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为加强长江源区水生态研究,于2017年丰水期调查了长江源区5个湖泊、5条河流的水质和鱼类资源状况,并研究了其空间格局.水质综合指数(WQI)计算结果显示,长江源区WQI范围为41~87,评价等级介于差到良好之间,大部分采样点的水质评价等级为一般,其中,班德湖的水质评价等级为良好.主成分分析结果显示,长江源区河流、淡水湖...  相似文献   

长江源区位于青藏高原腹地,对气候变化敏感,存在河流径流增加、湖泊扩张淡化的趋势,研究该区域的水生生物有助于理解气候变化对该区域生态系统的影响。该研究于2017年夏季对长江西源沱沱河、南源当曲以及周围5个典型湖泊(班德湖、雅西措、玛章错钦、格勒措、昂错钦)的底栖动物群落开展调查。湖泊水体盐度为0.96‰~14.72‰,pH为8.89~9.63。结果表明,共采集到大型底栖动物25种,隶属于5纲7目10科。河流的底栖动物平均密度和生物量分别为36个/m2和0.22 g/m2,优势种为恩非摇蚊属;湖泊的底栖动物平均密度和生物量分别为674个/m2和5.35 g/m2,优势种为直突摇蚊属,83.33%的物种为单一湖泊特有。蒙特卡罗置换检验结果表明,影响底栖动物群落的水体环境变量主要包括碱度、总悬浮性固体、浊度、pH、总溶解性固体、盐度和叶绿素a。典范对应分析排序图显示,在长江源区的湖泊水体中,底栖动物较多分布在酸碱度相对低、清澈程度高、盐度低、叶绿素高的环境中。在未来的气候变化背景下,河流径流增加可能导致水体...  相似文献   

根据全国230个入海河流断面2020—2022年总氮质量浓度监测数据,基于时间序列统计方法和空间聚类方法,分析了总氮浓度的时空分布特征。结果显示:2020—2022年全国入海河流总氮年均质量浓度逐年上升,从(3.24±2.20)mg/L上升到(3.92±3.30)mg/L;年内总氮浓度呈现冬高夏低、春秋居中的V形季节变化规律。空间聚类分析表明:总氮质量浓度从北到南可分为4个有较明显差异的区域,分别为北方高值区(包括辽东丘陵西部、辽西丘陵、山东丘陵),北方次高值区(包括环渤海京津冀地区、苏北平原),华东区(包括长江中下游平原区、上海市、浙江省、福建省),华南区(包括广东省、广西壮族自治区、海南省)。总氮年均质量浓度分布为北方高值区>北方次高值区>华东区>华南区。北方高值区的过高总氮浓度对全国总氮浓度均值提供了超比例的贡献。同时,北方高值区和北方次高值区贡献了2020—2023年全国总氮浓度92%的增幅。此外,从空间分布上看,越往北,总氮浓度的V形季节变化规律越明显。  相似文献   

Land cover changes affect ecological landscape spatial pattern, and evolving landscape patterns inevitably cause an evolution in ecosystem functionality. Various ecological landscape variables, such as biological productivity (plant biomass and stock capacity), soil nutrients (organic matter and N content) and water source conservation capacity are identified as landscape function characteristics. A quantitative method and digital model for analyzing evolving landscape functionality in the headwaters areas of the Yangtze River, China were devised. In the period 1986–2000, patch transitions of the region's evolving landscapes have been predominantly characterized by alpine cold swamp meadow, with the highest coverage tending to be steppified meadow or steppe, and desertification landscape such as sand and bare rock land expansion. As the result of such changes, alpine swamp areas decreased by 3.08 × 103 km2 and the alpine cold sparse steppe and bare rock and soil land increased by 6.48 × 103 km2 and 5.82 × 103 km2, respectively. Consequently, the grass biomass production decreased by 2627.15 Gg, of which alpine cold swamp meadows accounted for 55.9% of this loss. The overall stock capacity of the headwaters area of the Yangtze River decreased by 920.64 thousand sheep units, of which 502.02 thousand sheep units decreased in ACS (Alpine cold swamp) meadow transition. Soil organic matter and N contents decreased significantly in most alpine cold meadow and swamp meadow landscape patches. From 1986 to 2000 the total losses of soil organic matter and total N in the entire headwaters region amounted to 150.2 Gkg and 7.67 Gkg. Meanwhile, the landscape soil water capacity declined by 935.9 Mm3, of which 83.9% occurred in the ACS meadow transition. In the headwater area of the Yangtze River, the complex transition of landscape resulted in sharp eco-environmental deterioration. The main indication for these changes involved the intensity of the climate in this region is becoming drier and warmer, resulting in a gradual degradation of the permafrost.  相似文献   

The Yellow River is the second longest river in China and the cradle of the Chinese civilization. The source region of the Yellow River is the most important water holding area for the Yellow River, about 49.2% of the whole runoff comes from this region. However, for the special location, it is a region with most fragile eco-environment in China as well. Eco-environmental degradation in the source region of the Yellow River has been a very serious ecological and socially economic problem. According to census data, historical documents and climatic information, during the last half century, especially the last 30 years, great changes have taken place in the eco-environment of this region. Such changes are mainly manifested in the temporal-spatial changes of water environment, deglaciation, permafrost reduction, vegetation degeneracy and desertification extent, which led to land capacity decreasing and river disconnecting. At present, desertification of the region is showing an accelerating tendency. This paper analyzes the present status of eco-environment degradation in this region supported by GIS and RS, as well as field investigation and indoor analysis, based on knowledge, multi-source data is gathered and the classification is worked out, deals with their natural and anthropogenic causes, and points out that in the last half century the desertification and environmental degradation of this region are mainly attributed to human activities under the background of regional climate changes. To halt further degradation of the environment of this region, great efforts should be made to use land resources rationally, develop advantages animal agriculture and protect the natural grassland.  相似文献   

为了明确三江源智慧生态畜牧业示范区内土壤重金属元素含量特征及潜在风险,2015年7月在三江源智慧生态畜牧业示范区11个示范村镇进行土壤样品采集,带回实验室分析Pb、Cd、Hg、Cr、Cu、Zn、Ni含量。对数据进行统计分析并采用内梅罗综合污染指数和生态危害指数进行风险等级评价。结果显示:部分采样点重金属元素含量高于青海省背景值;Pb、Cr、Cu、Zn、Ni主要受土壤母质的影响,Cd受自然和人为因素的双重影响,Hg主要受人为因素影响;内梅罗综合污染指数显示11个点位的指数都小于1,该地未出现污染状况;生态危害指数显示除GMY点位处于轻微风险等级,其余采样点为中等风险等级。总体上示范区内土壤未出现强污染和面源污染状况,但需要加强点源污染的风险防范。  相似文献   

菏泽市地处鲁西南高氟地区,其河流中的高浓度氟化物不仅会通过径流过程影响南四湖水质,还会影响当地水生态平衡及人体健康。通过分析菏泽市主要河流中氟化物的时空分布特征,并结合地下水、土壤及废污水调查结果,探讨了影响河流中氟化物分布的主要因素。结果表明:研究区河流中氟化物的平均浓度在0.98~1.45 mg/L之间,氟化物浓度分布呈现出枯水期>平水期>丰水期、下游>上游、支流>干流的特征。氟化物浓度较高的河流呈现高pH、低钙的特点,水化学组分以Na-HCO3型、Na-SO4型为主。河流中氟化物的浓度主要受蒸发浓缩和岩石风化作用的影响。研究区地下水和土壤中氟化物的背景浓度整体较高。枯水期高氟地下水可能通过直接补给河流对河流水体产生影响,丰水期土壤中的氟也会通过径流过程汇入河流。人类工农业生产过程大量开采利用当地高氟地下水,而高氟废水最终则会进入河流,导致河流中氟化物的含量升高。  相似文献   

Land use change is an important topic in the field of global environmental change and sustainable development. Land use change modeling has attracted substantial attention because it helps researchers understand the mechanisms of land use change and assists regulatory bodies in formulating relevant policies. Maotiao River Basin is located in the province of Guizhou, China, which has a developed agricultural industry in the karst mountain areas. This paper selected biophysical and social–economic factors as independent variables, and constructed a multiple logistic regression of farmland spatial distribution probability by random sampling. Then, by using GIS technology and integrating the 2000 data, this study predicted the farmland spatial pattern. When the predicted map was compared with the actual farmland map for 2000, we noted that 71% of the simulation is in accordance with the 2000 farmland pattern. The result satisfactorily proves the reasonability and applicability of our model.  相似文献   

Samples of water, sediment and suspended particulates were collected from 13 sites in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in China. Phthalic acid esters (PAEs) concentrations in different phases of each sample were determined by Gas Chromatogram GC-FID. The results are shown as follows: (1) In the Xiao Langdi–Dongming Bridge section, PAEs concentrations in water phase from the main river ranged from 3.99 × 10−3 to 45.45 × 10−3 mg/L, which were similar to those from other rivers in the world. The PAEs levels in the tributaries of the Yellow River were much higher than those of the main river. (2) In the studied branches, the concentration of PAEs in sediment for Luoyang Petrochemical Channel (331.70 mg/Kg) was the highest. The concentrations of PAEs in sediment phase of the main river were 30.52 to 85.16 mg/Kg, which were much higher than those from other rivers in the world. In the main river, the concentration level of PAEs on suspended solid phases reached 94.22 mg/Kg, and it reached 691.23 mg/Kg in the Yiluo River – one tributary of the Yellow River. (3) Whether in the sediment or on the suspended solid phases, there was no significant correlation between the contents of PAEs and TOC or particle size of the solid phase; and the calculated Koc of Di (2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate (DEHP) in the river were much less than the theoretical value, which inferred that PAEs were not on the equilibrium between water and suspended solid phases/sediment. (4) Among the measured PAEs compounds, the proportions of DEHP and di-n-butyl phthalate (DBP) were much higher than the others. The concentrations of DEHP exceeded the Quality Standard in all the main river and tributary stations except those in the Mengjin and Jiaogong Bridge of the main river. This indicates that more attention should be paid to pollution control and further assessment in understanding risks associated with human health.  相似文献   

系统研究了黄河、海河和辽河中3种常用除草剂 MCPA、2,4-D 和 Bentazone 的分布特征及其来源。结果表明,3种除草剂除 Bentazone在黄河水体中未检出外,其余均有检出。季节和空间分析表明,大部分目标物丰水期质量浓度高于枯水期,可能与夏季农作物除草剂使用量较大有关;从上游到下游化合物质量浓度逐渐升高,可能是河岸面源污染引起。水生态风险初步分析显示,3种除草剂对研究水体中的水生生物均为低风险。  相似文献   

The residues of 13 organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) in surface water and HCHs and DDTs in suspended particulate matter (SPM) from rivers and lakes in Yangtze River catchment of Wuhan, China, were investigated. The concentration of total OCPs in surface water varied from 1.01 to 46.49 ng l−1 (mean 10.55 ng l−1). The levels of total HCHs (ΣHCH) and total DDTs (ΣDDT) in surface water were in the range of 0.55–28.07 ng l−1 and lower than detection limit to 16.71 ng l−1, respectively, which was lower than Chinese standards on the whole. For OCPs residues in SPM, the mean levels varying from 0.20 to 34.72 ng l−1 and 0.46 to 2.72 ng l−1 for ΣHCH and ΣDDT, respectively, which ranked the relatively higher levels among Chinese studied rivers. Results from this investigation showed that previous excessive usage of technical OCPs was the main reason for the residues of HCHs and DDTs both in surface water and SPM, although some new sources were likely to occurred in the region. Apart from the OCPs in SPM originated from upstream in flood season, one of the important sources of OCP residues both in water and SPM in Yangtze River was supposed to be the inputs of its tributaries. Additionally, in situ water-SPM phase distributions of OCPs indicated that HCHs tended totransport with water as well as DDTs was prone to combine with SPM in Yangtze River catchment of Wuhan.  相似文献   

第二松花江面源污染时空分布规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
第二松花江流域作为松花江干流的主要产水区,其污染年负荷关乎下游水质的安全。面源污染是第二松花江的重要污染来源,采用输出系数法估算面源污染年负荷量,通过流域土地利用类型、社会经济信息等因素,利用有资料年的统计数据,进行面源污染年负荷量在时间、空间上的展布,探寻第二松花江流域面源污染年负荷量的空间分布规律,为水环境管理部门提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are important organic contaminants with great significance for China, where coal burning is the main source of energy. In this study, concentrations, distribution between different phases, possible sources and eco-toxicological effect of PAHs of the Yangtze River were assessed. PAHs in water, suspended particulate matters (SPM) and sediment samples at seven main river sites, 23 tributary and lake sites of the Yangtze River at the Wuhan section were analyzed. The total concentrations of PAHs in the studied area ranged from 0.242 to 6.235 μg/l in waters and from 31 to 4,812 μg/kg in sediment. The average concentration of PAHs in SPM was 4,677 μg/kg, higher than that in sediment. Benzo(a)pyrene was detected only at two stations, but the concentrations were above drinking water standard. The PAHs level of the Yangtze River was similar to that of some other rivers in China but higher than some rivers in foreign countries. There existed a positive relationship between PAHs concentrations and the TOC contents in sediment. The ratio of specific PAHs indicated that PAHs mainly came from combustion process, such as coal and wood burning. PAHs may cause potential toxic effect but will not cause acute biological effects in sedimentary environment of the Wuhan section of the Yangtze River.  相似文献   

黄河中上游能源化工区大气污染跨界环境影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对黄河中上游能源化工区近地面和边界层顶气象流场及该区域大气污染长距离输送产生的跨界环境影响趋势特征进行了分析。结果表明,该区域近地面和边界层顶的流场总体上为西北向东南流动,大气污染物长距离输送可能影响的区域主要为华中地区;区域冷空气的活动对其大气污染物的清除起重要作用;通过CALPUFF模型的模拟结果表明,该区域SO2的影响程度和范围明显大于NO2,在区域内部存在污染物浓度较高的区域,但未对区外造成显著跨界环境影响。  相似文献   

东北地区大气BTEX的时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在东北地区7个典型城市中25个监测点进行了观测,时间分别为2008年4月、7月、10月和2009年1月,使用吸附剂采样管采集并通过热脱附-气相色谱-质谱联用技术分析了苯系物样品,系统研究了东北地区大气苯系物的时空分布特征。研究结果表明,苯和甲苯年均浓度值最高,分别为(4.19±2.31)μg/m3和(3.22±1.14)μg/m3,共占苯系物浓度近70%;各功能区按苯系物浓度大小顺序排列为混合区工业区交通区居民区文教区对照区;受排放源和气象条件的影响,采暖期苯系物浓度高于非采暖期苯系物浓度;风向频率影响苯系物浓度分布,沿下风向浓度逐渐降低;苯/甲苯比值分析表明,东北地区苯系物的主要来源是煤燃烧。  相似文献   

Using the Yellow River, China, the study explores the problem of the use of COD and BOD5 as water quality management parameters in the presence of very high levels of suspended sediment (TSS) that characterize this river. Although the amount of natural organic matter per unit of suspended sediment of the Yellow River is not high, the very high concentration of mineral sediment in the Yellow River results in a large concentration of organic matter, which artificially inflates the laboratory values of COD and, as a consequent, leads to greatly exaggerated reports of pollution of the Yellow River. BOD5 can more accurately reflect the pollution of the Yellow River than COD; however, measured values of BOD under-report the actual values due to settling of the sediment in the incubation chamber resulting in values that are 21.6--38.3% less than the actual values. Therefore corrections are required for laboratory COD and BOD values so that the values are not artifacts of the sediment regime. Our work provides new insight into this phenomenon and demonstrates how correction factors may be determined and used with pollution data. Our work also suggests that the actual pollution levels of the Yellow River are probably not as high as reported by monitoring agencies.  相似文献   

2015—2020年,全国重污染发生天数、比例及城市数量整体呈逐年下降趋势。与2015年相比,2020年全国337个地级及以上城市重污染天数减少1 847 d,降幅达55.2%;重污染天数比例下降1.6个百分点;发生过重污染天气的城市数量减少60个。其中,全国细颗粒物重污染天数整体呈下降趋势,沙尘重污染天数随气象条件的差异波动变化,臭氧重污染天数呈波动上升趋势。"十四五"期间,消除重污染天气的主要对象仍是细颗粒物重污染。应将天山北坡城市群、"2+26"城市、汾渭平原及苏皖鲁豫交界地区作为"十四五"期间污染减排的重点关注区域。此外,需遏制"2+26"城市臭氧重污染上升势头。  相似文献   

香溪河库湾氮的时空分布及影响因子分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究解决香溪河库湾水体富营养化问题,需探明库湾水体氮的时空分布及影响因子。2010年12月—2011年11月对香溪河与水库干流交界处至香溪河库湾尾部共12个采样点进行连续监测,分析香溪河库湾氮的时空分布,结果表明,香溪河库湾氮存在明显的时空分布规律。空间上,回水末端处TN和NO3--N浓度低,河口处浓度高,随着与回水末端距离的增加,浓度逐渐升高。在时间上,香溪河库湾TN和NO3--N浓度的变异系数随着与河口距离的增加总体上逐渐增大,研究时间内的变化程度逐渐变大;且香溪河库湾TN和NO3--N浓度在三峡水库不同运行阶段的时间变化规律不同。  相似文献   

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