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The discovery and use of fossil fuels have not only helped the evolution of human society from agricultural civilization to industrial civilization,but also caused serious environmental and climate problems.The earth is calling for a sustainable future,and a change from industrial civilization to ecological civilization based on the new"energy revolution".A macroscopic quantitative analysis of China’s environmental capacity and climate capacity shows that China is in urgent need of changing the extensive developing mode and having an energy revolution.It is foreseeable that fossil fuels will remain the most consumed source of energies in China now and in the next few decades.Although the efficient and clean use of fossil fuels are very important,this is not an energy revolution or the fundamental solution to environmental and climate problems.Unconventional gases including shale gas play an important role in the mitigation of environmental problems and climate change,but"shale gas revolution"or"shale gas era"is not suitable to China since the proportion of natural gas in primary energy structure in China can only be increased by a maximum of 20%.The transition of Chinese energy structure from fossil-fuels-dominating stage to multiple-energy-sources stage and then to a nonfossil-fuels-dominating stage is the inevitable future,with the help of great contribution from renewable energy and nuclear energy.Among renewable energies,the proportion of non-hydro renewable energies will gradually increase.Improvement of their market competitiveness(economic efficiency)relies on technological innovation.Renewable energies will be the main energy source for the earth in future.Despite the impact of the Fukushima nuclear disaster,the whole world,including China,will not give up nuclear energy development.Safe,steady,and large-scale development of nuclear power is a rational choice of China.Transition from nuclear fission power plant to nuclear fusion power plant is the inevitable future.Nuclear energy will be a sustainable energy source and another main energy source of the earth in future.China needs to enhance energy security consciousness,promote energy saving,and change the energy supply-demand patterns,that is the transition from"meet a too-fast-growing demand with an extensive supply"to"meet a reasonable demand with a rational supply".All countries need to work together to address global environmental problems and climate change.Energy revolution is the foundation for a sustainable future.With a wide range of international cooperation,the win-win cooperation is the only way of overcoming these challenges.  相似文献   

工业是发展循环经济的关键领域,工业节能则是衡量循环经济发展水平的重要指标。不同的工业行业的能耗效率是不一样的,优化工业结构即增加能耗效率高的行业的比重而降低能耗效率低的行业的比重会产生一定的节能效果;提高工业行业的能耗效率能够产生明显的节能效果,而科技进步则是提高能耗效率的主要途径。循环经济的外部性原理说明,具有正外部性的经济活动因为私人收益小于社会收益,经济活动主体缺乏投资热情,这类经济活动会存在发展动力不足的现象。工业节能如果是存在正外部性的经济活动,则也会存在发展动力不足现象。工业节能的正外部性会表现在工业节能和工业的利润总额之间的关系上,即工业节能并不能促进工业利润总额的增长,两者甚至会有负相关关系。在上述论断的基础上,本研究分析中国工业结构变动的节能效果以及工业节能和工业利润总额的关系。方便起见,将工业节能的途径区分为结构调整节能和循环经济节能两类,分别探讨两类途径对中国工业节能的作用。依据循环经济与科技变革之间的关系,将工业行业分为A类循环经济行业和B类循环经济行业,并推断A类行业的节能量同利润总额存在相互促进的关系,B类则呈负相关,进而运用面板数据分析技术验证上述论断。如果工业节能具有正外部性,则B类循环经济行业应该明显多于A类。研究结果表明:从2006年至2013年,中国工业结构调整的节能效果非常微弱,中国工业节能主要是通过发展循环经济而取得的;循环经济具有正外部性,大多数行业的节能量与利润总额呈负相关关系;A类和B类工业行业循环经济发展水平和发展动力存在明显差异;科技进步在循环经济发展过程中发挥着决定性的作用。本研究建议,政府在推进工业节能工作的时候,应实施有差别的产业政策,相比于A类循环经济行业,对B类循环经济行业应给予更多政策优惠;提供循环经济补助资金和发展循环经济公共技术是提高工业节能效果的两大重要政策工具。  相似文献   

中华文明的生态复兴:兼论生态文明思想的科学基础   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
生态文明思想不仅为了应对目前随工业文明发展而出现的种种不和谐、不可持续现象的挑战,而且要以一种崭新的文明思想和形态实现中华文明在新时代的升华.从而为中华民族的全面复兴奠定文化和思想基础.仅凭经济的发展不可能实现民族的复兴,中华民族的兴盛有赖于中华文明的复兴.文明的升华和进步不仅是经济社会发展的结果,更是其发展的前提.西方的兴盛不仅在于工业化大生产及相应的设备和科技的全球普及.更在于与工业文明相一致的西方思想和文化的全球影响.在这个意义上,西方的兴盛更准确地说是起始乎工业革命之前的文艺复兴.建立在生态科学基础上的生态文明思想与中华文明有诸多相似之处.在全球经济整合、生物圈遭到严重威胁的今天,中华文明可望以生态文明的形态得以升华和复兴,并从根本上为人类文明的发展做出更大贡献.  相似文献   

为研究可持续能源系统转型路径,以转型理论为概念框架,从宏观、中观和微观多层次对能源系统进行分析,建立了基于代理的系统动力学转型模型。模型选取当前能源消费结构中占较大比重的煤炭、石油、天然气、风能、水电、光伏和核能作为复杂代理,选取消费者作为简单代理,根据中国能源数据对其进行参数化,并模拟运行了能源系统从2016—2050年间各种类型能源消费比重变动的情形。研究结果显示:①外部景观信号的输入对于能源系统的可持续转型有着至关重要的作用。随着景观信号的输入,各类能源的相对比重发生复杂的相互作用,景观信号持续时间越长、强度越大,向可持续能源系统转型的速度越快、规模越大。②到2050年,可持续能源将占一次能源消费比重的60%左右,实现能源系统的可持续转型,其中,水电将在能源系统的可持续化转型中发挥重要的作用。③2030年以前,石油和天然气将是能源系统中煤炭消费比重下降的主要替代品,因为它们的应用技术已经发展成熟,而且它们更适应当前的基础设施,从短期来看相比可持续能源石油和天然气更有优势,在这种情形下,仍然需要继续支持可持续能源的发展,否则能源系统的可持续转型将不会发生。该研究主要探索通过当前能源系统的景观压力强度以及转型的进度,来量化未来需要输入的景观压力强度;通过模拟转型发生的具体情景,对转型的进展进行更清楚的界定,借此来评估二氧化碳的排放路径;模拟模型也可以评估各类能源在不同时间点上的各种可能性,以及探索各类可持续能源的发展潜力。  相似文献   

可持续发展是人类的共同发展战略。资源型区域常常会面临资源枯竭、自然生态环境恶化等"资源诅咒"问题,其可持续发展潜力受到严峻挑战,及时了解资源型区域的可持续发展能力水平对促进其走向可持续具有重要意义。本研究首先通过理论推演分析,对资源型区域可持续发展能力的内涵与外延进行了界定,提出创新支持能力与转型支持能力是该类型区域实现可持续发展的重要子能力,并从生存支持能力、经济支持能力、环境支持能力、社会支持能力、创新支持能力、转型支持能力六个子能力系统方面构建了资源型区域可持续发展能力综合评价指标体系;其次,采用全排列多边形综合图示法以及距离协调度测算法,以典型资源型省域山西省为实证分析对象,对山西"资源型经济转型国家综合配套改革试验区"设立前后各两个时点的可持续发展能力等级及其协调度变化情况进行了测度比较。结果表明:2010年"综改区"设立后,山西省可持续发展综合能力有了较大的提升,由2007年的IV级弱持续发展水平提升到了2014年的Ⅱ级中可持续发展水平。但环境支持能力与转型支持能力两个子能力系统仍处在较低水平。同时,可持续发展能力系统内六大子能力系统的协调度有了较大改善,但仍存在环境支持能力与其他各子能力系统极度不协调的现象。实证结果对山西提升可持续发展能力具有重要理论指导意义,也反映了构建的指标体系具有较好的适用性。  相似文献   

基于生态足迹模型中国可持续发展动态分析   总被引:30,自引:0,他引:30  
在介绍生态足迹模型的基本概念、计算方法和研究进展的基础上。对中国历年的生态足迹进行了实证研究。结果表明:从1981-2001年,中国人均生态承载力比较稳定。人均生态足迹从1981年到1996年逐步上升,1997年开始小幅度下降。本文对中国生态足迹时间序列的研究分析表明若要改变长期的不可持续发展状态,就要降低人口数量。改变资源消费模式和消费结构。  相似文献   

Developing a curriculum for sustainable development for engineers, even on a small scale, is a complex task. The University of Manchester has been undertaking a pilot project for an experiential, student-centred approach across engineering and science disciplines, described elsewhere. But that pilot also provided a springboard for the study described in this article. Group techniques for resolving complex issues have been around for half a century but mostly applied to questions of forecasting. Of these, the Delphi technique seemed to best fit the curriculum issues that we wished to explore. This article sets out some of the background to the choice of the Delphi approach, the questions that we sought to answer, the responses that we obtained and some discussion of the appropriateness of the approach to other issues of sustainable development and curriculum design.  相似文献   

It is considered that use of hydrogen as an energy source may contribute to environmental improvement and provide an alternative energy system. Moreover, it is anticipated that hydrogen will be in great demand in the near future for use in such vehicles as fuel cell-based cars. Research and development of a number of advanced methods of hydrogen production (OTEC, water photolysis using a semiconductor, a municipal waste gasification—smelting system, etc.) is currently under way.A comparison of different hydrogen-rich fuels in this paper shows that methane is advantageous for hydrogen production from the viewpoint of energy efficiency as measured by thermodynamic analysis. This paper therefore proposes combining existing technology for hydrogen production with an unconventional methane source in order to facilitate the realization of a hydrogen energy system: i.e., this paper proposes combining the process of steam reforming, which is commercialized worldwide, with use of untouched natural gas hydrate (NGH) resources. Gas hydrate deposits, which are distributed worldwide, hold great amounts of methane gas and have hardly been touched. This paper presents the economic parameters of NGH development and discusses the concept of devising useful applications of NGHs, with consideration given to (1) independence from current fossil fuels; (2) energy transport using the hydrate system; (3) CO2 sequestration — replacement of methane hydrate with CO2 hydrate in the submarine layer and (4) improvement of current steam reforming of methane by CO2 reuse and zeolite application. This paper thus proposes a new solution that will make a key contribution to the systematic development of a new sustainable energy structure.Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

中国生态工业园区发展模式研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
中国生态工业园区发展已逾10年。本文综述了国家生态工业示范园区的发展概况,总结了其发展特点和实践启示,构建了中国生态工业示范园区发展模式图,以期对1 500余家国家级和省级开发区的生态化发展提供借鉴。中国生态工业园区在发展过程中形成了"有标准可依,依标准建设,据标准考核,示范试点带动,建立长效机制"的发展路线图,由政府、市场和企业三个方面共同推进,从微观、产业集群、园区和社会四个层面建设实践。微观层面,以企业为主体,通过理念革新和技术进步,提高资源生产力和资源能源利用效率,减少废弃物产生量。产业集群层面,引入龙头企业,带动产业集群,构建"园中园"的发展模式,提升竞争力和环境管理。园区层面,完善基础设施,积极发展热电冷多联供,实施清洁能源和可再生能源替代,及再生水回用。宏观层面,实现基础设施和服务在更大区域内的延伸共享,加强社会分工,鼓励公众参与,提高公众的生态环保意识,实现经济、环境和社会和谐发展。  相似文献   

构建反映生态文明与城市化发展内涵的两系统评价指标体系,以均方差决策法、耦合协调度模型、探索性空间数据分析(ESDA),借助Arc GIS软件从时间和空间两个维度定量分析京津冀13市2007—2016年生态文明与城市化的耦合协调关系及变化趋势。结果表明:①生态文明与城市化系统耦合协调度逐年提升,从2007年13市均处于拮抗发展阶段,到2016年实现较低水平协调,多数城市生态文明建设滞后于城市化进程。②生态文明与城市化耦合协调发展水平存在显著的全局正向空间自相关性,局部空间自相关性存在显著的空间集聚特征,处于高-高集聚区与低-低集聚区的城市最多,北京、廊坊和保定三地的局部空间自相关性最为显著,此三地对周围临近城市的辐射能力更强。基于分析结论,提出实现京津冀13市生态文明与城市化高质量耦合协调发展的策略:①将生态文明建设融入城市化进程,强力推进京津冀"弱势区域"生态文明建设与城市化"同频共振",推动京津两地优势资源向河北溢出和辐射。②强化三地的区域协作,促进共同发展,充分利用高水平集聚区的示范效应,带动和提升低水平集聚区协调发展,加强三地环境治理的联防联控,构建共建共治发展平台。③根据耦合协调度"中间高、南北低"的空间分布差异,三地政府还需根据自身特色,因地制宜研判和明确发展策略。  相似文献   

Energy service is an effective way to promote energy conservation by market mechanisms, including energy saving services, energy procurement, supply of many varieties of energy, supply of renewable energy technologies, energy-related consulting services, risk management, etc. China is a major energy consumer but energy is in short supply, and the efficiency of energy use is low. China’s energy service industry has expanded rapidly, in terms of both the number of new Energy Service Companies entering the market and amount of capital invested in Energy Performance Contracting projects, but the energy service sector in China is still at an early stage of development. Developed countries began early in developing the energy service sector and their energy service market is mature, and the experience of developed countries shows that energy services play a significant role in advancing energy saving and emission reduction. Under the new situation, China needs combine energy services experience of developed countries, and take following measures to accelerate China’s energy services rapid and healthy development, including the long-term aspects of policy planning, energy-saving core technology, finance and capital investment, public sector reductions, personnel training, and so on.  相似文献   

可持续发展与产业结构创新   总被引:20,自引:2,他引:18  
人类发展的历史表明,文明的演替与社会的进步从来都是产业结构的创新密切相连与互动的。可持续发展概念的提出源于对过去传统发展模式的反思,因此它要求重新审视传统的产业结构。面向可持续发展,本文认为应补充以维护与改善环境为目的的第零产业,和以减少废排放为目的的第四产业,并在此基础上的构建新的产业结构体系。与传统产业的形成比较,现阶段第零产业与第四产业的培育更需要观念创新与制度创新。  相似文献   

Natural environment is fragile and harsh in Western China where rich energy and mineral resources are endowed,enabling energy and mining development to become a pillar industry of the regions socioeconomic development This paper identified the key issues and challenges faced by eco-environment as a result of energy and mining development in Western China.We argued mat mining and energy development have caused various environmental problems,and that environmental degradation is increasingly prominent in Western China,hence,we request coordinated resource development and environmental protection for sustainable development in this region.Based on the above recognitions,this paper put forward relevant policy recommendations:promoting green development vigorously and developing new green energy;formulating and enforcing environmental protection laws and regulations,improving ecological compensation mechanism;establishing green threshold;strengthening integration between western resource-based cities and coastal region to get rid of the"resource curse";improving energy and mineral resources development stakeholders’involvement;coordinating resource taxes and local development funds;and strengthening independent third-party supervision in the whole process of energy and mining development  相似文献   

As in many developing countries also in Turkey, agriculture is on the center of rural development and rural women are on the center of agriculture. Although they are main part as a major labor force at every stage of agricultural activity and undertake responsibilities such as domestic task and childcare, women do not profit from social and economic benefits proportionate to the responsibilities they have undertaken.Agrotourism is an alternative activity in the rural development process, which combines agriculture and tourism, improves natural resources, contributes the rural area socially and economically.The aim of this study is to examine the participation conditions of rural women to the agrotourism activities, which is considered as an option in the context of sustainable rural development, and to identify the possible social and economic implications of agrotourism on the rural womens life, after determining the situation and importance of rural women in the agricultural activity. This research was carried out in three villages of Kalecik district of Ankara and data gathered from group meetings and surveys.Readers should send their comments on this paper to: BhaskarNath@aol.com within 3 months of publication of this issue.  相似文献   

Production facilities serve to transform raw materials into products, usually with the goal of achieving a designated output, in terms of quantity and quality, with the minimum of cost and labour. With the aid of production planning and controlling (PPC) systems, raw material inputs, and labour can be planned to achieve a determined output of products. In general, the role of environmental and social aspects is neglected in production planning processes. Because of the growing pressure from politics and customers, sustainable production of products is becoming more important. One possibility for supporting sustainable manufacturing is, to integrate sustainable aspects in the production planning process. This paper presents input and output information for current PPC systems and discusses the need for additional information necessary for sustainable PPC. For this approach, a text review of cooperate social responsibility (CSR) reporting indicators provided by the GRI was performed. Based on the text review, an input-output model has been developed for conventional and another one for sustainable PPC systems. Through the comparison of the two input-output models, challenges and requirements for sustainable PPC systems have been defined as a basis for future work and analyses.  相似文献   

基于可持续发展的我国现代化进程中能源需求预测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在简要介绍1980年以来我国能源消费状况.对我国全面建设小康社会奋斗目标和现代化战略目标分析的基础上,遵循可持续发展原则.本文采用能源强度法并设计三种方案对我国未来能源的消费量和消费结构进行了预测和分析。预测结果表明,2020年我国的能源消费量将达到21.16亿-24.90亿,2050年为26.64-37.68亿,今后必须大幅度降低备产业特别是第二、三产业能源强度,促进我国实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

中国西部城镇化可持续发展路径的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于对中国西部地区城镇化进程的调研,本文探讨了西部地区城镇化可持续发展的路径,结合西部地区的现状与西部地区城镇发展的历史趋势,分析了中国西部地区城镇化发展的需求,阐析了其城镇化进程中的环境压力与阻力,提出了促进中国西部城镇化可持续发展的政策建议.目前,西部地区整体城镇化水平滞后,各省(区)间的城镇化发展水平极不均衡.而社会经济发展水平对于城镇化具有很大的促进作用,故未来相当一段时间内,西部地区社会经济发展是其区域城镇化进程的主要动力,同时西部地区尚处于城镇化与工业化发展的正相关期,工业化水平的提升对西部地区城镇化进程的推动作用不容小觑.城镇化进程的不断加快和工业化的快速推进过程中,西部地区本就脆弱的生态环境存在进一步遭受损失与破坏的威胁.这些将会导致西部地区生态环境状况的恶化转而成为其城市化的严重制约,给当地经济可持续发展造成一定程度的影响.据此,文中提出建议,未来西部城镇化建设过程中,应推行“二元”城镇化发展战略,增强中心城镇的辐射带动作用,培育中小城市和特色鲜明的小城镇;进一步完善西部城镇基础设施水平,以各级政府支持管理为先导和主导,尝试采用“公私营合作”(PPP)融资模式,重点推进交通及通讯设施建设;构建长期稳定的绿色城镇发展战略,推进城市绿色文化、建设绿色城市,筹措西部地区绿色城镇发展基金、发展城市绿色产业;立足功能分区并结合城镇化战略格局优化城镇化发展,依托国家主体功能区划优化城镇化发展格局,结合“两横三纵”城镇化战略格局推进城市群建设.  相似文献   

Western China has lagged a lot in terms of industrial structure and economic development,compared with the national average.And China announced its target of CO_2 emission reduction,i.e.by 2020,CO_2 emission per GDP will drop by40-45%compared with 2005.The target will be incorporated into China's long-term industrial planning.Against this background,this paper will make a comprehensive examination of the industrial development of Western China,aiming to discover a green and compatible way.First,we analyze the spatiotemporal evolution of regional industrial structure for the period 2000-2010.Second,we try to discover the industrial structure optimization path for Western China by employing the Vector Auto Regression model.Lastly,we try to provide some advice and suggestions for further industrial development in Western China.Our examination shows that further industrial development in Western China should pay full attention to resource conservation and recycling,and develop on a green and compatible path.  相似文献   

应用能值分析和本地生态足迹对传统的生态足迹方法进行改进,将可更新资源和社会生产消费中的能量流换算成对应的生物生产性土地面积。对本地生态足迹的计算方法进行了优化,即对消费账户进行了贸易修正,更贴近实际。经过计算,得出浙江省2007年的人均生态承载力为1174 1 hm2,人均生态足迹为3946 2 hm2,人均生态赤字为2772 1 hm2,万元GDP生态足迹为1063 2 hm2。根据计算出2000~2008年的各项指标,〖JP+1〗进行时间上的纵向比较,分析其变化趋势。又以2007年为基准,与部分区域的相关指标进行横向比较,进而分析了浙江省的可持续发展状况。最后,结合浙江省实际,提出了发展雨水收集、潮汐能开发等新的资源能源利用模式,鼓励节约能源,大力发展林木及林产品加工产业、水产品养殖及加工产业,并对浙江省较高的资源利用效率进行了评价  相似文献   

中国能源可持续发展区域差异及其因素分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文在明晰中国能源可持续发展内涵的基础上,从能源足量、可持续、合理供给;能源与水、土地、森林等资源配套能力;国家可持续能源政策与地区规划的融合,减缓环境资源的损耗;环境可持续性四个目标出发,构建了区域能源可持续发展指标体系。从定量的角度刻画中国能源可持续发展的区域差异,解析影响中国能源可持续发展的主要因素。研究结果表明,可持续能源政策与环境的可持续性是制约能源可持续发展的关键环节;能源与森林、土地资源的配套能力是重要基础;能源供应能力是核心所在;从中国东、中、西部来看,西部地区是中国能源可持续性最强的地区,中部次之,东部能源可持续性最弱;从中国八大区域来看,能源可持续性沿海地区最弱,东北和长江中游地区次之,大西北、西南和黄河中游地区最强。本文作者最后认为多元化发展,提升能源供应能力;建立健全环境税收制度,增强环境可持续性;因地制宜,是促进中国区域能源可持续发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

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