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大量过往汽车带来大气污染已使整个阿尔卑斯山脉的树林遭受严重损失,瑞典森林学会和其他组织估计有50%以上的高山林木遭病,15%已枯死或濒临死亡。乘坐汽车的旅游者对森林树木正造成日益严重的危害,据绿色和平组织的报道,在平时  相似文献   

阿尔卑斯山的徒步旅行区日趋推广可持续发展的太阳能系统,以减少内燃机发电所产生的污染影响。太阳能系统研究所正在帮助更新设备,现已有12栋山间小屋安装了太阳能系统。此项工作是德国阿尔卑斯俱乐部实施的部份环境保护项目。  相似文献   

据不久前发表的哥伦比亚大学的Francis E.Grousset和他同事撰写的报告称,在1990年2月25日至3月7日,中国塔克拉玛干沙漠的尘粒在约2周的时间里传输12,000哩以上,降落在法国阿尔卑斯山顶。以  相似文献   

像许多地方一样.奥地利今年遭遇有气象记录以来最温暖的秋季.许多滑雪胜地推迟开业。造雪机闲在通常是滑雪道的绿色坡地上.整个冬季.行业损失数十亿美元。  相似文献   

<正> 前言 矿化在成因上受到板块构造作用的控制,并且可以成为构造作用的一种标志,这种看法目前已经为愈来愈多的人所承认。能够达到工业品位和开采规模的矿床,在阿尔卑斯为数不多。至少有两个主要的造山运动(海西运动和阿尔卑斯运动)在阿尔卑斯地区留下了遗迹。除了Dixon和Pereira(1974)、Evans(1975)、Petrascheck(1976)和Oberhauser(1978)之外,其他人在确定阿尔卑斯矿床与欧洲阿尔卑斯体系的中生代—新生代板块构造(例如、阿尔卑斯造山  相似文献   

原生铬铁矿矿床仅仅赋存在粒状超镁铁岩中,超镁铁岩与铬铁矿富集体之间存在着过渡关系,超镁铁岩与铬铁矿岩的地球化学亲缘关系以及其他的许多因素,都表明这两类岩石有着密切的关系。这种关系在辉长-橄榄岩杂岩体中特别清楚(例如,布什维尔德岩盆和斯提尔瓦特杂岩体),很明显那里的铬铁矿岩是由重力分异生成的,铬铁矿  相似文献   

<正> 对硫酸盐矿物和含硫化物矿石的硫同位素研究在许多方而对解释矿床成因可起很大作用。常见的重晶石矿物(硫酸钡)主要在沉积的、或者是深热液环境中形成(Puchelt,1967)。根据硫同位素组成可确定,硫酸盐是否来源于海水,并且也能据此获得矿化的年龄级,因为从现有的蒸发岩中了解到的海水的δ~(34)S值在地球发展历史过程中发生过变化(Thode和Monster,1965,等等)。比如拿康顿的克罗伊特铅矿山的铅锌矿床来说,用几个精选出来的样品,就可以作出这种推断。 因此,本文的目的就是要对阿尔卑斯东部和南部  相似文献   

<正> 1984年8月15日至10月1日,我们作为中英合作青藏地质队的中方队员,到瑞士、意大利、英国和塞浦路斯等四国作了以地质构造及蛇绿岩为主题的地质考察,以了解特提斯造山带的东、西全貌。主要考察了中部阿尔卑斯山区、  相似文献   

一、引言阿尔卑斯型超基性岩自 W.N.本森于1926年首创其名以来,由于其中含有重要的铬、镍、钴、铜、铁、石棉、铂族等矿产,以及它们与地幔岩石相似,近年来已受到世界地质学界广泛注意和重视。目前阿尔卑斯型超基性岩一般是泛指产于岛弧和大陆地槽褶皱造山带内以纯橄榄岩和斜方辉橄岩为主的超基性杂岩,它们常呈陡倾的长条状、透镜状岩体产出,延伸数公里、数十公里、甚至数百公里以上而无显著间断。这类超基性杂岩常与辉长岩、辉绿岩、海底喷发的火山熔岩及燧石岩密切共生,构成一套特征的“蛇绿岩套”。该类岩体一般均经受强烈的蛇纹石化,后  相似文献   

中阿尔卑斯山伯格尔地区是一个经受了阿尔卑斯期高度变质作用的地区。这个地区比其他中阿尔卑斯地区冷却得早,故用裂变径迹法、铷锶法和钾-氩法所测得的年龄都比较老。通过对锆石和独居石的铀-铅分析表明,伯格尔花岗闪长岩体在30百万年以前就侵入了。先前曾对中阿尔卑斯山脉进行裂  相似文献   

The Palaeozoic evolution in the Alps: from Gondwana to Pangea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Geologische Rundschau》1998,87(3):407-435

阿来的长篇小说《空山》(三部曲),展现了在现代民族国家与市场的建构中,边缘族群的生活是如何被组织与安排的,作者分别从行政权力、经济资源、司法、宗教文化等方面进行了描述和想象,展现了藏区在国家建构过程中的命运沉浮与历史变迁,具有独特的文学意义和社会价值。但同时,阿来自身不清晰的民族身份文化认同与普世价值观,又致使这种想象只能是不完全的,难以全面和深入的。  相似文献   

Land-use changes and natural reforestation in the Eastern Central Alps   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In modern agriculture, only the cultivation of highly productive and easily accessible slopes remains profitable. As a consequence, inaccessible and steep areas are being increasingly abandoned. In this paper, the mechanisms of natural reforestation of abandoned areas are examined on three levels as a prelude to determine natural reforestation rates. The study sites selected on the municipality level (1:25,000) are situated in four agrarian structure regions in the Alps: ‘Innsbruck Land’, ‘Südtiroler Berggebiet’, ‘Unterland/Überetsch’ and ‘Carnia’. For more detailed data, studies on the level of a case study area (1:5000) and plot level (permanent plots) were carried out in the municipality of St. Leonhard in Passeier (‘Südtiroler Berggebiet’, South Tyrol, Italy). Data were collected through analysis of historic photographic material as well as by detailed field work. Significant explanatory variables of natural reforestation were determined using count data models. A zero-inflated negative binomial model was employed as analysing tool. Key findings are: (1) in the past 150 years, areas were abandoned in all analysed agrarian structure regions. Between 8 and 67% of the formerly used areas are now abandoned, and in the majority of these abandoned areas, forest re-growth is observed. (2) Seed dispersal and agricultural use are the most important variables influencing natural reforestation. The nearer an area is situated to old trees, the higher the reforestation rate. Grazing and mowing reduce reforestation. (3) The less intensively the land was formerly used and the longer the area was abandoned, the higher the tree density is. Whereby, the average sapling density is significantly higher in mixture communities than in grasslands or dwarf shrub communities. However, snow gliding and avalanches cause damage to trees that retard or hinder tree growth.  相似文献   

西北是中国内陆河分布最广的地区,然而却最干旱。西北是中国江河的源头,又是水资源最稀少的地方。西北生态环境最关键、最核心的问题是水。解决水资源匮乏的根本战略是南水北调。发展既是解决贫困的根本出路,又是保护生态环境的基础。  相似文献   

Peritidal carbonate platform Lofer cycles have been regarded as a record of sea-level oscillations driven by variations in the earth's orbit. Fresh analysis of a newly measured 700?m thick section from the Steinernes Meer is presented here. Estimation of stratigraphic completeness indicates that this sequence is only 0.75–9.5% complete, strongly suggesting that Milankovitch patterns are not preserved. Analysis of cycle thickness-frequency distributions reveals an exponential pattern, strongly suggestive of aperiodic, random deposition rather than periodic deposition in response to orbital forcing. Evidence for the importance of autocyclic processes (e.g. lateral migration of inter- to supratidal mudbanks and subtidal areas) and syn-sedimentary tectonic downfaulting events within this already active Late Triassic extensional zone is presented.  相似文献   

Facies analysis, fossil dating, and the study of the metamorphism in the Late Triassic to Early Cretaceous sedimentary successions in the central part of the Northern Calcareous Alps allow to reconstruct the tectonic evolution in the area between the South Penninic Ocean in the northwest and the Tethys Ocean with the Hallstatt Zone in the southeast. The Triassic as well as the Early and Middle Jurassic sediments were deposited in a rifted, transtensive continental margin setting. Around the Middle/Late Jurassic boundary two trenches in front of advancing nappes formed in sequence in the central part of the Northern Calcareous Alps. The southern trench (Late Callovian to Early Oxfordian) accumulated a thick succession of gravitatively redeposited sediments derived from the sedimentary sequences of the accreted Triassic–Liassic Hallstatt Zone deposited on the outer shelf and the margin of the Late Triassic carbonate platform. During a previous stage these sediments derived from sequences deposited on the more distal shelf (Salzberg facies zone of Hallstatt unit, Meliaticum), and in a later stage from more proximal parts (Zlambach facies zone of Hallstatt unit, Late Triassic reef belt). Low temperature–high pressure metamorphism of some Hallstatt limestones before redeposition is explained by the closure of parts of the Tethys Ocean in Middle to Late Jurassic times and associated subduction. In the northern trench (Late Oxfordian to Kimmeridgian) several hundred meters of sediment accumulated including redeposited material from a nearby topographic rise. This rise is interpreted as an advancing nappe front as a result of the subduction process. The sedimentary sealing by Tithonian sediments, documented by uniform deep-water sedimentation (Oberalm Formation), gives an upper time constraint for the tectonic events. In contrast to current models, which propose an extensional regime for the central and eastern Northern Calcareous Alps in the Late Jurassic, we propose a geodynamic model with a compressional regime related to the Kimmerian orogeny.  相似文献   

福克纳在小说《掠夺者》中超越了他此前作品中常见的身份认同困境,对美国南方共同体群体命运进行最后的沉思。他意识到现代变革不可逆转,试图在现代工商文明与传统道德之间寻求妥协。他冀望南方旧贵族后裔群体弘扬传统价值观,纠正新南方社会道德堕落的状态,作为家长领导南方重建和谐有序的理想社会。  相似文献   

Three years of summer field studies (2002–2004) were conducted at two sites in the Central Italian Alps. Field spectroradiometer data were acquired on different vegetation typologies where current above ground biomass was measured with traditional agronomic methods. Radiometric measurements were synthesised into a set of spectral vegetation indices. Log-transformed regression analysis between fresh biomass and spectral vegetation indices indicated that soil-adjusted vegetation indices (SAVI, MSAVI and OSAVI) show a better correlation (r2 > 0.60) than more commonly employed indices as SR and NDVI (r2 < 0.50). Cross validation procedure showed that a regressive model based on MSAVI index was the most predictive. Analysis of covariance revealed that data from different years and vegetation types significantly influenced the relation, however no improvement in the regressive model was found when data were used separately. After a suitable calibration procedure, a fresh biomass map of the study area was obtained using Landsat-7 imagery. Results showed that the integrated use of field spectral measurements and satellite derived information can provide a valuable support to the assessment of pasture biomass production in alpine environment.  相似文献   

石油石化企业HSE绩效指标设置构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
参照美国职业安全健康管理局(OSHA)和国际石油石化大公司HSE绩效指标参数,提出了特大型石油石化企业HSE绩效指标设置构想,指标同时考虑结果性绩效指标和管理过程绩效指标及其在不同层次的应用,有助于企业从"小"的事故中吸取经验教训,避免"大"的事故发生。  相似文献   

The specularite deposit at Waldenstein is an epigenetic replacement/vein-type hematite mineralization with distinct alteration zones. It is situated in highly metamorphosed schists and, gneisses of the Koralm Crystalline Complex. Sericitization and chloritization are strictly bound to this alteration and occur within a few meters of the hematite veins. Radiometric dating of the sericitization and the implicity of the mineralization yield a Middle Eocene age. Petrographic evidence proves an early, relatively reduced paragenesis (magnetite, ilmenite) being partly replaced by hematite and chlorite during the main phase of ore formation. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope investigations indicate that formation temperatures were approximately 300°C during the main stage and decreased to 200°C in the latest stage of the hydrothermal event. The H-isotope compositions of chlorites and of fluid inclusions in quartz indicate the influence of seawater. This also explains the high salinities determined by fluid inclusion studies (20–30% NaCl equiv.). According to the genetic model presented in this paper the hydrothermal activity started when the deformation accompanying the uplift of the Koralm Crystalline Complex passed from a ductile to brittle regime (Middle Eocene). The brittle faults acted as channelways for rising, deep fluids, probably of metamorphic origin. Temperature differences between the different uplifting crustal segments supported fluid circulation. Precipitation of the ore occurred at shallow crustal levels where the hydraulic regime was dominated by seawater, and oxidation of the original reducing fluids took place.  相似文献   

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