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While marine organisms such as bivalves, seagrasses and macroalgae are commonly used as biomonitors for the environment pollution assessment, widely distributed sponges received little attention as potential helpful species for monitoring programmes. In this study, the trace element and radionuclide bioaccumulation and retention capacities of some marine sponges were estimated in a species-comparative study using radiotracers technique. Six Mediterranean species were exposed to background dissolved concentrations of 110mAg, 241Am, 109Cd, 60Co, 134Cs, 54Mn, 75Se and 65Zn allowing the assessment of the uptake and depuration kinetics for selected elements. Globally, massive demosponges Agelas oroides, Chondrosia reniformis and Ircinia variabilis displayed higher concentration factor (CF) than the erectile ones (Acanthella acuta, Cymbaxinella damicornis, Cymbaxinella verrucosa) at the end of exposure, suggesting that the morphology is a key factor in the metal bioaccumulation efficiency. Considering this observation, two exceptions were noted: (1) A. acuta reached the highest CF for 110mAg and strongly retained the accumulated metal without significant Ag loss when placed in depuration conditions and (2) C. reniformis did not accumulate Se as much as A. oroides and I. variabilis. These results suggest that peculiar metal uptake properties in sponges could be driven by specific metabolites or contrasting biosilification processes between species, respectively. This study demonstrated that sponges could be considered as valuable candidate for biomonitoring metal contamination but also that there is a need to experimentally highlight metal-dependant characteristic among species.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Turkey borders three seas and the most populous locations are squeezed into the coastal territories. Thus, organisms living in these aquatic...  相似文献   

Gaseous and particulate samples from the smoke from prescribed burnings of a shrub-dominated forest with some pine trees in Lousã Mountain, Portugal, in May 2008, have been collected. From the gas phase Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) measurements, an average modified combustion efficiency of 0.99 was obtained, suggesting a very strong predominance of flaming combustion. Gaseous compounds whose emissions are promoted in fresh plumes and during the flaming burning phase, such as CO2, acetylene and propene, produced emission factors higher than those proposed for savannah and tropical forest fires. Emission factors of species that are favoured by the smouldering phase (e.g. CO and CH4) were below the values reported in the literature for biomass burning in other ecosystems. The chemical composition of fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM2.5–10) particles was achieved using ion chromatography (water-soluble ions), instrumental neutron activation analysis (trace elements) and a thermal–optical transmission technique (organic carbon and elemental carbon). Approximately 50% of the particulate mass was carbonaceous in nature with a clear dominance of organic carbon. The organic carbon-to-elemental carbon ratios up to 300, or even higher, measured in the present study largely exceeded those reported for fires in savannah and tropical forests. More than 30 trace elements and ions have been determined in smoke aerosols, representing in total an average contribution of about 7% to the PM10 mass.  相似文献   

We conducted a field drought manipulation experiment in an evergreen oak Mediterranean forest from 1999 to 2005 to investigate the effects of the increased drought predicted for the next decades on the accumulation of trace elements that can be toxic for animals, in stand biomass, litter and soil. Drought increased concentrations of As, Cd, Ni, Pb and Cr in roots of the dominant tree species, Quercus ilex, and leaf Cd concentrations in Arbutus unedo and of Phillyrea latifolia codominant shrubs. The increased concentration of As and Cd can aggravate the toxic capacity of those two elements, which are already next or within the levels that have been shown to be toxic for herbivores. The study also showed a great reduction in Pb biomass content (100-135 gha(-1)) during the studied period (1999-2005) showing the effectiveness of the law that prohibited leaded fuel after 2001. The results also indicate that drought increases the exportation of some trace elements to continental waters.  相似文献   

Monoterpene emissions of Quercus coccifera L. were repeatedly measured during the two years following the spreading of a sewage sludge compost at rates of 50 Mg ha−1 and 100 Mg ha−1, in a twelve-year-old post-fire Mediterranean shrubland. We also monitored the patterns of change in soil and leaf nutrient content, plant water potential, chlorophyll fluorescence, and plant growth. Compost spreading resulted in weak changes in leaf nutrient content and plant water status, and therefore no significant effect on monoterpene emissions at leaf scale, except during one summer sampling, probably related to advanced leaf maturity with the highest compost rate. However, compost increased plant growth, particularly the leaf biomass. The results suggest that compost spreading in Mediterranean shrublands has no strong short-term effect on Q. coccifera monoterpene emissions at leaf level, but may indirectly increase volatile organic compound fluxes at the stand scale, which may contribute to regional ozone pollution.  相似文献   

In order to gain more information on the possible use of four gastropod species as metal biomonitors for the Mediterranean area, the influence of body weight upon Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb and Zn concentrations was studied in specimens collected at locations with different degrees of environmental pollution. The selected species were the marine snails Monodonta turbinata Born and Monodonta mutabilis Philippi, and the limpets Patella caerulea L. and Patella lusitanica Gmelin. Significant differences between metal concentrations in individuals from different stations were tested by ANCOVA on log-transformed data with log body weight as covariate. For all species a positive correlation between metal concentrations and body weight was observed, which means that the largest individuals contained the highest levels of metals. The inclusion of body weight as covariate in the statistical analysis explained from 81% to 99% of the metal variability within the organisms and enabled the achievement of improvements in the detection of differences among sites. The four selected species provided a rather univocal picture of bioavailable metal loads at the different stations of the experimental area. Except for Cd, the metal concentrations recorded at the clean stations were found to lie in the range of the lowest values reported in the literature and can be employed as useful background levels which can be referred to for intraspecific comparison within the Mediterranean area. It is concluded that in view of its distribution, unambiguous identification, resistance to pollution and accumulation patterns M. turbinata has considerable potential as a biomonitor of trace metals over the Mediterranean.  相似文献   

Available information on soil volatile organic compound (VOC) exchange, emissions and uptake, is very scarce. We here describe the amounts and seasonality of soil VOC exchange during a year in a natural Mediterranean holm oak forest growing in Southern Catalonia. We investigated changes in soil VOC dynamics in drought conditions by decreasing the soil moisture to 30% of ambient conditions by artificially excluding rainfall and water runoff, and predicted the response of VOC exchange to the drought forecasted in the Mediterranean region for the next decades by GCM and ecophysiological models.The annual average of the total (detected) soil VOC and total monoterpene exchange rates were 3.2±3.2 and −0.4±0.3 μg m−2 h−1, respectively, in control plots. These values represent 0.003% of the total C emitted by soil at the study site as CO2 whereas the annual mean of soil monoterpene exchange represents 0.0004% of total C. Total soil VOC exchange rates in control plots showed seasonal variations following changes in soil moisture and phenology. Maximum values were found in spring (17±8 μg m−2 h−1). Although there was no significant global effect of drought treatment on the total soil VOC exchange rates, annual average of total VOC exchange rates in drought plots resulted in an uptake rate (−0.5±1.8 μg m−2 h−1) instead of positive net emission rates. Larger soil VOC and monoterpene exchanges were measured in drought plots than in control plots in summer, which might be mostly attributable to autotrophic (roots) metabolism.The results show that the diversity and magnitude of monoterpene and VOC soil emissions are low compared with plant emissions, that they are driven by soil moisture, that they represent a very small part of the soil-released carbon and that they may be strongly reduced or even reversed into net uptakes by the predicted decreases of soil water availability in the next decades. In all cases, it seems that VOC fluxes in soil might have greater impact on soil ecology than on atmospheric chemistry.  相似文献   

Trace elements found in aerosols were monitored in Jerusalem during the 1979 winter season utilizing an X-ray fluoresence technique. Most of the particulate mass was associated with the natural soil elements, such as Ca, Fe, K and Ti. Only a small fraction of the mass was comprised of elements clearly emitted from human sources, e.g. Pb, Br, V, Ni and Zn. An excellent correspondence was found between the enrichment factors observed in this study and those postulated for other parts of the world. However, the concentration of Ca and Sr in the Jerusalem suspended dust is substantially higher when compared with world averages of urban aerosols.  相似文献   

River Swarna, a small tropical river originating in Western Ghats (at an altitude of 1,160 m above mean sea level) and flowing in the southwest coast of India discharges an average of 54 m3s?1 of water into the Arabian Sea, of which significant part is being discharged during the monsoon. No studies have been made yet on the water chemistry of the Swarna River basin, even as half a million people of Udupi district use it for domestic and irrigational purposes. As large community in this region depends on the freshwater of Swarna River, there is an urgent need to study the trace element geochemistry of this west flowing river for better water management and sustainable development. The paper presents the results on the biogeochemistry of dissolved trace elements in the Swarna River for a period of 1 year. The results obtained on the trace elements show seasonal effect on the concentrations as well as behavior and thus forming two groups, discharge driven (Li, Be, Al, V, Cr, Ni, Zr, In, Pb, Bi and U) and base flow driven (groundwater input; Mn, Fe, Co, Cu, Ga, Zn, As, Se, Rb, Sr, Ag, Cd, Cs, Ba and Tl) trace elements in Swarna River. The biogeochemical processes explained through Hierarchical Cluster Analysis show complexation of Fe, Ga and Ba with dissolved organic carbon, redox control over Mn and Tl and biological control over V and Ni. Also, the water quality of Swarna River remains within the permissible limits of drinking water standards.  相似文献   

Compared with birds, mammals, fish, and even amphibians, very little is known about the effects of contaminants on reptiles. Recent evidence that many reptile populations may be declining has stimulated demand for toxicological studies of reptiles as well as development of nondestructive sampling techniques useful for assessing and monitoring contaminant exposure. The current study experimentally evaluated the utility of shed skins, tail clips, and blood samples as nondestructive indices of trace element exposure in banded water snakes, Nerodia fasciata. For 13.5 months, snakes were either fed fish from a coal ash-contaminated site or uncontaminated food from a reference site. Snakes fed contaminated prey accumulated As, Cd, Se, Sr, and V in various organs (i.e. liver, kidney, and/or gonads). Moreover, non-parametric discriminant function analysis revealed that snakes could be placed in two groups that reliably reflected their experimental diet based upon Se, Sr, and As concentrations in tail clips, blood, and/or shed skins. We suggest that nondestructive sampling techniques, particularly analyses of blood and tail clips, may be easily applied in evaluations of contaminant exposure in the field and laboratory and may prevent excessive destructive sampling of potentially threatened reptile species.  相似文献   

Concentrations of 32 elements, Ag, As, Au, Ba, Ca, Ce, Co, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, K, La, Lu, Mo, Na, Nd, Ni, Rb, Sb, Sc, Se, Sm, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, U, W, Yb, and Zn were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) in the early preserved epiphytic lichens (Parmotrema recticulatum) from the remote southwestern China area in the 1960s, 1980s and 1990s. The concentrations of Ag, As, Ce, Cr, Cs, Eu, Fe, Hf, La, Nd, Ni, Sc, Se, Sm, Tb, U, Yb and Zn were dropped down by the temporal prolongation. The elemental concentration levels obtained from the organisms indicate that the extent of heavy metal atmospheric deposition among the sampling sites has been declining during the past decades.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Due to its peculiarity to accumulate environmental contaminants, the osprey Pandion haliaetus is a sentinel species for the biomonitoring of...  相似文献   

We measured the soil and leaf CO2 exchange in Quercus ilex and Phillyrea latifolia seasonally throughout the year in a representative site of the Mediterranean region, a natural holm oak forest growing in the Prades Mountains in southeastern Catalonia. In the wet seasons (spring and autumn), we experimentally decreased soil moisture by 30%, by excluding rainfall and water runoff in 12 plots, 1×10 m, and left 12 further plots as controls. Our aim was to predict the response of these gas exchanges to the drought forecasted for the next decades for this region by GCM and ecophysiological models.Annual average soil CO2 exchange rate was 2.27±0.27 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1. Annual average leaf CO2 exchange rates were 8±1 and 5±1 μmol m−2 s−1 in Q. ilex and P. latifolia, respectively. Soil respiration rates in control treatments followed a seasonal pattern similar to photosynthetic activity. They reached maximum values in spring and autumn (2.5–3.8 μmol m−2 s−1 soil CO2 emission rates and 7–15 μmol m−2 s−1 net photosynthetic rates) and minimum values (almost 0 for both variables) in summer, showing that soil moisture was the most important factor driving the soil microbial activity and the photosynthetic activity of plants. In autumn, drought treatment strongly decreased net photosynthesis rates and stomatal conductance of Q. ilex by 44% and 53%, respectively. Soil respiration was also reduced by 43% under drought treatment in the wet seasons. In summer there were larger soil CO2 emissions in drought plots than in control plots, probably driven by autotrophic (roots) metabolism. The results indicate that leaf and soil CO2 exchange may be strongly reduced (by ca. 44%) by the predicted decreases of soil water availability in the next decades. Long-term studies are needed to confirm these predictions or to find out possible acclimation of those processes.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of three amendments (a biosolid compost, a sugar beet lime, and a combination of leonardite plus sugar beet lime) on trace element stabilisation and spontaneous revegetation of a trace element contaminated soil. Soil properties were analysed before and after amendment application. Spontaneous vegetation growing on the experimental plot was studied by three surveys in terms of number of taxa colonising, percentage vegetation cover and plant biomass. Macronutrients and trace element concentrations of the five most frequent species were analysed. The results showed a positive effect of the amendments both on soil chemical properties and vegetation. All amendments increased soil pH and TOC content and reduced CaCl(2)-soluble-trace element concentrations. Colonisation by wild plants was enhanced in all amended treatments. The nutritional status of the five species studied was improved in some cases, while a general reduction in trace element concentrations of the aboveground parts was observed in all treated plots. The results obtained show that natural assisted remediation has potential for success on a field scale reducing trace element entry in the food chain.  相似文献   


Trace element pollution in rivers by anthropogenic activities is an increasing problem worldwide. In this study, the contamination and ecological risk by several trace elements were evaluated along a 100-km stretch of the San Jorge River in Colombia, impacted by different mining activities. The increase of average concentration levels and range of trace elements in sediments (in μg/g) was as follows: Cu 6656 (454–69,702) > Cd 1159 (0.061–16,227) > Zn 1064 (102–13,483) > Ni 105 (31–686) > Pb 7.2 (5.1–11.7) > As 1.8 (1.0–3.2) > Hg 0.31 (0.12–1.37). Results showed that surface sediments could be classified as very high ecological risk index (RI > 600), associated with high contamination of Hg, Cd, and Cu, in stations close mining activities. Values for pollution load index indicate an environmental deterioration (PLI > 1), and sediment quality guidelines (SQGs) suggested that Cu, Ni, Zn, and Hg caused adverse biological effects. We further used pollution indices such as contamination factor (CF), enrichment factor (EF), and geoaccumulation index (Igeo) to assess the extent of contamination. According to these indices, discharges of hazardous chemicals over many years have resulted in a high degree of pollution for Cu, Pb, and Cd, with critical values in stations receiving wastes from mining activities. Multivariate statistical analysis suggested that Hg, Cd, Cu, and Zn derived from gold and coal mining, Ni and As were related from the mining of ferronickel and coal, respectively, whereas the high Pb load was attributed to diffuse source of pollution. In sum, our study provided the first detailed database on metal concentration and ecological risks to organisms in sediments of the San Jorge River Basin, and the current results also suggested future research for public health action.


The effect of electrokinetic treatment (0.15 mA cm(-2)) on the metal fractionation in anaerobic granular sludge artificially contaminated with copper (initial copper concentration 1000 mg kg(-1) wet sludge) was studied. Acidification of the sludge (final pH 4.2 in the sludge bed) with the intention to desorb the copper species bound to the organic/sulfides and residual fractions did not result in an increased mobility, despite the fact that a higher quantity of copper was measured in the more mobile (i.e. exchangeable/carbonate) fractions at final pH 4.2 compared to circum-neutral pH conditions. Also addition of the chelating agent EDTA (Cu2+:EDTA4- ratio 1.2:1) did not enhance the mobility of copper from the organic/sulfides and residual fractions, despite the fact that it induced a reduction of the total copper content of the sludge. The presence of sulfide precipitates likely influences the copper mobilisation from these less mobile fractions, and thus makes EDTA addition ineffective to solubilise copper from the granules.  相似文献   


Background, aim and scope  

The European Heavy Metals in Mosses Surveys (UNECE-ICP Vegetation) is a programme performed every 5 years since 1990 in at least 21 European countries. The moss surveys aim at uncovering the spatiotemporal patterns of metal and nitrogen bioaccumulation in mosses. In France, the moss survey was conducted for the third time in 2006. Five hundred thirty-six monitoring sites were sampled across the whole French territory. The aim of the presented study is to give an integrative picture of the metal bioaccumulation for the entire French territory without geographical gaps. Furthermore, confounding factors of the metal bioaccumulation in mosses should be investigated.  相似文献   

Mediterranean mountain biomes are considered endangered due to climate change that affects directly or indirectly different key features (biodiversity, snow cover, glaciers, run-off processes, and water availability). Here, we provide an assessment of temperature, precipitation, and spring precipitation changes in Mediterranean mountains under different emission scenarios (Special Report on Emission Scenarios) and Atmosphere-Ocean-Coupled General Circulation Models for two periods: 2055 (2040-2069 period) and 2085 (2070-2099). Finally, the future climate trends projected for Mediterranean mountains are compared with those trends projected for non-Mediterranean European mountain ranges. The range of projected warming varies between +1.4 degrees C and 5.1 degrees C for 2055 (+1.6 degrees C and +8.3 degrees C for 2085). Climate models also project a reduction of precipitation, mainly during spring (-17% under Alfi and -4.8% under B1 for 2085). On the contrary, non-Mediterranean European mountains will not experience a reduction of annual and spring precipitation. Implications of predicted climate change for both human and physical features are coupled in an integrated framework to gain a broad perspective on future trends and their consequences.  相似文献   

A steady state model is developed to describe the bioaccumulation of organic contaminants by 14 species in a Baltic food web including pelagic and benthic aquatic organisms. The model is used to study the bioaccumulation of five PCB congeners of different chlorination levels. The model predictions are evaluated against monitoring data for five of the species in the food web. Predicted concentrations are on average within a factor of two of measured concentrations. The model shows that all PCB congeners were biomagnified in the food web, which is consistent with observations. Sensitivity analysis reveals that the single most sensitive parameter is log K(OW). The most sensitive environmental parameter is the annual average temperature. Although not identified amongst the most sensitive input parameters, the dissolved concentration in water is believed to be important because of the uncertainty in its determination. The most sensitive organism-specific input parameters are the fractional respiration of species from the water column and sediment pore water, which are also difficult to determine. Parameters such as feeding rate, growth rate and lipid content of organism are only important at higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

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