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Capture of zooplankton by scleractinian corals has been noted for several species, yet quantitative information on rates of capture and differential capture by prey taxon has been lacking. We used field enclosures to examine prey capture for two coral species,Madracis mirabilis (Duchassaing and Michelotti) andMontastrea cavernosa (Linnaeus), on the north coast of Jamaica (Discovery Bay) in November 1989, February and March 1990, and January 1992.M. mirabilis has small polyps and a branching colony morphology (high surface/volume ratio), whereasM. cavernosa has large polyps and mounding colonies (low surface/volume ratio). Corals were isolated front potential prey, then were introduced into enclosures with enhanced zooplankton concentrations for 15- to 20-min feeding periods. Corals were fixed immediately after the experiment to prevent digestion, and coelenteron contents were examined for captured zooplankton. Plankton pumps were used to sample ambient zooplankton in the enclosures near the end of each run. Selectivity and capture rates were calculated for each prey taxon in each experiment; both indices were high for relatively uncommon large prey, and low for copepods, which were often the most common items in the plankton. Sizes of zooplankton captured by both species were generally larger than those available considering all prey taxa combined, but were almost the same for both coral species, even though the corals' polyp sizes are very different. This occurred primarily because small copepods, with low capture rates, dominated most plankton samples. For specific prey species, or group of species, there were few significant differences in size between the prey available and the prey captured.M. mirabilis, with small polyps, also captured far more prey per unit coral biomass than didM. cavernosa, with much larger polyps. We hypothesize that the large differences in capture rate of prey taxa are related to escape or avoidance behavior by those potential prey, and to the mechanics of capture, rather than to any selectivity by the corals.  相似文献   

Coral diseases are one of the major factors that alter coral cover and their diversity. We have earlier reported the “Pink-line syndrome” (PLS) in the scleractinian coral Porites lutea wherein a colored band appears between the dead and healthy tissue of a colony. About 20% of the P. lutea colonies were affected in Kavaratti of the Lakshadweep Islands in the Arabian Sea during April 1996 and the incidence increased fourfold within the next 4 years. Fungi were associated in both PLS-affected and healthy specimens, whereas the cyanobacterium Phormidium valderianum occurred exclusively in the PLS-affected specimens. There was an increased expression of a 29 kDa protein without any significant increase in total protein content in the PLS-affected colonies. A reduced number of zooxanthellae and an increase in zooxanthellae size, mitotic index, and chl a concentrations were some of the characteristics of the PLS-affected colonies. PLS induction experiments conducted using selected fungi and the cyanobacterium P. valderianum isolated from the affected colonies and abiotic factors, such as CO2 enrichment and the effect of cyanobacterial photosynthesis inhibition, indicated that the CO2 build-up around the host tissue caused the pink coloration. We hypothesize that these physiological changes disturb the mutualism between the zooxanthellae and the host. When the symbiosis is disturbed by the external CO2, the host loses control over the zooxanthellae, causing their uncontrolled division. This process may lead to a break in photosynthate transfer to the host, thereby resulting in starvation and finally leading to partial mortality. We further hypothesize that these degenerative processes are triggered by the CO2 produced by P. valderianum through its carbon concentration mechanism. In this context, any opportunistic cyanobacteria or other agents having potential to interfere with the physiology of the host or the symbiont can cause such a physiological disorder. The mechanism of PLS formation is an early warning to protect corals as the increasing atmospheric CO2 could induce PLS-like physiological disorder in corals.  相似文献   

Reproduction and recruitment in high-latitude coral populations in Japan have been little studied. A comprehensive study of the reproduction and early life history was conducted on nine common scleractinian coral species in Amakusa, southwestern Japan (32°N) from 2001 to 2003 including; (1) fecundity (the proportion of colonies with mature eggs), (2) timing and synchrony of spawning, (3) initial larval settlement pattern, (4) recruitment, (5) post-settlement mortality. The fecundity was high (76.7–100%) in six of seven species examined in 2002 and 2003. Annual spawning of the seven species occurred from mid July to August in 2001–2003, when seawater temperature was at the annual maximum. Spawning was highly synchronised among conspecific colonies and species in 2002 and 2003, with five species spawning five to nine nights after the full moon and another two spawning around the new moon. Temporal patterns of larval settlement of three spawning species during the first 10 days after spawning were similar to those of other spawning species from low latitudes. The number of scleractinian recruits on settlement plates, deployed from July to October (the major recruitment period at the study site), was low (2 recruits/m2) for the three consecutive years. Post-settlement mortality of 1–1.5 month old spat of five species ranged between 88 and 100% over 3–10 months in the field, similar to the values reported for both high and low latitude species (>94–99%). Among the key stages examined, the low recruitment rate may be the most important step in limiting successful reproduction and recruitment of these high-latitude scleractinian populations. The low recruitment rate may be attributable to (1) the reduced influx of larval supply from other coral populations, which are smaller and more isolated at high-latitudes and (2) the longer precompetent larval phase of broadcast-spawning corals which results in an increased chance of larvae being dispersed away from parent populations.  相似文献   

Experimental studies of feeding on zooplankton often involve the use of non-evasive Artemia spp. to represent zooplanktonic prey. Some zooplankton, however, such as copepods, are potentially evasive due to possession of effective predator-avoidance mechanisms such as high-speed escape swimming. In the present study, we compared the efficiencies with which non-evasive (A. salina) and evasive (copepods) zooplankton were captured by a sessile, suspension feeder, the coral-inhabiting barnacle Nobia grandis (Crustacea, Cirripedia). N. grandis specimens and zooplankton used in the present study were collected near Eilat, Israel in 1993. The effect of different flow speeds (from 0 to 14 cm s-1) on captures of the two preys was also investigated. Additionally, we examined the effect of a flow-induced barnacle behavioral switch from active to passive suspension feeding, on zooplankton capture. Two video cameras were used to make close-up, three dimensional recordings of predator-prey encounters in a computer-controlled flow tank. Frame-by-frame video analysis revealed a highly significant difference (P< 0.001) in the efficiency with which A. salina and copepods were caught (A. salina being much more readily captured than copepods). After an encounter with cirri of feeding barnacles, copepods were usually able to swim out of the barnacles capture zone within one video frame (40 ms), by accelerating from a slow swimming speed (approximately 1.85 cm s-1) to a mean escape swimming speed of 18.11 cm s-1 (ca. 360 body lengths s-1). This was not the case for A. salina nauplii, which usually remained in contact with cirri before being transferred to the mouth and ingested. Thus, experimental studies addressing the methodology of organisms feeding on zooplankton should consider that slow-swimming prey like Artemia sp. nauplii may only represent the non-evasive fraction of natural mesozooplankton assemblages.  相似文献   

To test whether coral planulae recruit randomly to different coral reef habitats or have specific substratum preferences, the settling behavior of planulae from two shallow water coral species from Pago Bay, Guam (13°25.02N, 144°47.30E) were examined in the laboratory in June and July of 1995. Goniastrea retiformis is generally restricted to the shallow reef front (<10 m depth) in areas dominated by crustose coralline algae (CCA), while Stylaraea punctata is abundant on inner reef flats were CCA coverage is low and sand and carbonate rubble covered by biofilms is common. When presented with four substrata (1) carbonate rock scrubbed free of biofilm and dried as a control, (2) the CCA Hydrolithon reinboldii, (3) the CCA Peyssonelia sp., and (4) naturally conditioned carbonate rubble covered by a biofilm, G. retiformis larvae showed a significant preference for H. reinboldii, and S. punctata larvae for the carbonate biofilm treatment. The preference shown by S. punctata larvae for biofilmed surfaces did not diminish with increasing larval age up to 11 days. These results suggest that the larvae of both species are capable of habitat selection, and that the preferred substrata among those tested bears a relationship to the habitats in which adult colonies were found. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

G. Piniak 《Marine Biology》2002,141(3):449-455
Symbiotic temperate corals can supplement prey capture by the coelenterate host with autotrophic carbon production by endosymbiotic zooxanthellae. To test the relationship between heterotrophic consumption and photosynthetic energy, prey capture by symbiotic and aposymbiotic specimens of the temperate scleractinian coral Oculina arbuscula (Verrill) was measured in January-April 2001. Corals were tested in a laboratory flume at five flow speeds, using Artemia franciscana cysts and nauplii as prey. Per-polyp capture rate and feeding efficiency were independent of symbiotic condition. Capture rate increased with flow speed, while capture efficiency declined. The location of capture shifted from the upstream to downstream side of the coral as flow speed increased. Differences in capture rate, location, and feeding efficiency for cysts and live brine shrimp nauplii were likely due to prey size rather than swimming ability.  相似文献   

Summary Colonies of Neivamyrmex nigrescens conduct extensive nocturnal raids on other ants and termites in the desert-grassland of Arizona-New Mexico. We collected quantitative data on several aspects of raiding to pinpoint differences due to colony size and behavioral phase. In the nomadic phase, colonies began raiding at sunset and continued until dawn. Larger colonies covered more area, discovered more prey sites, and collected more booty than smaller colonies, but there were no systematic changes in raid intensity over the course of the nomadic phase. In the statary phase, raiding occurred less frequently and was less intense when it occurred; however, at the end of this phase, raiding was similar to nomadic phase raids in extent, duration, and booty captured. N. nigrescens preyed exclusively on termites and ants, and appeared to select certain species of Pheidole in preference to other ants. Pheidole was the most abundant genus, but was preyed upon twice as often as expected based on relative colony density. Pheidole attempted to avoid predation by fleeing or defending their nest, but rarely succeeded. Because they are about the same size as army ants and lack defensive chemicals, Pheidole made comparatively easy prey. N. nigrescens ignored or was repelled by other ants (Pogonomyrmex, Novomessor, Iridomyrmex, Myrmecocystus) during the early summer, when Pheidole was abundant; however, in late summer when Pheidole was less available, the army ants preyed upon Novomessor cockerelli. N. harrisi raided in close proximity to N. nigrescens, but preyed exclusively on Solenopsis xyloni. Selection of prey and partitioning of resources are now indicated in several army ant species; these processes have probably been important factors in the evolution of the ants' predatory behavior.  相似文献   

Mass coral bleaching events have occurred on a global scale throughout the worlds tropical oceans and can result in large-scale coral mortality and degradation of coral reef communities. Coral bleaching has often been attributed to periods of above normal seawater temperatures and/or calm conditions with high levels of ultraviolet radiation. Unusually high shallow-water temperature (>29°C) in Kaneohe Bay, Hawaii, USA, in late summer (20 August–9 September) and fall (1–7 October) of 1996 produced visible bleaching of two dominant corals, Porites compressa Dana, 1864 and Montipora verrucosa Dana, 1864. The present study examined chlorophyll a (chl a), total lipid concentrations, and lipid class composition in corals of both species in which the entire colony was non-bleached, moderately bleached, or bleached. Skeletal, host tissue, and algal symbiont 13C values were also measured in non-bleached and bleached colonies. In additional unevenly bleached colonies, paired samples were collected from bleached upper surfaces and non-bleached sides. Samples were collected on 20 November 1996 during the coral recovery phase, a time when seawater temperatures had been back to normal for over a month. Chl a levels were significantly lower in bleached colonies of both species compared with non-bleached specimens, and in bleached areas of unevenly bleached single colonies. Total lipid concentrations were significantly lower in bleached P. compressa compared with non-bleached colonies, whereas total lipid concentrations were the same in bleached and non-bleached M. verrucosa colonies. The proportion of triacylglycerols and wax esters was lower in bleached colonies of both species. Both bleached and non-bleached M. verrucosa had from ~17% to 35% of their lipids in the form of diacylglycerol, while this class was absent in P. compressa. 13C was not significantly different in the host tissue and algal symbiont fractions in non-bleached and bleached samples of either species. This suggests that the ratio of carbon acquired heterotrophically versus photosynthetically was the same regardless of condition. Skeletal 13C was significantly lower in bleached than in non-bleached corals. This is consistent with previous findings that lower rates of photosynthesis during bleaching results in lower skeletal 13C values. The two species in this study displayed different lipid class compositions and total lipid depletions following bleaching, suggesting that there is a difference in their metabolism of lipid reserves and/or in their temporal responses to bleaching and recovery.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

The abundance and biomass of marine planktonic ciliates were determined at monthly intervals at two stations in Southampton Water between June 1986 and June 1987. The two stations, an outer one at Calshot and an inner one at N. W. Netley, were subject to differing marine and terrestrial influences. The potential ciliate production at cach station on each visit was estimated from these data. Enumeration of ciliates and measurements of biovolume were performed on Lugol's iodinepreserved samples and potential production was calculated using a predictive relationship based on temperature and cell volume. Heterotrophic ciliate abundance and biomass were greatest at both stations during spring and summer months, with respective maxima of 16x103 organisms 1-1 and 219 g Cl-1 recorded at N. W. Netley. Estimates of the potential production of the ciliate community ranged from <1 to 18 g Cl-1 d-1 at Calshot and <1 to 141 g Cl-1 at N. W. Netley, with annual values of 2 and 9 mg Cl-1 yr-1, respectively. Abundances, biomass and potential production estimates were generally greater at N. W. Netley than at Calshot. Carbon flow through the ciliate community was assessed using annual production values from both this study and the literature. The annual ciliate carbon requirement was equivalent to 9 and 11% of annual primary production at Calshot and N. W. Netley, and potential annual ciliate production was equivalent to 34% and >100% of the energy requirements of metazoan zooplankton at these locations, although comprising only 8 and 10% of their available food.  相似文献   

Summary. Detection of heterospecific predators and prey via chemical cues is well known, but only a few studies have examined the potential for such discrimination in cannibalistic systems. In newts, Notophthalmus viridescens, adults are opportunistic predators of conspecific larvae. I used a laboratory bioassay to determine whether larvae and adults distinguish between chemical stimuli from members of the different age classes. Larvae distinguished between chemical stimuli from larvae and adults by decreasing their activity only following exposure to stimuli from adults. Decreased activity is consistent with an antipredator response in many prey species, including larval newts. In contrast, adults increased their activity and increased time spent in open areas in response to stimuli from larvae, but not to stimuli from adults. Increased activity is consistent with a feeding response; adults also showed increased activity and increased time in open areas in response to chemical stimuli from familiar heterospecific prey (brine shrimp). The proximate cue that allowed the newts to distinguish between the different age classes is not associated with short-term dietary differences because all stimulus animals were fed the same prey. Stimulus strength was controlled by diluting the stimulus solutions according to the volume of the stimulus animal. Therefore, there appear to be intrinsic differences in the chemical signatures of larval and adult newts.  相似文献   

紫色土小流域土壤及氮磷流失特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
韩建刚  李占斌  钱程 《生态环境》2010,19(2):423-427
紫色土区土壤及其养分流失对长江水环境产生严重威胁。然而,有关该地区自然降雨侵蚀下土壤及氮磷流失规律的研究却较为少见。以紫色土农田利用为主小流域为研究对象,监测自然降雨侵蚀下土壤及其氮磷的流失过程,以期服务于流域尺度土壤及养分流失的模拟与控制。结果表明,次降雨径流含沙量与流量的变化基本同步,峰值含沙量往往出现在峰值流量处或略有提前,此后,含沙量迅速降低。硝态氮流失浓度与流量的变化成反比,峰值流量处流失浓度一般达到最低,此后,随着流量的降低,其流失浓度存在较为明显的升高过程。铵态氮与水溶性磷的流失表现为剧烈波动的变化特征。氮素流失的主要形态是硝态氮,其占到次降雨无机氮流失总量的88%~97%。  相似文献   

A flow-through system was used to follow naphthalene and naphthalene metabolite accumulation in the seawater and in the tissue of the oyster Ostrea edulis. After 72 h, 82.5% of the naphthalene carbon was recovered from the system. Glucose was added to seawater to stimulate the pathways of glucose metabolism in the oysters. Streptomycin (100 ppm) reduced microbial oxidation of naphthalene and glucose, and reduced bacterial growth. However, even in the presence of streptomycin, microbial oxidation of naphthalene was considerable. The main oxidation product recovered from seawater was 14CO2. Radioactivity was also associated with compounds which separated by TLC with 2- and 1- naphthol. The pattern of naphthalene uptake and accumulation in oyster tissues was relatively constant after only a few hours of exposure to naphthalene. The potential of tissues to accumulate naphthalene was shown to be a function of multiple variables such as nutritional state, lipid concentration, length of exposure to naphthalene, and the external naphthalene concentration. Carbon-14-labeled metabolites derived from 14C-naphthalene were consistently recovered from digests of the oyster tissues. Non-CO2 alkaline-soluble substances were the primary metabolites. Hexane-extractable substances, which separated by TLC with known standards of 2- and 1- naphthol, were consistently recovered from seawater and tissue digests. It was not possible to conclude that these metabolites were a result of naphthalene metabolism by oyster enzyme systems.  相似文献   

The study was conducted to characterize mineralogical and elemental composition of mine tailings in order to evaluate the environmental hazards, and identify the metal accumulation potential of native plant species from São Domingos mine, one of the long-term activity mines of the Iberian Pyrite Belt dating back to pre-Roman times. The mine tailings including soils and different plant species from São Domingos were analyzed for determination of tailings characteristics and chemical element contents in tailings and plants. The large amounts of mining wastes are causing significant adverse environment impacts due to acid mine drainage production and mobilization of potentially toxic metals and metalloids in residential areas, agricultural fields, downstreams, and rivers. The typical mineralogical composition is as follows: quartz, micas, K-feldspar, olivine-group minerals, magnetite, goethite, hematite, jarosite, and sulfides. The mine tailings were highly contaminated by As, Ag, Cr, Hg, Sn, Sb, Fe, and Zn; and among them, As and Sb, main contaminants, attained the highest concentrations except Fe. Arsenic has exhibited very good correlations with Au, Fe, Sb, Se, and W; and Sb with As, Au, Fe, Se, Sn, and W in tailings. Among the all plant species, the higher concentrations of all the metals were noted in Erica andevalensis, Erica australis, Echium plantagium, and Lavandula luisierra. Considering the tolerant behavior and abundant growth, the plant species Erica australis, Erica andevalensis, Lavandula luisierra, Daphne gnidium, Rumex induratus, Ulex eriocladus, Juncus, and Genista hirsutus are of major importance for the rehabilitation and recovery of degraded São Domingos mining area.  相似文献   

Green-lipped mussels, Perna viridis, were collected from the eastern and western parts of the Johore Straits in September 2004 and January 2005. Based on the heavy metal concentrations in the different soft tissues (gonad, foot, mantle, gills, muscle, and remaining soft tissues) of these mussel samples, the eastern part of the Johore Straits (which is divided into two portions by a causeway), recorded higher levels of bioavailability and contamination by Cd, Cu, Fe, Ni, and Zn when compared to the western part, while Kg. Pasir Puteh in the eastern part was found to record the highest bioavailability and contamination by heavy metals. The use of different soft tissues of P. viridis as biomonitors of bioavailability and contamination by Cd, Cu, Fe, Pb, Ni, and Zn in the semi-enclosed Johore Straits is proposed, since erroneous results due to spawning and the problem of defecation before dissection could be overcome. Hence, a more accurate interpretation of the bioavailability and contamination by heavy metals in coastal waters could be obtained. To our knowledge, this is the most detailed study on the bioavailability and contamination of heavy metals in the Johore Straits on the Malaysian side of the waterway carried out by using the different soft tissues and metal distribution based on the Mussel Watch approach.  相似文献   

Biodegradation of N,N-bis(carboxymethyl)-L-glutamate and its utilization by micro-organisms in marine environments were studied in Organization of Economic Development and Cooperation (OECD) screening tests and with pure bacterial cultures. Biodegradation in excess of 60% was achieved in closed bottle tests in less than 60 days, suggesting complete degradation. The bacterial strain isolated from marine sandy sediment and utilizing N,N-bis(carboxymethyl)-L-glutamate as sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy was identified as Rhizobium radiobacter. The strain was capable to mineralize N,N-bis(carboxymethyl)-L-glutamate in seawater and in synthetic media containing 0–60 g L?1 sea salts. Growth and adaptation studies indicated that N-carboxymethyl-L-glutamate and L-glutamate are main metabolites.  相似文献   

为了研究以多粘菌素耐药基因(MCR-1)和新德里金属β-内酰胺酶-1基因(NDM-1)携带菌为代表的"超级细菌"在地表水中的环境行为,以长江南京段典型水域及邻近城市污水厂和自来水厂为研究对象,考察了MCR-1和NDM-1携带菌的耐药特性及其变化特征。结果发现,污水厂进水和生物处理单元2种细菌耐药能力均处于较高水平,随处理流程呈降低趋势,至消毒出水中不再被检出。长江中MCR-1携带菌耐粘菌素的半抑制浓度(EC50)较高,平均达37.89 mg·L-1,顺水流方向无显著降低。仅在下游朱家山河汇入口和长江大桥附近滨江公园检出较高耐药水平的NDM-1携带菌。2种细菌耐药水平受水体污染程度和人类活动影响较明显。自来水厂MCR-1携带菌数目较少,但其EC50平均可达32.75 mg·L~(-1),常规处理单元中未检出NDM-1携带菌。水处理工艺显著降低了细菌耐药水平,但排泥水中2种细菌均检出,且耐药水平相比进水显著提高。本研究可为评价水介质中超级抗性基因及其携带菌的环境风险提供参考。  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Lake Atamanskoye is one of the most polluted aquatic environments in the South of Russia. This water body was affected by long-term pollution by effluent...  相似文献   

Chronic renal failure (CRF) associated with elevated dietary cadmium (Cd) among farming communities in the irrigated agricultural area under the River Mahaweli diversion scheme has reached a significantly higher level of 9,000 patients. Cadmium, derived from contaminated phosphate fertilizer, in irrigation water finds its way into reservoirs, and finally to food, causing chronic renal failure among consumers. Water samples of River Mahaweli and its tributaries in the upper catchment were analyzed to assess the total cadmium contamination of river water and the possible source of cadmium. Except a single tributary (Ulapane Stream, 3.9?μg?Cd/l), all other tested tributaries carried more than 5?μg?Cd/l, the maximum concentration level accepted to be safe in drinking water. Seven medium-sized streams carrying surface runoff from tea estates had 5.1-10?μg?Cd/l. Twenty larger tributaries (Oya), where the catchment is under vegetable and home garden cultivation, carried 10.1-15?μg?Cd/l. Nine other major tributaries had extremely high levels of Cd, reaching 20?μg?Cd/l. Using geographic information system (GIS), the area in the catchment of each tributary was studied. The specific cropping system in each watershed was determined. The total cadmium loading from each crop area was estimated using the rates and types of phosphate fertilizer used by the respective farmers and the amount of cadmium contained in each type of fertilizer used. Eppawala rock phosphate (ERP), which is mostly used in tea estates, caused least pollution. The amount of cadmium in tributaries had a significant positive correlation with the cadmium loading of the cropping system. Dimbula Tea Estate Stream had the lowest Cd loading (495.9?g/ha/year), compared with vegetable-growing areas in Uma Oya catchment with 50,852.5?g?Cd/ha/year. Kendall's τ rank correlation value of total Cd loading from the catchment by phosphate fertilizer used in all crops in the catchment to the Cd content in the tributaries was +0.48. This indicated a major contribution by the cropping system in the upper catchment area of River Mahaweli to the eventual Cd pollution of river water. Low soil pH (4.5-5.2), higher organic matter content (2-3%), and 18-20?cmol/kg cation exchange capacity (CEC) in upcountry soil have a cumulative effect in the easy release of Cd from soil with the heavy surface runoff in the upcountry wet zone. In view of the existing water conveyance system from upcountry to reservoirs in North Central Province (NCP) through diversion of River Mahaweli, in addition to their own nonpoint pollution by triple superphosphate fertilizer (TSP), this demands a change in overall upper catchment management to minimize Cd pollution through agriculture inputs to prevent CRF due to elevated dietary cadmium among NCP farmers.  相似文献   

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