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湖南省许多企业由于仍然受计划经济体制的阴影笼罩,缺乏竞争观念,品牌意识淡薄,导致品牌难上档次,知名品牌缺少.因此,必须整合湖南品牌战略、实施企业形象战略、培育品牌文化战略和实施品牌战略.  相似文献   

针对电镀生产企业的行业特点,介绍了该类企业实施清洁生产的思路和方法,并以天津市某电镀企业为例,分析该企业实施清洁生产所采取的措施。  相似文献   

目前,新会计准则在我国上市公司中实施已有六年多时间,然而在我们衡阳市企业中的运用情况如何,企业的反映如何,在实施过程中有哪些问题和难题,这些都是普遍关注的问题.因此,为进一步了解新会计准则的实施情况,发现并解决实施过程中存在的问题和难题,课题组对衡阳市相关企业的新会计准则实施情况进行了调查和分析.参8.  相似文献   

针对电子生产企业的工程特点,介绍了该类企业进一步实施清洁生产的思路和方法,并以天津市某增资续建的电子芯片生产厂为实例,分析了该厂在增资后进一步实施清洁生产的途径和措施。  相似文献   

环保部门促进清洁生产的手段 促进清洁生产是未来的环境发展战略和环境管理发展的方向,也是环保部门义不容辞的责任.环保部门主要是侧重于从环境管理措施和技术指导方面推进清洁生产,主要内容为:建立清洁生产审计技术指南和清洁生产的技术标准体系;引导建立清洁生产技术服务机构体系,培训清洁生产服务技术人员;推广清洁生产实用技术;通过排污费优先使用于清洁生产和实施排污交易政策激励企业实施清洁生产;对现有的环境管理制度、标准进行修改完善,把清洁生产的技术要求纳入到三同时、环评、环境标准等制度或法规中,通过严格执法促进企业实施清洁生产;建立企业清洁生产绩效公告制度,树立企业环境形象,激励企业实施清洁生产,对不实施清洁生产,环境绩效差,排污不达标的企业,公布企业名单,接受社会和舆论的监督,同时施以行政和经济处罚.  相似文献   

当今全球环保思潮的冲击和绿色消费的方兴未艾,企业如果沿袭传统的营销方式,必将被淘汰.企业要想生存发展,并在竞争中立于不败之地,必须适应新的形势,改弦易辙,实施绿色营销,以满足人们的无污染、无公害、延年益寿的需求.本文讨论了绿色营销的现状及其对企业发展的影响,并提出了实施绿色营销的战略对策.  相似文献   

EoCM是德国技术合作公司专门为中小企业研制的环境管理工具,使企业获得经济效益、环境效益和组织管理效益。中德合作《浙江省企业环保咨询》支持的浙江省2004年EoCM示范项目成功实践表明:EoCM可以作为清洁生产审核的一种工具,能够帮助企业实现清洁生产,企业实施EoCM实现了“三赢”,而且还得到了5%的劳动场所改善和5%的产品质量改善。  相似文献   

新兴的高职教育的快速发展,迫切需要加快院系文化的建设.该文叙述了高职院校系部特色文化的概念,对国内现状进行了述评,归纳了系部特色文化的特点、科学内涵、功能和现实意义.并以湖南环境生物职业技术学院药学系为例,阐述了打造高职院校系部特色文化的实践和思考:坚持与专业特点相适应、与办学定位相协调、与社会发展相一致三项原则.采取五项措施:发挥教师导向作用,引领精神文化;把握宣传舆论作用,规范载体文化;重视学生社团作用,建设制度文化;挖掘环境育人作用,提升器物文化;强化工学结合作用,打造技能文化.实施六大工程:实施"形象策划"工程,树立品牌意识;实施"精品励志"工程,陶冶道德情操;实施"文明养成"工程,提升文化涵养;实施"课改教改"工程,创新办学理念;实施"企业对接"工程,融入企业精神;实施"平安创建"工程,建设和谐系部.参4.  相似文献   

本文主要讨论基于Client/Server数据完整性约束及其如何实施企业业务规则,并以SQLServer和PowerBuilder为例,介绍了数据完整性约束的实现技术.  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的迅猛发展以及经济一体化和统一国际市场的逐渐形成,包括供应商在内供需链管理已经成为企业生产经营管理的重要组成部分.MRPⅡ系统已经无法满足企业对资源管理的要求.于是,充分利用和管理整体资源的企业资源计划:ERP随之产生.文章主要介绍了ERP的基本概念、基本原理和核心思想并分析了ERP实施的必要性以及应用现状.在此基础上,着重研究和探索我国企业实施ERP失败原因并针对客观实际,提出解决方案.  相似文献   

通过定量与定性分析相结合的方式,从品牌的评价要素美誉度和知名度入手,分析了规模效益的类型对品牌大小的制约,力求揭示品牌与规模效益的关系.  相似文献   

Optimal harvesting strategies for an ungulate population are estimated using stochastic dynamic programming. Data on the Llano Basin white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) population were used to construct a 2-variable population dynamics model. The model provided the basis for estimating optimal harvesting strategies as a feedback function of the current values of the state variables (prefawning older deer and juveniles). Optimal harvest strategies were insensitive to assumptions about the probability distributions of the stochastic variable (rainfall). The response of the population components to harvesting and the returns obtained from applying optimal strategies were explored through simulation. Mean annual harvest is about 15% of the population. Simplified harvesting strategies based on age-ratios as well as a simplified version based on optimal strategies—but assuming persisting equilibrium juvenile deer density—were compared to optimal strategies through examining values of information. Simplified harvesting strategies lead to a lower harvest over a 50-year simulation period.  相似文献   

For almost a decade, the EU has pursued sustainable development not with one but with two overarching strategies: the so-called Lisbon Strategy and sustainable development strategies. While the Lisbon Strategy was a genuinely European policy response to global economic and social pressures, which was superseded by the ‘Europe 2020’ strategy in 2010, sustainable development strategies are ongoing cyclical processes that aim to better coordinate and integrate economic, social and, in particular, environmental policies at both the EU and Member State levels. This paper explores the horizontal governance linkages that existed between the two strategies. It first contrasts the Council rhetoric, emphasizing the complementarity of the two strategies with their different histories and governance arrangements. This paper then shows that the Council rhetoric of complementarity never materialized in the everyday governance routines of the two strategies, and provides three explanations for this finding. Based on these findings, this paper finally provides a brief outlook discussion on how to proceed with the governance of sustainable development in Europe.  相似文献   

Conservation decision tools based on cost‐effectiveness analysis are used to assess threat management strategies for improving species persistence. These approaches rank alternative strategies by their benefit to cost ratio but may fail to identify the optimal sets of strategies to implement under limited budgets because they do not account for redundancies. We devised a multiobjective optimization approach in which the complementarity principle is applied to identify the sets of threat management strategies that protect the most species for any budget. We used our approach to prioritize threat management strategies for 53 species of conservation concern in the Pilbara, Australia. We followed a structured elicitation approach to collect information on the benefits and costs of implementing 17 different conservation strategies during a 3‐day workshop with 49 stakeholders and experts in the biodiversity, conservation, and management of the Pilbara. We compared the performance of our complementarity priority threat management approach with a current cost‐effectiveness ranking approach. A complementary set of 3 strategies: domestic herbivore management, fire management and research, and sanctuaries provided all species with >50% chance of persistence for $4.7 million/year over 20 years. Achieving the same result cost almost twice as much ($9.71 million/year) when strategies were selected by their cost‐effectiveness ranks alone. Our results show that complementarity of management benefits has the potential to double the impact of priority threat management approaches.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and human well-being strategies are only as good as the set of ideas people think about. We evaluated value-focused thinking (VFT), a framework that emphasizes creating objectives and strategies that are responsive to the objectives. We performed a proof-of-concept study of VFT with 6 conservation planning teams at a global conservation organization. We developed a package of materials related to VFT, including meeting–session agendas, a virtual facilitation template, facilitator's guide, and evaluation questionnaires. We used these materials to test whether VFT applied in a group setting resulted in high-quality conservation strategies and participant satisfaction and whether our materials were scalable, meaning that someone newly trained in VFT could facilitate planning meetings that resulted in high-quality strategies and participant satisfaction, as compared with an experienced VFT facilitator. Net response indicated positive compelling, feasible, creative, and representative ratings for the conservation strategies per team. Participants indicated satisfaction overall, although satisfaction was greater for objectives than for strategies. Among the participants with previous conservation planning experience, all were at least as satisfied with their VFT strategies compared with previously developed strategies, and none were less satisfied (p = 0.001). Changes in participant satisfaction were not related to facilitator type (experienced or inexperienced with VFT) (p > 0.10). Some participants had a preconceived sense of shared understanding of important values and interests before participating in the study, which VFT strengthened. Our results highlight the advantages of structuring the development and evaluation of conservation planning frameworks around VFT.  相似文献   

Flexible conservation management, where measures (e.g., mowing of meadows, removing invasive species) are selected in each decision period depending on the current state of the ecological system, is generally perceived as superior to fixed management, where the same measure is applied in each decision period independent of the current state of the system. In past comparisons of fixed and flexible conservation strategies the additional costs that arise only in flexible strategies have usually been ignored. In this paper, we present a framework to integrate costs of flexible management into the evaluation of flexible conservation strategies. Using the example of an endangered butterfly species we demonstrate that the costs of flexible management may reverse the rank order of flexible and fixed conservation strategies, such that fixed strategies may lead to better ecological results than flexible ones for the same financial budget.  相似文献   

Weeds are species of interest for ecologists because they are competitors of the crop for resources but they also play an important role in maintaining biodiversity in agroecosystems. To study their spatial distribution at the field scale, only sampled observations are available due to the cost of sampling. Weeds sampling strategies are static. However, in the domain of spatial sampling, adaptive strategies have also been developed with, for some of them, an important on-line or off-line computational cost. In this article we provide answers to the following question: Are the current adaptive sampling methods efficient enough to motivate a wider use in practice when sampling a weed species at a field scale? We provide a comparison of the behaviour of 8 static strategies and 3 adaptive ones on four criteria: density class estimation, map restoration, spatial aggregation estimation, and sampling duration. From two weeds data sets, we estimated six contrasted Markov Random Field (MRF) models of weed density class spatial distribution and a model for sampling duration. The MRF models were then used to compare the strategies on a large set of simulated maps. Our main finding was that there is no clear gain in using adaptive sampling strategies rather than static ones for the three first criteria, and adaptive strategies were associated to longer sampling duration. This conclusion points out that for weed mapping, it is more important to build a good model of spatial distribution, than to propose complex adaptive sampling strategies.  相似文献   

Public outcries against predator control create a need to devise management policies that optimally balance the cost (managerial and environmental) of predator control against the benefit of ungulate harvesting. To address this problem, an optimization procedure utilizing stochastic dynamic programming is described. Through this approach, optimal feedback strategies for a wolf-ungulate system in Alaska are estimated. The dynamic predator-prey model used in the analysis is based on parameter estimates from data collected over an eight-year period in Denali (Mt. McKinley) National Park. Stability analysis of the system revealed that stability properties depend on predator search efficiency. The effects of random fluctuations in winter severity and alternative objective functions are considered in the estimation of optimal feedback strategies. Optimal moose harvesting strategies appear to be dependent on wolf control costs. If no wolf control cost is assessed, optimal moose harvest is independent of wolf density. Optimal wolf control strategies are completely insensitive to moose density. The strategies are compared to current and simplified management policies.  相似文献   

Abstract: Habitat connectivity is required at large spatial scales to facilitate movement of biota in response to climatic changes and to maintain viable populations of wide‐ranging species. Nevertheless, it may require decades to acquire habitat linkages at such scales, and areas that could provide linkages are often developed before they can be reserved. Reserve scheduling methods usually consider only current threats, but threats change over time as development spreads and reaches presently secure areas. We investigated the importance of considering future threats when implementing projects to maintain habitat connectivity at a regional scale. To do so, we compared forward‐looking scheduling strategies with strategies that consider only current threats. The strategies were applied to a Costa Rican case study, where many reserves face imminent isolation and other reserves will probably become isolated in the more distant future. We evaluated strategies in terms of two landscape‐scale connectivity metrics, a pure connectivity metric and a metric of connected habitat diversity. Those strategies that considered only current threats were unreliable because they often failed to complete planned habitat linkage projects. The most reliable and effective strategies considered the future spread of development and its impact on the likelihood of completing planned habitat linkage projects. Our analyses highlight the critical need to consider future threats when building connected reserve networks over time.  相似文献   

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