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曹久民 《污染防治技术》1999,12(2):89-90,97
一般国产柴油发电机工作噪声声级测定值在90-120dB(A)之间,安装了消声,废气处理装置后,发电过程的噪声可降至65dB(A)以下,有效地控制了废气的排放量。  相似文献   

硫化氢废气治理研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
综合评述了硫化氢废气的各类净化方法及最新的研究进展。硫化氢废气的净化有吸收法、吸附法、氧化法、分解法和生物法。本文对超级克劳斯法和分解法研究进展进行了重点阐述。  相似文献   

利用活性炭纤维有机废气吸附回收装置治理二氯甲烷废气   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
文章介绍了一种化工生产过程中排出的二氯甲烷废气的治理装置-活性炭纤维有机废气吸附回收装置和治理工艺,由于采用了优越的吸附材料和先进的工艺设计,使吸附回收率达97%以上,收到了很好的环境效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

硫化氢废气治理研究进展   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
综合评述了硫化氢废气的各类净化方法及最新的研究进展。硫化氢废气的净化有吸收法、吸附法、氧化法、分解法和生物法。本文对超级克劳斯法和分解法研究进行了重点阐述。  相似文献   

介绍了日本对污水处理厂恶臭的评价方法,同时分析了国内污水处理厂的恶臭污染现状,指出了建设环保型污水处理厂是时代发展的要求。  相似文献   

生物膜填料塔对低浓度甲苯废气的净化性能研究   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
在扩大的实验装置上,考察研究了入口气体甲苯浓度、气体流量、液体喷淋量、填料层高度、操作方式等因素对生物膜填料塔净化低浓度甲苯废气性能的影响,取得了一定的基础数据,为下一步的工业应用提供依据。  相似文献   

介绍我国粘胶纤维生产废气治理研究的发展情况,说明普通活性炭不适合作为粘胶纤维生产废气的吸附剂、建议采用密封窗封闭操作、用TF法脱除H2S,再用改性活性炭脱除CS2,同时应重视研究开发新型溶剂代替CS2进行无害化清洁生产。  相似文献   

赵秀梅 《环境工程学报》2020,14(9):2277-2283
化学原料药制造行业是挥发性有机废气(VOCs)排放重点监管行业。原料药生产过程中VOCs排放具有排放节点多、成份复杂等特点。在阐述典型原料药生产过程中VOCs产生环节的基础上,分析了制药企业VOCs治理普遍面临的治理技术缺乏针对性、无组织废气收集不足、企业废气自行监测能力不足等难点问题,并对制药企业VOCs治理提出了加强有机废气成分溯源监测和规范废气收集等前瞻性建议,以期为提高该行业的VOCs治理效果并促进制药行业的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

催化燃烧法是常用的有害废气处理方法之一,但其应用于航天发射场偏二甲肼废气处理尚属首例,因其与原先的水吸收法和活性炭吸附法等几种方法相比较,原理上有根本的区别,特别是具有一系列特殊的优点,可供其他行业的废气处理借鉴。  相似文献   

介绍了云南某化工厂年产3万t普钙含氟尾气治理工程的运行现状、工艺流程和设计参数,并根据使用效果进行分析总结,通过当地环保局12年的监测数据表明,该厂含氟尾气采用喷淋塔、喷杯塔和喷淋旋流板塔处理后,不仅尾气达标排放,还副产300 t/a氟硅酸钠,实现了环境效益和经济效益的双丰收.还根据12年来工程中出现的问题提出了改进的措施和建议,供普钙行业含氟尾气治理工程设计参考.  相似文献   

为了解决炼化企业停车检修蒸汽吹扫废气难处理这一行业难题,采用喷淋水洗、膜分离、低温催化氧化组成的移动式废气处理技术,对某炼厂裂解重馏分罐蒸汽蒸煮和吹扫过程所产生废气进行处理。结果表明:进气非甲烷总烃浓度可达24 000 mg·m−3,温度为 80~95 ℃;尾气中非甲烷总烃指标全部低于12 mg·m−3,去除率达99%以上,烃类物质的回收率可达75%;喷淋单元的功能是降低废气温度,去除酸性气体并回收重质烃类;膜分离单元有效提升装置运行稳定性,提高有机物回收效率;低温催化技术可对不可凝烃类进行深度处理。该处理技术能够为困扰炼厂的停检修蒸汽吹扫废气的治理提供参考。  相似文献   

屈撑囤  马娟  刘咚 《环境工程学报》2016,10(6):3180-3184
废弃泥浆的无害化处理对于油气田开发的可持续发展具有重要意义。针对废弃泥浆的特性,以浸出液重金属含量及COD等为考核指标,通过固化剂配方优选、微生物菌种优选与复配,对废弃泥浆进行了微生物-固化复合处理。结果表明,固化剂加量为20%、复合菌液4.0 mL,处理15 d后,废弃泥浆固化后的含水率为45%以下,浸出液的pH为7.2~9.0,Cu、Cd和Pb等重金属离子含量分别为17、0.28和8.7 μg/L以下,COD低于100 mg/L,浸出液成分均符合GB 8978-1996Ⅰ级排放标准。  相似文献   

对新型厌氧反应器(ABR)处理化纤厂棉浆粕综合废水进行了研究。试验结果表明:采用ABR厌氧处理该废水,可以有效去除其中的有机物,在HRT为1d、进水COD为3360mg/L、有机负荷(OLR)为3.36kgCOD/(m3·d)的条件下,COD去除率为71.5%,出水COD降至958mg/L;利用浆粕黑液和纺丝废水混合调节pH,可以减少碱的用量,降低运行成本。  相似文献   

我国城市中尚有大量非规范生活垃圾填埋场存在,对其进行污染整治消除填埋气导致的环境安全隐患刻不容缓.以重庆某垃圾填埋场为例,研究重庆市主城区的非规范生活垃圾填埋场填埋气的横向迁移问题,在垃圾场周边区域布设36个监测井,对监测井中的填埋气进行分析监测,以填埋气特征组分CH4气体的体积浓度变化研究填埋气的横向迁移规律.结果表明,监测井到填埋场边界的距离为监测井中CH4气体浓度的主要影响因素;垃圾场周边距离填埋场场界50 m以外的区域,填埋气的横向迁移已经相当微弱;但是距离填埋场边界50 m以内区域的填埋气的横向迁移明显,需要在距离填埋场边界50 m范围内采取措施与场内填埋气的导排措施配合,进行填埋气的污染控制.  相似文献   

C. Frst  L. Stieglitz  W. Roth  S. Kuhnmünch 《Chemosphere》1989,18(9-10):1943-1954
The applicability of headspace analysis for the quantitation of volatile organic compounds in leachates from hazardous waste landfills is investigated with respect to standard stability, leachate stability and reproducibility. Between the corresponding data sets, deviations at about 10 % are observed. Besides the analysis of the volatile leachate components, the sum parameters POX and AOX are determined for the leachate samples. From the POX-data, good agreements with the total organic chlorine determined by headspace analysis are received. For determination of AOX, two different methods are applied to the leachates and discussed with respect to the high concentrations of POX determined in all leachate samples.  相似文献   

从土壤中筛选1株能够降解间二氯苯能力的菌株,鉴定为土壤短芽孢杆菌(Brevibacillus agri),该优势菌最佳生长条件为:降解时间48 h,菌液接种量10%,pH=7,温度25℃。以间二氯苯为模拟有机废气,采用生物滴滤器接种土壤短芽孢杆菌的方法对其进行生物处理。结果表明,在空床停留时间为90 s、进气浓度为1 000 mg·m~(-3)、进气负荷为60 g·(m~3·h)~(-1)条件下,间二氯苯的去除率可以维持在85%以上。生物滴滤器稳定运行后,菌体表面官能团发生改变,通过傅里叶红外光谱和X射线光电子能谱分析发现,菌株通过逐步加氧羧化后开环降解间二氯苯;对菌株再进行16S rRNA基因序列的同源性分析发现,生物膜中Brevibacillus agri占比达69.39%,并可以良好生长。研究可为间二氯苯的工业化处理提供参考。  相似文献   

餐饮业废油脂皂化工艺的探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了废油脂的皂化方法和皂化机理。通过红外光谱分析废油脂皂化样品 ,对皂化度的影响因素进行了讨论。摸索出最佳皂化工艺条件 :皂化时间 4h ,皂化温度 10 0℃ ,碱液用量 (NaOH与废油脂的质量比 ) 1∶2 ,皂化用NaOH碱液浓度为 30 %。  相似文献   

The surface emission of landfill gas (LFG) was studied to estimate the amount of LFG efflux from solid waste landfills using an air flux chamber. LFG efflux increased as atmospheric temperature increased during the day, and the same pattern for the surface emission was observed for the change of seasons. LFG efflux rate decreased from summer through winter. The average LFG efflux rates of winter, spring and summer were 0.1584, 0.3013 and 0.8597 m3 m−2 h−1 respectively. The total amount of surface emission was calculated based on the seasonal LFG efflux rate and the landfill surface area. From the estimates of LFG generation, it is expected that about 30% of the generated LFG may be released through the surface without extraction process. As forced extraction with a blower proceeded, the extraction well pressure decreased from 1100 to –100 mm H2O, and the LFG surface efflux decreased markedly above 80%. Thus, the utilization of LFG by forced extraction would be the good solution for global warming and air pollution by LFG.  相似文献   

Of the many sources of urban greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, solid waste is the only one for which management decisions are undertaken primarily by municipal governments themselves and is hence often the largest component of cities' corporate inventories. It is essential that decision-makers select an appropriate quantification methodology and have an appreciation of methodological strengths and shortcomings. This work compares four different waste emissions quantification methods, including Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) 1996 guidelines, IPCC 2006 guidelines, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Waste Reduction Model (WARM), and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities-Partners for Climate Protection (FCM-PCP) quantification tool. Waste disposal data for the greater Toronto area (GTA) in 2005 are used for all methodologies; treatment options (including landfill, incineration, compost, and anaerobic digestion) are examined where available in methodologies. Landfill was shown to be the greatest source of GHG emissions, contributing more than three-quarters of total emissions associated with waste management. Results from the different landfill gas (LFG) quantification approaches ranged from an emissions source of 557 kt carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e) (FCM-PCP) to a carbon sink of -53 kt CO2e (EPA WARM). Similar values were obtained between IPCC approaches. The IPCC 2006 method was found to be more appropriate for inventorying applications because it uses a waste-in-place (WIP) approach, rather than a methane commitment (MC) approach, despite perceived onerous data requirements for WIP. MC approaches were found to be useful from a planning standpoint; however, uncertainty associated with their projections of future parameter values limits their applicability for GHG inventorying. MC and WIP methods provided similar results in this case study; however, this is case specific because of similarity in assumptions of present and future landfill parameters and quantities of annual waste deposited in recent years being relatively consistent.  相似文献   

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