库区(重庆段)种植业污染负荷空间分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以土地利用、农户访谈等数据为基础,运用化肥施用强度、单位面积污染负荷和农作物类型指数等指标,在ARCGIS和逐步回归方法的支持下,对库区(重庆段)种植业污染负荷的空间分布特征进行分析.结果表明:1库区(重庆段)种植业单位面积施肥折纯量为TN 23.25 t·km-2、TP 20.34 t·km-2,由其产生的污染负荷总量较高,达3.54 t·km-2;2种植业污染负荷总体展现出较大的空间差异,且这一分布与作物种植结构、种植业的集聚关系密切;3种植业距离区域中心点越近由施肥产生的污染负荷越高,具有"类点源"特征,且乡(镇)中心点较近区与较远区施肥产生污染负荷的空间分布差异比区(县)中心点的更显著;4(农作物类型指数、单位耕地面积产值和务农人员比例)、(农作物类型指数)和(单位耕地面积产值)分别对库区(重庆段)种植业污染负荷总量、TN和TP的影响较为显著;5除耕地流转外,其他因素对污染负荷总量、TN和TP均产生正向作用.  相似文献   

以长链烷基苯(LABs)作为生活污水排放的示踪剂,测定了珠江三角洲主要河流及邻近南海北部海域表层沉积物中LABs浓度.结果表明,珠江、东江、西江、伶仃洋及南海北部海域样品中LABs的浓度分别为58.5~2332.1,96.9~565.8,20.5~57.0,5.8~25.8,2.5~23.1ng/g.LABs的I/E值表明,研究区域内生活污水基本上未处理或处理效率低下.对LABs与多环芳烃及多溴联苯醚的相关性分析表明,城市污水的排放是该区域内这些有机污染物的重要来源之一.  相似文献   

The USLE/RUSLE support practice factor (P-factor) is rarely taken into account in soil erosion risk modelling at sub-continental scale, as it is difficult to estimate for large areas. This study attempts to model the P-factor in the European Union. For this, it considers the latest policy developments in the Common Agricultural Policy, and applies the rules set by Member States for contour farming over a certain slope. The impact of stone walls and grass margins is also modelled using the more than 226,000 observations from the Land use/cover area frame statistical survey (LUCAS) carried out in 2012 in the European Union.The mean P-factor considering contour farming, stone walls and grass margins in the European Union is estimated at 0.9702. The support practices accounted for in the P-factor reduce the risk of soil erosion by 3%, with grass margins having the largest impact (57% of the total erosion risk reduction) followed by stone walls (38%). Contour farming contributes very little to the P-factor given its limited application; it is only used as a support practice in eight countries and only on very steep slopes. Support practices have the highest impact in Malta, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece, Belgium, The Netherlands and United Kingdom where they reduce soil erosion risk by at least 5%. The P-factor modelling tool can potentially be used by policy makers to run soil-erosion risk scenarios for a wider application of contour farming in areas with slope gradients less than 10%, maintaining stone walls and increasing the number of grass margins under the forthcoming reform of the Common Agricultural Policy.  相似文献   

With respect to emissions from industry, the IPPC Directive is one of the key instruments of the environmental legislation of the European Union. The purpose of this Directive is to achieve integrated pollution prevention and control from large industrial installations. The conditions of required permits have to be based on Best Available Techniques (BAT). In 1997, the so-called Sevilla Process was established to develop these BAT. Since then, 33 Best Available Techniques REFerence Documents (BREFs) were drafted, adopted and published. This Sevilla Process with its actors is described. The BREFs are unique documents containing ambitious consumption and emission levels which cannot be found anywhere else.  相似文献   

甲醛(HCHO)是大气光化学重要污染物之一,为研究西南地区郊区大气夏季甲醛污染特征选取了四川省成都市新津区进行大气甲醛观测,结合NOx、O3、PAN、J-value、温湿度、风速风向、天气数据进行分析.观测期间成都市新津区夏季甲醛浓度为0.76×10-9~12.50×10-9V/V),均值为3.47×10-9±2.05×10-9V/V),呈现明显的日变化规律.结合数据分析可知,一次人为排放源在成都郊区夏季日间甲醛贡献中占比较低.观测期间甲醛受光照的影响较大,与O3、PAN、J-value普遍呈现一致的变化规律,因此成都市夏季日间甲醛主要来源为甲醛前体物的二次光化学反应.  相似文献   

黄河支流非点源污染物(N、P)排放量的估算   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
为了估算黄河支流域非点源污染物的排放量,为今后黄河流域的治理提供科学的依据,对黄河流域的6个子流域(渭河流域、泾河流域、洛河流域、无定河流域、窟野河流域、黄甫川流域)进行了水样、土样和泥沙样的采集分析;结合6个子流域的多年水文资料,利用已经被证明了的平均浓度法对黄河6个子流域的氮磷污染物进行了定量描述,估算出各个流域的氮磷排放量.结果表明,95%的全磷、大于53%的全氮来自于非点源污染,非点源污染是造成黄河污染的主要原因.各流域非点源污染的发生具有明显的地域分异特征.硝态氮主要来自于渭河,铵态氮主要来自于泾河,其次是渭河.从全氮看,绝大部分氮来自于渭河和泾河.全磷则主要来自于泾河,其次是渭河.泾河和渭河是6条河流中对黄河污染物排放量贡献最大的2条河流.  相似文献   

Biochar as an emerging carbonaceous material has exhibited a great potential in environmental application for its perfect adsorption ability. However, there are abundant persistent free radicals (PFRs) in biochar, so the direct and indirect PFRs-mediated removal of organic and inorganic contaminants by biochar was widely reported. In order to comprehend deeply the formation of PFRs in biochar and their interactions with contaminants, this paper reviews the formation mechanisms of PFRs in biochar and the PFRs-mediated environmental applications of biochar in recent years. Finally, future challenges in this field are also proposed. This review provides a more comprehensive understanding on the emerging applications of biochar from the viewpoint of the catalytic role of PFRs.  相似文献   

通过对我国西南(云南、四川)13个高山地区地衣植物—长松萝(Usnea longissima)中铅(Pb)含量及其稳定同位素组成(208Pb/206Pb和207Pb/206Pb)的测定与分析,并且与土壤Pb含量进行对比,探讨了该地区大气Pb污染及其来源特征.结果表明,各地区长松萝中Pb的含量范围为1.5~64.5mg/kg,在临近城市及有色金属产区含量较高,与土壤中Pb含量(7.6~113.9mg/kg)空间变化一致;不同采样区长松萝与土壤中Pb含量呈典型正相关关系(r=0.919, P<0.01),长松萝Pb含量反映了区域大气Pb污染程度差异.长松萝中208Pb/206Pb和207Pb/206Pb同位素比值范围分别为2.099~2.123和0.852~0.874.通过与主要潜在污染源Pb同位素对比分析,认为我国西南高山地区大气Pb污染主要源自该地区铅锌矿冶炼释放,并且还可能受到来自缅甸含铅汽油源的影响.  相似文献   

中国西南纵向岭谷区近百年降水的时空变化特征   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
对纵向岭谷地区近百年来降水的时空变化特征进行分析,结果表明:纵向岭谷区年降水量、夏季降水量和冬季降水量第一种主要分布型式呈现出一致偏多(或偏少)的特征。由于受地形阻隔、通道及地形抬升影响,岭谷地区年和夏季降水量以元江-红河流域为界,东部降水量空间分布减小,西部年降水量空间分布增加,其中心在澜沧江、怒江流域摆动,具有经向分布特征;冬季岭谷地区雨量具有纬向分布特征。近百年的降水量变化,年际变化最显著,周期变化主要集中在3.5年以下的高频振荡时域内,其次是年代际变化,最后是气候态的变化,但冬季的气候态变化并不明显;年降水分布第二模态的气候态变化是3个不同时段中最明显的,其次是夏季降水分布的第二种模态。  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2006,14(9-11):1017-1027
Households have many similarities to small and medium-sized enterprises. They have inputs and outputs, produce services and wastes, have cash flows and related budgeting issues and incorporate a range of management functions. Households also cover the full suite of Triple Bottom Line aspects, i.e., social, environmental and economic. For tertiary education purposes the household has been a focus at Lincoln University for environmental management students to study environmental management systems and sustainability reporting. This paper outlines the educational aims and context for the course of study and demonstrates, through the examination of one student's course work, how there are similarities between SMEs and households and the sort of initiative designed for a household that also might work in SMEs. As part of this demonstration the paper introduces the Awareness, Action and Advancement (AAA) Environmental Management and Reporting System. The AAA system is cyclic, straightforward, marketable and appears to work. As such the principles from this educational exercise might have relevance in SMEs.  相似文献   

东海区带鱼伏季休渔效果及其资源的合理利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
根据2002-2003年东海区带鱼年龄鉴定资料,并引用以往的带鱼渔业生物学研究结果,作为估算带鱼死亡系数和建立动态综合模型所需的有关参数值估算的依据,从而运用Ricker动态综合模型分析了在现行渔业条件下东海区带鱼伏季休渔效果和带鱼资源利用状况以及变更渔业利用情况对带鱼渔业所产生的影响。结果表明:在现行渔业下(tc=0.5a,F=2.61/a),东海区实施3个月的伏季休渔制度能使年平均资源量增加87%,年产量增加29%,渔获平均体重增加42%;带鱼资源的利用虽处于捕捞过度状态之中,但尚能承受较大的捕捞压力,资源结构利用不合理之处是捕捞大量的幼鱼群体,渔获个体依然过小,渔获平均体重仅为75g/ind.;单位补充量渔获量(Y/R)随tc变化的影响大于随F的变化,建议在维持现有伏季休渔制度下,应逐渐降低捕捞强度,并以提高起捕规格放大网目尺寸作为今后一个时期首选的渔业管理目标,应是较为现实的资源合理利用措施。  相似文献   

以石油焦基为原料,采用KOH活化法制取高比表面积活性炭.考察了高比表面积活性炭吸附水中Cd(Ⅱ)时,pH值、Cd(Ⅱ)浓度、吸附时间和活性炭用量等因素对Cd(Ⅱ)吸附量和水中Cd(Ⅱ)残余浓度的影响.实验结果表明高比表面积活性炭在适宜条件下对Cd(Ⅱ)具有较大的吸附量和良好的再生效果.为HSAAC在废水中的实际应用提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

目前,国内外已开展了大量农业非点源污染核算研究,但大部分经验模型缺乏对非点源污染入水体过程的考虑,而机理模型则受到资料限制,大尺度应用难度较大.针对传统研究面临的未考虑入水体过程、难以精细化模拟等核心问题,本研究基于源-流-汇理念和栅格汇流算法,构建了耦合源负荷核算、入水体过程核算、植被截留核算等模块的农业非点源污染物全过程核算方法(Grid confluence based agricultural nonpoint source pollution calculation method,GC-ANPSM).案例研究表明,GC-ANPSM方法具有较好的适用性,径流模拟误差为24.3%,总氮模拟误差为9.78%.该方法可为少监测资料地区的农业非点源污染物全过程核算提供理论和技术基础,同时为制定农业环境保护政策提供决策依据.  相似文献   

IntroductionInChina ,withtherapideconomicdevelopmentandunprecedentedchangesinlanduse ,artificialemissionofNOxandVOCshasincreasedsignificantlytothedoubleduringthepast 11yearsandreachesthesamelevelasUSAandEurope(Elliott,1997) .Asaresult,theground levelO3concent…  相似文献   

Effects of elevated O3 on the yields of rice and winter wheat were studied by using open-top chambers(OTCs).Results showed that compared to the control treatment,200 ppb,100ppb,50ppb treatments caused a 80.4%,58.6%and 10.5% decrease in grain yields per winter wheat plant and a 49.1%,26.1% and 8.2% decrease in grain yield per rice plant,respectively.According to the dose-response relation educed from OTCs experiment and the monitor data of O3 concentrations in spots,it was estimated that the yield losses of rice and winter wheat resulted by O3 pollution in the Yangtze River Delta region in 1999 were 0.599 million ton and 0.669 million ton,economic losses were 0.539 billion RMB Yuan and 0.936 billion RMB Yuan,respectively.  相似文献   

高速公路交通污染事故对河流水质影响的风险评价方法探讨   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
以拟建的成都-南充高速公路为例,探讨交通污染事故对河流水质影响的风险评价方法。把运输有毒有害物质的汽车在桥上翻车引起的水质污染作为风险危害,划分危险河段、监察河段和超标河段3种危害类型,并以危险河段长度作为主要的危害后果,从而可以计算风险评价的重要指标-风险高,实现对高速公路风险评价的定量估计。  相似文献   

西南生态脆弱区域农村城镇化水平较低,农村城镇化对区域经济社会发展和生态环境保护具有重要的意义,但农村城镇化也存在对生态环境的影响和破坏。通过分析云南昭通农村城镇化发展的生态增殖效应和胁迫效应,提出相应的生态调控对策,为生态脆弱区城镇的可持续发展探寻更为切实的规划思路。  相似文献   

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