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Adult spiny lobsters (Panulirus argus) were collected from nine locations throughout the tropical and subtropical northwest Atlantic Ocean and examined for mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation. 187 different mtDNA haplotypes were observed among the 259 lobsters sampled. Haplotype diversity was calulated to be 0.986 and mean nucleotide sequence-diversity was estimated to be 1.44%; both of these values are among the highest reported values for a marine species. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) and phenetic clustering both failed to reveal any evidence of genetic structure within and among populations of P. argus. The present data are consistent with high levels of gene flow among populations of P. argus resulting from an extended planktonic larval stage and strong prevailing ocean currents.  相似文献   

Close association between an anoestrous female at the time of lactation and adult male(s) is relatively rare in mammals, but common in baboons (Papio hamadryas subsp.). The functional significance of these “friendships” remains unclear, however. In chacma baboons (P. h. griseipes), friendships are a counter-strategy to infanticide by immigrant males. Experimental playback of female distress calls in chacma baboons revealed that male friends are more motivated to protect females and infants than are control males. Olive baboons (P. h. anubis) also exhibit friendships, but infanticide is rare, suggesting that friendships provide females with protection from non-lethal aggression (anti-harassment hypothesis) or serve to promote male–infant bonds that later benefit the maturing juvenile (future male caretaker hypothesis). We replicated these playback experiments on a group of olive baboons to test between these hypotheses and to evaluate if the lower costs of non-lethal harassment lessens male protective responsiveness relative to protection from (more costly) infanticide. Spatial data revealed that most lactating females had one to four friend males. Relative to non-friends, friend dyads were characterized by higher rates of allogrooming and infant handling, but less agonism. Female rank was correlated with the number of male friends. Just as in chacma baboons, playback of female screams elicited stronger responses from male friends than control males in support the anti-harassment hypothesis. Compared to the chacma baboon, male olive baboons appeared to exhibit similarly high levels of protective solicitude for female friends although they protect against non-lethal harassment rather than infanticide.  相似文献   

Theory predicts that females in species with matrilineal dominance hierarchies should use nepotistic support systems to maintain their family’s rank. Female Old World monkeys, however, form alliances against other females at surprisingly low rates. Nonetheless, in many species, females utter threat vocalizations when observing others’ disputes, suggesting that these vocalizations may function as ‘vocal alliances’. We describe a playback experiment testing the efficacy of vocal alliances in free-ranging female baboons. Subjects were played the same female’s threat-grunts under three separate conditions: after being threatened by the signaller’s close relative to mimic kin support, after being threatened by a female maternally unrelated to the signaller to mimic non-kin support, and after a friendly interaction with the signaller’s close relative as a control. Subjects responded more strongly to the playback and avoided the signaller and her matrilineal relatives for a longer period of time in kin support trials than in either non-kin support or no aggression trials. In contrast, there was no difference in subjects’ behaviour between non-kin support and no aggression trials. These results corroborate observational data showing that vocal support occurs at a higher rate than physical support in female baboons, and that kin are more likely to provide vocal support than non-kin. We conclude that vocal support plays a similar role as physical support in the alliances of female baboons.  相似文献   

Summary Populations of baboon (Papio sp.) at geographic and climatic extremes for the genus show a tendency to one-male organization, whereas most baboons live in multimale social groups; this effect has been attributed largely to limitation of food supply, but baboons' complex diet has hindered proper nutritional analyses. To test these optimal-diet explanations of social variation, we quantified intake and used phytochemical analysis of foods to compare the nutrition, during seasonal changes, of two groups of mountain baboons (P. ursinus) living at different altitudes of a continuous grassland habitat. The majority of plant foods were eaten uniquely by one or other group, though their altitudinal separation was only 400 m, and the time budget of feeding choices varied with age-sex class as well as season. Converting to a common currency of nutrients reveals that baboons gained the same yield from a unit time spent foraging (whether this is measured in edible dry weight, or simply protein) in both groups, despite their differing mean altitude, whereas seasonal variation was large and statistically significant. Increased feeding time at the winter bottleneck made no effective compensation for the poorer food yields: in late winter there was a minimum for daily nutrient gain at both altitudes. Apparently this population is already at an extreme for the time animals devote to foraging in winter, when they rely on inconspicuous and slow-to-harvest swollen shoot bases and underground plant storage organs. Since an individual's nutrient yield does not vary with altitude, we conclude that socioecological parameters are effectively optimized for feeding. Since contest competition is absent, this adjustment of foraging efficiency is largely through the effect of differential density on scramble competition. Differences in social structure are considered to be a secondray consequence of optimal foraging, mediated through altitudinal variation in either population density or in day range limits.  相似文献   

Population subdivision was examined in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) through sequencing of the control region of the mitochondrial genome. A total of 178 samples from the spawning grounds in the Gulf of Mexico, Bahamas and Mediterranean Sea were analyzed. Among the samples from these locations were 36 electronically tagged bluefin tuna that were tagged in the North Atlantic and subsequently traveled to one of these known spawning grounds during the spawning season. Bluefin tuna populations from the Gulf of Mexico and the Mediterranean Sea were found to be genetically distinct based on Φst, and sequence nearest neighbor analyses, showing that these two major spawning areas support independent stocks. Sequence nearest neighbor analysis indicated significant population subdivision among the Gulf of Mexico, western Mediterranean and eastern Mediterranean Sea. However, it was not possible to find significant pairwise differences between any sampling areas when using all samples. If only samples that had a high likelihood of assignment to a specific spawning site were used (young of the year, spawning adults), the differentiation increased among all sampling areas and the Western Mediterranean Sea was distinct from the Eastern Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. It was not possible to distinguish samples from the Bahamas from those collected at any of the other sampling sites. These data support tagging results that suggested distinctness of the Gulf of Mexico, Eastern and Western Mediterranean Sea spawning areas. This level of stock differentiation is only possible if Atlantic bluefin tuna show strong natal homing to individual spawning grounds.  相似文献   

Adult male baboons (Papio cynocephalus) give loud two-syllable 'wahoo' calls during dawn choruses, interactions between groups, when chasing females, and in aggressive interactions with other males. These 'contest' wahoos are acoustically different from 'alarm' wahoos given to predators. In a study of free-ranging baboons in the Okavango Delta, Botswana, we found no significant correlations between the acoustic features of wahoos and adult male size; however, acoustic features were correlated with male dominance rank, age, and calling bout length. Here we show that other measures of calling behavior also appear to function as honest indicators of stamina and competitive ability. High-ranking males were more likely than middle- or low-ranking males to participate in wahoo bouts. They called at significantly higher rates, and their bouts were longer and contained more calls. All males were significantly more likely to participate in wahoo bouts with another male if their opponent's rank was similar to their own. Bouts involving males of similar ranks were longer, contained more wahoos, and involved calling at higher rates, than other bouts. In contests between males of similar ranks, the subordinate and dominant were equally likely to end the bout, whereas in contests involving males of disparate ranks, subordinates were significantly more likely to end the bout. Bouts involving males of similar rank were significantly more likely than others to escalate and result in physical fighting.  相似文献   

To investigate population differentiation in a comparative and historical context, segments of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene and the control region were sequenced in Panulirus argus from nine sites along approximately 1,500 km of the Northern Caribbean Sea (n = 326) and analyzed with respect to available panulirid data. A mismatch analysis and Fu’s F S test uncovered a signature of historical population expansion around the time of the Last Glacial Maximum. Significant population structure was not detected in the area. The data supported a hypothesis of panmixia resulting from ongoing larval transport by ocean currents and historical population expansion. Despite high intraspecific divergence levels at COI within Panulirus argus and several other Panulirus species, genetic species identification through DNA barcoding was feasible using either a modified distance threshold or a character-based approach.  相似文献   

Summary The energetic cost of guarding estrous females has been assumed to be a potentially major factor in limiting the duration of male consortships in a number of polygamous species. This issue has been examined in the present study by assessing changes in the usual activity budgets of 13 male and 20 female yellow baboons which occurred during their consortships.The percent of time adult males spent feeding was strongly related to their agonistic rank: Higher-ranking males fed proportionately more than lower-ranking males while not in consort, and they showed a relatively greater decrease in feeding time during consortships.The proportion of time females spent feeding was related to their agonistic rank and (to a lesser degree) to their parity. Higher-ranking females fed more than lower-ranking females outside of consortships, and showed a relatively greater decrease in time spent feeding while in consort. Nulliparous females tended to feed more than parous females while not in consort; during consortships, the feeding time of nulliparous females decreased, while that of parous females increased slightly.The activity of male and female consort partners was most coordinated during the fertile cycle stage of the female partner, and least coordinated once the female had passed the fertile stage.Although reductions in feeding time during consortships were generally much more pronounced in males than in females, neither males nor females appeared to attain the undisturbed optimal feeding level for their sex while in consort.  相似文献   

The genetic population structure of red grouper, Epinephelus morio (Valenciennes), and scamp, Mycteroperca phenax Jordan and Swain, from the southeastern U.S. Atlantic coast and the Gulf of Mexico was examined using nuclear microsatellite DNA markers in order to test the null hypothesis of panmixia throughout this range. Physical and biological data indicate that relatively isolated populations of these fish exist. Genetic variation was assessed at four microsatellite loci in red grouper and six loci in scamp. The fish were collected on different dates between 1991 and 2001. The microsatellite loci were highly polymorphic, with an average expected heterozygosity of 0.75 in red grouper and 0.68 in scamp. Heterozygote deficiencies (significant deviations from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium, HWE) were found at two of four loci in all red grouper samples except the eastern Gulf of Mexico, and for all red grouper combined. In contrast, all loci conformed to HWE in the separate scamp samples. Minimal genetic differences distinguished southeastern U.S. Atlantic or Mexican red grouper from other localities, and no indication of genetic differentiation was observed in scamp. This large-scale genetic homogeneity may be attributed to ongoing gene flow and/or historical contact between present-day populations. For management purposes, genetic homogeneity does not necessarily imply a single stock. Because larval dispersal may be sufficient to homogenize gene frequencies but not to replenish depleted stocks, other data must be considered in the management of these species.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at .Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Variation in mitochondrial (mt)DNA was examined among 473 red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) sampled in 1988 and 1989 from nearshore localities in the northern Gulf of Mexico (Gulf) and the Atlantic coast of the southeastern United States (Atlantic). Data were combined with those from a previous study to generate a total of 871 individuals sampled from 11 localities in the Gulf and 5 localities in the Atlantic. Individuals assayed were from the 1986 and 1987 year-classes. A total of 118 composite mtDNA genotypes (haplotypes) was found. The percentage nucleotide sequence divergence among the 118 haplotypes ranged from 0.184 to 1.913, with a mean (±SE) of 0.878±0.004. MtDNA nucleon diversities and intrapopulational nucleotide-sequence divergence values were similar over all Gulf and Atlantic localities, and were high relative to most fish species surveyed to date. These data indicate that the perceived decline in red drum abundance appears not to have affected the genetic variability base of the species. Significant heterogeneity in the frequencies of at least four haplotypes was detected between pooled samples from the Gulf vs pooled samples from the Atlantic. No heterogeneity was found among localities from the Gulf or localities from the Atlantic. High levels of gene flow among all localities were inferred from F ST values (a measure of the variance in mtDNA haplotype frequencies) and from Slatkin's qualitative and quantitative analyses. Parsimony and phenetic analyses revealed no strong evidence for phylogeographic cohesion of localities, although there was weak support for cohesion of four of five localities from the Atlantic. These data indicate that the red drum population is subdivided, with weakly differentiated subpopulations (stocks) occurring in the northern Gulf and along the Atlantic coast of southeastern USA. Spatial autocor-relation analysis and heterogeneity tests of haplotype frequencies among regions within the Gulf supported the hypothesis of increased gene flow among neighboring localities; i.e., migration of individuals within the Gulf may be inversely related to geographic distance from an estuary or bay of natal origin. Estimates of evolutionary effective female-population size indicate that the red drum subpopulations may be large.  相似文献   

Sleeper sharks are a poorly studied group of deep-sea sharks. The subgenus, Somniosus, contains three morphologically similar species: S. microcephalus found in the Arctic and North Atlantic; S. pacificus in the North Pacific; and S. antarcticus in the Southern Ocean. These sharks have been reported mainly in temperate to polar waters and occasionally in subtropical locations. They have not been recorded in tropical waters. This study investigates the relationships among the accepted species of Somniosus through analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence variation. Seventy-five samples were examined from four sampling locations in the North Pacific, Southern Ocean and North Atlantic. Twenty-one haplotypes were found. A minimum spanning parsimony network separated these haplotypes into two divergent clades, an S. microcephalus and an S. pacificus/antarcticus clade, strongly supporting the distinction of S. microcephalus as a separate species from the Pacific sleeper shark species. Analysis of genetic structure within the S. pacificus/antarcticus clade (analysis of molecular variance, allele frequency comparisons, and a nested clade analysis) showed limited or no differences amongst three populations. Further examination of genetic variation at more variable mtDNA and nuclear markers is needed to examine the species status of S. pacificus and S. antarcticus.  相似文献   

P.W. Frank 《Marine Biology》1975,31(2):181-192
At higher latitudes along the west coast of the USA the herbivorous intertidal snail Tegula funebralis (Adams, 1854) lives longer, grows more slowly, but attains a larger size than further south. To the north, age distributions are less predictable and often far from stationary. The differences, which have some generality, can be explained either by a primary temperature effect joined with increased hazards to planktonic larvae in the north, or else may result from a combination of interactions between intensity of predation, population density and food supply. Growth rates of transplanted individuals suggest a genetic basis for the latitudinal differences.  相似文献   

Variation amongst wild populations of Scytosiphon lomentaria (Lyngbye) Link is shown to be of a continuous nature, and the species cannot be readily segregated into distinct subspecific taxa on the basis of morphological characteristics. Zoospores derived from plurilocular sporangia developed asexually into cylindrical thalli under long and short days at 16°C. The progeny of some cylindrical thalli included microthalli bearing plurilocular sporangia or unilocular sporangia. Cylindrical forms of S. lomentaria were obtained in culture from wild microthalli of two kinds, bearing either plurilocular or unilocular sporangia. The microthalli differ morphologically from the ralfsioid stages commonly known to be plethysmothalli and sporophytes of S. lomentaria, but closely resemble the microthalli derived from cultures of wild S. lomentaria.  相似文献   

Sea stars of the Leptasterias hexactis complex are important members of the rocky intertidal community of the temperate and subarctic North American Pacific coasts. Recent attempts to determine the genetic structure and taxonomic relationships of these sea stars have not been completely successful, due to the combination of extreme morphological variability and relative scarcity of taxonomically-informative genetic (allozyme) polymorphisms. The present study used mitochondrial DNA restriction-site polymorphisms for PCR (polymerase chain-reaction)-amplified products to provide additional information about this complex. Five restriction-site haplotypes were identified in southern Alaska and in the Puget Sound region that were allozymically distinct. Because the allozymic differences (Nei's unbiased genetic differences >0.08) are maintained in sympatry, the haplotypes behave evolutionarily as conventional species. Although most haplotypes show deficiencies of heterozygotes for polymorphic allozyme loci, there is no evidence for the existence of cryptic species within any of the haplotypes. Rather than consisting of a few polytypic and cosmopolitan species, the L. hexactis complex is apparently composed of numerous species with more restricted ranges. Determining the exact ranges and taxonomic relationships of the various species will require additional study.  相似文献   

Summary Optimization models lead one to predict that the energy invested in competitive interference with feeding should increase as the quality of the contested food increases. This prediction was tested in a study of feeding interruptions involving juvenile yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus) in Amboseli National Park, Kenya. For each of the 50 foods eaten by these young primates, 6 measures of food quality (energy content, protein content, yield, yield rate, processing value, and dispersion) and one measure of the spatial deployment of baboons (number of neighbors) were examined for correlations with 4 measures of the frequency and intensity of interruptions (interruption rate, probability of unsuccessful attempts, probability of appropriation, and probability of agonistic behavior). Disperson of food and the proximity of neighboring baboons had little or no effect on the frequency or intensity of interruptions. Food quality had negligible effects on the probabilities of appropriation and agonistic behavior. Yield characteristics were the best predictors of the success of attempted interruptions: attempts were least likely to be successful when processing the food was time-consuming. These results suggest that (1) the interrupter decides whether to interrupt on the basis of increasing its probability of winning the contest and decreasing its cost, and (2) the victim decides whether to resist on the basis of the time that has been and must be invested in harvesting the contested food item.  相似文献   

The finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) inhabits a wide range of tropical and temperate waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Genetic structure of finless porpoises in Chinese waters in three regions (Yangtze River, Yellow Sea, and South China Sea) was analyzed, including the Yangtze finless porpoise which is widely known because of its highly endangered status and unusual adaptation to freshwater. To assist in conservation and management of this species, ten microsatellite loci were used to genotype 125 individuals from the three regions. Contrary to the low genetic diversity revealed in previous mtDNA control region sequence analyses, relatively high levels of genetic variation in microsatellite profiles (H E = 0.732–0.795) were found. Bayesian clustering analysis suggested that finless porpoises in Chinese waters could be described as three distinct genetic groups, which corresponded well to population “units” (populations, subspecies, or species) delimited in earlier studies, based on morphological variation, distribution, and genetic analyses. Genetic differentiation between regions was significant, with F ST values ranging from 0.07 to 0.137. Immigration rates estimated using a Bayesian method and population ancestry analyses suggested no or very limited gene flow among regional types, even in the area of overlap between types. These results strongly support the classification of porpoises in these regions into distinct evolutionarily significant units, including at least two separate species, and therefore they should be treated as different management units in the design and implementation of conservation programmes.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial d-loop sequences were analyzed to characterize the phylogeographic and population genetic structure of the northern clingfish (Gobbiesox maeandricus Girard). Sequence analysis of 378 bp from 111 individuals sampled in 14 localities along the northeast Pacific coast and within the Strait of Georgia from 1996 to 1999 revealed marked genetic differentiation (Φct=0.247) among regional population groupings. The gene genealogy distinguished two major clades of haplotypes separated by at least 1.1% sequence divergence. One clade with very low haplotype diversity (h=0.2095, n=18) occurred only within the recently unglaciated Strait of Georgia. The other clade had high haplotype diversity (h=0.8808, n=93) and was found in all populations. High haplotype diversity was found in open coastal populations, both north and south of the maximum extant of the Wisconsin ice sheet, suggesting that the clingfish range was not pushed to a southern refugium during the last glacial maximum. A nested clade analysis also did not detect a large northward expansion from a single southern refugium. The level of sequence divergence and coalescent-based analyses suggest that the observed patterns of polymorphism are the result of Pleistocene diversification within multiple refugia, followed by population expansion and asymmetrical lineage introgression. Received: 5 February 2000 / Accepted: 31 August 2000  相似文献   

W. S. Grant  M. Lang 《Marine Biology》1991,109(3):479-483
We examined electrophoretic variation in the supralittoral gastropod,Nodilittorina africana knysnaensis, along the coast of South Africa in 1989. There was little allozyme variation in nine samples collected over 1 500 km for three highly polymorphic loci,Est, Gpi, andPgm, and Wahlund's effect was absent in the pooled sample. A gene diversity analysis showed that 98.1% of total genic diversity, on average, was contained within populations, and that only 1.9% was due to allozyme frequency differences among populations. Since the mode of larval development has not yet been described for this species, we suggest that the lack of strong allozyme frequency differences over long distances indicates thatN. a. knysnaensis has a planktonic mode of larval development.  相似文献   

The mechanisms driving genetic structure in marine systems are elusive due to the difficulty of identifying temporal and spatial barriers to dispersal. By studying marine invertebrate species with limited dispersal potential, genetic structure can be directly related to physical and biological factors restricting connectivity. In the northwest Atlantic, the benthic brood-rearing amphipod Corophium volutator is distributed across basins with distinct circulation patterns and has the potential to disperse passively during its adult stage. We analyzed spatial genetic variation and migration rates across C. volutator’s North American range with sequence data for mitochondrial DNA and three novel nuclear markers using frequency and coalescent-based methods. We found low genetic differentiation within basins, but strong subdivision within the Bay of Fundy and a striking biogeographic break between the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine, suggesting that genetic drift may act on populations in which connectivity is restricted due to the limitation of passive dispersal by hydrological patterns.  相似文献   

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