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The New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers (NEG/ECP) adopted the Acid Rain Action Plan in June 1998, and issued a series of action items to support its work toward a reduction of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions in northeastern North America. One of these action items was the preparation of an updated critical load map using data from lakes in the NEG/ECP area. Critical load maps provide a more complete index of the surface water sensitivity to acidification. Combined sulfur and nitrogen critical loads and deposition exceedances were computed using Henriksen's Steady-State Water Chemistry (SSWC) model. Results show that 28% of all 2053 lakes studied have a critical load of 20 kg/ha/year or less, making them vulnerable to acid deposition. Emission reductions, and more specifically SO2 emission reductions have proven beneficial because critical loads were exceeded in 2002 for 12.3% of all studied lakes. Those lakes are located in the more sensitive areas where geology is carbonate-poor. Of these lakes, 2.9% will never recover even with a complete removal of SO4 deposition. Recovery from acidification for the remaining 9.4% of the lakes will require additional emission SO2 reductions.  相似文献   

In the Czech Republic a complex monitoring of agriculture soils has commenced. This paper describes the approach to establishing monitoring plots. Comparing the results of Systematic Soil Survey and those from the first period of agriculture monitoring demonstrates that a representative set of plots was achieved. Soil properties (physical, chemical, biological and agronomical), atmospheric deposition (some parameters being monthly and some only for the summer and winter season) and selected other influences (application of pesticides, irrigation, etc.) are all monitored. Results for atmospheric deposition in the Czech Republic from the first period and Bavaria [Bayerische Landesanstalt für Bodenkultur und Pflanzenbau, 1992) are also compared. Data are evaluated by a statistical package (Statgrafics) and prepared for future transfer into a suitable GIS.  相似文献   

The purpose of the biomonitoring project in the Nature Conservancy in the Czech Republic is to obtain information on long-term development of some selected living components of ecosystems in protected areas. A survey of methods was conducted to select the monitoring areas as well as to study birds, epigean, vegetation and water communities (a minimal programme). A system for the monitoring areas and data storage and processing (to gather a body of evidence) was established. Simultaneously, close linkage with abiotic factor monitoring is planned. The project has been carried out by the Czech Institute for Nature Conservation.  相似文献   

不同酸碱度土壤阳离子交换量的测定研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了能够快速准确测定不同酸碱度土壤中的阳离子交换量,弥补现行标准方法的不足,对三氯化六氨合钴浸提-分光光度法中的土壤称样量、pH、浸提时间、浸提温度和离心时间等条件进行了优化。优化后的方法检出限为0.43 cmol^+/kg,测定下限为1.72 cmol^+/kg,方法实验室内精密度为0.2%~1.8%,适用于大批量土壤样品中阳离子交换量的测定。  相似文献   

The method of Guo et aL (AnaL Chim. Acta, 1997, 349, 313-318) for the determination of the toxicologically relevant arsenic in urine was verified and then used for the determination of arsenic in urine of the Czech population for monitoring purposes. Statistical evaluation at the level alpha = 0.05 did not prove any significant differences between industrial and agricultural regions, between males and females and smokers and nonsmokers. Likewise no differences were found among children in all the regions monitored. In the adult population small differences were found between some regions but these differences were not dependent on industrial pollution. The values of toxicologically relevant arsenic are low for all regions. The summarised value of the median for all groups together is 3.5 microg (g creatinine)(-1).  相似文献   

The purpose and aims of environmental monitoring are discussed, particularly in the context of soils as part of the environment, and examples of such schemes currently in operation within Europe are outlined. These are compared with the Basal Soil Monitoring Scheme (BSMS) in the Czech Republic which is the product of collaboration between the Ministries of Agriculture and the Environment and five agricultural, forestry and environmental research institutes. The BSMS consists of over 250 monitoring plots covering three distinct land uses: agriculture, forestry and environmentally protected areas. Each land use class has its own subsystem of monitoring plots which together comprise the whole system. The main principles and methodologies employed in the environmentally protected areas of the Czech Republic are described in some detail.  相似文献   

Trends in total suspended particulates (TSP) emissioninventories were compared with ambient TSP concentrationsduring the period of 1993-1999 in the Czech Republic. TheTSP annual emission decreased within the period of observationfrom 441 300 to 67 000 of metric tonnes (by 85%). During thesame period a less pronounced downward trend from80.3 g m-3 to 31.5g m-3 (decrease by 61%)was noted also for the ambient TSP annual average. Differencebetween the two air quality indicators seems to indicate thatchanges in TSP emission inventories from year to year arebeing to some extent overestimated. Monthly ambientparticulate concentrations did not respond to overall drop inemissions proportionately but were closely associated withmonthly mean temperatures. While in the winter the correlationbetween ambient TSP and temperature was negative, in summerthe correlation between the two variables was positive. Inspring and autumn there was no clear correlation betweentemperature and ambient particulate pollution. The improvementof air quality in the Czech Republic since the economical andpolitical transformation in 1990s is substantial whendemonstrated by emission figures, however, true state ofparticulate pollution expressed by ambient levels requiresfurther attention.  相似文献   

The Kyrghyz Republic, located in the southeastern region ofthe former Soviet Union, maintains a population of more thanone-half-million persons and is heavily dependent on LakeIssyk-Kyol, both to draw tourists to the area and for itsutilization by some as a food and recreation source. Historical surveys, conducted primarily for geologicalexploration, have indicated that localized areas ofshoreline on Lake Issyk-Kyol have relative radiation levelsin excess of ambient background by as much as a factor often. Uranium mining operations in the mountains borderingthe lake to the south may have resulted in the contaminationof a number of areas on the lake's southern shore. Concentrations of naturally occurring uranium, thorium, andpotassium are present in these soils in elevated quantities. This paper presents the results of an investigation of soilconcentrations along the shoreline of Lake Issyk-Kyolrelative to previously discovered areas of high exposurerate.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new methodological approach, using hydromorphological monitoring data from river networks, to identify stream elements that may negatively influence the course of floods, as well as elements suitable for modifications that will reinforce the natural retention potential of the floodplain. The approach uses data derived from hydromorphological monitoring that conforms to the EN 14614 standard "Water quality--Guidance standard for assessing the hydromorphological features of rivers." Four major aspects of stream modifications that can potentially affect the course and consequences of floods, and that can be derived from hydromorphological monitoring, were identified. These are: (1) modifications that increase the speed of runoff, (2) modifications that restrict the retention potential of the floodplain, (3) potential obstacles to the flood course, and (4) improper alterations of stream route modifications. A GIS is used to identify and locate these critical aspects of stream and floodplain modification. This method was applied in the Blanice River basin, an area in central Europe hit by a severe flood in August 2002. The critical modifications identified were compared with geomorphological mapping to display the different effects of individual types of modifications.  相似文献   

The paper presents the analysis of anthropogenical modifications of the landscape in relation to the course and consequences of floods. The research was conducted in the Otava river basin which represents the core zone of the extreme flood in August 2002 in Central Europe. The analysis was focused on the key indicators of landscape modification potentially affecting the runoff process - the long-term changes of land-use, changes of land cover structure, land drainage, historical shortening of the river network and the modifications of streams and floodplains. The information on intensity and spatial distribution of modifications was derived from different data sources - historical maps, available GIS data, remote sensing and field mapping. The results revealed a high level of spatial diversity of anthropogenical modifications in different parts of the river basin. The intensive modifications in most of indicators were concentrated in the lowland region of the river basin due to its agricultural use; however important changes were also recorded in the headwater region of the basin. The high spatial diversity of the modifications may result in their varying effect on the course and consequences of floods in different parts of the river basin. This effect is demonstrated by the cluster analysis based on the matrix of indicators of stream and floodplain modification, physiogeographical characteristics and geomorphological evidences of the flood in August 2002, derived from the individual thematic layers using GIS.  相似文献   

This study is a continuation of our preceding research identifying suitable environmental samples for the tracing of atmospheric pollution in industrial areas. Three additional types of environmental samples were used to characterise contamination sources in the industrial area of Ostrava city, Czech Republic. The region is known for its extensive metallurgical and mining activities. Fingerprinting of stable Pb isotopes was applied to distinguish individual sources of anthropogenic Pb. A wide range of 206Pb/207Pb ratios was observed in the investigated samples: 206Pb/207Pb = 1.168–1.198 in mosses; 206Pb/207Pb = 1.167–1.215 in soils and 206Pb/207Pb = 1.158–1.184 in tree cores. Black and brown coal combustion, as well as metallurgical activities, is the two main sources of pollution in the area. Fossil fuel burning in industry and households seems to be a stronger source of Pb emissions than from the metallurgical industry. Concentration analyses of tree rings showed that a significant increase in As concentrations occurred between 1999 and 2016 (from 0.38 mg kg?1 to 13.8 mg kg?1). This shift corresponds to the use of brown coal from Bílina, Czech Republic, with an increased As concentration. The burning of low-quality fuels in households remains a problem in the area, as small ground sources have a greater influence on the air quality than do industrial sources.  相似文献   

Considering growing population and decreasing mineral resource reserves, the issue of undermining has been and shall remain very topical. This study aims to identify the mutual connections between mined out panels of a deposit and the final manifestations on the ground surface related to deep black coal mining. On the grounds of the identified connections, the study describes a method to simplify a common evaluation of undermined areas according to building site categories. Within the study, a demarcation of the areas was conducted in two localities in Czech Republic influenced by the effects of undermining in the Upper-Silesian Basin. In the allotment of the CSM Mine, an area unsuitable for founding structures was defined from the centre of the worked out workings to the distance of 175 m from the panel's edge, for which the corresponding break angle is 78.3°. Similarly, in the allotment of the Paskov Mine, an area unsuitable for founding structures was determined to the distance of 500 m from the panel's edge, for which the corresponding break angle is 50.2°. This demarcation may be implemented prior to deposit mining being aware of several physical-mechanical parameters of rocks in the deposit's overburden. Having mined out a particular section of a deposit, it is recommended to verify the values of break angle using the method described herein. The study may be applied as a relatively fast and effective method to evaluate future land use for planning.  相似文献   

Chemical analyses during a decade of bulk precipitation, throughfall, humus water and soil water in forest plots ranging from sand to silt of Pleistocene origin in Flanders (N-Belgium) prove that previous and present weathering is predominantly due to synthesis of HNO3 from soil organic matter. The HNO3 reacts with silicates and possibly PO4(3-) species, releasing Al, Fe, nutrient base cations and H2PO4-, and is transformed into NO3-. In all soils solubilized Al3+ is predominantly associated with NO3- and with some organic bases in the coarse-textured soils with undisturbed or previously plowed spodic B horizon. The amounts of ions leached, especially Al3+ and NO3-, are much higher in the sandy than in the silty soils as a result of a stronger neutralization of acidity in the silty soils. Nutrients, leached from the soil, have to be replenished in some way for a sustained forest growth. N- and S-species must come from the atmosphere. Basic cations and P-species have to be supplied out of the solid phase. The concentrations of NO3- in the soil water show that the liberation of these elements from the solid phase is performed by HNO3. Especially in the coarse-textured soils the need for NO3- is high. Therefore, instead of being a real hazard for the forest ecological system, supplementary addition of HNO3 or NH3 can be beneficial.  相似文献   

The concentration of mercury was determined in samples of the lichen Hypogymnia physodes, the moss Pleurozium schreberi, and the soil humus collected in Polish and Czech Euroregions Praded and Glacensis. The sampling sites were located in Bory Stobrawskie, Bory Niemodlińskie and Kotlina K?odzka in Poland, and in Jeseniki and Gory Orlickie in the Czech Republic. The mean concentrations of mercury accumulated in the lichen (0.129?mg?g(-1)), in the moss (0.094?mg?g(-1)) and in soil (0.286?mg?g(-1)) were fairly close to the corresponding concentrations in other low-industrialized regions. The highest concentrations of mercury were observed in the lichen and the moss samples from Kotlina K?odzka. The primary deposition of mercury was evaluated using the comparison factor, defined as the ratio of a difference between the concentrations of a bioavailable analyte in lichens and in mosses, to the arithmetic mean of these concentrations.  相似文献   

Ozone levels in the Jizerske hory Mts. measured at 13 sites by diffusive samplers during the 2006 and 2007 vegetation seasons are presented. A significant ozone gradient (5.4 ppb in 2006 and 4.0 ppb in 2007) per 100 m difference in altitude between 370 and 1,100 m a.s.l. was recorded. High-resolution maps of phytotoxic potential were developed. The AOT40 threshold (5 ppm h) was exceeded over the entire area with the highest levels exceeding this threshold by 12 times in the upper portions of the mountains. Ozone visible injury was evaluated at four of the monitoring sites on seven native plant and tree species. Four species showed ozone-like symptoms, two of which (Rubus idaeus and Fagus sylvatica) were confirmed as ozone-induced. Our results indicate that ambient ozone is likely to have a much lower impact on the Jizerske hory Mts. vegetation than expected, considering the measured ambient ozone exposures and favourable environmental conditions for ozone uptake.  相似文献   

To assess the long-term anthropogenic load of the Bílina River (Czech Republic), the concentrations of heavy metals and specific organic compounds in different river ecosystem matrices (water, biofilms, and sediments) were determined. Although the current concentrations of pollutants in surface water are low, frequently below the limits of the quantitative analytical methods used, the river ecosystem is still heavily loaded by anthropogenic pollution, mainly from the chemical and mining industries. This was demonstrated by analyzing biofilms and sediments. These matrices are more accurate representatives of the actual situation in the river and do not depend on hydrological conditions or random variability in water quality. The results indicate that the middle and the lower parts of the river are heavily polluted by mercury, arsenic, vanadium, polychlorinated biphenyls, hexachlorobenzene, and dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane. As a tributary of the Elbe River, the Bílina River represents a significant risk for the development of quality in this major European river.  相似文献   

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