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山不再青,水不再绿,花儿不再红,鸟儿不再欢……粗放式发展的滚滚车轮之下,农村环境让人忧心忡忡。可喜的是,7月24日,在首次由国务院召开的全国农村环境保护工作会议上,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理李克强发表了重要讲话,这表明了党中央、国务院加强农村环境保护的决心,也表明了把农村环境保护与城市环境保护统筹考虑、全面推进的决心。  相似文献   

又迎来了长达两个月的暑假,这可是同学们盼望已久的。辛苦了一个学期,终于可以踹口气好好休患一下了!可以不再赶早起来上学,可以放下沉重的书包去玩耍.可以不再每晚为作业而操劳.可以不再为考试拼命复习……  相似文献   

<正>当你生活在这个到处离不开"电"的世界中,每天使用着电梯、电灯、空调……20年后,电力线不再简单传输电力,而是集合了通信、宽带业务和转播电视信号。现在  相似文献   

“六五”世界环境日到来之前,中国人接到了一个个环境欠账单:空气污染告急、水污染告急、土壤污染告急……面对满目污秽的山山水水.不再会有人没心没肺深情款款地唱出“一条大河”。今年的“六·五”世界环境日不再是个敲锣打鼓喧闹的日子,而是一个反思的日子,一个战前动员的日子——向污染宣战.否则国将不国。  相似文献   

“嘀铃铃……嘀铃铃……”“您好!这里是合肥市环境投诉中心……”在安徽省会合肥,如果您对您附近的噪声忍无可忍,对随意倾倒垃圾不再逆来顺受,或者您想要一个能够休息好、工作好、休闲好的环境的话,只要拨打12369,您就会得到满意的答复和迅速的处理。合肥市环境投诉中心正式开通运行一年来取得了显著的业绩,受到了上级相关部门、社会各界群众和省、市宣传媒体的广泛关注和好评,12369热线已成为沟通政府和普通老百姓的桥梁。  相似文献   

正各种"妖艳动人"的冰淇淋、解乏提神的运动饮料、营养健康的植物蛋白饮料……仅靠西瓜、冰棍降暑的时代已经太LOW了,这些清凉饮品让夏季不再燥热。但消费者需要注意的是,别太迷信这些饮品的宣传语,不是所有人群都适合饮用,其功效作用也大多有限。别迷信植物蛋白饮料无添加、无色素、零胆固醇……相对于传统碳酸饮料,各种植物蛋白饮料如今成了饮料界"新  相似文献   

<正>我的家乡在贵州省凤冈县。在这生活了十几年,看着那些渐渐消失的绿色,我在心底一遍遍地问:家乡的青山绿水都去哪儿了?曾经那是孩子们的乐园,动物们的王国。那里充满着欢乐,播撒着希望。而现在,不再有清澈的河水,不再有茂盛的森林,不再有如茵的大地。望着天,雨好咸,是否有家乡的泪在里边?河,那是小时候最喜欢去的地方。钓鱼、捉螃蟹、打水漂……那些回不去的时光,成了今天对河最好的回忆。现在河水变得浑浊了。河道变窄,到处漂着垃  相似文献   

正编者按"六·五"世界环境日到来之前,中国人接到了一个个环境欠账单:空气污染告急、水污染告急、土壤污染告急急………面对满目污秽的山山水水水,不再会有人没心没肺深情款款地唱出出"一出条大河"。今年的"六·五"世界环境日不再是个敲锣打鼓喧闹的日子,而子而是一个反思的日子子,一子个战前动员的日子——向污染宣战,否则否则国将不国国。但即使形势如此严竣,我们仍充满必胜信心。因因为正如鲁迅所说说:"我们  相似文献   

2种汽车类产品将不再实施强制性产品认证中国质量认证中心8月16日发布通知,根据8月13日,国家质检总局、国家认监委发布联合公告,决定对8种产品不再实施强制性产品认证管理,其中涉及到的汽车类的产品有2种,分别为汽车内饰件中的"座椅护面"及汽车内饰件产品中所有小于基本样品尺寸  相似文献   

<正>天然是世界上最美好的东西,使人感到优美和纯真。在大自然中有许许多多的生物都是天然而长:小草翠绿青葱,小花五彩缤纷,树枝每天都在不断地成长……然而,我们破坏环境的行为却让大自然不再可爱:清澈的小溪变得臭味熏天,河水变得浑浊了……当我们去郊游时,一片绿绿的草地,看上去像  相似文献   

3月26日至3月28日,备受关注的2003年度中国石油集团公司安全生产环境保护职业健康工作会议在青岛召开。 会议期间王海森主任做了题为“与时俱进,开拓创新,推进安全环境健康工作再上新水平”的报告,指出此次会议的主要任务是:总结回顾过去三年安全生产,环境保护和职业健康工作,分析形势,安排部署2003年工作,推进安全环境健康工作再上新水平。回顾三年的成绩,主要体现在:安全环保健康目标和责任制不断落实;安全环保健康规章制度逐步完善;安全环保机构得到加强和充实;健康安全环境管理体系全面推进;建设项目环境管理规范进行;安全环保科技创新…  相似文献   

This article outlines some of the rationale for integrating environment and sustainablility issues into core business practises and provides some guidance on how companies can begin to take a strategic view when selecting environmental management tools. Two of these tools, life cycle management and eco-efficiency, are outlined in brief.© 1999 Five Wind International. Reprinted with permission by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Iron oxides are important components influencing the adsorption of various inorganic and organic compounds in soils and sediments. In this study the adsorption on iron oxides of nonionic and ionic pesticides was determined as a function of solution pH, ionic strength, and pesticide concentration. The investigated iron oxides included two-line ferrihydrite, goethite, and lepidocrocite. Selected pesticides comprised atrazine (6-chloro-N2-ethyl-N4-isopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine), isoproturon [3-(4-isopropylphenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea)], mecoprop [(RS)-2-(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)propionic acid], 2,4-D (2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid), and bentazone [3-isopropyl-1H-2,1,3-benzothiadiazin-4(3H)-one 2,2-dioxide]. The adsorption of the nonionic pesticides (atrazine and isoproturon) was insignificant, whereas the adsorption of the acidic pesticides (mecoprop, 2,4-D, and bentazone) was significant on all investigated iron oxides. The adsorption capacity increased with decreasing pH, with maximum adsorption reached close to the pKa values. The addition of CaCl2 in concentrations from 0.0025 to 0.01 M caused the adsorption capacity to diminish. The adsorption of bentazone was significantly lower than the adsorption of mecoprop and 2,4-D, illustrating the importance of a carboxyl group in the pesticide structure. The adsorption capacity on the iron oxides increased in the order: lepidocrocite < goethite < two-line ferrihydrite. The maximum adsorption capacities of meco-prop and 2,4-D on goethite were found to be equivalent to the site density of singly coordinated hydroxyl groups on the faces of the dominant (110) form, suggesting that singly coordinated hydroxyl groups are responsible for adsorption. Differences in adsorption capacities between iron oxides can be explained by differences in the surface site density of singly coordinated hydroxyl groups. The maximum measured adsorption capacity of mecoprop on two-line ferrihydrite was equivalent to 0.2 mol/mol Fe.  相似文献   

Atrazine (6-chloro-N2-ethyl-N4-isopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine) and metolachlor [2-chloro-N-(2-ethyl-6-methylphenyl)-N-(2-methoxy-1-methylethyl)acetamide] have been found with increasing occurrence in rivers and streams. Their continued use will require changes in agricultural practices. We compared water quality from four crop-tillage treatments: (i) conventional moldboard plow (MB), (ii) MB with ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) intercrop (IC), (iii) soil saver (SS), and (iv) SS + IC; and two drainage control treatments, drained (D) and controlled drainage-subirrigation (CDS). Atrazine (1.1 kg a.i. ha-1), metribuzin [4-amino-6-(1,1-dimethylethyl)-3-(methylthio)-1,2,4-triazine-5(4H)-one] (0.5 kg a.i. ha-1), and metolachlor (1.68 kg a.i. ha-1) were applied preemergence in a band over seeded corn (Zea mays L.) rows. Herbicide concentration and losses were monitored from 1992 to spring 1995. Annual herbicide losses ranged from < 0.3 to 2.7% of application. Crop-tillage treatment influenced herbicide loss in 1992 but not in 1993 or 1994, whereas CDS affected partitioning of losses in most years. In 1992, SS + IC reduced herbicide loss in tile drains and surface runoff by 46 to 49% compared with MB. The intercrop reduced surface runoff, which reduced herbicide transport. Controlled drainage-subirrigation increased herbicide loss in surface runoff but decreased loss through tile drainage so that total herbicide loss did not differ between drainage treatments. Desethyl atrazine [6-chloro-N-(1-methylethyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine] comprised 7 to 39% of the total triazine loss.  相似文献   

Herbicides are the most commonly used group of agricultural pesticides on the Canadian Prairies and, in 1990, more than 20000 Mg of herbicides were applied in the provinces of Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. The present paper reports on environmental concentrations of five herbicides currently used in the prairie region. The herbicides bromoxynil [3,5-dibromo-4-hydroxy-benzonitrile], dicamba [3,6-dichloro-o-anisic acid], diclofop [(RS)-2-[4-(2,4-dichlorophenoxy)-phenoxy]propanoic acid], MCPA [(4-chloro-2-methylphenoxy)acetic acid], and trifluralin [alpha,alpha,alpha-trifluoro-2,6-dinitro-N,N-isopropyl-p-toluidine] were measured in the atmosphere, bulk atmospheric deposits, surface film, and dugout (pond) water at two sites near Regina, Saskatchewan, during 1989 and 1990. All five herbicides were detected in air and surface film and all but trifluralin were detected in the bulk atmospheric deposits and dugout water. Trifluralin was most frequently detected in air (79% of samples) whereas bromoxynil was present in maximum concentration (4.2 ng m(-3)). MCPA was present in maximum levels in bulk atmospheric (wet plus dry) deposits (2350 ng m(-2) d(-1)), surface film (390 ng m(-2)), and dugout water (330 ng L(-1)), whereas dicamba was most frequently detected in surface film (47%) and dugout water (97%). The highest quantities of the herbicides tended to be present during or immediately after the time of regional application.  相似文献   

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