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绿色大学建设管理的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对绿色校园建设的必要性从高校的优势和学校管理要求方面进行了论述。以辽宁大学为例,探讨了其进行绿色校园建设的主要内容,并提出了污染预防、实施生态工程和进行可持续发展管理的对策。  相似文献   

The Oxford Commission on Sustainable Consumption aims to promote debate and action to achieve sustainable consumption. It has met four times since it was established in 1999. Commission members have undertaken a number of projects around the world, working with communities to explore pathways to more sustainable consumption. This paper summarises the Commission’s progress and the messages emerging from its work. Current consumption trends are supported by a number of social trends, including individualisation, the spread of the market ethos, urbanisation, globalisation, and the increasing awareness of risk and uncertainty. However, these trends contain the seeds of their own limitation. In particular, increasing discourse about ethics and social goals may be the key to a shift towards more sustainable consumption.  相似文献   

基于五律协同与可持续发展理论,从自然、环境、技术、社会、经济五方面出发构建大学校园环境评价指标体系。运用层次分析法、归一化、定量转化和加权综合等方法建立评估模型,对大学城这一特殊的环境进行调查研究,提出了相应的措施建议。将该评估体系引入大学城规划建设中,利用科学机制评判设计的可持续性,使校园管理决策模式进一步合理化。  相似文献   

气候变化给全球社会经济发展带来了重大影响,林业碳汇在适应和减缓气候变化、促进可持续发展三方面的重要作用日益被世界各国所认可。林业碳汇项目实施的难点在于准确掌握林业碳汇项目设计的规则、标准体系,重点在于基准线判别、碳汇计量、监测的方法学和工具。本文系统介绍了国际清洁发展机制造林再造林(CDM A/R)项目方法学和国内碳汇造林项目方法学、标准体系等最新成果,并以贵州省贞丰县林业碳汇项目为例,分析了基准线和监测方法学在林业碳汇项目开发设计中的实际应用。  相似文献   

大学生态环境保护意识的缺失,造成大学校园环境水平急剧下降。为从根本上改善大学生态环境,各大学校积极开展大学生态环境保护意识教育。传统教育方法以说服教育为主,缺乏理论实践支持,造成大学生个人生态环境保护意识提升不明显。为改善这种现状,引入竞争力教育模式,通过教育方式指标的选取,确定新型大学生态环境保护意识教育改革创新方法。通过对比研究的方式,证明应用改革创新后,大学生态环境保护意识教育方式,有效提升大学生个人生态环境保护意识,从根本上改善大学生态环境。  相似文献   

重大生态工程规划设计的理论探讨   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
生态问题已成为阻碍我国经济社会可持续发展的主要屏障,解决生态问题的主要途径是实施生态治理工程。我国开展的诸多生态治理工程以退耕还林还草工程最为典型,由于相关理论研究长期滞后于生产实践需求导致该工程在推进过程中“边实施、边调整、边总结”。论文剖析了退耕还林还草工程不同阶段出现的问题以及国家采取的相应对策。通过理论分析指出生态问题是经济社会系统内部矛盾的外在表现,生态治理工程既要解决生态退化及危害,又要解决诱发生态问题的经济社会内部矛盾;生态工程设计需要生态学、经济学、社会学等相关学科的理论支撑。重大生态工程设计之初需要考虑技术储备、工程成本、成果稳定性(经济社会系统内部矛盾解决程度)、推广性、综合效益、政策及法律法规搭配等问题以达到“内外兼治”的效果,避免因“边实施、边调整、边总结”带来的工程风险和浪费,最终保障工程目标的实现。  相似文献   

验收监测作为建设项目环境保护竣工验收的重要组成部分,在项目验收中发挥着重要的技术支持作用,为项目管理提供科学的监测结论。结合建设项目竣工验收监测工作的实践,剖析验收监测管理中存在不合理的环节,阐明了制约建设项目竣工验收监测质量的主要因素,提出了验收监测中完善有关相应的验收监测经费财政专项资金制度、监测公开招标制度、监测单位资格管理制度、公众参与制度、项目负责人制度等一系列管理制度,以保证验收监测过程、监测结论的客观公正。  相似文献   

This paper is a contribution to the debate on the redefinition of needs and perspectives of university level education in the field of sustainable design. It discusses the role of design research in relation to the production of new educational forms, methods and tools for a new generation of designers (and designer educators) enabling them to more effectively confront the transition towards a sustainable society. The paper is based on two premises; Firstly: in today’s climate there is a need for a general redefinition of education, as a result of the influence of new technological opportunities and changed socio-cultural conditions. Secondly: the design activity itself needs to be redefined in order to positively and effectively contribute to the radical change required by the transition towards a sustainable society. Industrial designer, educators and other design practitioners are all searching for ways to enhance their environmental capabilities and to produce sustainable designs. The academic discipline of design education in Italy (at the higher educational level) has responded by broadening its scope to produce more ‘environmentally skilled’ designers sensitive to issues of sustainable production and consumption. The Interdepartmental Research Centre in Innovation for Environmental Sustainability (CIR.IS) of the Politecnico di Milano University has developed an innovative and highly flexible response to these new design education needs. A set of interrelated projects—co-ordinated by the author—is outlined in the following paragraphs. These projects are funded by the Italian Environmental Protection Agency (ANPA). A university network (RAPI.RETE) has been established and a group of innovative and technologically advanced tools (ECO.CATHEDRA, ECO.OFFICINA, ECO.DISCO and DPS.MANUAL) are being developed to support teachers and students in the educational content and processes. The tools are now going to be distributed (free of charge) in Italian Universities and, both the ANPA and the CIR.IS have given their consent for their translation/adaptation into other languages (without charge).  相似文献   

This paper introduces a new approach for conducting project feasibility study by embracing the principles of sustainable development. Construction projects, in particular, infrastructures have major influence on the attainment of sustainable development, thus project sustainability needs to be considered. This becomes a pressing issue particularly in those developing countries or regions, such as China where a huge amount of construction works are currently performed and remain to happen in the future. Previous study has addressed little on the relevance of project feasibility study to project sustainability performance. The importance of incorporating sustainable development principles in conducting project feasibility study is not effectively understood by project stakeholders. This paper addresses major challenges of undertaking project feasibility study in line with sustainable construction practice with reference to the Chinese construction industry. A case study approach is the major research method in this study. The research team collected 87 feasibility study reports from various projects. Attributes are used for measuring project performance, including 18 economic performance attributes, nine social performance attributes, and eight environmental performance attributes. Research results show that economic performance is given the most concern in the current practice of project feasibility study, whilst less attention is given to the social and environmental performance. The study reveals the insufficiency of examining the performance of implementing a construction project from the perspective of sustainable development. The results also suggest the need for shifting the traditional approach of project feasibility study to a new approach that embraces the principles of sustainable development.  相似文献   

作为潜在的生态旅游者群体,大学生对环境问题的认识、态度及其行为倾向对于旅游地生态环境的可持续发展至关重要。文章以南京林业大学为研究对象,通过问卷调查,以配额抽样法探讨大学生旅游者学科专业、性别因素对环境意识的影响,了解环境心理与行为特征,并与国内生态旅游景区旅游者进行对比,研究发现当代大学生旅游者表现出较好的环境态度和倾向,行为意愿上显示出"绿色"的特征,同时专业课程学习以及实践经历能够增强环境认知和情感,对旅游环境与生态知识的渴求和认知程度对整体环境意识水平有较大影响,然而大学生旅游者的环境意识多来源于理论,存在着知行脱节,环境行为滞后于环境情感、意志。应将旅游环境教育与各学科教学结合起来,开展培养环境责任和环保能力的旅游实践活动,加强大学校园环境及文化建设,积极培育大学生旅游环境意识及管理旅游环境行为。  相似文献   

针对高校校园体育文化生态化建设的探讨,文中介绍了生态体育运动的必要性,这是高校校园体育文化生态化建设的基础,同时介绍了大学生对生态体育的认识,这是高校校园体育文化生态化建设的动力,最后给出了高校体育课生态化建设的目标,主要包括生态体育物质硬件建设,生态体育锻炼环境建设和体育行为生态化建设,对于高校校园体育文化生态化建设,只有做到这些,才能够使高校大学生,通过在高校校园体育文化生态化建设,使他们在身体素质上得到提高。  相似文献   

大学生旅游者环境素养调查及环境教育研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境素养是关于环境知识和技能、情感和价值观以及行为的综合,对大学生旅游者环境素养的调查是实施环境教育的重要基础。以南京林业大学为研究对象,以配额抽样法探讨大学生旅游者学科专业、性别因素对环境素养水平的影响,研究发现当代大学生旅游者具有较好的环境意识和态度,具备锻炼成长为严格的生态旅游者的潜质,对旅游环境和生态知识的渴求和认知程度对整体环境素养水平有较大影响,然而也存在着知行脱节、环境行为滞后于环境意识的现象。应结合高校各学科教学与环境道德教育工作,合理设置相关课程,开展旅游环保实践活动,创建绿色校园,营造提升大学生旅游者环境素养的整体氛围。  相似文献   

高校水管理方法研究述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创建节水型校园,既是降低办学成本的要求,也是培养学生节水意识、节水习惯的重要途径,同时也符合可持续发展的思想。首先阐述了加强高校用水管理的必要性;其次,综述了国内外各类水系统管理的研究现状;然后,从供水、用水和排水三个方面分析了高校水系统管理研究的现状,指出了目前高校水系统管理的研究内容单一,整体研究缺乏等不足之处,最后提出了未来高校中水回用管理,雨水资源化管理,分质供水管理,水系统监管平台的建立等研究热点。  相似文献   

绿色大学的建设是贯彻环境保护基本国策和实施可持续发展战略的重要举措之一。建立一套系统全面且便于操作的指标体系对绿色大学建设具有指导意叉。“绿色大学”建设围绕教育的核心,将可持续发展和环境保护的指导思想落实到大学的各项活动中、融入到大学教育的全过程。按目标层、准则层和指标层的思路构建绿色大学的评价指标体系。准则层由绿色教育、绿色校园、绿色科研、绿色实践和绿色办学构成,反映的是绿色校园建设所应包括的5大部分。指标层包括指标和主要参数,反映准则层的具体内容。  相似文献   

为进一步加强建设项目施工期的环境管理,中国在生态环境影响突出的国家13个重点建设项目中开展工程环境监理试点。石化工程相比其它工程项目具有建设规模大,对周边生态环境影响大,污染物排放总量大,潜在安全隐患大等特点。本文结合作者自身的工作体会对石化工程开展环境监理工作进行了探讨。包括石化工程在施工组织设计、施工准备阶段、施工期、试生产及竣工等各阶段的环境监理工作内容,并提出了工作中存在的一些问题及建议,为石化项目环境监理工作提供理论及实践依据。  相似文献   

以温室气体排放源和吸收汇为基础,构建了大学校园温室气体排放量化研究框架,并以辽宁工业大学为例,通过走访调研、IPCC排放清单等方法综合,核算了该高校温室气体排放情况.结果显示2014年辽宁工业大学校园温室气体净排放量为3.89×107kg CO2 eq.,人均排放量为2.02 ×103 kg CO2 eq.,主要排放源为外购热力、电力消耗及垃圾处理.并与国内外其他大学的研究结果进行了对比分析,寻求校园温室气体减排的潜力,可为低碳校园的创建提供理论依据与实践经验.  相似文献   

The Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) has successfully demonstrated that market-based mechanisms can achieve some cost effective emissions reductions in developing countries. However the distribution of CDM projects has been extremely uneven across countries and regions, and a few technologies and sectors have dominated the early stages of CDM experience. This has caused some to question whether the CDM has fallen short of its potential in contributing to sustainable development. We review the broad patterns of CDM project approvals and evaluate 10 CDM projects according to their sustainability benefits. The difficulty of defining “sustainable development” and the process of defining criteria by individual non-Annex 1 governments has meant that sustainable development concerns have been marginalized in some countries. Given these observed limitations, we present possible CDM policy futures, focusing on the main proposals for a post-2012 climate regime. Five options for enhancing the sustainable development benefits in the CDM are discussed, including proactive approaches to favour eligibility of emission reduction projects which ensure such co-benefits.  相似文献   

为建设绿色生态校园,以江苏某高校新校区为例,对校园中给排水进行了系统规划;通过计算自来水、中水的用量和污水的排放量,确定中水处理厂的规模;介绍中水处理工艺和生态功能设计,并进行了经济分析.  相似文献   

Deforestation is currentlythe source of about 20% of anthropogenicCO2 emissions. Avoided deforestationhas, nonetheless, been ruled out as a CleanDevelopment Mechanism (CDM) category in theKyoto Protocol's first commitment period,because several methodological issues wereconsidered too difficult to resolve. Thispaper explores whether CDM issues such as(1) carbon quantification, (2)additionality and baseline setting, (3)leakage risks, (4) non-permanence risks,and (5) sustainable development can beadequately dealt with in large, diversifiedforest conservation projects. To this aim,it studies the case of the Costa RicanProtected Areas Project (PAP), anActivities Implemented Jointly (AIJ)project which was meant to consolidate thenational park system to avoiddeforestation, promote the growth ofsecondary forests and regenerate pastureson an area that, in total, covers 10% ofthe national territory. The case studyexamines how the issues mentioned abovehave been addressed in the project designand in the certification process. It isfound that baseline uncertainties are themajor problem in this case. Nonetheless,the case suggests the possibility toaddress CDM issues by specific requirementsfor project design and very conservativeand temporary crediting. Provided thatother case studies support this conclusion,eligibility of well-designed forestconservation projects under the CDM in thesecond commitment period may be worthconsidering, given the secondary benefitsof avoided deforestation.  相似文献   

In responding to the demand for major review of teacher education to meet the needs and challenges of the twenty-first century, the Faculty of Education at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia is in the throes of a major review of its primary teacher education program. This review is taking place in the midst of University wide debate on the nature and scope of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). While consensus exists of the importance of ESD, debate continues regarding programs, policies, and practices.Education staff members feel strongly that new programs should encompass knowledge, issues, perspectives, skills, and values central to ESD, but remain uncertain about how this could best be achieved. The “strengths model” where every discipline and every staff member and student can contribute is being utilised by the working parties and is likely to be adopted as a means of ESD.To determine a benchmark for inclusion of components of ESD, and as one stage of including students in the decision-making process, a survey was conducted in February 2004 that sought to determine general environmental attitudes, specific practices and perceptions of a need to change.The survey indicated that a large portion of the students enrolled in preservice teacher education at this University were very concerned about environmental issues and felt that their preparation as teachers should include aspects of teaching about sustainability. The survey also indicated however, that the knowledge base regarding environmental issues was minimal and insight into the social, cultural and economic complexities of ESD was quite superficial. Students openly expressed a lack of confidence in their ability to make wise decisions or take appropriate action.This paper describes the context and strategies of the current restructure/reorientation of the preservice teacher program, highlighting the current and potential impacts of student involvement in the process.  相似文献   

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