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绿肥可以解决有机肥源不足的困难,减少化肥用量,节省成本和能源消耗,改善土壤环境,提高土壤肥力和地力;提高作物产量和产品质量;促进畜牧业的发展。本文根据广东的实际,指出广东的现代化农业需要大种绿肥,也可以大种绿肥。要使广东的绿肥生产得到恢复和发展,必须抓好如下的措施:从战略高度来认识绿肥的重要性;加强领导,把它提到重要的议事日程上来;广泛开展试验示范,并加强宣传发动;增加经济投入,省、市、县各级要设立绿肥种子繁育和经营风险金。  相似文献   

洞庭湖区的湖垸农业与可持续发展对策   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在调查分析洞庭湖区围湖垦殖和湖垸农业形成的历史的基础上,归纳了湖垸农业面临的生态环境问题:洪涝灾害发生频率加大;水面减少,生物多样性降低;环境污染严重,湿地生态功能衰退;土壤退化和潜育化严重;血吸虫病死灰复燃。并结合已有的经验,提出了湖垸农业可持续发展的对策措施:认真实施生态保护工程,减少泥沙淤积;调整湖垸农业结构,建立有利于避灾、减灾新模式;退田还湖,发展替代农业,发展莲藕、籽藕、茭白等水生经济植物种植;与企业结合,发展油菜、马铃薯、亚麻等工业原料作物;利用欧美杨耐涝性强的特点,在地势较高的季节性淹没的洲滩地,发展以林为主的林农复合经营模式,湖洲草地发展草食畜禽替代模式。  相似文献   

雨强对黄土区土壤钾素径流流失的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
彭浩  张兴昌  邵明安 《生态环境》2004,13(3):369-372
通过不同雨强人工模拟冲刷试验,初步分析了雨强对黄土区土壤钾素径流的影响。结果表明,雨强(冲刷强度)增大,溶解态钾质量浓度,溶解态钾、缓效钾和速效钾流失量明显增加;在不同雨强的条件下,缓效钾、速效钾的流失量与坡度呈显著的指数函数关系;雨强对速效钾、缓效钾的富集率影响不大;雨强比坡度对缓效钾和速效钾的流失影响更大。  相似文献   

纳米Ti02多孔微粒阳光催化降解活性艳蓝染料   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首次利用高分子悬浮聚合与溶胶—凝胶法相结合的技术,成功地制备不同孔结构的TiO2多孔微粒,并对其光催化降解活性艳蓝KN—R的染料溶液PH、无机阴离子、光强、通空气等影响因素进行了系统研究。结果表明:强酸性条件有利于染料在催化剂表面的吸附,而强碱性条件有利于催化反应的进行;常见无机阴离子cl^-、so4^2-,对染料降解有不同程度的抑制作用;染料降解效率随光强增加而提高;光降解动力学结果表明:TiO2多孔微粒对活性艳蓝KN—R染料的光催化降解反应符合一级反应动力学;降解时持续通空气有利于降解效率的提高。实验证明所制得的微粒具有良好的光催化降解效果和重复使用性能。  相似文献   

根据数据的全面性、准确性和可得性构建了青岛市可持续发展战略下的环境经济评价指标体系。运用经济发展(Ec)、环境污染(Ep)、环境质量(Eq)、生活水平(En)、人口发展(P)、社会发展(S)和资源消耗(Ru)等7项综合指数,对青岛市环境污染与资源利用现状进行分析,并对其与经济、社会和人口发展的关联性进行了评价,结果表明:青岛市社会、经济发展水平和人民生活水平不断提高,与其环境质量的逐年改善具有明显的对应关系,环境质量对经济发展的瓶颈制约作用越来越小;但社会、经济的发展造成资源消耗加快,经济发展对资源的依赖性逐年增强,说明青岛市的资源—经济—环境系统仍需调整;另外,除1996年环境对可持续发展造成较大压力外,1994——2000年青岛市资源消耗、环境污染对可持续发展造成的综合压力较小,说明其资源—环境—经济系统的持续发展能力比较强,子系统之间协调性较好。  相似文献   

苏北里下河地区湿地资源可持续利用的思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以里下河地区湿地资源利用为例,剖析湿地资源开发过程中带来的相关环境问题,包括:湿地面积缩小,自然灾害濒发;区内环境状况日趋恶化,生产与生活性污染严重;湿地功能日益衰退;湿地农业生产效益下降,农民的生产投入明显不足。此外,还探讨湿地生态系统可持续利用对策,具体有:建立湿地可持续利用新的评价指标与标准,建立预警分析系统,以现代湿地生态工程技术为指导,全面提高湿地利用的社会、经济、环境综合效益。  相似文献   

分析了江汉平原、鄂北地区的自然地理条件、社会经济条件和中低产田地的现状及其形成因素;对各类中低产土壤作了统计;划分了两区域中低产田地的产量标准。根据其主要的土壤障碍因素,因地制宜地选择了相应的改造技术措施;并运用动态分析方法.计算了其投资效益.在当前人口不断增长而又不能以扩大耕地面积来增加农产品的前提下,以改造现有的中低产田地来提高农产品产量,这是一条可行的途径。  相似文献   

城市垃圾管理综合体系改革探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以漳州为例,分析我国城市垃圾政策体系,管理体制、资金状况、产业市场调控机制的现状,提出城市垃圾管理改革的方向和目标应以“谁污染谁治理”为原则,以实现城市可持续发展为目标,应用生命周期评价理论,在环境可持续性、经济可负担性、社会可接受性的基础上,以清洁生产、最小量化、资源化、无害化和产业化为指导思想,加强立法和政策制定;按政企分开、政事分开原则,建立适应社会主义市场经济的垃圾管理新体制;依靠市场和政府双重动力,全方位、全过程、开放垃圾产业;建立多元化项目投资机制。  相似文献   

湖南观光休闲农业旅游资源及其开发研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
湖南作为内陆农业大省和旅游资源大省,具有独特的“潇湘”自然生态环境本底,丰富多彩的乡村景观资源,较为优越的区位交通条件,发展观光休闲农业具有得天独厚的优势和潜力、但在开发观光休闲农业旅游资源时,应坚持市场导向,准确定位;突出乡土特色,提升文化品位;加强对乡村景观资源及其环境的保护,走可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

安徽省耕地资源利用分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据安徽省生态环境现状调查的结果,耕地是安徽省主要的土地利用类型。由于经济建设、生态建设、经济利益的驱动和有限的后备资源,耕地面积逐年减少;肥力不足、土壤退化、水土流失等因素影响了安徽省耕地资源质量;低的生态占用表明该省人口数量已给环境造成巨大的生态压力,人地矛盾日趋突出。粮食的安全保障依赖于耕地的高强度利用、化肥的大量施用和有效灌溉面积的扩大。加强土地管理,严格执法,合理规划用地,以科学技术来提高粮食的单产水平和土地利用的集约化程度,是耕地可持续利用的保证。  相似文献   

湖南省许多企业由于仍然受计划经济体制的阴影笼罩,缺乏竞争观念,品牌意识淡薄,导致品牌难上档次,知名品牌缺少.因此,必须整合湖南品牌战略、实施企业形象战略、培育品牌文化战略和实施品牌战略.  相似文献   

This study presents the concentrations of about 50 metals and ions in 33 different brands of bottled waters on the Swedish market. Ten of the brands showed calcium (Ca) concentrations ≤10 mg L−1 and magnesium (Mg) levels <3 mg L−1, implying very soft waters. Three of these waters had in addition low concentrations of sodium (Na; <7 mg L−1), potassium (K; <3 mg L−1) and bicarbonate (HCO3 ≤31 mg L−1). These brands were collected from barren districts. Nine of the brands were collected from limestone regions. They showed increased Ca-levels exceeding 50 mg L−1 with a maximum of 289 mg L−1. Corresponding Mg-levels were also raised in two brands exceeding 90 mg L−1. Two soft and carbonated waters were supplemented with Na2CO3 and NaCl, resulting in high concentrations of Na (644 and 648 mg L−1) and chloride (Cl; 204 and 219 mg L−1). Such waters may make a substantial contribution to the daily intake of NaCl in high water consumers. The storage of carbonated drinking water in aluminum (Al) cans increased the Al-concentration to about 70 μg L−1. Conclusion As there was a large variation in the material as regards concentrations of macro-elements such as Ca, Mg, Na, K and Cl. Supplementation with salts, e.g., Na2CO3, K2 CO3 and NaCl, can lead to increased concentrations of Na, K and Cl, as well as decreased ratios of Ca/Na and larger ratios of Na/K. Water with high concentrations of e.g., Ca and Mg, may make a substantial contribution to the daily intake of these elements in high water consumers. Al cans are less suited for storage of carbonated waters, as the lowered pH-values may dissolve Al. The levels of potentially toxic metals in the studied brands were generally low.  相似文献   

衡阳是湖南省湘南地区最大的区域性城市,2003年衡阳市委市政府决定利用船山名人的旅游品牌效应和区位优势,在城郊衡阳县英陂镇境内建设集科研生产、农业示范、旅游观光于一体的现代农业示范园,实行资源和优势互补,为发展当地农村经济开辟新路子.衡阳市现代农业示范园的园林绿化建设应以景观生态学原理为指导,通过对示范园核心区的规划设计与构思、植物配置、管理措施与规划建设项目等方面的论述。以便为衡阳市委市政府发展观光旅游农业开发的决策和组织实施提供切实可行的理论依据.  相似文献   

In this study, the concentrations of Co, Ni, Fe, Cu, Mn, Pb, Cr, and Cd were determined in 15 cigarette brands from Turkey by flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS). A wet digestion method was employed to cigarette samples. The mean values obtained for Co, Ni, Fe, Cu, Mn, Pb, Cr, and Cd were 1.2, 4.1, 134, 14, 66, 3.7, 5.0, and 1.1?µg?g?1, respectively, i.e., in the order of Fe?>?Mn?>?Cu?>?Cr?>?Ni?>?Pb?>?Co?>?Cd. The results were compared with the literature values for other international cigarette brands.  相似文献   

Skin-lightening creams are extensively promoted online and in the media. They may contain a wide variety of active ingredients such as mercury, hydroquinone, and steroids that are highly toxic, especially after prolonged application. For more than a decade, we found high mercury content in many products sold on Saudi markets. Some of these products were later banned by the government. However, the presence of other ingredients has not been documented. We undertake this study on some of the most popular skin-lightening creams on the market to test for toxic ingredients such as mercury, titanium dioxide, hydroquinone, and corticosteroids. A total of 33 different brands were selected for the analysis of titanium (50 samples), hydroquinone (55 samples), and corticosteroids (56 samples) with the exception of mercury in which only 23 brands (34 samples) were tested. This study showed that 2 of 34 skin-lightening creams had mercury above the US FDA limit of 1?µg?g?1. All products had titanium dioxide at less than 25% (w/w) of the EU and US FDA safety limits for personal products but 8 products from 7 different brands contained titanium dioxide above 1%, the permissible limit in cosmetics as color additives. In this study, we found 8 creams from 7 different brands had hydroquinone above 1.5% (w/w), the newly proposed FDA limit of hydroquinone in OTC skin-lightening drug products. Among the four tested corticosteroid compounds, the most frequently detected was cortisone and 18 products from 13 different brands were above 6?µg?g?1 (MDL) with a maximum of up to 0.32% (w/w). Dexamethasone was found in 7 creams from 5 different brands with only 3 above the MDL of 9?µg?g?1. Although one might argue that these corticosteroids are of mild or low potency, and they may be unlikely to have any adverse effects, these products are marketed as personal-care products on the assumption that they are safe and free of steroids. The overall results indicate that many of the skin-lightening creams sold in the Saudi market contained one or more toxic ingredients that in most cases were not listed on the packaging. Many of these ingredients are harmful and pose health risks if we take into account the frequency of application, the duration of practice, and area of the body applied, and their use during pregnancy and/or periods of lactation.  相似文献   

客源是旅游业发展的原动力,客源市场分析准确与否,直接决定着旅游投资资金的可行性和安全性.而要把握好旅游客源市场,必须进行深入细致的市场调查与分析.南岳作为全国五大名山之一,近年来虽然旅游环境不断优化,产业素质明显增强,产业规模迅速扩大.但与国内各大知名旅游景区相比,南岳还有很大的差距,许多方面还存在着严重的不足,特别是在旅游市场开拓方面还有巨大的潜力需要发掘,为此,从客源市场特征反映的角度对南岳旅游做出一番有益的探讨,旨在为南岳的旅游发展提出建设性的措施.表4,参3.  相似文献   

Increased awareness of the importance of environmental protection and the introduction of international standards like ISO 14001 stimulated development of environmental sustainability indicators as a means to measure systems environmental performance. Here, a thermodynamic approach, emergy analysis (Odum, 1988) was used to obtain sustainability indicators able to analyse and quantify the productive and ecological performance of four famous Italian wine productions: Chianti, Brunello di Montalcino, Nobile di Montepulciano, and Barbera d'hti. The application to agricultural production was motivated by the growing need for productive and environmentally sound development in modern agriculture, in which the resource base, the environment, is preserved. The choice of wines, more precisely, grape production, is due to their importance for Italian agriculture and the economy. All the wines demonstrated a good long-term environmental sustainability, especially in view of their high quality and in comparison with the average Italian wine production. Emergy analysis proved a powerful tool for assessing environmental performance of these systems, and its use could easily be extended to other wine productions to obtain a form of environmental performance classification of this product. Systematic use of emergy analysis to assess environmental performance of different processes and products, not necessarily in agriculture, could be useful for environmental certification.  相似文献   

The effects of cigarette smoking on smokers and the environment were investigated by analyzing some cigarette brands available to Nigerian smokers for the presence of some of the widely used organochlorine (OC) pesticides and heavy metals. OC pesticide residues were extracted from tobacco smoke, separated and identified using column chromatographic and thin layer chromatographic techniques respectively, while ashed and unashed commercial cigarettes were analyzed for heavy metals – Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn, Cd, Cu, and Co using atomic absorption spectrometry. TLC data indicated that dieldrin and p,p′-DDD were present in some of the cigarette brands. The results of heavy metal analysis showed that the levels of some toxic heavy metals and pollution index were higher in unashed cigarettes than corresponding ashes. Evidence suggests that significant amounts of these toxic metals are inhaled by the smoker and/or released into the environment in the process of cigarette smoking, thus confirming that cigarette smoking is harmful to the environment and human health.  相似文献   

大冶矿区土壤重金属积累对土壤酶活性的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
胡学玉  孙宏发  陈德林 《生态环境》2007,16(5):1421-1423
大冶矿区位于湖北省的东南部,是我国的青铜之乡,长期的采矿和冶炼活动已使该矿区土地生产力和农产品品质严重下降。为了探明相关重金属的污染状况,应用野外调查与采样分析相结合的方法,研究了大冶矿区土壤酶活性和土壤中重金属的累积特性。结果表明:矿区土壤Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As全量的平均值分别是该区土壤背景值的35.1倍、16.0倍、3.0倍、29.8倍、1.1倍。不同样点土壤酶活性存在一定程度的差异。土壤重金属胁迫对土壤酶活性主要表现为抑制作用,其中对土壤重金属响应较敏感的酶为脲酶和过氧化氢酶,这两种酶与重金属Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、As的全量分别呈显著或极显著的负相关。这些研究结果对于大冶矿区土壤环境质量评价及生态修复有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

广东省土壤硒空间分布及潜在环境风险分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用广东省260个土壤剖面数据,开展区域尺度下的土壤总硒(Se)质量分数的空间分布研究。结果表明,研究区内土壤硒含量变异性较强,符合对数正态分布特征,其几何质量分数为0.23 mg·kg-1,高于全国平均水平。表层土壤硒基线质量分数范围为0.13到0.41 mg·kg-1,处于硒缺乏与中等含量水平之间。土壤硒的空间分布格局与区域成土母质密切相关,表现为:高硒质量分数的土壤主要位于石灰岩和砂页岩区域,而低硒质量分数的土壤主要位于紫色页岩和花岗岩地区。土壤硒缺乏可能是影响研究区人体健康的重要问题。此外,研究区由土壤退化和土壤侵蚀引发的流入周边水体的土壤硒每年可高达23 t。  相似文献   

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