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Mate choice experiments have generally focused on female choice; few have considered that males can also be selective. We examined courtship in male field crickets sequentially introduced to four females of differing size. Large (L) and small (S) females were introduced in order of either LSLS or SLSL. We demonstrate that naive males invest equally (courtship effort) in the first female they meet, regardless of her size, but show greater courtship effort when they subsequently encounter large compared with small females. Moreover, we demonstrate that males show this discriminatory behavior when they are permitted to mate with females (i.e. use a spermatophore) but are less choosy when the female is removed before spermatophore transfer.  相似文献   

Among acarid mites, a number of species are characterised by the presence of discontinuous morphologies (armed heteromorphs vs. unarmed homeomorphs) associated with alternative mating tactics (fighting vs. scramble competition). In Rhizoglyphus echinopus, expression of the fighter morph is suppressed, via pheromones, in large, dense colonies. If this mechanism is adaptive, fighters should have relatively lower fitness in large and/or dense colonies, due to costs incurred from fighting, which is often fatal. In order to test these predictions, we quantified the survival and mating success of fighters and scramblers in colonies of equal sex and morph ratios; these colonies either differed in size (4, 8, or 32 individuals) but not density or differed in density but not size (all consisted of 8 individuals). We found that the relative survival and mating success of fighters was inversely related to colony size, but we did not find a significant effect of colony density. The higher mating success of fighters in small colonies was due to the fact that, after killing rival males, these fighters were able to monopolise females. This situation was not found in larger colonies, in which there was a larger number of competitors and fighters suffered relatively higher mortality. These results indicate that morph determination, guided by social cues, allows for the adaptive adjustment of mating tactics to existing demographic conditions.  相似文献   

Pelvicachromis pulcher is a small African cichlid which breeds in holes. Males may either reproduce monogamously (pair males), polygynously (harem males), or be tolerated as helpers in a harem territory (satellite males). These helpers share in defence of the territory against conspecifics, heterospecific competitors and predators. There are two male colour morphs that are fixed for life and are apparently genetically determined. These differ in their potential mating strategy. Red morph males may become harem owners, while yellow morph males may become satellite males, and males of both morphs may alternatively pair up monogamously. We compared the reproductive effort and success of these three male reproductive strategies. Effort was measured as attack rates, time expenditure and the risk of being injured or killed when attacking competitors or predators of three sympatric fish species. Reproductive success was measured by observing how many eggs were fertilized by each male when this was possible, and by using genetic markers. The number of fry surviving to independence of parental care was used as a criterion of success. The reproductive success of harem males was 3.3 times higher than that of pair males and 7 times higher than that of the average satellite male. Dominant satellite males, however, were as successful as monogamous pair males, using the measure of fertilized eggs. To our knowledge, this has not been found previously in any fish species. Both harem and pair males had lower parental defence costs per sired offspring, however, than males using the alternative satellite tactic. Defence effort was significantly related to the risk of injury. Received: 17 January 1996 / Accepted after revision: 9 June 1997  相似文献   

Species characterized by female-defense polygyny have extreme variance in male mating success. Many studies have considered alternative male strategies for access to females, but few have considered age-specific strategies. Male boat-tailed grackles (Quiscalus major) compete for access to colonies of females and form linear dominance hierarchies. I observed two groups of males that competed for females at seven colonies. Dominance rank was significantly correlated with mass, but not after controlling for age. In contrast, the correlation between dominance rank and age remained significant after controlling for mass. Older males dominated younger males and dominance relationships were very stable. Thus, dominance hierarchies represent queues for mating opportunities. A male's rank in the hierarchy determined how closely he approached a colony. Furthermore, males of all ranks prevented lower-ranked individuals from approaching the colonies. Dominance rank thus determined access to nesting females. One top-ranking male's loss of mass over the course of the breeding season presumably reflected the energetic cost of defending females, but he maintained his position in the hierarchy despite the small loss of mass. One alpha male held a colony for at least 4 years, and the ages of males from two queues indicated that males wait 6 or more years before becoming an alpha male. Therefore, most males die before acquiring a colony of females. Spatial structure such as that documented here could obscure recognition of queues and explain why they have not been documented in more species. Received: 13 May 1996 / Accepted after revision: 26 April 1997  相似文献   

The diversity of mammalian mating systems is primarily shaped by sex-specific reproductive strategies. In the present study, we explored determinants and consequences of a unique mating system exhibited by fossas (Cryptoprocta ferox), the largest Malagasy carnivore, where females mate polyandrously on traditional mating trees, and males exhibit intrasexual size dimorphism. Males face both contest and scramble competition, and inter-sexual size dimorphism can be pronounced, but its magnitude depends on the male morph. Using a continuous behavioral observation of six estrous females over 4 years, we investigated correlates of male contest competition and female choice based on 316 copulations. Furthermore, we assessed correlates of male scramble competition based on testes size and movement data obtained from GPS tracking. We found that females dominated males regardless of their smaller size and that females actively solicited copulations. Heavy males had highest mating success during the female’s peak mating activity, but were discriminated against afterwards. Female choice and male–male competition thus converged to generate a mating advantage for heavier males. Our results suggest that females actively seek polyandrous matings, presumably for indirect genetic benefits. Since body mass is the major determinant of male mating success and is at the same time dependent on the degree of sociality and associated hunting mode of the respective male morph, a male’s feeding ecology is likely to influence its reproductive tactic. A combination of benefits from female polyandry and the consequences of different subsistence strategies may thus ultimately explain this unusual mating system.  相似文献   

Pheromones may convey information about mate quality and social status. In the field cricket Gryllus integer, females mount the males for copulation, such that males cannot coerce females to mate. We examined whether virgin G. integer females preferred the scent of potentially dominant males to that of subordinate males. First, we collected pheromones by confining males on filter paper. Next, we offered filter paper from each of two size-matched males and control paper to females that had never been exposed to males, and measured the time spent by the female on each kind of paper. Finally, dominance status of the males in each size-matched pair was determined by pitting the two males against one another in agonistic contests. When offered filter paper from subsequently dominant versus subsequently subordinate males, females spent more time on the paper from the dominant male than the subordinate male, and much less time on control paper. Thus, pheromones may inform female G. integer about a male's potential to achieve dominant social status. Male pheromones were also associated with the female's tendency to mount a male. In contrast to cockroaches, where females prefer the scent of subordinate males (presumably to avoid risk of injury), female crickets prefer the scent of potentially dominant males and are more likely than males to wound their mating partners.  相似文献   

Summary Male ruffs (Philomachus pugnax), a lekking shorebird, can generally be divided into two morphs according to behavior and plumage coloration. Predominantly dark-colored, independent male ruffs defend small territories on a lek, whereas lighter colored satellite males are non-territorial and less site-faithful to a particular lek. The traits associated with the mating success of independent male ruffs were studied at two leks during two seasons on the island of Öland, Sweden in May and June of 1985 and 1987. Using multivariate analyses, three characteristics were found to be significantly related to mating success: high frequency of visits by satellites to an independent male's residence, consistency of lek attendance, and low rates of aggressive behavior. In contrast, mating success was unrelated to the degree of darkness of the independent male nuptial plumage, territory location on the lek, or rate of courtship displays. The use of multivariate analyses helped to resolve conflicting conclusions from previous studies which employed simple statistical analyses, or none at all. Experimental manipulations are suggested which will help to further determine the influence of female mate choice in this lekking system.  相似文献   

Studies of the effects of mating order on fertilization success, classically analyzed as the proportional paternity of the second male, have advanced our understanding of the relative influences of postcopulatory male–male competition and female choice on sexual selection. However, results from these studies are often difficult to analyze because (1) distributions of offspring per dam rarely follow a normal distribution and (2) proportional paternities are never normally distributed. Previous studies partially account for these limitations by using nonparametric statistics. However, behavioral studies are often plagued by relatively small sample sizes and require a more powerful analytical approach. Here, we develop a new analytical framework for studying fertilization bias. Our Approximate Bayesian Computational (ABC) model overcomes many of the limitations of currently employed methods. We apply our model to analyze the effects of male mating order on paternity success in the brown anole lizard, Anolis sagrei. Using our ABC simulation, we find a marked first-male advantage: first males sired approximately 80 % of the offspring in our study. Next, based on re-analysis of four previously published datasets, we show that traditional statistical methods often over- or underestimate biases related to mating order. Moreover, by comparing our model to more traditional statistical tests, we show that the ABC method is robust to relatively small samples sizes and should therefore be useful for studying mating-order effects in a variety of systems. Our model is implemented as an R package, ABCp2, and is freely available for use.  相似文献   

Summary Female Enallagma hageni oviposit underwater where they are inaccessible to males. I demonstrate that males guard submerged females rather than perch sites, and are behaviorally distinct from lone males at the water. In contrast to lone males, which always attempt to copulate with females presented to them, guarding males exhibit a conditional latency to remating which corresponds closely to the time required by females to oviposit a complete clutch of eggs. By ovipositing underwater, females decrease the risk that their eggs become exposed. Risks associated with submerged oviposition favor both mate guarding, and multiple, within-clutch matings by females. Both guarding mates and lone males rescue females that float on the water surface as the result of improper resurfacing. Such behavior reduces the mortality risk to females from 0.06 to 0.02 per oviposition bout. By remating between bouts, females benefit from the additional vigilance of lone males, who rescue floating females 1.4 times as often as original mates. A second consequence of multiple mating is an increase in the selective advantage of vigilance by mates. Because receptive females become scarce by early afternoon, whereas male density remains high, a male has little (3%) chance of encountering a second receptive female that day. However, he incurs a 42% risk of losing fertilizations if he abandons a mate. For male E. hageni mate guarding functions in the context of both natural and sexual selection. It insures that a mate lives to lay a complete egg clutch in addition to protecting a male's sperm investment.  相似文献   

Summary Size dimorphism with males larger than females has been related to the benefits for males of enhanced dominance and hence reproductive success. However, mating gains must outweigh the fitness costs of deferred reproduction and the mortality associated with further growth. The relationships between male age, size and reproduction were assessed for greater kudus (Tragelaphus strepsiceros) in the Kruger National Park in South Africa. Individually identifiable animals were monitored over 10 years, with detailed observations made during six breeding seasons. In the non-breeding season males formed loose all-male groups. Horn grappling and low intensity agonistic interactions fostered dominance rankings. Dominance was age-graded, until males reached full weight at 6 years of age. Males aged 6 and 7 years monopolized courtship and mating, but 5-year-old males secured about 10% of mating opportunities. Few males survived beyond 7 years. Male mortality rate rose steeply with age, so that the functional sex ratio of fertile females per mature male was about 14:1. During the breeding season many female groups remained unattended by a mature male. Reproductive sorting among males occurred largely through variation in survival to full size and maturity. Increased size enhances fighting success and hence dominance. Further growth ceases when the functional sex ratio exceeds the number of mating opportunities that males can effectively achieve during a breeding season. Predation amplifies the mortality cost of continued growth. In the absence of large predators, male-male interactions may be atypically exaggerated.  相似文献   

Investment into reproduction is influenced by multiple factors and varies substantially between males and females. Theory predicts that males should adjust their ejaculate size or quality in response to variation in female experience or phenotypic quality. In addition, sperm investment by males may also be influenced by their own status and experience. Although such adjustments of male ejaculate size can impact reproductive success (via fertilization success), fitness returns from male sperm investment may be influenced (either limited or facilitated) by the level of maternal investment. To test this hypothesis, we conducted an experiment that simultaneously evaluated the effect of paternal and maternal experience (which incorporates mating status, age, body size, and other related variables) on paternal sperm investment and maternal reproductive allocation in the lizard Anolis sagrei. During staged mating trials, experienced males were more likely to copulate with females, but these individuals were less likely to transfer sperm during mating than were naïve individuals. Maternal experience had no impact on these mating behaviors. In contrast to expectations, experience and phenotypic quality (of both sexes) had no impact on male ejaculate size or quality (proportion of live sperm) or on maternal reproductive investment (in terms of egg size and yolk steroids). These findings were intriguing given the mating system and past evidence for differential maternal investment in relation to sire quality in A. sagrei. The results found in this study highlight the complexity of reproductive investment patterns, and we urge caution when applying general conclusions across populations or taxa.  相似文献   

Summary This study examined the relationship between dietary carotenoids, female choice, and male mating success in the guppy, Poecilia reticulata. Using a split-brood design, male siblings were either raised on a diet enhanced with astaxanthin and canthaxin or fed a basal diet without carotenoids. Males were photographed, and the location, size, and brightness of their red and orange pigment spots on the body were measured. Courtship behaviors were recorded during visual and mating trials. Males fed the carotenoid-enhanced diet had red and orange spots that averaged 2.5 times brighter, spent significantly more time near the female in visual response trials, were preferred by females in visual choice tests, and had a higher mating success than their siblings raised on the carotenoid-free diet. Diet did not affect male size, location or size of the red and orange pigment spots, or the intensity of courtship behavior. The results of this study show that females respond to environmentally-induced variation in the expression of a secondary sexual trait and that this has important consequences for male mating success.  相似文献   

Contrary to vertebrates, sperm production in insects may bear considerable costs for males. This is especially true in species that donate spermatophores containing sperm and nutrient-rich accessory gland products like in butterflies. Hence, spermatophores at first and subsequent copulations can differ in a quantitative and qualitative way. Such effects have particularly been shown in polyandrous species providing large spermatophores. Here we experimentally tested the effect of male mating status (virgin male vs recently mated male) on copulation duration, spermatophore size and females’ fitness components in a monandrous butterfly Pararge aegeria that typically donates small spermatophores. Copulations with non-virgin males lasted on average five times longer than that with virgin males and resulted in a spermatophore which was on average three times smaller. Number of eggs laid and female life span were not affected by the mating status treatment, but there was a significant effect on the number of living caterpillars a female produced, as copulations with virgin males resulted in higher numbers of larval offspring. Interestingly, the difference in spermatophore mass at the first and the second copulation increased with male body size. This suggests differential spermatophore allocation decisions among males of different size. Consequences for females and potential mechanisms influencing female fitness components are discussed. Given the small absolute size of spermatophores in P. aegeria, components other than consumable nutrients (perhaps hormones) should cause the observed effects.  相似文献   

Adult Anoplophora malasiaca beetles were collected from field populations inhabiting three different host plants: Citrus, Salix and Vaccinium. Male orientation responses towards odours of wounded branches of each host plant were examined. Males of all three populations were attracted most frequently to odours of their original hosts, indicating that male orientation behaviour was induced by the odours of the plants from which they were originally collected. We also observed the mating responses of the males to elytra extracts from young and mature females of the three populations and chemically analysed those extracts. Citrus males were highly responsive to female extracts, regardless of origin. Salix males were less reactive than Citrus males, but responded moderately to female extracts of all populations. Vaccinium males were never attracted to Citrus female extracts and responded more to extracts from mature Vaccinium and Salix females, indicating that males might distinguish female origin and maturity. All eight hydrocarbons, four ketones, and three lactones that were previously identified as female contact sex pheromones were found in the extracts of three populations and both ages. Higher amounts of lactones on mature females likely caused greater male responses. These results suggested that males would be more likely to approach a female feeding on the same host plant and subsequently recognise her sexual maturity based on the profile of contact sex pheromones on her elytra.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical and empirical studies have shown that male dominance is often at odds with female mate preference and that indirect (genetic) benefits of mate choice may not be related to male dominance. We tested whether female preference corresponded to male dominance and whether mating with dominant males conveyed benefits to offspring fitness in a small freshwater fish, the African annual killifish Nothobranchius korthausae (Cyprinodontiformes), a species without parental care. The experimental design used controlled for the effect of male age, possibility of sperm and egg depletion, and accounted for a potential that females express their preference through maternal effects by manipulation of egg mass during ovulation. By sequentially mating females with males of known dominance, we found that female N. korthausae showed no mate preference in terms of egg numbers deposited with respect to male dominance or body size and no congruent mate preference to specific males was detected. However, males sired offspring with consistently higher hatching success and the effect was repeatable across individual females. Thus, some males provided females with indirect benefits related to additive genetic quality (“good genes”) and expressed via increased hatching rate, but this benefit was not related to male dominance status or body size.  相似文献   

We tested female choice for male wing and tarsus length and body mass in the kestrel (Falco tinnunculus), a species in which males average about 10% smaller than females. We also studied how male characters are related to their hunting success. In the laboratory, females preferred lighter males with shorter tarsi as mates, if the difference in those characters between competing males was larger than average. Lighter and shorter-winged males seemed to be better hunters than heavier and longer-winged males. Field observations in a year in which voles were scarce suggested that shorter-winged males were also better food providers in courtship feeding than longer-winged males,although in good vole years such a relationship was not found. We argue that females may prefer to pair with smaller males, because they have higher flight performance and better hunting success than heavier males. By doing so, females may gain direct breeding advantages. We conclude that both female choosiness and the hunting efficiency of males well contribute to reversed sexual size dimorphism (RSD, females larger than males) in the kestrel. Received: 18 July 1995/Accepted after revision: 17 August 1996  相似文献   

In lekking species, females may become sperm-limited when mating with sexually successful males, and this may be exacerbated by a poor male diet. Polygynous males may also be limited by the amount of accessory gland products (AGPs) they can transmit to females, which in turn may influence the females’ refractory period and longevity. Here, we tested the effect of male mating history, larval and adult diet on copula duration, mating intervals, female fecundity, fertilisation success, life span and likelihood to remate using sexually successful males of the lekking tephritid fly Anastrepha obliqua. Flies originated from either a native or exotic host fruit and were protein-fed or deprived. Male diet and larval host influenced copula duration, while the time elapsed between matings was affected by the interaction of mating order and male adult diet. Female fecundity was not influenced by female position in mating order or protein inclusion into the male diet. However, mating order and male larval diet influenced female fertilisation success. Importantly, as males mated successively they were less able to induce a refractory period on females, as the last females to mate with a male were more likely to remate and had slightly longer life spans than the first females to mate with males. These results might be attributed to a decrease in male AGPs with increasing male mating frequency. We discuss the role of conditional expression of male mating frequency with respect to A. obliqua’s life history, the trade-off that females face when mating with a successful male, the effect of larval diet on adult sexual performance and the possibility for sexual conflict to occur due to high male mating rates and fitness costs to females.  相似文献   

We examined how mating success varied in relation to age, weight, body size, and display behavior among great bustard Otis tarda males. The estimated mating success was strongly skewed, with 45% of adult males being involved in copulation attempts and only 9.7% actually seen copulating successfully. Unlike most birds, body size continued increasing in great bustards several years after reaching sexual maturity. Age, weight, and display effort were all significant and independent predictors of male mating success. The higher display effort involved performing longer full-display bouts. Older males could detach from the male flock earlier in the season as well as on each day and spend longer seasonal and daily periods displaying as solitary birds, which contributed to increase their mating success. In contrast, males weighing more did not invest more in display, which suggests that they could be recognized as dominants by other males and selected by females through assessment of their plumage sexual traits. In contrast to most other bird species, the system described for great bustards resembles that found in some lek-mating ungulates, where social rank is a complex trait determined by both age and mass, and as in these mammals, it suggests that sexual selection continues to favor a high male weight in this extremely sexually dimorphic species.  相似文献   

The past decade has seen an increasing shift in animal communication towards more studies that incorporate aspects of signaling in multiple modalities. Although nonhuman primates are an excellent group for studying the extent to which different aspects of condition may be signaled in different modalities, and how such information may be integrated during mate choice, very few studies of primate species have incorporated such analyses. Here, we present data from free-ranging male rhesus macaques on sex skin coloration (modeled to receiver perception), bark vocal signals, androgen levels, morphometric variables, dominance status, and female mate choice. We show that, consistent with data on females, most intra- and interindividual variation in sex skin appearance occurs in luminance rather than color. Sex skin luminance was significantly correlated across different skin regions. Sex skin luminance did not correlate with the majority of bark parameters, suggesting the potential for the two signals to convey different information. Sex skin appearance was not related to androgen levels although we found some evidence for links between androgen levels and bark parameters, several of which were also related to morphometric variables. We found no evidence that either signal was related to male dominance rank or used in female mate choice, though more direct measures of female proceptive behavior are needed. Overall, the function of male sex skin coloration in this species remains unclear. Our study is among the first nonhuman primate studies to incorporate measurements of multiple signals in multiple modalities, and we encourage other authors to incorporate such analyses into their work.  相似文献   

Summary Approximately 50% of marked peahens (Pavo cristatus) mate more than once with lek males. Some females mate with more than one male, others copulate repeatedly with the same male. The frequency of courtship also shows marked variation. Some females repeatedly engage males in courtship interactions after they have succesfully copulated with them. The likelihood of mating with more than one male increases if a female first mates with a non-preferred (unsuccessful male). There is a non-significant tendency for females to copulate with a more successful male when remating. Peahens may mate with a non-preferred male first if they do not encounter a successful male during their initial period of choice, perhaps because the most successful male on a lek was courting another female and/or was defended by another female. There are more aggressive interactions between females in front of preferred males. Preferred males receive more repetitive courtship behaviour and repeated matings. Dominant females are more likely to engage in repetitive courtship and matings. The number of times a female initiates courtship on any one day increases with the number of other females actively courting males at a lek site on that day. We suggest that there is competition amongst females for access to preferred males and that dominant females try to monopolise these males by repeatedly engaging them in courtship interactions. We discuss the implications of these observations for the idea that female may gain directly from mate choice in a species where males contribute nothing but gametes to their offspring. Correspondence to: M. Petrie at the present address  相似文献   

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