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A new mandibular sensor is presented here based on the use of a Hall sensor, attached to one mandible, opposite a magnet, attached to the other mandible. Changes in sensor voltage, proportional to magnetic field strength, and thus inter-mandibular angle, are recorded in a logger. This system was tested on seven captive Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae) and three gentoo penguins (Pygoscelis papua) during: (1) feeding trials on land, where birds were given known quantities and types of food; and (2) trials in water where birds were allowed to swim and dive freely. In addition, six free-living Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) were equipped with the system for single foraging trips. Angular signatures were looked for in instances when both captive and free-living birds might open their beaks, and it was discovered that five major behaviours could be identified: ingestion, breathing, calling, head shaking and preening. Captive feeding trials showed that prey mass could be determined with reasonable accuracy (r2=0.92), and there was some indication that prey type could be resolved if recording frequency were high enough. Vocalisations in Adélie penguins (arc calls) took <0.7 s for mean maximum beak angles of 4.2° (SD 1.3), and were distinguished by their relatively gradual change in beak angle and by their high degree of symmetry. Beak shakings were distinguishable by their short duration (multiple peaks of <0.5 s) and minimal maximum angle (<0.5°). Preening behaviour was apparent due to multiple decreasing peaks (angles <8°). Breathing could be subdivided into that during porpoising, where a characteristic double peak in beak angle was recorded, and that during normal surface rests between dives. During porpoising, only the primary peak (mean maximum beak angle 25.1°, SD 4.7) occurred when the bird was out of the water (mean maximum for second peak 5.9°, SD 4.1). During normal surface rests in free-living birds, breaths could be distinguished as a series of beak openings and closures, showing variation in amplitude and frequency according to an apparent recovery from the previous dive and preparation for the subsequent dive to come. The mandibular measuring system presented shows considerable promise for elucidating many hitherto intractable aspects of the behaviour of free-living animals.  相似文献   

Applebaum  S. L.  Holt  G. J. 《Marine Biology》2003,142(6):1159-1167
Laboratory-reared red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus) larvae were used to evaluate the potential of chymotrypsin as an indicator of nutritional condition in marine fish larvae. The response of chymotrypsin activity to food deprivation and reductions in nutrient intake was determined. Enzyme activity declined rapidly to undetectable levels in food-deprived larvae 6–18 days old. Larvae fed poor-quality live prey (starved rotifers, Brachionus plicatilis) exhibited reductions in growth (18%) and enzyme activity (84%) relative to larvae fed high-quality prey (enriched rotifers). Potential sources of variation in chymotrypsin activity unrelated to nutritional status, including diel periodicity, and exogenous enzymes sources were examined. A diel pattern in chymotrypsin activity was detected with an 8.7-fold increase in activity occurring from low to high points during a 24-h period. Highest activity levels occurred late in the day (1600 hours) and lowest activity in the morning prior to feeding (0800 hours). The estimated contribution of exogenous enzymes from prey in the digestive tract to measurements of larval enzyme activity was small, reaching a maximum of 4.1% on day 18 in well-fed larvae. Results indicate that exogenous enzymes will not lead to the misclassification of larvae in poor condition. A relationship between chymotrypsin activity and standard length was established for well-fed and food-deprived larvae that could potentially be used to determine the nutritional condition of wild-caught larvae.  相似文献   

Stone provisioning is a nest-maintenance activity accomplished by pygoscelid penguins after reliefs during the incubation/brooding period. The functional significance of this behaviour has been mainly explained as a parental strategy preventing nest flooding under detrimental weather conditions. In addition, and in the light of recent studies, this behaviour could also fit into the sexual selection process. In this study, we tested the first idea, that is, whether stone provisioning is a nest-maintenance behaviour to increase egg/nestling survival by lowering the risk of nest flooding, and can thus be considered a form of parental care. Additionally, we investigated if the effort invested by parents in nest maintenance is constrained by physiologically limiting resources. The effort of stone collection and the perceived risk of nest flooding were experimentally manipulated during the incubation and early brooding phases in a chinstrap penguin, Pygoscelis antarctica, colony. Three groups of nests were established. After weighing, control nests were left unmanipulated. In a second group of nests (reduced group), only one-half of the initial weight of stones was returned to the nests. In a third group of nests (snow-added group), we both reduced nest weight by a half and added snow outside the nest bowl over 6 consecutive days. Ten days after manipulation, the difference in nest weight between initial and final conditions was significantly related to treatment: penguins increased stone provisioning in the reduced group (44% of half-reduced nests), but drastically more in the reduced and snow-added group (123% of half-reduced nests), while the weight of control nests was unchanged compared to premanipulation conditions. The intensity of stone provisioning was affected by nest date, peaking about hatching time and shortly after, and declining with advancing chick age. These results suggest that stone provisioning is a mechanism that has evolved to prevent egg or chick mortality by nest flooding. The haematocrit, but not leukocyte numbers as expressed by the buffy coat layer, varied with the experimental conditions. Penguins investing more time in nest maintenance had a lower haematocrit, suggesting a physiological trade-off probably mediated by competition between the time devoted to nest maintenance versus foraging activities. The amount of stones collected and the haematocrit were positively related to the number of neighbour nests, so those individuals surrounded by more nests seemed to obtain benefits in the availability of nest material and energy savings. This study indicates that stone-provisioning behaviour is a nest-maintenance activity evolved to improve thermal nest characteristics potentially increasing offspring survival, and competing in time and energy with other reproductive activities. Stone provisioning in penguins should therefore be regarded as a form of parental care and an important part of individual reproductive effort in species breeding in harsh environments. Furthermore, nest size and nest-maintenance effort should be considered reproductive traits indicative of parental quality and thus could also be involved in the post-mating sexual selection process.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the understanding of the evolution of alternative mating strategies by comparing morphological, ecological and ethological aspects of the reproductive systems of two closely related fish species studied near the marine biological station STARESO at Calvi, Corsica, between March 1982 and May 1985. The Mediterranean breeding areas of Tripterygion tripteronotus and T. delaisi partly overlap. The red territorial males of T. tripteronotus defend territories in the upper 6 m of the water column and the yellow territorial males of T. delaisi breed between a depth of 3 and 40 m. Small male T. tripteronotus possess relatively large gonads exhibit sneaking behaviour, while small male T. delaisi do not participate in mating. T. tripteronotus expends more effort in reproduction than T. delaisi. This is expressed in larger gonads, a higher density of and stronger competition for nest sites, and a longer breeding season and shorter spawning bouts with a higher fertilization rate in the former species. We hypothesize that the sneaking strategy of non-territorial male T. tripteronotus evolved in response to competition for nest sites in the shallow, upper water layers, which are limited in depth, but contain a good food supply. The depth restriction is imposed by the light-reflecting properties of the red territorial males. We suggest that the evolution of T. tripteronotus began with the appearance of a red morph of T. delaisi after the invasion of this latter species into the tideless Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   

B. J. Hill 《Marine Biology》1978,47(2):135-141
Ultrasonic transmitters were used to track the movements of the crab Scylla serrata (Forskal) over 24 h periods in the Kowie estuary, South Africa. Laboratory experiments using infra-red time-lapse photography to record activity indicated that the transmitters did not affect duration of emergence, amount of movement or feeding. In the estuary, S. serrata was active on average for 13 h. out of 24 h, most activity was at night. The distance moved per night by continuously tracked crabs averaged 461 m, but ranged between 219 and 910 m. Most movement was slow, modal speed was 10 to 19 m h-1. Slow movements were independent of direction of current and are assumed to be related to use of contact chemoreception for location of prey. About one-seventh of movements were faster than 70 m h-1; these were most frequently against the current and may be related to olfactory location of food. The crabs did not occupy a distinct territory, but tended to remain in the same general area although they were capable of moving at least 800 m along the length of the estuary at night.  相似文献   

Effect of different concentrations of CdSO4 (10(-4) M, 5 x 10(-4) M and 10(-3) M) on leaf area, stomatal frequency, stomatal index and pigment content in 6 days old mungbean seedlings was studied under laboratory conditions. Except at 10(-4) M CdSO4, leaf area decreased with an increase in the concentration of CdSO4. Stomatal frequency on the leaf surface increased at 5 x 10(-4) M and 10(-3) M CdSO4 in comparison to untreated control. However, reverse was the case for stomatal index. Chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b, total chlorophyll, and chlorophyll a/b ratio were increased at 10(-4) M CdSO4, and decreased thereafter with an increase in the concentration of Cd2+. Possible reasons for the stimulatory effect at low concentrations and inhibitory effect with higher concentrations are discussed.  相似文献   

The biology of a population of the cardinalfish Apogon rueppellii has been studied over several years (1977–1983) in the Swan Estuary in south-western Australia, using ramples collected monthly from the shallows by beach seine and from various depths by otter trawl. While the life cycle of this species typically lasts for one year, at the end of which time the mean length is 50 to 60 mm, some individuals survive for a further year and attain lengths up to 104 mm. A. rueppellii shows a marked tendency to move offshore into deeper water during the winter months. This tendency is more pronounced in the 1+ than in the 0+ year class and in larger than smaller 0+ individuals. An inshore movement of A. rueppellii in the spring is followed by spawning and by oral brooding by the males, which leads to the recruitment of large numbers of a new 0+ year class on to the banks during the summer. The offshore movement is correlated with changes in salinity and temperature. The larger catches taken by otter trawl during the day than at night indicate that A. rueppellii exhibits a diel pattern of activity. Mean fecundity ranged from 70 in the 45 to 49 mm size class to 345 in the 90 to 94 mm size class. Measurements of fecundity and the number of oral-brooded eggs demonstrated that the majority of the eggs released by the female are collected and incubated by the males. Copepods are ingested in relatively greater amounts by small than by large A. rueppellii, whereas the reverse situation occurs with larger crustaceans, polychaetes and small fish. The presence of greater amounts of copepods in the diet during the day and of amphipods at night probably reflects the diel activity patterns of the prey.  相似文献   

RNA-DNA ratio: an index of larval fish growth in the sea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data on water temperature, RNA-DNA ratio, and growth of eight species of temperate marine fish larvae reared in the laboratory were fit to the equation: $$G_{pi} = 0.93{\text{ }}\operatorname{T} + 4.75{\text{ RNA - DNA}} - 18.18$$ where Gpi is the protein growth rate in % d-1 and T is the water temperature. Water temperature and larval RNA-DNA ratio explained 92% of the variability in growth rate of laboratory-reared larvae. The model is useful over the entire range of feeding levels (starvation to excess), temperatures (2° to 20°C) and fish species studied. Estimates of recent growth of larval cod, haddock, and sand lance caught at sea based on water temperature and RNA-DNA ratio ranged from negative to 26% d-1. These data demonstrate the importance of food availability in larval fish mortality and suggest that short-term growth under favorable conditions may be considerably higher than expected from long-term indicators. RNA-DNA ratio analysis offers new possibilities for understanding larval growth and mortality, and their relation to environmental variability.  相似文献   

Samples collected in the Irminger Basin during the Marine Productivity Programme (2001–2004) were used to study Calanus finmarchicus vertical distribution and histological changes of its mid-gut epithelium in relation to overwintering strategy. Previous studies have shown that cell composition of the glandular part of the mid-gut, size and abundance of B cells responsible for digestive enzyme secretion and thickness of the epithelium could be good indicators of individual physiological state. We used C. finmarchicus abundance, vertical distribution, lipid sac volume and mid-gut epithelium histological composition of individuals collected in contrasting hydrographic areas of the Irminger Basin and sampled at different seasons to understand C. finmarchicus life cycle in the Irminger Basin. Lipid sac volumes were significantly different between the seasons but neither between the hydographic areas nor the various depths of the water column. B cells concentrations and thickness of the epithelium have allowed us to distinguish a non-diapausing surface population (350 m) in the East Greenland Current while individuals at depth (1,250 m) were overwintering. This result is correlated by a bimodal vertical distribution of the CV in this biozone. In the other hydrographic areas, all CV were dormant, although surface individuals were not analysed in the Southern Irminger Current.  相似文献   

We measured CO2 efflux from stems of seven subtropical tree species situated along an elevational gradient in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico and scaled these measurements up to the landscape level based on modeled and empirical relations. The most important determinants of ecosystem stem respiration were species composition and stem temperature. At a species scale, measured CO2 efflux per unit bole surface area at a given temperature was highest in the early successional species Cecropia schreberiana and lowest in species that inhabit high elevations such as Micropholis garciniifolia and Tabebuia rigida. Carbon dioxide efflux rates followed a diel pattern that lagged approximately 6 h behind changes in sapwood temperatures. At an ecosystem scale, our simulation model indicates a decreasing trend of stem respiration rates with increasing elevation due to shifts in species composition, lower temperatures and reductions in branch surface area. The highest estimated stem respiration rates were present in the lowland tabonuco forest type and the lowest rates were present in the elfin forest type (mean 7.4 and 2.1 Mg C ha−1 yr−1, respectively). There was slight temperature-induced seasonal variation in simulated stem respiration rates at low elevations, with a maximum difference of 19% between the months of February and July. Our results coincide well with those of Odum and Jordan [Odum, H.T., Jordan, C.F., 1970. Metabolism and evapotranspiration of the lower forest in a giant plastic cylinder. In: Odum, H.T., Pigeon, R.F. (Eds.), A Tropical Rain Forest: A Study of Irradiation and Ecology at El Verde, Puerto Rico. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Oak Ridge, TN, pp. I165–I189] for the tabonuco forest type and extend their work by presenting estimates and spatial patterns of woody tissue respiration for the entire mountain rather than for a single forested plot.  相似文献   

Penguins may exhibit plasticity in their diving and foraging behaviors in response to changes in prey availability. Chinstrap penguins are dependent predators of Antarctic krill in the Scotia Sea region, but krill populations have fluctuated in recent years. We examined the diet of chinstrap penguins at Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, in relation to their diving and foraging behavior using time-depth recorders over six breeding seasons: 2002–2007. When krill were smaller, more chinstrap penguins consumed fish. In these years, chinstrap penguins often exhibited a shift to deep dives after sundown, and then resumed a shallower pattern at sunrise. These night dives were unexpectedly deep (up to 110 m) and mean night dive depths sometimes exceeded those from the daytime. The average size of krill in each year was negatively correlated to mean night dive depths and the proportion of foraging trips taken overnight. Based on these patterns, we suggest that when krill were small, penguins increasingly targeted myctophid fish. The average krill size was negatively correlated to the time chinstrap penguins spent foraging which suggests that foraging on smaller krill and fish incurred a cost: more time was spent at sea foraging.  相似文献   

Chinstrap, Pygoscelis antarctica, and gentoo, P. papua, penguins are sympatric species that inhabit the Antarctic Peninsula. To evaluate differences in the foraging habitat of these two species, we recorded their foraging locations and diving behavior using recently developed GPS-depth data loggers. The study was conducted on King George Island, Antarctica during the chick-guarding period of both species, from December 2006 to January 2007. The area used for foraging, estimated as the 95% kernel density of dive (>5 m) locations, overlapped partially between the two species (26.4 and 68.5% of the area overlapped for chinstrap and gentoo penguins, respectively). However, the core foraging area, estimated as the 50% kernel density, was mostly separate (12.8 and 25.0% of the area overlapped for chinstrap and gentoo penguins, respectively). Chinstrap penguins tended to use off-shelf (water depth > 200 m) regions (77% of the locations for dives >5 m), whereas gentoo penguins mainly used on-shelf (water depth < 200 m) areas (71% of dive locations). The data on foraging locations, diving behavior, and bathymetry indicated that gentoo penguins often performed benthic dives (28% of dives >5 m), whereas chinstrap penguins almost always used the epipelagic/mid-water layer (96% of dives >5 m). Diving parameters such as diving bottom duration or diving efficiency differed between the species, reflecting differences in the use of foraging habitat. The diving parameters also suggested that the on-shelf benthic layer was profitable foraging habitat for gentoo penguins. Conversely, the relationship between trip duration, date, and stomach content mass suggested that the chinstrap penguins went further from the colony to forage as the season progressed, possibly reflecting a reduction in prey availability near the colony. Our results suggest that chinstrap and gentoo penguins segregated their foraging habitat in the Antarctic coastal marine environment, possibly due to inter- and intra-specific competition for common prey resources.  相似文献   

The distribution of various types of larval development among marine bottom invertebrates has been discussed on the basis of ecological evidence by Thorson (1936, 1946, 1950, 1952) and Mileikovsky (1961b, 1965). The information at hand is reviewed anew in this paper and is re-evaluated in the light of modern pertinent literature. The interrelationships between certain larval types and their distribution are not as rigid and direct as originally assumed. This can be proved even by the copy book example of the distribution of the various forms of development among species of the coastal gastropod genus Littorina. Especially among species with wide distributional areas, local populations may exhibit greater diversity in larval types than has previously been thought. Different types of larval development have now become known to exist in different populations of opisthobranch gastropods and lamellibranchs, i.e., in invertebrate groups in which such variability had been ruled out by Thorson. Variability in the type of larval development within given species — as a function of geographical, seasonal and other environmental parameters —is also more common in other marine bottom invertebrates than formerly considered. Marine bottom invertebrates are characterized not only by the 3 main different types of larval development proposed by Thorson (pelagic, direct, viviparous), but also by a fourth type: demersal (free non-pelagic) development. This fourth type occurs at all water depths and in all geographic zones of the oceans. The most important of the 4 types is pelagic (planktotrophic) development. Thorson's rule (decrease in numbers of species possessing pelagic development from the Equator towards the Poles, and from shallow-shelf waters to greater oceanic depths) is well substantiated by new data. However, one correction is necessary: pelagic development is not completely absent in the abyssal zone, as was proposed by Thorson (1950, and later), but is represented in it by at least several species belonging to various groups of invertebrates, and is also fairly common in the bathyal zone. A detailed analysis of the distributional pattern of the different types of development of marine bottom invertebrates must further take into consideration asexual reproduction with all its different modifications. Asexual reproduction in benthonic invertebrates is ecologically significant because of its common occurrence in nature; in numerous species it is also important as a biological supplement to sexual reproduction. The vast majority of species inhabiting the shallow-shelf zone and, partly, the higher levels of the slope zone of ocean areas located roughly between the polar circles, reveals development by means of planktotrophic larval stages. In the highest latitudes and on the slopes to abyssal depths—characterized by low water temperatures, scarcity of food, increasing hydrostatic pressure and other environmental peculiarities—other types of larval development prevail and, progressively, replace pelagic development with increasing latitude or depth. The distributional patterns of the various types of development among marine bottom invertebrates form one of the most important factors determining the basic distributional dynamics of the whole benthos in all oceans, both in the geological past and at the present time.Dedicated to the memory of Professor G. Thorson —founder of modern reproductive and larval ecology of marine bottom invertebrates.  相似文献   

Grain-size composition of the sea-bed and density of eggs of Labidocera aestiva in bottom sediments in Buzzards Bay were determined at approximately monthly intervals from March 1983 through April 1984. The results of this study, together with those of Marcus (1984), show that during the fall and winter periods of 1982–1984 the proportion of eggs of L. aestiva occurring in the surficial sea-bottom sediments declined and the proportion of eggs in the deeper sediment layers increased. High positive correlations (r 2=0.72 and 0.92) were observed during the early fall 1983 between egg abundance and the proportion of the total sediments represented by the mud fraction. During late fall, winter, and early spring 1983–1984, the coefficients of determination were much lower. Physical criteria (e.g. sedimentation and transport characteristics) can be used to accurately predict the distribution and abundance of recently spawned eggs on the sea-bottom.  相似文献   

The effects of swimming frequency and water temperature on shell growth, tissue mass, and stored energy reserves of juvenile sea scallops, Placopecten magellanicus Gmelin, were examined in a factorial laboratory experiment spanning six weeks in July and August 1992. Individually tagged scallops of similar initial size (22.5±0.1 mm shell height, n=240) were induced to swim to exhaustion at three different swimming frequencies (every day, twice a week, or not at all) in two different water temperature regimes (4 to 7 or 7 to 13°C). The scallops were fed an ad libitum mixture of cultured microalgae. At the end of the experiment, cumulative increase in shell height, dry weight of soft tissues, condition index of dry adductor muscle (adductor muscle dry weight/soft tissue dry weight x 100) and total carbohydrate content of dry adductor muscle were measured for each scallop. Scallops at the higher temperature had significantly greater shell heights, and were in better metabolic condition as evidenced by significantly higher condition indices and muscle carbohydrate contents. The dry soft tissue weights did not differ significantly from their low temperature counterparts. Swimming frequency had no significant effect on shell height, dry tissue weight, or carbohydrate content, but condition index of the adductor muscle increased significantly with swimming frequency. These results show that not only was there no cumulative cost of swimming in terms of shell growth, total soft tissue weight, or carbohydrate content in young scallops, but that condition of adductor muscle tissue was higher in scallops that swam.  相似文献   

Hilbish  T. J. 《Marine Biology》1985,85(2):163-169
Feeding rates, patterns of prey selection, and starvation tolerance were investigated for adult males and females of the cyclopoid copepod Corycaeus anglicus collected from the waters of Friday Harbor, Washington, USA. Selection by C. anglicus was determined largely by prey body-size, but was also affected by species and developmental stage. Small developmental stages of all prey species were fed upon at relatively low rates. The small calanoid species Acartia clausii was increasingly vulnerable to predation by C. anglicus as it progressed through successive developmental stages. Larger prey species, Pseudocalanus sp. and Calanus pacificus, were more vulnerable in intermediate stages, the C3 and N6 stages, respectively. Larger and smaller prey were characteristically attacked at different sites on their bodies; however, attack sites fell within a similar range of body widths, 130 to 170 m. Males of Corycaeus anglicus killed a maximum of 1.4 prey d-1 when feeding on the optimally-sized adult females of Acartia clausii, which are approximately equivalent to its own body length. Males fed at approximately double the rates of females. Despite its small size and apparent lack of metabolic stores, this cyclopoid is highly tolerant of starvation conditions. Median survival time without food is at least 2 wk for both males and females. In its predatory behavior, C. anglicus employs an ambush-type strategy and seems to be adapted for infrequent encounters with relatively large prey.Contribution No. 1412 from the School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle  相似文献   

K. Ishikawa 《Marine Biology》1989,102(2):265-273
An investigation was conducted to examine the species composition, abundance and biomass of benthic macrofaunal invertebrates in Oppa Bay, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, in August 1984. Among 212 species identified, nearly half (105) were Polychaetes. Usually five species, Ampharete sp. 1, Neosabellides sp. 1, Nephtys polybranchia, Chaetozone sp. 1, and Lumbrineris longifolia were numerically dominant. The faunal features of dominant species were clearly divided into two areas using two indicator species, Amphalete sp. 1 and Neosabellides sp. 1. The former species decreased in numbers in the area from the river to the bay mouth, while the latter increased. Sediments consisted of sand at the river mouth and in the northern bay; and of silt-clay in the central bay, bay mouth and southern part of the bay. Gradients of species diversity (H) were expressed as a function of distance by linear regression. The relationship was positive (r=0.812) from the river to the bay mouth accompanied by increasing depth; and negative (r=-0.906) from northern to southern parts of the bay in proportion to the increase of silt-clay in sediments.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - Sediment can accumulate trace elements in the environment. This study profiled the magnitude of As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn pollution in...  相似文献   

During the first 3 week mission of the Underwater Laboratory (UWL) Helgoland, July 28 to August 19, 1969, near Helgoland, North Sea, in situ studies were conducted on the bottom water and sediment microflora. The number and species composition of bacteria of the bottom water and sediments was influenced by (a) microtopographical conditions; (b) local changes in tidal currents; (c) artificially introduced changes of the bottom environment. During the UWL experiments comparisons were made of samples taken by conventional methods from R.V. Friedrich Heincke and hand samples taken by aquanauts. The process of hauling aboard to Van-Veen grabs and box samplers invariably changes the structure of the uppermost millimeters of certain sediments. These changes manifest themselves in reduction of bacteria numbers as well as in values obtained for water content and organic matter. Obviously, in ship collections, the uppermost layer of the sediment samples loses bacteria, water and organic matter to the supernatant water and to the lower parts of the sample due to water movement and to consolidation affected by sampling processes. Changes in sediment structure and composition do not cause immediately recordable variations in total numbers of bacteria; however, they are followed by changes in relative abundance of specific groups of bacteria (e.g. sulfate reducers). These facts suggest that sediment transport does not mechanically damage the microflora, but that resulting changes in sediment structure and grain-size distribution are followed by a more or less fast redistribution of the microflora.  相似文献   

In July 1985, very fine burrows extending at least to a sediment depth of 50 cm were found in sediments of the Vöring-Plateau, Norwegian continental slope, at depths of 1 261 to 1 969 m. Such burrows have been described from other areas of the oceans, but until now the producers have been unknown. In the box-cores from Vöring-Plateau sipunculans of the genus Golfingia, subgenus Nephasoma, were identified as inhabitants and producers of these Lebensspuren, which correspond with the fossil ichnogenus Trichichnus.  相似文献   

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