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As part of Ontario's Toxics Reduction Strategy, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment provided funding for two years to a partnership of the Ontario Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement (OCETA) and the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) to deliver a Cleaner and Greener Manufacturing Program, which will include the development and delivery of training and technical assistance programs on toxics reduction and pollution prevention (P2). Over the next two years, OCETA and CME will be working with small-to-medium sized manufacturers to demonstrate the business value of toxics reduction and pollution prevention planning to help motivate businesses to move into a greener economy.  相似文献   

Two experiences related to pollution prevention (P2) curricula are described: An active learning course in environmental engineering (EE) for ChE students, and the development of “modules” for pollution prevention in an international mobility program. The first is approached in collaborative learning oriented to pollution prevention through process and product analysis and life cycle assessment; the second attempts to design and develop up to 17 modules around process integration tools in an exchange program involving eight institutions from three countries of North America, some 12 professors and up to 42 students. Modules support in-class and distance learning using a web-based platform.  相似文献   

生态文明新时代下的空间规划体系对国土空间底线管控提出了明确要求,“双评价”与国土空间规划监测评估预警是底线思维的体现。研究“双评价”与国土空间规划监测评估预警在国土空间底线管控中的作用和地位,通过国土空间规划“一张图”实施监督信息系统的建设,对二者的联系及其相互作用进行体现,构建二者的联动方式,服务于国土空间底线管控及治理的全过程。“双评价”与国土空间规划监测评估预警共同组成底线管控的两个阶段,前者是开展底线管控的基础,后者是底线管控的路径和手段,两者皆是生态文明新时代下国土空间规划底线管控的重要工具,需以国土空间规划“一张图”实施监督信息系统为基础加强两者的有机结合。  相似文献   

The integration of pollution prevention (P2) into modern municipal wastewater by-laws has forced discharging facilities to rethink how they select, purchase, process and dispose of chemical products and wastes. This paper focuses on some of the key challenges of P2 planning and toxics reduction in healthcare environments. It will also provide insight and lessons learned by way of a P2 planning case study at one of Toronto's largest multi-facility healthcare institutions and their efforts and successes in complying with the City of Toronto's Sewer Use By-Law P2 Planning requirements. This case study demonstrates how P2 practitioners, facility, housekeeping and procurement managers were successful in leveraging the supply chain to identify non-toxic alternatives for product substitution. As a result, substituted products were effectively and efficiently incorporated into maintenance and operation functions, resulting in the reduction of sanitary effluent discharge levels of toxic surfactants by over 90% within a 2-year period. Such P2 success stories illustrate how effective P2 planning can be achieved with minimal capital cost and without complex ‘end of pipe’ treatment solutions, resulting in rapid cost recovery and tangible environmental benefits within a short time frame.  相似文献   

我国尾矿库情况复杂,安全及环境风险高,监管难度大,系统分析尾矿库的环境风险,开展有效管控非常重要.尾矿中含有重金属等有毒有害物质,随着矿山废水、废渣、粉尘排放会对周围环境造成危害,特别是突发事故发生时,废水及尾矿会短时间内大量排入环境,而产生重大人员伤亡、财产损失和生态环境损害.因此,不仅要开展正常工况下的污染防控,更要注重从源头防止事故次生的环境风险.本文从尾矿库安全风险防范化解、环境污染风险防控、突发事故应急管理梳理并分析了相关法律、政策.此外,总结并讨论了典型制度,涉及项目准入、责任与落实、监测预警制度.总体上,安全风险管控制度较为完善,但污染风险管控制度存在诸多问题,如体制尚未完全捋顺、责任落实抓手不够、监测预警能力不足等.针对目前管控存在的问题,立足于全国尾矿库数量原则上只减不增的新需求,提出相关工作建议:一是要厘清各部门责任,进一步完善尾矿库环境风险管控制度体系;二是要提高各方责任落实能力,推动制度落地见效;三是要开展技术及政策支持,推动尾矿资源综合利用.  相似文献   

环境影响跟踪评价是环境影响评价制度的重要组成部分。从2011年开始江苏省环评批复满5年的开发区开始着手进行环境影响跟踪评价。开发区规划环境影响跟踪评价的一般工作内容主要包括13部分,工作重点主要是分析开发区产业定位、产业布局、污染物防控措施、总量、基础设施建设、风险防范措施、环境质量变化、居民拆迁、空间防护距离等方面存在的问题,并提出可操作性的措施。环境影响跟踪评价为调整开发区规划的思路,避免重复出现类似问题提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

构建以排污许可制为核心的固定污染源监管制度体系,具有丰富的制度内涵,在当前强化排污单位污染防治主体责任的政策目标下,对有效形成企业持证排污、政府依证监管格局,提升固定污染源污染防治的法治化水平,具有重要的法律价值。当前应以《排污许可管理条例》的制定为契机,以排污许可证整合企业污染防治义务,厘清政府和企业的权力义务边界,明确排污单位污染排放控制的责任范围,具体化监管要求,增强企业污染物排放管理的预期,激励和推动企业强化对自身排放行为的管理,主动承担环境治理主体责任,提升污染源监管制度效能。  相似文献   

This special issue introduction reviews the objective and focus of the special issue: an overview of Canadian contributions to, and expectations for, cleaner production–pollution prevention (CP-P2) and its integration with sustainable development. It provides the Canadian definition of P2, briefly reviews policy and legislative background and growth and evolution of CP-P2 in Canada, and the importance of public debate. It notes the challenge of using CP-P2 to move toward sustainability. It concludes by highlighting the content and findings of the papers in the special issue which explore the key issues driving the evolution of CP-P2 in Canada, the contribution of various players to this evolution and the synergies between CP-P2 and other sustainability initiatives.  相似文献   

近两年哈尔滨连续出现重度污染或严重污染天气,大气污染已经明显引起了公共健康效应和经济损失,大气环境治理工作已到了刻不容缓的地步.本文对哈尔滨市大气环境质量概况、大气污染主要成因分析得出,大气细颗粒物主要来源于民用秸秆燃烧、工业、露天焚烧、道路交通、供暖、火电和非道路交通.其中,工业、民用秸秆燃烧、露天焚烧和供暖为最大污染来源.通过运用哈尔滨市大气环境容量的测算,计算得到现状污染源布局下的最大环境容量,燃煤、机动车尾气排放、扬尘这三种因素加重了哈尔滨市的大气污染,进而提出哈尔滨市大气污染防治对策,达到控制大气污染进一步加剧的可能性.  相似文献   

The paper presents a generic process synthesis and optimisation tool suitable to take up applications in the design of waste treatment systems and in pollution prevention. The main component of the technology is a generalized process synthesis representation for simultaneous consideration of reaction and separation in multiphase systems that is amenable for stochastic optimisation. The flexibility of the representation allows applications to overall process synthesis problems as well as to decomposed reactor, reactive separation and mass exchange network design problems. Applications of the synthesis framework to waste water treatments processes using activated sludge and to natural gas sweetening in hybrid membrane-adsorption processes are presented. The paper highlights the use of the systematic technology in environmental systems design and shows how novel designs of improved performance as well as optimal design knowledge can be revealed using the systematic design framework. Context abstract: Environmental process systems for waste treatment and pollution prevention become increasingly complicated to design. There is a strong need for technology that provides systematic decision support to the process synthesis team in order to enable the timely selection of processes that operate close to the performance limits of the system under consideration. Conventional, optimisation-based process design technology is severely limited by the number of design decisions they can support simultaneously as well as by the increasingly complex process models required for the meaningful mathematical representation of environmental process systems. We have devised an optimisation-based process design methodology for integrated reaction and separation systems that overcomes major limitations of existing tools. This paper illustrates the use of this technology to provide systematic decision-support to the environmental process systems designer.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2007,15(13-14):1373-1381
This paper presents four strategic approaches for sustainable regional development: The Natural Step Framework, Zero Emissions, Eco-Industrial Parks, and The Rocky Mountains Institute's Economic Renewal program. An analysis against the requirements of regional planning shows a great synergy potential among these concepts. A joint approach would be advisable, not only on the content side, as the presented concepts differently fulfil the requirements of regional planning, but also on the organisational side, in terms of coordinating efforts and allocating personnel, time and financial resources. However, all four concepts seem to lack two aspects: First, a project must meet the needs of the residents and fit their regional and personal identities in order to get them involved, and second, most development projects need clear monitoring structures. In order to close these gaps, we propose to integrate a tool that helps to understand people's livelihood systems, as well as monitoring tools such as Ecological Footprint accounts, Factor X models or Material Impact calculations.  相似文献   

北京市2000年-2012年水环境质量及污染规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境质量和污染结构演化与城市社会经济发展之间存在内在联系,抓住三者间的关系可以更好地规划指导环境保护,甚至影响城市规划。本文分析了2000年以来首都水环境质量及水环境污染演变规律,研究了环境质量和污染结构演化与城市社会经济发展之间的内在联系,在此基础上识别并分析了北京市主要水环境问题和成因,提出了水环境保护的综合对策和建议。研究将为解决北京市水环境问题提供有力支撑。  相似文献   

The paper focuses upon the organization of a federal state-funded pollution prevention project in the Styrian industry. The project includes 13 companies from the textile, pulp and paper, machine building, wood working and printed circuit board manufacturing industries, covering most of the sectors and sizes in the Styrian industry. It started in January 1994 and will last for one year. It will demonstrate the possibilities of pollution prevention and the need for further research work. This project will make use of the methods and tools that were refined in the Austrian Prepare project. As a first step, a systematic balance of all the inputs and outputs of a company is made, after which the weak points and inefficiencies of material and energy use are identified and the options for improvements, both economical and ecological, are defined. Consequently, modifications in products and production lead to a situation with less waste and emissions. The preliminary lessons from these projects are presented: as a rule, the utilities (consumption of process materials and water, cleaning, energy, preparatory and finishing steps) are treated as black boxes and usually represent a considerable optimization potential. In these areas especially there is usually a lack of information and coordination as well as a need for a systematic and comprehensive approach. Leadership in the company and creative consultants are needed for starting lasting successful pollution prevention projects.  相似文献   

生命周期设计用于产品环境要求设计初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
产品的生命周期设计是在可持续发展要求的推动下,为既能降低产品对环境的影响又能满足用户的需要而提出的。它是将综合预防污染和节约资源的战略用于产品的设计中,以开发更生态的、经济的、可持续发展的产品体系。文中着重分析了产品生命周期设计的基本框架、设计策略和设计要求,并在此基础上探讨了如何推行产品的生命周期设计。   相似文献   

加强土壤污染防治资金和工程项目管理的建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先分析了中央财政土壤污染防治专项资金的性质,结合资金管理办法进一步阐明了资金使用范围、资金分配方式、绩效导向和信息公开要求。分析了部分省份开展的土壤污染防治工程项目、资金管理制度建设的现状和获得2016年第一批土壤污染防治专项资金支持项目的情况,对比指出了在支持重点、支持方式上的不同特点。基于主要问题,从加强土壤污染防治项目储备库建设、开展项目与资金规范管理的制度建设、明确不同对象的组织管理职责、重视咨询服务队伍和专家队伍建设等四个方面,阐述了加强土壤污染防治项目组织和资金管理的建议,为相关环境管理部门提供决策参考。  相似文献   

Since the 2000 inception of “Hospitals for a Healthy Environment” (H2E)—a US Environmental Protection Agency and American Hospital Association pollution prevention partnership—the healthcare industry has made a concerted effort to eliminate mercury and reduce other toxics.The Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (MnTAP), at the University of Minnesota, used H2E tools over the course of two years (2001–2003) to demonstrate the effectiveness of pollution prevention at healthcare facilities. As a result at least 22% of Minnesota hospitals are engaged in documented pollution prevention efforts. Twenty-nine facilities have eliminated 75% of their mercury or are working towards that goal. MnTAP was able to document healthcare facilities that have eliminated 394 lb of mercury, 751 gal of hazardous chemicals and 250,000 lb of solid waste, saving $152,600. MnTAP continues to provide pollution prevention assistance to the healthcare sector.  相似文献   

Calls for management effectiveness of protected areas have been made on the grounds that evaluation can help determine the ability of protected areas to meet their goals, identify opportunities and threats, and encourage stakeholders to adapt to changing conditions. In 1995, the Statutory Framework of the World Network of biosphere reserves included a requirement that all biosphere reserves must undergo a process of periodic review once every 10 years. The primary purpose of the periodic review is to evaluate the effectiveness of biosphere reserve organizations in achieving the objectives related to three functions: biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, and logistical support. Beyond meeting statutory requirements, the periodic review process can also be considered an opportunity for learning within and beyond the national and international networks. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how management effectiveness in Canadian biosphere reserves has been interpreted through the periodic review process conducted in Canada. A content analysis was performed on the 15 periodic review reports of the 11 Canadian biosphere reserves reviewed between 1995 and 2012. Determining compliance appears to be the dominant purpose of periodic reviews, while determining and providing learning opportunities through periodic review is emerging. We conclude that periodic reviews can be used as learning tools if systematic efforts are made to evaluate, reflect, and share lessons learned. Specific recommendations are provided to enhance this possibility.  相似文献   

流域水质评价模糊综合评判模型及其应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前淮河流域水污染现象十分严重,迫切需要对水质进行评价并采取有力治理措施。本文采用基于加速遗传算法的改进层次分析法(AGA—AHP)和隶属度矩阵,建立了模糊综合评判模型。将该评价模型运用于淮河流域水质评价实例之中,结果表明了模型操作方法简单、结果真实可靠。通过水质评价可以有针对性的制定治理方案和防治规划。  相似文献   

文中对建筑施工质量与生态环境污染防治成本进行了介绍,主要包括介绍了生态环境污染防治成本和建筑施工质量与生态环境污染防治成本,然后对建筑施工中生态环境污染防治成本进行探讨,探讨了建筑施工中生态环境污染防治成本的现状和建筑施工中生态环境污染防治成本的影响,最后给出了建筑施工中生态环境污染防治成本的预防,通过对建筑施工中生态环境污染防治成本分析,可以得到在建筑施工中,为了防治生态环境污染,就要加大投资进行处理。  相似文献   

流域水污染防治“十二五”规划分区方法与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流域规划分区管理是国内外流域治理的普遍经验,为逐步改变中国流域管理与区域管理“两张皮”的局面并促进两者的真正结合,阐述了进行流域规划分区的必要性和意义。《重点流域水污染防治规划(2011-2015年)》强化了分区、分级和分类防治的策略,构建了流域一控制区一控制单元的三级规划分区管理体系,提出了分区原则和方法,明确了流域、控制区和控制单元的范围及边界的划分方法,将8个重点流域划分为37个控制区、315个控制单元,确定了“十二五”水污染防治格局。同时筛选出118个重点控制单元,分为水质维护型、水质改善型和风险防范型3种类型,分类制定差异性的水污染防治综合治理方案,为未来流域的精细化水环境管理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

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