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铬盐行业清洁生产审核探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
铬盐行业是我国重点整治的高污染行业,推行清洁生产势在必行。文章结合实例,对铬盐行业清洁生产审核进行探讨。污染负荷最高的焙烧车间是重点审核对象;评估过程产生7个中/高费方案,综合筛选出6个可行方案,已实施或正在实施的"少钙焙烧"等6个方案使企业主要污染物铬渣排放量削减达40%,焙烧窑含铬粉尘无组织排放量减少约10%,原辅料及能源消耗均有一定程度降低。对铬盐行业清洁生产审核的探讨为铬盐企业推行清洁生产提供了范例,有利于铬盐行业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

清洁生产常常被宣称为双赢的策略和措施,通过加强培训、改善管理等措施,可以有效地解决企业资金问题和技术问题,从而使清洁生产理论在企业的推行中得到很好的发展。  相似文献   

电解锰行业是我国重点整治的高污染行业,推行清洁生产势在必行。通过对某电解锰企业生产现状的调查研究,确定审核重点为电解车间,并对审核重点进行了评估,提出了清洁生产方案,且对方案实施后的经济效益、环境效益进行分析。  相似文献   

在对铁法煤业集团所属6个煤矿的清洁生产审核工作基础上,从生产和管理的9个方面对煤炭的清洁生产指标进行了调查和分析,最后确立了38项清洁生产评估指标,并分别给出了权重和基准值。  相似文献   

电镀行业的清洁生产审核   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对2006年大连市20家电镀企业的清洁生产审核,筛选了电镀企业的各种无/低费方案354项、中/高费方案64项,通过无/低费方案及少部分中/高费方案的实施,显著的提高企业的经济效益,有利于进一步提高企业持续开展清洁生产审核的积极性。  相似文献   

以天津某平板玻璃生产企业为例,对平板玻璃行业实施清洁生产分析与评价方面进行了探讨,提出平板玻璃行业的清洁生产需从企业的整体生产过程着手。加强熔窑锅炉的余热利用以及工艺技术的改进;同时为同类型的平板玻璃生产企业清洁生产审核提供了科学的借鉴。  相似文献   

本文从大港油田物资供销公司推行清洁生产的背景着手,结合公司生产和服务实际特点,介绍了公司开展清洁生产审核的过程。通过清洁生产方案的持续实施,实现了社会效益、经济效益和环境效益的不断提升,并提出了油田物资供应服务单位开展清洁生产工作的建议。  相似文献   

介绍了我国电解锰行业发展及清洁生产审核的推进情况,通过在电解锰行业开展数轮清洁生产审核,诊断出该行业存在的主要环境污染问题,在行业内建立了规范化的管理制度,推动了清洁生产技术的发展,分析了典型中高费方案实现的环境效益和经济效益。结合电解锰行业清洁生产指标体系,重点分析了2009—2017年行业的有毒有害物质的替代、综合能耗、电流效率等关键性清洁生产指标的变化情况。结果显示,综合能耗由2009年的8 600 kW·h/t(以Mn计,下同)降至目前的6 900 kW·h/t,电流效率总体呈上升趋势。对于经过多轮审核的某企业,其电解槽、剥离方式、直流电耗、锰渣无害化处理和综合利用率、锰渣中水溶性锰浓度(以干基计)等5项评估指标均达到国内领先水平,在行业处于顶尖水平,另一项指标单位产品新鲜水耗也有明显下降,为行业节能减排起到引领作用。  相似文献   

论述了企业开展电镀清洁生产的步骤、方法及经验介绍,对清洁生产重点环节作了详尽论述,对企业进行其它行为清洁生产实践也非常有益。  相似文献   

清洁生产审核在石油开采行业的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过对石油开采业生产工艺的调查,针对石油开采过程中电耗、能耗、物耗各种指标偏高的问题,采油过程中产生的大量污染物,大量的资源没有循环利用,开展清洁生产审核提出解决问题的技术措施,实现了节能、降耗、减污、增效的目的。  相似文献   

全氟辛基磺酸及其盐类(PFOS)和全氟辛基磺酰氟(PFOSF)是《斯德哥尔摩公约》新管控的持久性有机污染物(POPs),作为该公约成员国之一,我国是当前生产PFOS的主要国家,正在积极应对PFOS减排。PFOS产品类型众多,使用行业广泛,替代品缺乏,对其使用行业管控相对困难,因此对PFOS生产行业进行管控是实现PFOS履约目标源头减排的关键。通过对PFOSF/PFOS生产行业现状进行调研,识别PFOS产生和排放的关键节点,在此基础上分析了PFOS生产行业履约的清洁生产管理体系,从PFOS生产行业中相关产品替代品的开发和现有行业企业清洁生产水平提升两方面,提出了用清洁生产政策手段实现PFOSF/PFOS生产行业履约目标的方法。  相似文献   




颗粒物是铸造业的主要大气污染物,属于国家重点控制的大气污染物之一。以铸造业为研究对象,分析了铸造企业各生产工序颗粒物产排特征,并以M市铸造业为例,对颗粒物排放现状以及相关产业政策进行了分析和梳理,总结出M市铸造业清洁生产减排潜力。结合“自底向上”污染减排模型和《第二次全国污染源普查产排污核算系数手册(试用版)》构建出铸造业颗粒物污染减排模型,并在此基础上,对A铸造公司在“十四五”期间颗粒物污染减排潜力进行了预测分析。结果表明:与基准年2019年相比,2025年A铸造公司制芯、造型/浇注、砂处理工序排放颗粒物的总量预计可削减3 807.23 kg,使企业对清洁生产技术的推广和普及所带来的减排效果有了直观的认识。同时,提出了铸造业颗粒物污染防治五方面的措施,为“十四五”期间铸造业污染减排的发展规划提供参考。  相似文献   

New findings on the causes of waste and emissions, which were obtained from analysing numerous material streams in various sectors of industry, are presented in this article. It describes the implications of these findings for the vision of clean production, for formulating environmental policy concerning cleaner production targets, for the opportunities to assess to what extent the cleaner production targets have been met, and for the cleaner production assessment. A modified cleaner production assessment approach is presented, and illustrated using leather production as an example. The consequent implications for the diffusion of cleaner production are discussed.  相似文献   

Cleaner production works. This has been proved by numerous case studies over the last few years in Austria1–4, as well as in the USA, Sweden, the UK and The Netherlands. Programs such as PREPARE in Austria, the US-American EPAs program, the Landskrona Project in Sweden, the Aire and Calder Project in the UK and PRISMA in The Netherlands have demonstrated that in all sectors of industry it is possible to increase efficiency in the use of materials and energy in industrial processes and at the same time avoid waste and emissions at their source and save companies—sometimes enormous amounts of—money.The cities of Graz and Stenum have developed the program Ökoprofit (Ecoprofit)3, which aims to provide a cost-effective way of involving regional enterprises in a Cleaner Production Project. The approach consists basically of two arms: (1) nine 1-day workshops to give feedback on the progress of the companies, to teach basics of emission prevention, project management and law; (2) consultations with individual companies to help them with specific problems, between the workshops.The teaching sessions during the workshops consist of a short lecture followed by active work in small groups on examples, presentation of the results, a discussion of the findings and the possibilities of applying them to the actual companies of the participants. In one workshop, participants analyse the coffee-making process for its potential to minimize emissions; in another, they analyse it for its energy-saving potential. This article describes how these two interactive training modules for mass-flow analysis and energy analysis are conducted.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse whether it is possible for an external group to act as a catalyst when trying to make small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) adopt a cleaner production concept. At Linköping University, Sweden, nine SMEs cooperated in a cleaner production project that uses the University and the County Administration as catalysts. This article is based on a survey that evaluated the project. The survey shows that the SMEs did modify their products and processes after taking part in the project. They were especially successful in changing their products. Why products were changed to a larger extent than processes is not fully understood. Maybe this was done as a part of introducing a preventive environmental care system. Most SMEs did, as a part of introducing an environmental care system, introduce an environmental policy and an educational programme. The SMEs also experienced lower costs and better cooperation with the authorities. A reason for this is the good cooperation between the three participants of the project. In general, the SMEs did not think that they had gained marketing benefits. This attitude could have been different if more SMEs from the same value chain (supplier-producer-wholesalers-customer) had been involved.  相似文献   

There has been much discussion regarding the potential environmental benefits and hazards associated with agricultural biotechnology. Some argue that it can eliminate the need for a wide range of material inputs such as pesticides and herbicides. Others argue that it will increase the demand for non-sustainable and potentially hazardous ‘agri-business' practices. We test these claims against the cleaner production approach. Although we found that pressures to accept this technology are strong enough to overcome initial resistance, we also found that biotechnology, as it applies to agriculture, is not consistent with a cleaner production approach due to the high level of risk. We suggest that this type of technology adds an additional dimension to the cleaner production argument.  相似文献   

重点企业与非重点企业由于其参与清洁生产审核的背景及初衷方面的本质差别,使其与二者相对应的审核验收也存在着较大的不同。相对于重点企业,目前对非重点企业审核验收的相关管理制度建设方面尚存在一定的空白。探索性地通过对非重点企业清洁生产审核验收工作的特点、验收管理工作原则及验收形式的分析描述,为非重点企业的审核验收工作提供参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Various cleaner production (CP) audits have been conducted in the South African metal finishing industry. These studies have been successful in effecting changes to the general status of the local metal finishing industry. In this paper, the initiatives undertaken by a Danish government sponsored project are detailed. The project included the conducting of in-plant assessments, using a tailor-made tool for CP benchmarking. Details on this tool's operations and typical results are presented. Typical assessments indicated potential water savings of 78%, with chemical savings of approximately 30%. The plant modifications undertaken in order to achieve the CP objectives, are described. The affects of these initiatives on local municipal wastewater treatment works are detailed with specific reference to significant reductions in incoming wastewater-borne heavy metals. The main challenge for companies has been data retrieval for the tool and overcoming social barriers for implementing the improvement options. Recommendations include redesigning the assessment tool.  相似文献   

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