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正冯小刚导演的大片《一九四二》上映时,片头的4个苍劲有力的大字,厚重中不失俊秀,古朴中不乏灵动,实在是为影片增色不少。这4个字是由扬州古籍刻印社两位雕版大师陈义时和芮名扬合作完成的。除去片头,在《一九四二》中还出现了800多个扬州雕版字,分别用  相似文献   

呼呼 《绿色视野》2014,(8):65-67
地处南京老城南的甘熙故居,是赫赫有名的南京民俗博物馆。这儿,有无数民间老艺人,在秀着他们的手艺。这些手艺,对于他们来说,是吃饭的营生;对于南京市民来说,是不可或缺的生活。但是,随着社会的变迁,这些市民们喜闻乐见的老手艺,慢慢在生活中消失。年轻一代,对于这些老手艺已闻所未闻,老人们,对他们也开始逐渐陌生。  相似文献   

黄永翀 《绿色视野》2011,(10):62-63
小猴子穿衣戴帽,人模人样地骑着自行车满场子转,甚至还来几个花活,真逗人;平时看似笨重的大狗熊,可要是在桌子上滚起滑板来,连机灵的大姑娘小媳妇们都自愧不如;小狗们钻起一个个火圈来,真让人看着感到有点悬乎,要是看狮子老虎高空钻火圈,心里确实捏一把汗;美女与蟒蛇共舞,看得人们嘴巴张多大,心惊肉跳的……看马戏表演尽管常常是有惊无险,可每次观看时我都是投入得不得了,估计样子叫别人看来感到好笑:脖子伸多长,眼珠子要不是眼眶子挡着都怕要蹦出来。  相似文献   

作为徽州当年很繁华的水运码头,万安是很有些年代和味道的镇子。古老的徽商驿道依然石板青青,比肩接踵的商铺至今保持着前店后坊的格局,仄仄的石阶直通下方绵绵如锦缎的横江。浣衣妇的捶打声传来,清脆中又透着点时光的恍惚。  相似文献   

曹宇 《绿色视野》2012,(7):65-66
徽州人的生活处处透着点精致的味道。青青石板两侧的民居中,在漏窗院墙里总会旁逸斜出三两枝绿叶红花,而门扉、窗罩、瓦当则全是精雕细琢的山水花鸟。这些坚硬的东西被赋予了太多的灵性。  相似文献   

雷虎 《绿色视野》2012,(11):64-66
每天早晨,路过早点铺,总会端一蒸笼新鲜出炉的小笼包。一笼小笼包下肚,充沛的正能量就开始在体内翻江倒海。但是不知从何时起,早点铺里,越来越多竹蒸笼被不绣钢取而代之。  相似文献   

纸的珍贵,是在那次参观宣纸文化园时才领悟到的。之前,虽然一直念叨"节约一张纸,就是拯救一片森林"这样的话,心底下却觉得这是环保主义者的夸张,但作为绿学社的一员,我又希望这样的夸张能引起必要的关注。那次参观了宣纸制作流水线,我才惊诧于一张纸的诞生竟需要  相似文献   

我有很浓的怀旧情结,这种情结在日常生活中,就曼延到对旧建筑、旧照片、旧陶瓷、旧首饰、旧家具等一些实物的迷恋喜爱上。在那些古色古香、或巧或拙的物件中,我能感受到往昔时光的造型、色泽、材质和纹路,甚至能闻见使用这些物件的人的声音与容貌,  相似文献   

书房里,挂着一幅铁画,是鲁迅先生的肖像。先生身着长衫,微微侧立,左手背后,清瘦颀长的右手捏一枝细烟斗,面向前方,目光犀利,似乎无时无刻不在解剖着国民的劣根性。许多朋友来家里,都说这画传神,将先生的性格刻画出来了。铁画出自芜湖。  相似文献   

正徽州是理学的崛起之地,徽州人深受理学的影响和滋润,古民居建筑的每一个布局架构都强烈突显出"理"的说教意味,有着深厚的社会伦理功能。徽民居围墙一般很高。男人大都在外经商,此墙便起着防盗、对女性禁锢的作用。但单纯的高,则给人阴沉压抑的感觉,故而在围墙上又常用黟青石双面镂空雕刻着两扇窗,图案往往是喜鹊登梅,喻寒尽春来的喜讯,既是在家妻子儿女的向往,又是对在外家人的祝福;两家  相似文献   

"物化-生化"及"生化-物化"工艺在印染废水处理中的选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在印染废水处理的传统工艺中,“先物化后生化处理”和“先生化后物化处理”两种工艺都相当成熟且应用广泛。本文通过对印染废水处理中两个典型工程实例的分析,总结出了这两种工艺的优缺点及适用性。  相似文献   

周亮  凌宝香 《环境技术》2005,24(3):30-32,44
通过对多种化学药剂处理印染废水原水和只经过生化的印染废水出水的试验研究,找出了药剂在各自最佳的反应条件下的处理成本和处理效果。结果表明,处理吨水成本最低而又处理效果较好的药剂为A料和石灰的组合,它对印染废水的原水色度、CODCr的处理效果可达85%、46%,对生化出水色度、CODCr的处理效果可达80.3%、47%。  相似文献   

This paper explores the phenomenon of attachment to place in old age. Three complementary dimensions of attachment—physical, social and autobiographical insideness—are identified from a three year in-depth study of elderly residents of an Appalachian community. It is argued that autobiographical insideness may be particularly important to old people in sustaining a sense of personal identity and may be adaptive in old age. The paper develops the hypothesis that the increasing mobility of current elderly generations is resulting in changing manifestations of attachment to place. Whereas the old-old (persons over 75 years of age) remain strongly attached to their proximate physical environment, the young-old (those under 75 years of age) appear to be developing identifications with places that involve greater emphasis upon vicarious involvement in displaced settings.  相似文献   

The relationship between people and places is characterized by affective and cognitive dimensions, defined, respectively, as place attachment and identification. This paper aims at clarifying differences between place attachment and identification by (1) identifying their predictors in a structural equation model and (2) exploring their association with the environmental perception. To this purpose, we conducted a research on a sample of 328 residents of a city in the north of Italy. Results show that the affective and the cognitive dimensions (1) are directly predicted by different demographical and psychosocial variables and (2) are strictly associated to the perception of the place and its inhabitants. Place attachment and identification are two distinct but correlated components. Semantic contents related to the environmental perception are described in respect to different levels of attachment and identification.  相似文献   

Of Bodies, Place, and Culture: Re-Situating Local Food   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the US, an increasingly popular local food movement is propelled along by structural arguments that highlight the inequity and unsustainablity of the current agri-food system and by individually based arguments that highlight personal health and well-being. Despite clear differences in their foci, the deeper values contained in each argument tend to be neglected or lost, while local innovations assume instrumental and largely market-based forms. By narrowing their focus to the rational and the economic, movement activists tend to overlook (or marginalize) the role of the sensual, the emotional, the expressive for maintaining layered sets of embodied relationships to food and to place. This paper seeks to show that cultural and nonrational elements are fundamental to local food discussions. It proceeds from the assumption that, without them as full partners, the movement cannot be sustained in any felt, practiced, or committed way. To this end, it discusses the concept of place and bodies in place, as well as the connections between the ecological and the cultural, the sensual and the scientific. It offers a new set of questions and conceptual tools with which advocates and activists may “ground,” and thereby revalue and restore, the promise and practice of local food.  相似文献   

This paper reflects on two controversial resource projects – the Bellanaboy gas refinery (Ireland) and the Barvas Moor wind farm (Scotland) – and critical arguments made by key local actors. Although risk, health, environment and development dominated the official decision-making processes, these actors articulated views which cut across or existed beyond such orthodox ideas and framings. Focusing on these, I show that the Gaelic concepts of dùthchas and deoraíocht, summarised as place and exile, help to explain why some residents decided to protest. This paper illustrates the role that history, culture and language can play in conflicts, emphasises the need for greater sensitivity to these and suggests that place and exile can inform alternative visions of sustainability.  相似文献   

Research on identity has proliferated in recent decades, particularly within environmental psychology; the physical environment has been shown to have strong connections to a sense of self, and identity has proved to be an important mediator of behaviour. The concept of identity has been defined and measured, however, in a wide variety of ways. The goal of this special issue is to present some of the recent work tying identity to place and behaviour. In our opening essay we describe some of the distinctions among approaches to identity at different levels of specificity and scale and suggest some criteria to determine meaningful sources of identity, including impacts on cognitive processing, emotional responses, and behaviour. Although a monolithic framework is neither practical nor desirable, we encourage greater conceptual and methodological integration in future research on the interconnections among place, identity, and behaviour.  相似文献   


Exergy can play a key role in developing appropriate and beneficial energy-related policies relating to education and awareness. Two main areas where exergy can have an impact on policies are discussed in this article: public education and awareness and student education. The former is more general, but is supported by the latter. Regarding public education and awareness about exergy, it appears that the public is often confused when it discusses energy, and needs to be better educated about exergy if energy issues and problems are to be addressed appropriately. Regarding the education of students about exergy, it appears that the coverage of exergy in thermodynamics education is often insufficient and inappropriate. Better coverage of exergy is needed to improve thermodynamics education and to make it more interesting to students, and a basic level of “exergy literacy” is needed among engineers and scientists—particularly those involved in decision making.  相似文献   

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