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运用市场机制减少温室气体排放,是欧盟积极应对气候变化,实现其减排承诺的重要手段。本文从德国排放交易制度建立的背景和法律保障、德国排放交易管理机构的职能、温室气体排放交易的实施程序和额度分配、以及交易的质量保证等方面,详细介绍和分析德国温室气体排放交易管理体系。并在此基础上进一步阐述了其对我国温室气体排放交易管理的启示,并结合我国污染物普查及总量控制等经验,从法制建设、总量控制、交易管理、机构建设等方面提出了相应意见和建议。  相似文献   

利用市场机制减少温室气体排放是<京都议定书>3个灵活履约机制之一.以欧盟成员国德国为例,介绍了欧盟温室气体排放交易制度的理论基础、分配原则、主要参与者及第l阶段(2005~2007年)的运行结果和第2阶段(2008~2012年)的分配调整情况,在此基础上初步探讨了对国内排污权交易市场建立的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

本文通过分析大量法国第一手文献资料,研究其开展温室气体排放交易的进展情况,梳理法国在排放交易监测、报告、核证等重要环节的技术要求与制度设计,以及排放交易监管体系中各政府部门的权责划分等情况,提出建立中国温室气体排放交易体系监管机制的法律建议。  相似文献   

在应对气候变化问题上,欧委会坚持将民航纳入排放交易系统。欧盟已经通过指令立法程序,自2012年1月1日起正式将在欧盟境内起降的所有欧盟和非欧盟航班排放纳入欧盟温室气体排放交易系统(EUETS),试图通过“上限—交易”的模式来限制航空的温室气体排放。本文解读了欧盟这一法律和政策,并分析了欧盟将国际民航纳入EUETS后,中国的航空公司、乘客及航空减排政策和行业发展将受到的潜在影响。  相似文献   

欧盟于2020年10月出台了《欧盟甲烷减排战略》,以支撑其中长期温室气体减排目标。该战略共提出了五个领域的24个行动方案。欧盟将油气行业作为重点,设置了两个强制性的政策来完善能源部门的温室气体监测、报告和核查制度,并禁止天然气放空和燃烧。农业领域以加强全生命周期甲烷排放核算、减排技术等方面研究,编制最佳减排实践和技术清单为主要措施。在废弃物管理领域,欧盟将主要修订废弃物管理方面的立法和废水处理标准并加强监管。全球层面,欧盟提出希望联合包括中国在内的主要油气进口国家,推动建立全球性的监测、报告和核查标准,分享其甲烷超级排放源探测的卫星数据等措施。我国提出2060碳中和愿景后,下一阶段温室气体减排将会从能源相关二氧化碳减排为主扩展到全部温室气体减排。建议我国和欧盟在甲烷减排方面开展广泛合作,借鉴欧盟的经验,尽快制定我国甲烷减排近期、中期、远期目标和行动计划,推广甲烷减排技术,加强科学研究和技术研发,探索在国家碳市场交易体系中纳入甲烷等非二氧化碳气体的时机和方案,鼓励大型能源企业加入国际甲烷减排倡议以提高能力,逐步完善我国甲烷减排相关政策和制度环境,打造我国在低碳领域的经济和技术竞争力。  相似文献   

基于Eurostat New Cronos数据库提供的欧盟25个国家2003年的GDP、能源消耗与温室气体排放数据,在SAS系统下,运用描述性分析与回归分析,检测了欧盟25个国家经济发展、能源消耗与温室气体排放之间的相关性.研究表明:GDP、能源消耗和温室气体排放三者之间存在正相关性;相对经济发展的环境代价而言,欧盟新成员国的环境影响问题较欧盟15国更严重.  相似文献   

欧洲环境保护署(EEA)的一份题为“欧盟温室气体年度排放清单1990~1999”的报告中说,从1990~1999年,15个欧盟国家温室气体排放减少4%. 这份清单计入了京都议定书中包括的6种气体.它与美国在同一期间排放上升11%形成了强烈反差.美国排放的温室气体占工业化国家的40%,而欧盟占24%. 从1998~1999年欧盟温室气体排放减少2%,同时总的国民生产总值(GDP)增加2.5%.这主要是由于英国和法国减少了氧化亚氮和氢氟碳的工业排放以及20世纪90年代德国和英国以天然气取代煤炭,另一个因素是相对温和的冬季减少了室内取暖的需求. 但是EEA认为要达到京都议定…  相似文献   

发电行业已成为我国温室气体排放量最大的行业之一,全国七个碳排放权交易试点省市全部将发电行业纳入控排范围。本文通过分析对比发电行业温室气体排放核算方法的差异,对于发电行业温室气体排放核算方法的进一步优化提出了建议。  相似文献   

欧盟(EU)在2003年7月建立了世界第一家多国排放交易系统,被要求削减温室气体排放的欧洲公司不久将可按该系统购买、出售或储存其碳额度(Carbon Credit).交易市场预计于2005年开张,EU官员、环保团体和工业界都把它视作达到京都议定书规定目标的一个关键手段,预期将使工业界达标费用减少35%. 目前只考虑二氧化碳的排放交易,欧盟各成员国都将按对京都议定书的承诺制订其国家计划.排放交易系统效法美国的二氧化硫排放交易.2005~2007年,有10 000家以上大规模设施面临排放限制.涉及部门包括电力、炼油、水泥、钢铁、玻璃、陶瓷和造纸.欧盟成员…  相似文献   

减排温室气体的经济手段:许可证交易和税收政策   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
温室气体的减排是当前国际社会关心的热点环境问题。本文首先从分析采用经济手段减排温室气体的潜在利弊出发,对温室气体排放交易和国际碳税进行了深入的分析比较。最后,提出了我国响应减排温室气体经济政策的若干建议。  相似文献   

More and more countries are incorporating the instrument of emissions trading into their national climate policies. This emerging mosaic of emissions trading schemes (ETS) raises the question of whether they should be linked with each other. From an economic point of view, linking of domestic schemes is supposed to increase the economic efficiency of carbon markets. In addition, linking is also expected by some to yield substantial political benefits in terms of the evolution of the UNFCCC/Kyoto regime. However, these optimistic prospects are based on a best-case scenario where all major countries establish environmentally effective emissions trading systems and then link them with each other. Real-life politics might develop rather differently. This paper therefore examines to what extent the current status of emissions trading in industrialised countries provides a basis for reinforcing and moving forward the international climate regime through linking domestic ETS. After comparing emerging emissions trading schemes from an institutional perspective, it emerges that not only emissions trading is at a very early stage in most countries, in addition the emerging systems are probably going to be designed very differently from the EU ETS. While for some design features such as the coverage design differences do not matter, there are some areas where the plans in many non-EU countries look crucially different from the EU system. The outlook for a linked international ETS is therefore currently still very uncertain. Given this state of affairs, the EU should pro-actively engage with the non-EU countries to try to harmonise their developing national emissions trading schemes with the EU ETS, widely disseminate the lessons it has learned from the EU ETS, strongly make the case for environmental integrity and at the same time make clear that systems that want to link to the EU ETS will need to meet certain quality criteria.
Ralf SchüleEmail:

Climate equity is a crucial but difficult element in negotiations on a post-2012 climate regime. With respect to the trading of greenhouse gas emissions the equity aspect is considered in the Kyoto Protocol which demands that emissions trading should be supplemental to domestic abatement efforts. The question arises whether a linking of the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS) to non-EU emission trading schemes or the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) could have an impact on principles of climate justice and thus potentially affect ongoing negotiations. In this study, we present the results of a three step analysis: In a first step, it estimates mid-term greenhouse gas emission entitlements for Annex B and Non-Annex B countries for the year 2020 which keep within reach a stabilization of the CO2 concentration at 450 ppmv in the long-term. In the second step, the resulting emission entitlements are used as an input to an economic partial-equilibrium model in order to assess the shift of abatement efforts under different scenarios of linking the EU ETS. In a third step, we analyze the outcome of the economic model with respect to the future trend of European per capita emissions under the current EU ETS relative to different scenarios of linking the EU ETS. The model results indicate that European per capita emissions have to be reduced to a considerably smaller extent if a linking of the EU ETS is accompanied by an optimal design of the National Allocation Plans and if low-cost CO2 permits became available via the CDM to a large extent.
B. BrounsEmail:

In the light of the prevailing goal to keep global temperature increase below 2° and recent challenges to reach a global climate agreement in the near term, linking emissions trading schemes has emerged as a prominent complementing policy option. To this end, we explicitly assess (1) the macroeconomic welfare impacts and (2) the trade-based competitiveness effects of linking the European Union (EU) Emissions Trading Scheme in the year 2020. A stylized partial market analysis suggests that, independently of regional cost characteristics, the integration of emissions trading schemes (ETS) yields economic welfare gains for all participating regions. A computable general equilibrium analysis confirms these findings at the macroeconomic level: The economic efficiency losses from emissions regulation are diminished for both EU Member States and non-EU regions by linking ETS. However, the quantitative analysis suggests opposite trade-based incentives for linking up: while EU Member States improve their terms of trade by integrating with emerging ETS, non-EU linking candidates face competitiveness losses by linking. We conclude that, for non-EU regions, the attractiveness of linking ETS is a matter of priorities for economic welfare or international competitiveness. If these priorities are hierarchized in favor of welfare, the globalization of the carbon market could become a promising policy option complementing the efforts to reach a global climate agreement in 2015.  相似文献   

Research on environmental uncertainty typically distinguishes between different sources of uncertainty according to the different environments that a company interacts with. The regulatory environment and associated uncertainties become especially important when investigating the subject of pollution reduction. Many researchers have started to investigate the effects of environmental regulation on innovation, however, only little is known about the role of regulatory uncertainty in this context. We provide a taxonomy of regulatory uncertainties by building on the Miles and Snow scale of environmental uncertainty. We apply this taxonomy to uncertainties in current climate policy and test it based on a survey among companies that are subject to the European Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS), a flexible mechanism of the Kyoto-Protocol. Our results show that the EU ETS creates uncertainties in all categories of our taxonomy and suggest further research to better understand how different regulatory uncertainties affect companies’ business decisions.  相似文献   

Possibilities to reduce CO2 emissions and related costs at Swedish petroleum refineries have been estimated. An evaluation of the direct impact on costs for emission-reducing measures due to the inclusion in the EU ETS is also made. Abatement measures possible to implement within the next 5–6 years at Shell refinery Gothenburg corresponding to a 8% reduction, and at Preemraff Lysekil corresponding to 22% of the estimated fossil CO2 emissions in 2010 have been included. Many of the estimated abatement costs are negative, meaning cost savings for the companies if implemented. The cost estimates are strongly linked to the fuel prices. The inclusion of industries in the EU ETS increases the incentives for companies to implement CO2 abatement measures.  相似文献   

欧盟航空碳税对中国的影响及应对建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
尽管始终备受争议的航空碳税计划终于在欧盟内外的双重压力之下面临流产,但是建立全球碳排放交易体系终究是大势所趋,中国在这一问题上应该有前瞻性.由于欧盟航空碳税同环保高度相关,本文通过资料调研及数据收集,对欧盟此举的主要原因和对中国的影响进行了分析,并从保护航空业竞争力、介入全球碳排放交易体系设计和我国环保工作实际出发提出了应对建议.  相似文献   

Next to energy efficiency, in the context of GHG reductions, additional policy mechanisms to the incumbent EU Emissions Trading scheme (EU ETS) are discussed. Such is the case of Non-ETS Domestic Offset (DO) schemes, which can reduce CO2-eq.emissions in the non-ETS sectors and trade these as CO2 credits on the ETS market. Taking into account that the EU’s “Linking Directive” (EC 2004) creates the conditions to use credits generated by emission reduction projects certified by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Kyoto Protocol (KP) within the EU ETS market, in this paper we employ the institutional analysis method of interactions in order to provide insight of a combined White Certificates (WhC) and DOs cheme. Special attention is paid to the parameters that seem to hamper harmonization of WhC and DO. Aim of this paper is to discuss whether smart market- based instruments, such as WhC, can be complementary to the effectiveness of mechanisms fostering energy efficiency such as DOs projects and vice versa. In this respect, the potential combined scheme is assessed (ex-ante) with the help of standard criteria that refer to the triptych energy, environment & society. Given the outcome of the study made, it is fair to say that such a DO/WhC combined scheme could be selected if the additionality concern is to minimize short term social costs of reaching a certain goal. However recent information and research conducted so far cannot yet uphold an ambition that a WhC/DO scheme of this kind could also drive technical change, keep consumer costs down and be equitable.  相似文献   

Possibilities to reduce CO2 emissions and related costs at Swedish iron-ore based steelmaking in Sweden have been estimated. An evaluation of the direct impact on costs for emission-reducing measures due to the inclusion in the EU ETS is also made.Two different abatement options, based on previously implemented measures at SSAB Oxelösund as well as some future measures that could be implemented at the company by 2010, have been investigated. The first option corresponds to a CO2 emission reduction of 6.5% and the second to a 13% reduction. The abatement measure with the largest reduction potential is dependent on natural gas being available at SSAB Oxelösund by 2010, which is not certain.Several of the estimated abatement costs are negative, meaning cost savings for the company if implemented. The cost estimates are strongly linked to the fuel prices. The inclusion of industries in the EU ETS increases the incentives for companies to implement CO2 abatement measures.  相似文献   

An important aspect in the linking of different emissions trading schemes is the degree to which these systems allow (or ban) external offset project categories. The EU Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS) currently allows the use of credits from energy and industry projects developed under the Kyoto Protocol’s Joint Implementation (JI) and Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) but excludes the use of carbon credits from forestry projects for compliance in the EU ETS. Forestry credits generated by the CDM have a limited lifetime and expire at the end of a project’s crediting period, or earlier if the carbon stock for which the credits have been issued ceases to exist. According to the recently adopted amendment of the EU ETS Directive forestry credits will remain to be excluded until 2020. The present article reviews how the New South Wales Greenhouse Gas Abatement Scheme (Australia), the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (US) and the voluntary scheme of the Chicago Climate Exchange integrate forestry offsets into the respective system and how they deal with the risk of losing stored and credited biomass. By comparing the results of different scenarios this article shows how differences in the treatment of forestry offsets could impact the efforts to link various emission trading systems in future.
A. TuerkEmail:

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