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When Are Peripheral Populations Valuable for Conservation?   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
A great deal of effort is spent protecting geographically peripheral populations of widespread species. We consider under what conditions it is appropriate to expend resources to protect these populations. The conservation value of peripheral populations depends upon their genetic divergence from other conspecific populations. Peripheral populations are expected to diverge from central populations as a result of the interwoven effects of isolation, genetic drift, and natural selection. Available empirical evidence suggests that peripheral populations are often genetically and morphologically divergent from central populations. The long-term conservation of species is likely to depend upon the protection of genetically distinct populations. In addition, peripheral populations are potentially important sites of future speciation events. Under some circumstances, conservation of peripheral populations may be beneficial to the protection of the evolutionary process and the environmental systems that are likely to generate future evolutionary diversity.  相似文献   

Habitat characteristics mediate predator–prey coexistence in many ecological systems but are seldom considered in species introductions. When economically important introduced predators are stocked despite known negative impacts on native species, understanding the role of refuges, landscape configurations, and community interactions can inform habitat management plans. We measured these factors in basins with introduced trout (Salmonidae) and the Cascades frog (Rana cascadae) to determine, which are responsible for observed patterns of co‐occurrence of this economically important predator and its native prey. Large, vegetated shallows were strongly correlated to co‐occurrence, and R. cascadae larvae occur in shallower water when fish are present, presumably to escape predation. The number of nearby breeding sites of R. cascadae was also correlated to co‐occurrence, but only when the western toad (Anaxyrus boreas) was present. Because A. boreas larvae are unpalatable to fish and resemble R. cascadae, they may provide protection from trout via Batesian mimicry. Although rescue‐effect dispersal from nearby populations may maintain co‐occurrence, within‐lake factors proved more important for predicting co‐occurrence. Learning which factors allow co‐occurrence between economically important introduced species and their native prey enables managers to make better‐informed stocking decisions. Factores que Median la Co‐Ocurrencia de un Pez Introducido con Valor Económico y su Presa, una Rana Nativa  相似文献   

A Geochemical Survey of Topsoil in the City of Oslo, Norway   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The city of Oslo is situated centrally in the Oslo-graben, which is a Permian rift basin consisting of different kinds of volcanic and sedimentary rocks. In the summer of 1998, approximately 300 samples of surface soil (2–3cm) were taken systematically, 1km–2. The investigated area covers about 500km2. Samples were dissolved in 7M HNO3 and analysed for 29 elements with ICP-AES, mercury with cold-vapour technique (CV-AAS) and arsenic and cadmium with a graphite furnace (GF-AAS). A factor analysis is frequently used to identify relationships among sets of interrelated variables. To describe the covariant relationships among the elements, a factor analysis has been completed. The first factor contains the elements Sc, Fe, Li, Co, Al, Cr, Be, K, Ni, V, Mg, Y, Ba, Zr, Mn and As (listed with decreasing communality). These elements are typical for the minerals in the area and most of these elements have a near normal distribution. Sources for this factor are probably geological. The second factor contains Cd, Hg, P, Zn, Cu, Ba and Pb. They have a log-normal distribution. Road traffic is probably one of the sources contributing to this factor. In Norway studded tyres are used frequently in the winter season which results in large amounts of road dust. Leaded petrol has been a major source for Pb but is not in use any more. Wear and tear of tyres and brakes contribute also to this factor. Other sources contributing to this factor are probably industry, rubbish incineration, crematoria and release of some of these elements from structural material by fire. Factors 3, 4 and 6 with elements such as Ca, Na, La, Ti and Sr probably have geological sources. They are associated with minerals like amphiboles, pyroxenes and feldspars and some of the elements are from sea aerosols. Factor 5 contains Mn, Cd, Zn, As and Pb. Manganese may be derived from many different sources such as rock weathering, windblown dust, agriculture and traffic. Since As and Mn are placed in both factor 1 and 5 they probably have both geological and anthropogenic sources. Concentrations of the elements in the second factor are much higher in the central parts of Oslo, than in the rest of Oslo. The median value of Hg in the centre is 0.48mgkg–1, which is 8 times higher than that in the rest of the city. Also, the other elements have much higher levels in the centre. The industrial district north-east of the centre also has high values. The distribution of arsenic is regular throughout the whole city, but has a slightly higher level in the centre. Norm values for contaminated land used by the Norwegian authorities are 2mg As kg–1 and 25mg Cr kg–1. Of 297 samples, 61% contain more than 25mg Cr kg–1 and 79% more than 3mg As kg–1, which is the detection limit of the analysis. These samples will therefore be regarded as contaminated. Factor analysis places these elements in the geological factor. The Norm value of zinc is 150mgkg–1, and 40% of the samples contain more than this. The Norm value of lead is 150mgkg–1, and 35% of the samples contain. Road traffic is probably the major source for these elements.  相似文献   

Samples have been collected from major horizons of 34 podzol profiles distributed throughout Scotland, all developed from granite or granitic tills and under Calluna moorland. the pH in water and calcium chloride pastes, exchangeable cations and cation exchange capacity, and extractable aluminium of the soils collected have been measured, and the results studied in relation to reported atmospheric deposition of H+, non-marine sulphur and nitrate. for all horizons, significant positive correlations were found between soil pH and rainfall mean pH, as might be expected when the critical load of H+ deposition is exceeded. Acidifying pollutant deposition also apparently increased soil extractable aluminium concentrations in the B and C horizons. However, exchangeable base cation concentrations tended to increase, rather than decrease, with increasing precipitation acidity. This effect was attributed to increases in biogeochemical cycling of base cations, increases in leaching inputs of base cations from overlying A/E horizon soils, and increases in the inputs of base cations leached from upslope. the results suggest that the simple steady state mass approach to the quantification of critical loads, as often applied, may be an oversimplification.  相似文献   

Samples have been collected from major horizons of 34 podzol profiles distributed throughout Scotland, all developed from granite or granitic tills and under Calluna moorland. the pH in water and calcium chloride pastes, exchangeable cations and cation exchange capacity, and extractable aluminium of the soils collected have been measured, and the results studied in relation to reported atmospheric deposition of H+, non-marine sulphur and nitrate. for all horizons, significant positive correlations were found between soil pH and rainfall mean pH, as might be expected when the critical load of H+ deposition is exceeded. Acidifying pollutant deposition also apparently increased soil extractable aluminium concentrations in the B and C horizons. However, exchangeable base cation concentrations tended to increase, rather than decrease, with increasing precipitation acidity. This effect was attributed to increases in biogeochemical cycling of base cations, increases in leaching inputs of base cations from overlying A/E horizon soils, and increases in the inputs of base cations leached from upslope. the results suggest that the simple steady state mass approach to the quantification of critical loads, as often applied, may be an oversimplification.  相似文献   

The concentrations and distributions of chemical elements (Ag, Al, As, Au, Ba, Bi, Ca, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ga, Hg, K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Ni, P, Pb, S, Sb, Sc, Se, Sr, Te, Th, Ti, Tl, U, V, W and Zn) were studied in till, humus and urban soil in Jakobstad, a small town (20,000 inhabitants) in W. Finland. The analyses were performed with ICP-MS after aqua regia leaching of till (n = 37), urban topsoil (n = 32) and subsoil (n = 32), and HNO3 leaching of humus (n = 37). The till and humus samples, collected at the same sites, were divided into urban and rural samples. The urban till was not significantly enriched in metals. In contrast, a majority of the elements occurred in higher concentrations in the urban than the rural humus samples. Statistical and spatial interpretations of the humus data revealed that traffic (Pb, V and Ni), metal industry (Pb, Zn, Bi, Sb and Cr), an abandoned shooting range (Pb and Sb) and other sources contribute to higher metal levels in the urban humus. The urban soil samples were collected at parks, yards, abandoned industrial sites, roadsides, etc. The topsoil samples were enriched in most elements, also by elements not enriched in the urban humus (e.g. Cd). At several sites, the concentrations far exceeded the limit concentrations for contaminated soils in Finland. A large variety of sources were identified or indicated.  相似文献   

灵芝中重金属的检测及其健康风险初步评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了研究灵芝中重金属的污染状况,对北京市一些药店及部分中医门诊部所售的不同产地灵芝中的As、Hg、Pb等重金属元素含量进行了测定.结果表明,灵芝中As含量范围为0.016 ̄0.239mg·kg-1,平均值0.117mg·kg-1,Hg含量范围从未检出到0.43mg·kg-1,平均值0.115mg·kg-1,Pb含量范围从未检出到0.256mg·kg-1,平均值0.047mg·kg-1,As、Pb含量均符合我国《药用植物及制剂进出口绿色行业标准》,Hg有5例超标,占样品总数的25%,主要是野生灵芝.健康风险初步评价结果表明,服用灵芝的人群,成人每人每日通过灵芝摄入As、Hg、Pb分别为0.18 ̄2.3μg、0.17 ̄2.3μg、0.07 ̄0.94μg,分别占每日允许摄入量(ADI)的0.14% ̄1.9%、0.4% ̄5.4%、0.03% ̄0.4%,对人体健康风险不大.但是对于个别野生和人工种植灵芝而言,每日摄入总汞量可达0.47 ̄6.24μg,占ADI的1.1% ̄15%,对人体健康存在一定的风险.  相似文献   

桂林市土壤和蔬菜镉含量调查及食用安全性评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对桂林市蔬菜和菜地土壤镉含量进行调查,评价其累积状况,并评估人体经食用蔬菜摄入镉的安全性。结果显示,桂林市菜地土壤镉含量空间变异较大,呈现西北部和西南部低、东北部和东南部高的分布特点;与背景样点相比,菜地土壤镉累积效应显著,土壤镉含量范围、中值、算术均值和几何均值分别为0.056~17.35、0.624、1.193和0.696 mg.kg-1,超标率为85.5%。蔬菜镉含量范围、中值和几何均值分别为0.09~663.2、29.4和29.2μg.kg-1(以鲜质量计),综合超标率为4.95%;叶菜类蔬菜镉含量显著高于根茎类和瓜果类,花菜、韭菜、大白菜、大葱、芋头、豆苗、萝卜、菠菜、大蒜和蕃茄的镉富集系数较低,抗镉污染能力较强。桂林市居民人均通过食用蔬菜的镉摄入量为9.08μg.d-1,对普通人群不存在明显的食用安全风险。  相似文献   

In connection with the change in economic principles and disintegration of big industrial enterprises, the environmental pollution in Baltic States decreased considerably in 1991-1996. Although there are still many things waiting to be done, the improvement of the Baltic environmental situation during the years of independence gives us a cause to be optimistic.  相似文献   

In connection with the change in economic principles and disintegration of big industrial enterprises, the environmental pollution in Baltic States decreased considerably in 1991-1996. Although there are still many things waiting to be done, the improvement of the Baltic environmental situation during the years of independence gives us a cause to be optimistic.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty wells throughout the City of Tehran and its environs were sampled to determine the chemical quality of the groundwater. Total alkalinity, pH, conductivity, total dissolved solids, hardness and detergent concentrations were determined as well as levels of bicarbonate, calcium, magnesium, sulphate, chloride, sodium, potassium, fluoride, iodide and nitrate. Generally, chemical pollution of the water supplies was low. There were, however, regional elevations in nitrate, chloride and fluoride. Elevated fluoride levels were primarily in the northern regions of the city while high nitrates and chlorides were found primariiy in industrial areas. The health implications of chemical constituents in drinking water are discussed.  相似文献   

In June 1990, scientists from the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Radiation Programs (ORP), and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), travelled to Sevastopol in the Soviet Union to work with radioecologists and marine scientists from the USSR Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS). the purpose of this cooperative programme was to conduct a monitoring survey for radioactivity in the northwestern Black Sea. Samples of sediment, surface and in-situ water, and biota were collected from fourteen stations for post-survey radionuclide analyses to determine levels of radioactivity in the Black Sea environment resulting from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion and subsequent transport of radioactivity via the Dnepr and Danube rivers. This paper presents the preliminary data for caesium-137 and caesium-134 in sediment samples analyzed by the EPA/ORP. Caesium-137 was measured at four shallow (20-114 m) stations on the shelf near the mouth of the Dnepr and Danube Rivers, but was not detected in sediments from comparable depths at stations further off shore or in slope sediments at depths of 510-1288 meters. Caesium-134 was detected only in sediments from the shallow-water station nearest to the Danube River.  相似文献   

In June 1990, scientists from the US Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Radiation Programs (ORP), and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI), travelled to Sevastopol in the Soviet Union to work with radioecologists and marine scientists from the USSR Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS). the purpose of this cooperative programme was to conduct a monitoring survey for radioactivity in the northwestern Black Sea. Samples of sediment, surface and in-situ water, and biota were collected from fourteen stations for post-survey radionuclide analyses to determine levels of radioactivity in the Black Sea environment resulting from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant explosion and subsequent transport of radioactivity via the Dnepr and Danube rivers. This paper presents the preliminary data for caesium-137 and caesium-134 in sediment samples analyzed by the EPA/ORP. Caesium-137 was measured at four shallow (20–114 m) stations on the shelf near the mouth of the Dnepr and Danube Rivers, but was not detected in sediments from comparable depths at stations further off shore or in slope sediments at depths of 510–1288 meters. Caesium-134 was detected only in sediments from the shallow-water station nearest to the Danube River.  相似文献   

The increasing availability of digital photographic materials has fueled efforts by agencies and organizations to generate land cover maps for states, regions, and the United States as a whole. Regardless of the information sources and classification methods used, land cover maps are subject to numerous sources of error. In order to understand the quality of the information contained in these maps, it is desirable to generate statistically valid estimates of accuracy rates describing misclassification errors. We explored a full sample survey framework for creating accuracy assessment study designs that balance statistical and operational considerations in relation to study objectives for a regional assessment of GAP land cover maps. We focused not only on appropriate sample designs and estimation approaches, but on aspects of the data collection process, such as gaining cooperation of land owners and using pixel clusters as an observation unit. The approach was tested in a pilot study to assess the accuracy of Iowa GAP land cover maps. A stratified two-stage cluster sampling design addressed sample size requirements for land covers and the need for geographic spread while minimizing operational effort. Recruitment methods used for private land owners yielded high response rates, minimizing a source of nonresponse error. Collecting data for a 9-pixel cluster centered on the sampled pixel was simple to implement, and provided better information on rarer vegetation classes as well as substantial gains in precision relative to observing data at a single-pixel.  相似文献   

Space-time modeling for the Missouri Turkey Hunting Survey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Missouri Turkey Hunting Survey (MTHS) is a postseason mail survey conducted by the Missouri Department of Conservation. The 1996 MTHS provides information concerning the number of turkeys harvested by hunters on each day and the total number of trips made to the counties by these hunters on each day of the hunting season. The success rates are then found from this information. Small sample sizes produce large standard errors for the estimates at the county level. We use a Bayesian hierarchical generalized linear model to estimate daily hunting success rates at the county level. The model includes an autoregressive process for the days of the hunting season and spatially correlated random geographic effects. The computations are performed using Gibbs sampling and adaptive rejection sampling techniques. Results show that there are significant spatial corelations between counties and correlations between days of the hunting season. The estimates are close to the frequency estimates at the state level and much more stable at the county level.  相似文献   

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