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近年来,伴随着东部地区煤炭资源的枯竭,我国煤炭开采的重心逐步由东部湿润地区转移到西部干旱半干旱地区。生态环境脆弱是干旱半干旱区自然本底特征,大规模的煤炭开采一定程度上改变了当地的环境现状,带来了诸多环境问题。基于"井工"和"露天"两种不同煤炭开采方式,文章分析了干旱半干旱区煤炭开采造成的主要环境问题,并基于生态累积效应理论,分析了采煤活动的生态累积评估方法。最后,针对存在的主要环境问题提出了相应的对策与策略。  相似文献   

Coal is the most abundant hydrocarbon energy source in the world. It also produces a very high volume of greenhouse gases using the current production technology. It is more difficult to handle and transport than crude oil and natural gas. We face a challenge: how can we access this abundant resource and at the same time mitigate global environmental challenges, in particular, the production of carbon dioxide (CO2)? The editors of this special edition journal consider the opportunity to increase the utilization of this globally abundant resource and recover it in an environmentally sustainable manner. Underground coal gasification (UCG) is the recovery of energy from coal by gasifying the coal underground. This  process produces a high calorific synthesis gas, which can be applied for electricity generation and/or the production of fuels and chemicals. The carbon dioxide emissions are relatively pure and the surface facilities are limited in their environmental footprint. Unused carbon is readily separated and can be geo-sequester in the resulting cavity. The cavity is also being considered as a potential option to mitigate against change impacts of other sources of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. These outcomes mean there is an opportunity to provide developing and developed countries a source of low-cost clean energy. Further, the burning of coal in situ means that the traditional dangers of underground mining and extraction are reduced, a higher percentage of the coal is actually recovered and the resulting cavern creates the potential for a long-term storage solution of the gasification wastes. The process is not without challenges. Ground subsidence and groundwater pollution are two potential environmental impacts that need to be averted for this process to be acceptable. It is essential to advance the understanding of this practice and this special edition journal seeks to share the progress that scientists are making in this dynamic field. The technical challenges are being addressed by researchers around the world who work to resolve and understand how burning coal underground impacts the geology, the surface land, and ground water both in the short and the long term. This special issue reviews the process of UCG and considers the opportunities, challenges, risks, competitive analysis and synergies, commercial initiatives and a roadmap to solutions via the modelling and simulation of UCG. Building and then disseminating the fundamental knowledge of UCG will enhance policy development, best practices and processes that reflect the global desires for energy production with reduced environmental impact.  相似文献   

介绍了煤炭地下气化技术的开发与应用,相比传统煤炭开采燃用技术,煤炭地下气化实现了煤炭清洁开采与利用,指出煤炭地下气化技术是环保型开采与利用技术,应用积极推广利用。  相似文献   

探讨绿色开采技术保护矿区生态环境   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
在分析煤矿开采造成矿区土地资源浪费、水资源破坏和大气污染现状的基础上,根据可持续发展和“绿色开采系统”思想,提出了保水采煤、改革巷道布置和采煤方法减少岩石巷道掘进量、采空区充填新技术。煤和瓦斯共采、矿区的土地复垦和生态重建等开采技术措施。  相似文献   

From an economic point of view Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) is a promising technology that can be used to reach coal resources that are difficult or expensive to by conventional mining methods. Furthermore, the process addresses safety concerns, by avoiding the presence of workers underground. An optimal UCG process requires the integration of various scientific fields (chemistry, geochemistry, geomechanics) and the demonstration of limited of environmental impacts. This paper focuses on the mechanical component of the UCG operation and its impact on the surrounding environment in terms of stability and land subsidence. The mechanical components are also considered. Underground mining by coal combustion UCG challenges include the mechanical behavior of the site and of stability of the overburden rock layers. By studying the underground reactor, its inlet and outlet, we confirm the key role played by mechanical damage and thermo-mechanical phenomena are identified. Deformation or collapse above the cavity may cause a collapse in the overlying layers or subsidence at the surface level. These phenomena are highly dependent on the thermoporomechanical behavior of the rock surrounding the cavity (the host rocks). Unlike conventional methods, the UCG technology introduces an additional variable into the physical problem: the high temperatures, which evolve with time and space. In this framework, we performed numerical analyses of the coal site that could be exploited using this method. The numerical results presented in this paper are derived from models based on different assumptions describing a raw geological background. Several 3D (3 dimensional) and 2D (2 dimensional, plane) nonlinear finite element modelings are performed based on two methods. The first assumes a rock medium as a perfect thermo-elastoplastic continuum. In the second, in order to simulate large space scale crack propagation explicitly, we develop a method based upon finite element deactivation. This method is built on a finite element mesh refinement and uses Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. Based on the analysis of the numerical results, we can highlight two main factors influencing the behavior and the mechanical stability of the overburden, and consequently the UCG process evolution. The first is the size of the cavity. This geometrical parameter, which is common to all types of coal exploitation, is best controlled using the classic exploitation method. We show that in the case of UCG, the shape of the cavity and its evolution over time can be modified considerably by the thermomechanical behavior of the host rocks. The second is the presence of a heat source whose location and intensity evolve over time. Even if thermal diffusivity of the rock is low and only a small distance from the coal reactor is thermally affected, we show that the induced mechanical changes extend significantly in the overburden, and that subsidence can therefore be estimated at the surface. We conclude the integration of the mechanical analysis into a risk analysis process mechanical analysis can be integrated in a thorough risk analysis.  相似文献   

山西省煤炭开采环境损失的经济核算   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
以环境经济学的经济外部性理论为依据,识别采煤过程中生态环境的外部不经济因素,应用环境价值评价法,对这些不经济因素进行量化和货币化,初步建立了省域煤炭开采环境污染和生态破坏经济损失核算体系.以2003年为基准年,核算了山西省煤炭开采环境污染和生态破坏的经济损失量.结果表明:2003年山西省煤炭开采环境污染与生态破坏造成的损失约为286.746 8×108元,折合每t煤损失63.79元.其中环境污染年损失61.979 4×108元,折合每t煤损失13.78元;生态破坏损失224.767 4×108元,折合每t煤损失50.00元.依据该核算结果,1978─2003年山西省累计采煤约65×108 t,所造成的环境损失约为4 100×108元.   相似文献   

煤矸石的淋溶行为与环境影响的研究--以淮南潘谢矿区为例   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
淋溶是有害微量元素从煤矸石中析出后污染环境的重要途径。本文在对淮南潘谢矿区煤矸石浸泡实验的基础上,研究了在雨水pH值波动范围内有害微量元素从煤矸石中淋溶析出的变化规律,利用计算最大溶出量和老矸石山下土壤与清洁区土壤中微量元素对照的方法,探讨了煤矸石的淋溶对水环境及周围土壤的影响。潘谢矿区煤矸石的露天堆放、用作填充材料对地表水、地下水及土壤不会造成显著影响,宜推广煤矸石用做填充材料,以变废为宝,节约土地资源。  相似文献   

耿海清 《自然资源学报》2014,29(7):1136-1144
我国业已开展的自然区划、部门区划、经济区划和功能区划均难以作为行业环境管理政策单元,以至于重点行业环境管理政策全国“一刀切”现象普遍存在,直接影响了政策的科学性和有效性。为实现行业环境管理政策和区域资源环境承载能力相匹配,论文提出了行业环境管理类型区的概念并在内蒙古的煤炭开发领域进行了应用。在分区过程中,针对煤炭开发的生态影响、水资源影响和土地资源影响三类主导影响,构建了与行业特点相对应的生态敏感性指数、水资源敏感性指数和土地资源敏感性指数。在此基础上,以县为基本评价单元,对内蒙古进行了三类敏感性指数的分区,进而通过指数组合,将全区共划分为4 类煤炭行业环境管理类型区;对每个类型区的煤炭资源条件、开发现状及主要资源环境制约进行了分析,并提出了相应的分区环境管理要求。  相似文献   

通过实测的68台燃煤锅炉数据,给出了以吨煤为基础的沈阳市锅炉排污的几项统计系数.即排气量系数,排尘浓度系数,空气过剩系数,吨煤排尘量系数,为环境管理部门提供宏观统计系数.  相似文献   

Research was conducted to identify some of the current pollution minimisation practices adopted in Australia's mining and mineral processing industries. Initially, 84 mining and mineral processing companies were approached for inclusion in the study, with request only made for information that was available to the company stakeholders and the wider general community. Among the responses received, BHP Billiton, BlueScope Steel, Newmont Australia Limited and AngloGold Australia provided the information requested and/or a substantial quantity of information through reports on their company website. Analysis of the data collected for these companies indicated that improvements were made, and that policies had been implemented over the previous few years. The pollution minimisation and policy practices adopted at the operations of these companies include environmental management systems, advanced pollution control technologies, environmental awareness training for employees, and requirement – from company stakeholders – for increased accountability of environmental impacts.  相似文献   

露天煤矿矿区生态资产负债核算技术方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
生态资产负债核算技术体系是施行生态环境管理政绩考核制度的必要科技支撑.目前生态资产研究在核算内容上注重生态资产流量评估而忽视生态资产存量损失计量,强调生态系统服务变化研究而对其变化原因探索不足,并且在研究技术手段上强调3S宏观技术手段而忽视微观生态要素调查和生态环境质量评价,因此尚不足以为地方政府生态环境管控绩效考核提供强有力支撑.针对露天煤矿开采所导致的严峻生态环境问题,将微观研究手段与宏观分析技术方法相结合,通过对比来分析核算时段起止年份生态资产存量的类别、数量、质量、空间格局,辨识矿区采矿作业、土地复垦、生态恢复等人类活动对生态环境的损益类型和特征;基于不同类别存量生态资产质量评价来判别其损益程度,进而划分生态资产负债核算类型区并探究其损益原因;以此为前提探索构建包括存量、流量及负债三部分内容在内的生态资产负债核算框架及技术方法,并采用直接法和间接法编制生态资产负债表.研究旨在弥补现有区域生态资产评估技术的不足,以为生态环境管理绩效考核提供更为客观、详实、可靠的资料数据为核心,倡导生态资产研究内容与方法的革新.   相似文献   

煤炭开采形成的地表沉陷是煤矿区主要的环境地质灾害问题。以新疆奇台县某煤矿为研究对象,在综合分析矿区生态环境的基础上,运用概率积分法对其地表沉陷进行预测,划定沉陷范围,并对其可能产生的生态影响进行分析,提出了减少煤炭开采对生态环境影响的措施,为矿井后续开发建设提供环境保护依据。  相似文献   

为维护我国西北地区生态安全,引导煤炭资源有序开发利用,以甘肃省、青海省、新疆维吾尔自治区为研究区域,结合西北地区典型内陆河流域地下水形成特征及区域生态环境特点,选取与区域煤炭综合开发活动具有重要关联的地下水资源、生态环境等指标,利用专家打分法确定评价指标权重,构建煤炭综合开发生态风险管控评价指标体系,通过对指标体系分级结果的空间转化,划分禁止开发区、限制开发区、适度开发区3个煤炭开发的生态风险管控区.结果表明:①禁止开发区面积约131.6×104 km2,占西北三省(自治区)总面积的46%,主要分布在柴达木、塔里木、准噶尔三大盆地的盆周及周边地区,总体上呈"三环"分布,禁止开发区应禁止一切煤炭开发活动.②限制开发区1区主要分布在新疆维吾尔自治区南部地区及天山北麓以及甘肃省河西走廊的人工绿洲,煤炭开发利用过程中要兼顾保护农田、地下水,维持防风固沙功能方可进行;限制开发区2区主要分布在甘肃省酒泉地区黑河流域,新疆维吾尔自治区阿克苏地区、喀什地区及和田地区的荒漠生态系统内以及环塔里木盆地外围地区,煤炭开发利用过程中需兼顾防风固沙功能及生态系统保护方可进行.③适度开发区分布较为分散,在保护特定生态系统功能的前提下可适度开发.研究显示,需针对上述不同类型的生态风险管控区提出差别化管理要求,重点对限制开发区、适度开发区的煤炭开发提出相应的生态保护要求,提出由限制为主转向优化发展为主的管理方略.   相似文献   

煤炭资源的开发带动了淮南经济快速持续发展,但由于煤炭资源采出后,开采区周围岩土体的原岩应力平衡状态遭到破坏,出现位移和变形,诱发的开采沉陷可导致一系列环境问题,甚至引发重大的地质灾害事故,如建筑物的裂缝与崩塌,铁路钢轨的悬浮,高速公路路基的沉陷,水体的流失与矿井的淹没等都将造成巨大的经济损失及严重的社会问题。因此,开采沉陷区内建(构)筑物的保护治理一直是矿区亟待解决的问题。针对煤炭地下开采活动对沉陷区内地表建(构)筑物的影响,探讨了合理开展煤矿沉陷区建(构)筑物保护治理工程的方法。  相似文献   

煤及其燃烧产物中有害痕量元素的淋滤特性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过对我国西北部上湾与石嘴山电厂原煤、底灰和飞灰中As、Pb、Cd、Mop、Mo、Co和U等有害痕量元素在不同条件下的淋滤实验,采用原子荧光光谱(AFS)和电感耦合等离子体质谱法(ICP-MS)测定了痕量元素在2套(6个)样品、3种淋滤介质、4个不同时间段获取的淋滤液中的浓度,对比不同元素间淋出率、60h的最大淋出率和淋滤强度的差异性,分析痕量元素在不同条件下的淋滤特性;通过对比元素在原煤和燃煤产物中的含量、60h的最大淋出率以及淋滤液中元素的浓度,参考相关地下水的环境质量标准对痕量元素的环境效应进行了综合评价:As与Se的淋滤性较差,淋滤液中的最大浓度较低,对环境造成危害的可能性很小;Pb与Cd在淋滤液中的最大浓度较高,可能对环境造成危害.Mo与Co的淋出性好,淋出率高,同时淋滤液中的最大浓度是三类地下水环境质量标准的5~10倍,对环境造成危害的可能性最大.  相似文献   

Ruqigou Coalfield, being one of the most important coal mining areas in China, has suffered coal fire problems for more than one hundred years. Due to coal fires, about 4.513 million tons coal resources has been lost each year, and apart from a large volume of CO2 delivered into air, environmental problems such as land degradation, land pollution and air pollution are also produced. Air pollution, as one related to coal fires, is the most dangerous problems for local people and has already led to vegetation pollution in this area. Land degradation is mainly induced with occurrence of land subsidence, fissures with due to coal mining/coal fires, and debris slide/flow. With development of opencast coal mining, a large volume of waste was produced, which is the major source of land pollution. All these environmental problems are associated with coal mining or coal fires and their comprehensive effects are deterioration of environment.  相似文献   

1IntroductionAsoneofthemostimportantsourcesforpowergeneration,coalminingindustryisstilincreasingwithpopulationgrowthandeconom...  相似文献   

原油码头及配套设施工程是以生态影响为主的建设项目,与工业污染型建设项目对环境影响方式有所不同。码头建设涉及到海洋生态影响,又区别于公路、矿山等陆域生态影响项目。按照国家相应法律法规,从工程概况调查、环保措施落实情况以及生态(海域和陆域)、污染、社会环境影响监测与调查等方面,分施工期和试运营两个时间段作相应的介绍,以明确原油码头、站场及输油管线工程竣工环保验收调查的重点和特点。  相似文献   

废弃餐饮油脂的资源化利用是关乎公众健康和环境保护的重要举措.目前我国废弃餐饮油脂炼制生物柴油的环境效益尚不明晰、国家政策模糊,相关产业发展滞缓.本研究以国内废弃餐饮油脂炼制生物柴油的典型企业为例,利用GaBi软件对废弃餐饮油脂的收集、预处理、酯化和运输等过程全生命周期阶段的资源环境影响进行系统核算,评估其环境效益,以期为国家生物柴油行业发展和相关政策制定提供科学依据.研究结果表明:①整个生命周期过程中,酯化阶段的环境影响最大,各指标占比为52.91%~96.05%,其环境影响主要是由燃煤、用电和甲醇消耗引起;②敏感性分析结果显示,燃煤、用电、甲醇消耗和收集距离的变化对整个生命周期环境影响结果有着较大影响;③废弃餐饮油脂炼制的生物柴油生命周期化石能源消耗16406 MJ·t~(-1)、温室气体排放815 kg CO_2 eq·t~(-1),与石化柴油相比,具有较好的节能和温室气体减排效益.  相似文献   

依据国家新的煤炭产业政策及国家环境保护部的文件精神,对煤炭开采项目环境影响技术评估的主要方面进行了探讨,为规范煤矿建设项目环评及审批提供技术支持.  相似文献   

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