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The shape of the sonar beam plays a crucial role in how echolocating bats perceive their surroundings. Signal design may thus be adapted to optimize beam shape to a given context. Studies suggest that this is indeed true for vespertilionid bats, but little is known from the remaining 16 families of echolocating bats. We investigated the echolocation beam shape of two species of emballonurid bats, Cormura brevirostris and Saccopteryx bilineata, while they navigated a large outdoor flight cage on Barro Colorado Island, Panama. C. brevirostris emitted more directional signals than did S. bilineata. The difference in directionality was due to a markedly different energy distribution in the calls. C. brevirostris emitted two call types, a multiharmonic shallowly frequency-modulated call and a multiharmonic sweep, both with most energy in the fifth harmonic around 68?kHz. S. bilineata emitted only one call type, multiharmonic shallowly frequency-modulated calls with most energy in the second harmonic (~46?kHz). When comparing same harmonic number, the directionality of the calls of the two bat species was nearly identical. However, the difference in energy distribution in the calls made the signals emitted by C. brevirostris more directional overall than those emitted by S. bilineata. We hypothesize that the upward shift in frequency exhibited by C. brevirostris serves to increase directionality, in order to generate a less cluttered auditory scene. The study indicates that emballonurid bats are forced to adjust their relative harmonic energy instead of adjusting the fundamental frequency, as the vespertilionids do, presumably due to a less flexible sound production.  相似文献   

Voigt CC  Sörgel K  Dechmann DK 《Ecology》2010,91(10):2908-2917
Flying vertebrates, such as bats, face exceptionally high energy costs during active flapping flight. Once airborne, energy turnover may exceed basal metabolic rate by a factor of up to 15. Here, we asked whether fuel that powers flight originates from exogenous (dietary nutrients), endogenous sources (mostly body lipids or glycogen), or a combination of both. Since most insectivorous bats fly continuously over relatively long time periods during foraging, we assumed that slowly mobilized glycogen, although suitable for supporting brief sallying flights, is inadequate to power aerial insect-hunting of bats. We hypothesized that the insect-feeding Noctilio albiventris rapidly mobilizes and combusts nutrients from insects it has just eaten instead of utilizing endogenous lipids. We used the stable carbon isotope ratio in the bats' exhaled breath (delta13C(brth)) to assess the origin of metabolized substrates of resting and flying N. albiventris in two nutritional conditions: fasted and recently fed. The breath of fasted resting bats was depleted in 13C in relation to their insect diet (delta13C(diet)), indicating the combustion of 13C depleted body lipids. In contrast to this, delta13C(brth) of bats that had recently fed closely matched delta13C(diet) in both resting and flying bats, suggesting a quick mobilization of ingested nutrients for metabolism. In contrast to most non-volant mammals, bats have evolved the ability to fuel their high energy expenditure rates through the rapid combustion of exogenous nutrients, enabling them to conquer the nocturnal niche of aerial insectivory.  相似文献   

Acoustic territorial displays are common among birds but comparatively rare among mammals. An exceptionally vocal mammal well-known for its elaborate territorial displays is the polygynous greater sac-winged bat, Saccopteryx bilineata. Male S. bilineata are often philopatric and establish small territories in their birth colony in which females can roost during the day. During territorial defense, males produce complex territorial songs that are learned through vocal imitation. Territorial songs are mainly produced at dawn and dusk. We studied social influences on male vocal activity and the occurrence of vocal signatures in territorial songs of 27 male S. bilineata from 12 different-sized colonies in Panama. Males produced significantly more territorial songs when they had more territorial neighbors or when they had females roosting in their territories, indicating that male vocal activity rises with increasing male–male competition. Territorial songs are multisyllabic vocalizations with low-frequency buzz syllables being most prominent. We found statistical evidence for a pronounced individual signature encoded in the buzz syllables of territorial songs that could facilitate individual recognition among rival neighbors. Additionally, we found a vocal group signature in territorial songs, suggesting that young males may learn territorial songs from more than one tutor male. Resident male S. bilineata appear to cooperatively defend their colony against male intruders, making a group signature in territorial songs potentially advantageous.  相似文献   

Social organization and space-use in Gunnison's prairie dog   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Social organization of the Gunnison's prairie dog, Cynomys gunnisoni, was studied in two populations in south-central Colorado. Gunnison's prairie dogs live in complex, interactive societies fitting current definitions of highly social ground squirrels. Members of harems (coteries) cooperatively use and defend a common territory. Spatial overlap is extensive between the adult male(s) and adult females, and among adult females within the harem through the active season. Amicable behavioral interactions are frequent within the harem, whereas interactions between members of different harems are primarily agonistic and spatial overlap is minimal. Although their behavioral repertoire is more limited, social organization of the Gunnison's prairie dog most closely resembles that of the black-tailed prairie dog, C. ludovicianus. Although body size, age of first reproduction, and age of emigration differed between the two study populations (Rayor 1985a), a comparison of social traits did not reveal substantial differences.  相似文献   

Summary The social organization of the pipistrelle bat (Pipistrellus pipistrellus) was studied by means of bat boxes in southern Sweden. The males set up territories around a roosting site in the beginning of the summer at the same time as the females formed nursing colonies. After breeding, the females joined the single males in their day roosts establishing transient mating harems. Subsequently, immatures arrived at the mating grounds. The immature females, which probably attained sexual maturity during their first autumn, were admitted to the day roosts of the harem males, in contrast to the immature males. The size of the harem was dependent on the total number of females present on the mating grounds. The size, however, was also restricted by some factor, presumably the quantity of food resources in the surroundings of the specific roost site, or the capability of the harem male for mating. The mating system in the pipistrelle bat is best characterized as a resource defence polygyny. Available data on other related temperate species indicate a similar social organization in Pipistrellus nathusii and Nyctalus noctula.  相似文献   

Summary Caste theory states that the proportions of individuals in different demographic classes of an insect society should vary with environmental factors, and are adaptive because they enhance colony-level efficiency. We examined the proportions of workers in different age and size classes (temporal and physical castes) in whole colonies of the ant Pheidole dentata collected in two different habitats. Despite significant ecological differences between the habitats in competition, resource availability and predation, we found no differences in the physical and temporal caste structures of colonies. Also, there was no correlation between physical or temporal caste ratios and the reproductive output of colonies. Because of topography, distance between sites, and apparent low vagility of Pheidole alates, we assume that gene flow between the sites is inadequate to account for the observed similarities. Although age- and size-related patterns of division of labor were observed, similarities in the behavioral profiles (the sum of the relative contributions of each age cohort to the performance of tasks) in colonies having different age caste structures suggests that worker, flexibility may be more important than rigidly programmed age- and size-correlated patterns of task performance.  相似文献   

Summary Female mammals experience larg changes in time and energy budgets associated with reproduction and these may influence the foraging strategies of individuals. I studied the changes in foraging behavior associated with reproduction in female hoary bats, Lasiurus cinereus. As lactation progressed, individuals departed to forage earlier in the evening and spent more time foraging per night and less time roosting with their young. Foraging time increased by at least 73% between early lactation and fledging and then declined as the young became independent. Females with two young foraged for longer than did those with one and females with pre- and postfledging young foraged in different habitats. The changes in foraging time suggest that foraging activity of female L. cinereus is constrained and individuals act as time minimizers, adjusting their foraging behavior to meet current energy demand. Predation risk is unlikely to constrain the behavior of these bats. However, maximizing energy intake throughout lactation may not be the optimal strategy because storing excess energy increases flight cost and may reduce foraging efficiency. The need to keep newborn young warm may also influence foraging time. Such constraints, causing changes in foraging activity, may alter the availability of habitats and prey and must be considered when modelling foraging strategies. In addition, changes in flight time may significantly alter the energy budgets of bats in different stages of reproduction.  相似文献   

Animals pay opportunity costs when pursuing one of several mutually exclusive courses of action. We quantified the opportunity costs of conforming to the behaviour of others in foraging sticklebacks (Pungitius pungitius), using an arena in which they were given the option of shoaling in one area or searching for food in another. Fish foraging in the absence of stimulus conspecifics found the prey patch sooner and spent longer exploiting it than those in trials where a stimulus shoal was present. Furthermore, in trials where the stimulus shoal exhibited feeding cues, subjects approached them sooner and spent more time shoaling with them, exploring less of the arena than in trials where the stimulus shoal exhibited no such cues. This suggests sensitivity not only to the mere presence of conspecifics, but also to the social information that they produce. We also saw that groups of focal fish, compared to single individuals, were less influenced by the stimulus shoal and explored more of the arena, a behaviour that may be attributed to facilitation, competition or both. Such opportunity costs are likely to be offset by benefits such as reduced predation risk, and we discuss this in terms of the trade-offs associated with living in groups.  相似文献   

In socially foraging animals, it is widely acknowledged that the position of an individual within the dominance hierarchy of the group has a large effect upon its foraging behaviour and energetic intake, where the intake of subordinates can be reduced through socially mediated interference. In this paper, we explore the effects of interference upon group dynamics and individual behaviour, using a spatially explicit individual-based model. Each individual follows a simple behavioural rule based upon its energetic reserves and the actions of its neighbours (where the rule is derived from game theory models). We show that dominant individuals should have larger energetic reserves than their subordinates, and the size of this difference increases when either food is scarce, the intensity of interference suffered by the subordinates increases, or the distance over which dominant individuals affect subordinates increases. Unlike previous models, the results presented in this paper about differences in reserves are not based upon prior assumptions of the effects of social hierarchy and energetic reserves upon predation risk, and emerge through nothing more than a reduction in energetic intake by the subordinates when dominants are present. Furthermore, we show that increasing interference intensity, food availability or the distance over which dominants have an effect also causes the difference in movement between ranks to increase (where subordinates move more than dominants), and the distance over which dominants have an effect changes the size of the groups that the different ranks are found in. These results are discussed in relation to previous studies of intra- and interspecific dominance hierarchies.  相似文献   

We studied the impact of group size on foraging behaviour and level of movement synchronisation among female herdmates of a fallow deer population in Central Italy. Both proportion of foraging events and movement synchronisation decreased with increasing group size. The proportion of foraging events was higher for animals on the edge of the group than for deer in the centre of the group; hence, there appears to be a trade-off between protection against predators and foraging interference, both of which decrease from the centre to the periphery of the group. This is the first time this type of behaviour has been recorded for wild ungulates. As expected, we also found that the movement of peripheral animals was less synchronised than that of central animals. Consequently, peripheral animals may lose contact with their herdmates and split off the group. We conclude that social inequalities may lead to conflicting requirements among group members and instability of large groups. Movement synchronisation (as a function of group size) appears to interact with habitat openness to produce variations of group size (which appear to be adaptive for individuals) as an emergent property of these aggregations.  相似文献   

Summary Home ranges, social organization, and nest co-occupancy of Peromyscus californicus were studied using radiotelemetry at the Hastings Natural History Reservation, California. Mated pairs were ascertained by the transfer of fluorescent pigments from lactating females to putative fathers. Mated pairs had largely overlapping home ranges that were not statistically distinguishable, whereas adjacent adults had mostly exclusive, statistically distinguishable home ranges. There was no difference in the mean home range of males and females, but mated females tended to have smaller ranges than their mate. Home range size was extremely variable (range: 150–3788 m2) and averaged 1161 m2 across all individuals. Male home range size was inversely correlated with population density, suggestive of a social influence on home range. Putative fathers spent comparable amounts of time to females in the nest — presumably caring for the young — which supports previous laboratory reports of paternal care in this species. All data collected in this study are consistent with previous suggestions that P. californicus live in semi-permanent family groups and are monogamous. Offprint requests to: D.O. Ribble  相似文献   

Social organization of woodchucks (Marmota monax)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The social organization of woodchucks (Marmota monax) in southeast Ohio was studied at two sites, at one for two 2 years (1979–1980) and the other for 3 years (1981–1983). Spatial organization was determined by trapping and radio tracking. The home ranges of adult females did not overlap in the early spring but during late spring and summer there was some overlap (<10%) as females expanded their home ranges. Adult females tended to occupy the same home range in consecutive years. Some adult males occupied well-defined home ranges that did not overlap the home ranges of other males but did overlap extensively the home range of one to three adult females. These males tended to occupy the same home range in consecutive years. Infants used the same home range of their dam until about 2–3 months of age when most males and females apparently dispersed. About 35% of the juvenile females did not disperse until their second spring, just before their mother's new litter first emerged from their burrow. The average social group consisted of an adult male with two female kin groups comprising an adult female, an offspring (usually female) of the previous year, and the young of the year. Interactions within the kin group and with the adult male were relatively frequent and generally amicable. Interactions between kin groups both within and between different social groups were relatively rare and agonistic. The social organization of woodchucks in Ohio differs from that described in previous studies of woodchucks elsewhere and from that predicted by current models proposed by others on the evolution of social organization of marmots.  相似文献   

Summary A honey bee colony operates as a tightly integrated unit of behavioral action. One manifestation of this in the context of foraging is a colony's ability to adjust its selectivity among nectar sources in relation to its nutritional status. When a colony's food situation is good, it exploits only highly profitable patches of flowers, but when its situation is poor, a colony's foragers will exploit both highly profitable and less profitable flower patches. The nectar foragers in a colony acquire information about their colony's nutritional status by noting the difficulty of finding food storer bees to receive their nectar, rather than by evaluating directly the variables determining their colony's food situation: rate of nectar intake and amount of empty storage comb. (The food storer bees in a colony are the bees that collect nectar from returning foragers and store it in the honey combs. They are the age group (generally 12–18 day old bees) that is older than the nurse bees but younger than the foragers. Food storers make up approximately 20% of a colony members.) The mathematical theory for the behavior of queues indicates that the waiting time experienced by nectar foragers before unloading to food storers (queue length) is a reliable and sensitive indicator of a colony's nutritional status. Queue length is automatically determined by the ratio of two rates which are directly related to a colony's nutritional condition: the rate of arrival of loaded nectar foragers at the hive (arrival rate) and the rate of arrival of empty food storers at the nectar delivery area (service rate). These two rates are a function of the colony's nectar intake rate and its empty comb area, respectively. Although waiting time conveys crucial information about the colony's nutritional status, it has not been molded by natural selection to serve this purpose. Unlike signals, which are evolved specifically to convey information, this cue conveys information as an automatic by-product. Such cues may prove more important than signals in colony integration.  相似文献   

In an experimental set-up, a colony of the stingless bee Melipona fasciata demonstrated its ability to choose the better of two nectar sources. This colony pattern was a result of the following individual behavioural decisions: continue foraging, abandon the feeder, restart foraging and initiate foraging. Only very rarely did individuals switch from one feeder to the other. With the first combination of a rich (2.7 M) and a poor (0.8 M) feeder M. fasciata behaved differently from Apis mellifera. Recruitment occurred to both feeders and the poor feeder was not abandoned completely. When the poor feeder was set to 0.4 M, M. fasciata abandoned the poor feeder rapidly and allocated more foragers to the rich feeder. These patterns were similar to those reported for A. mellifera with the first combination of feeders. Over a sequence of 4 days, experienced bees increasingly determined the colony patterns, and the major function of communication between workers became the reactivation of experienced foragers. The foragers modulated their behaviour not only according to the profitability of the feeder, but also according to previous experience with profitability switches. Thus, experience and communication together regulated colony foraging behaviour. These findings and the results of studies with honeybees suggest that M. fasciata and honeybees use similar decision-making mechanisms and only partly different tools. Received: 21 December 1998 / Accepted: 5 January 1999  相似文献   

Summary To understand how a colony of honeybees keeps its forager force focussed on rich sources of food, and analysis was made of how the individual foragers within a colony decide to abandon or continue working (and perhaps even recruit to) patches of flowers. A nectar forager grades her behavior toward a patch in response to both the nectar intake rate of her colony and the quality of her patch. This results in the threshold in patch quality for acceptance of a patch being higher when the colonial intake rate of nectar is high than when it is low. Thus colonies can adjust their patch selectivity so that they focus on rich sources when forage is abundant, but spread their workers among a wider range of sources when forage is scarce. Foragers assess their colony's rate of nectar intake while in the nest, unloading nectar to receiver bees. The ease of unloading varies inversely with the colonial intake rate of nectar. Foragers assess patch quality while in the field, collecting nectar. By grading their behavior steeply in relation to such patch variables as distance from the nest and nectar sweetness, foragers give their colony high sensitivity to differences in profitability among patches. When a patch's quality declines, its foragers reduce their rate of visits to the patch. This diminishes the flow of nectar from the poor patch which in turn stimulates recruitment to rich patches. Thus a colony can swiftly redistribute its forager force following changes in the spatial distribution of rich food sources. The fundamental currency of nectar patch quality is not net rate of energy intake, (Gain-Cost)/Time, but may be net energy efficiency, (Gain-Cost)/Cost.  相似文献   

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