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本文从央地纵向关系、部门间横向关系、环保督察斜线关系等视角出发,探讨畜禽养殖废弃物治理政策背后的府际关系博弈逻辑和利益融合路径,实证探讨治理案例。结果表明,政府府际间存在利益博弈,但可以实现利益融合和治理有效。其中,经济、社会和生态利益的排序差异、治理事务权与财权不匹配、地方考核指标偏向经济等因素造成央地间利益诉求差异,可从增加融资渠道、优化考核方式、扩大监管渠道和多元共治等方面促进利益融合;双重管理体制、全局和局部利益并存等因素造成同一层级的不同政府部门间存在利益诉求差异,但环保督察等“运动式”治理、约束性生态指标被纳入官员考核体系等措施有助于其组成政绩共荣体;结合案例实证检验,提出中央政府需要通过严格制度安排和多重监管督察治理动态、整合地方政策资源帮助政府各部门间形成政绩共荣体、疏堵并举精准施策构建紧密利益联结机制、搭建“政府—市场—公众”多元共治治理格局等政策建议。  相似文献   

为了从当前的环境治理困境中突围,促进环境政策预期目标的达成,发挥环境政策评估应有的作用和效应,考虑到环境的公共性及环境保护的外部性特征,将公众参与纳入环境政策评估的过程中是多方利益主体的共同诉求.通过对相关文献的梳理以及对环境政策评估领域中公众参与现状的归纳分析,笔者发现,当前公众参与环境政策评估的现实困境主要体现在信...  相似文献   

中国工程院国际工程科技高端论坛暨PACE 20周年纪念大会于2017年8月28~29日在北京举行。PACE 20周年大会就"水资源水环境政策"和"环境社会治理"两个主题进行了深入研讨,并达成以下共识:政府治理是中国水资源水环境治理的主导模式,但目前我国水资源水环境政府治理仍面临政策不规范、立法不完善、监管不到位等实质性的问题,要积极促进政策的制定与执行;环境社会治理是我国环境治理的短板,环境治理不仅需要政府的主导,更需要社会上的利益相关方参与政策制定、监督与执行过程,更需要社会各行为主体的自觉自主行动,促进环境行为改善,化解由环境引起的社会矛盾。  相似文献   

农业面源污染的治理不是单纯的技术问题,而是社会综合问题。通过对淳安县的实地考察,从利益相关者理论视角将农业面源污染治理项目所涉及的群体分为项目组织管理、项目实施、项目技术支持三大主体,分析其各自面对的困难。提出从提高机构待遇,加强产业扶持;进一步完善废弃农药包装物回收制度;推广示范点,发挥带头人作用;开展校地合作,加强技术支持等6条建议来完善农业面源污染治理项目。  相似文献   

正平台生态系统发展依赖利益相关者共创价值和共同演化,需要实施多利益相关者的共同治理,而互联网平台生态系统健康发展揭示了多利益相关者共同治理的成效与机制。平台生态系统发展可从珊瑚礁演变中获得有益的启示。一是树立平台生态系统整体意识,二是制定平台生态系统特定政策,三是强化平台生态系统多方利益相关者治理,四是针对平台不同利益相关者实施分类与精准管理。  相似文献   

大气污染防治行动计划、限温令等环保法律政策实施的困境表明,法律既是由国家制定和认可,由国家的强制力保证实施的特殊行为规则,又是一种社会实践,法律和法约束主体的互动会影响法律实施的效果。通过分析布迪厄的"场域和惯习"理论对环保政策困境的解读,提出了以环保场域中各个社会行动主体的利益、利益关系为切入点,改变社会行动者的环保惯习;以位置为切入点,形成良好的环保场域;针对环保场域中各个不同的位置和利益诉求采取不同激励措施三点建议。  相似文献   

公众主体包括行政相对人、利益相关者及对环境决策有合理期待的一般公众,公众通过与政府的互动将利益诉求和价值偏好引入环境决策,并通过专家参与保障科学理性.当前,由于环境问题的特殊性、政府垄断决策权和环境规则缺陷等,公众参与存在知识、权力和规则困境.应借鉴《奥胡斯公约》等域外经验,完善我国公众参与保障机制,在环境立法中为公众...  相似文献   

绿色政策执行的博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以污染罚款政策为例对绿色政策的执行进行了较为全面的博弈分析,特别强调在绿色政策的制定与执行过程中应充分考虑企业的利益和能动性。分析结果表明,建立对政府监管行为的再监督机制可以有效地约束企业的污染行为。加强绿色宣传和绿色服务可以从企业内部促使其主动地治理污染,是一种较为根本的举措;充分利用信息的完全、不完全以及不对称,可以从不同方面提高绿色政策的效果。  相似文献   

大气污染治理主要涉及环保部门和排污企业两大参与主体,两者在参与大气环境治理的过程中有不同的利益诉求。采用博弈论的方法对排污企业之间、排污企业与环保部门之间的策略选择行为进行分析,得出结论:排污企业和环保部门间的策略选择是相互影响的,然后提出相应的建议和对策,以期协调环保部门监管和企业治理的关系,确保大气污染能够得到有效的治理。  相似文献   

为了实现农业政策的生态化,即农业政策以环境保护为导向,减少农业政策对环境的影响,需要对农业政策进行环境影响评价。通过深入分析农业政策的环境影响评价对法治建设和生态文明建设的意义,认为在当前我国环境影响评价制度缺少相关政策层面环评的情况下,应当先对农业政策进行环评,通过确立政策环评范围、主体,对其进行阶段性设置,从而完善环评的法律体系,实现农业政策与环境保护的统一。  相似文献   

This study aims to contribute to the field of urban planning by applying policy mobilities and transfer theories to a case study of the Capital Regional District and its 13 municipalities in British Columbia, Canada, in order to analyse and understand the dynamics of how sustainability is governed locally, with a special focus on barriers to sustainability policy mobility. The empirical material is primarily based on interviews with key stakeholders who guide policy development and creation in the region to inform an understanding of how sustainable development initiatives are developed and shared. This study finds that while there is interest and demand in sustainability, policy-makers are frustrated with their lack of success in implementing sustainability programmes. While there are some instances of policy sharing and transfer among municipalities in the region, there is a clear desire for more exchanges which would allow municipalities to respond more effectively to the demands placed upon them. Significant barriers to policy mobility are also identified, in particular, an unclear understanding of sustainability, a culture of competition and hostility among municipalities, difficulty with the process of transfer itself, and a lack of time, money and resources. These barriers are in part a result of a broken governance structure which does not provide clear leadership to the municipalities, sets municipalities to be competitive with each other and provides ineffective support for municipalities through an unwieldy regional administrative body which is not well regarded by the municipalities.  相似文献   

The agri-environmental programme (AEP) is the European Union policy instrument used for the delivery of environmental services expected by the society, but societal expectations for these environmental services are insufficiently assessed. In order to realistically meet the expectations of AEP, this research utilises analytical hierarchy process based web survey to assess the importance that various societal stakeholders in the European countries of Slovenia and Croatia give to specific environmental services and to also identify the agricultural practices that have the greatest potential to realise the expectations that society values the most. All stakeholders (overall group) from Slovenia and Croatia ranked water quality and availability as the first most important environmental service, and reduction of pesticides as the most important agricultural practice to deliver societal expectations. The results indicate that there is similar demand for environmental services in these two countries that differ in their agricultural settings.  相似文献   

We discuss how the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive was designed to be mobile, and how it was moved to and implemented in Finland by translating it to enhance wood-based energy production through specific subsidies. We study policy-making as a mobile process, which approach has its original roots in political science and more recent basis in political geography. The article aims to develop conceptual understanding of how the mobility of a supranational policy is generated and how a policy is translated into complex and contentious geographical contexts. We aim to show that mobility of a directive is enabled by an empty governance space which is aimed to be ‘filled in’ in each spatial context, and that the filling in process makes each translation a contentious and path-dependent process. In Finland, the selected policy tools and practices continued the path-dependent ways of favouring forestry industry’s traditional position as the primary utiliser of forest resources.  相似文献   

Although the importance of understanding stakeholder beliefs regarding environmental policy has been noted by many authors, research focusing on the heterogeneity of stakeholder views is still very scarce and concentrated on a product-oriented definition of stakeholders. The aim of the present study is to address this gap by examining environmental policy beliefs of stakeholder groups engaged in protected area management. Questionnaires containing 73 five-point Likert scale items were administered to eight different stakeholder groups involved in the management of Greek protected areas. Items referred to core beliefs on environmental policy, namely, the value framework and sustainable development, and secondary beliefs, that is, beliefs on social consensus and ecotourism development. Our study used as a starting point respondent recruitment on the basis of a traditional product-centered approach. We investigated whether environmental policy beliefs can be used to effectively segregate stakeholders in well-defined segments, which override the product-oriented definition of stakeholders. Indeed, K-means clustering revealed an innovation-introduction and an implementation-charged sample segment. The instrument utilized in this research proved quite reliable and valid in measuring stakeholder environmental policy beliefs. Furthermore, the methodology implied that stakeholder groups differ in a significant number of belief-system elements. On the other hand, stakeholder groups were effectively distinguished on a small set of both core and secondary beliefs. Therefore, the instrument used can be an effective tool for determining and monitoring environmental policy beliefs of stakeholders in protected area management. This is of considerable importance in the Greek case, given the recent establishment of 27 administrative bodies of protected areas, all of which are required to incorporate public consultation into management practices.  相似文献   

Moving towards a more sustainable adaptation process requires closer integration of policies related to the environment. An important actor in this is the local government. This paper examines to what extend adaptation is currently being integrated into Dutch local policies, and what the role is of a municipality's size, risk and experience in the encountered manifestations of adaptation. First, it was determined that adaptations taking place only anticipate currently perceivable weather extremes – mostly increasing precipitation. Second, it was determined that the realisation of further adaptations is hindered by a strongly sectoral divided reality. Adaptation is now heavily dominated by the water department, while spatial planning and the environment are only limitedly involved. Finally, it was observed that the contextual factor size proved to most important for horizontal policy integration, whereas the contextual factor extreme-weather experience was the most definite for the realisation of adaptations. We conclude that a more sustainable adaptation should first tackle the sectoral divides which requires administrative efforts, for example, professional training. These would preferably be initiated from a vertical direction.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: There is increasing interest in using watershed councils to provide information to public natural resource managers, particularly in the western states. Watershed councils are composed of interested governmental and nongovernmental stakeholders that form to collaboratively manage water and other natural resources at the scale of a watershed. This research is the first step in a multi-step policy analysis designed to answer the question of whether watershed councils are an improvement over traditional methods of public involvement in natural resource management. This paper outlines why watershed councils form and discusses their structure and operation. There is considerable variability in terms of watershed councils' goals, their effectiveness, stakeholder composition, their involvement in the “real” decision-making process, types of participation that are allowed, leadership, financing, decision-making procedures, efficiency, and temporal scale. These structural components are presented as a framework that can be used by researchers to develop criteria to evaluate watershed councils.  相似文献   

水资源管理的经济政策效果模拟是从政策理论到政策实践的关键步骤,让决策者感知政策效果的方向和影响程度,才能更好地促进政策实践转化。本研究引入系统动力学方法,构建水资源经济政策耦合机制下水资源系统动力学(SD)模型,将我国划分为三种类型区域(干旱地区、丰水地区和过渡地区),进行三类四种水资源管理经济政策(水资源有偿使用,水价政策和水权政策;水污染收费,排污收费政策;水生态保护,水生态保护补偿政策)的耦合仿真实证研究。以我国水资源管理政策设计为目标,进行不同水管理政策耦合的生态经济效果仿真和效果定量评价,结果发现:干旱地区有偿使用的经济政策是目前经济水平下效果最好的;过渡地区有偿使用结合污水排放收费政策效果是最好的;而丰水地区必须同时实施水资源有偿使用和水污染收费两类经济政策。  相似文献   

生态文明建设是关系中华民族永续发展的千年大计。近年来,为加强我国生态文明建设,国家层面制定了一系列生态文明建设试点政策,发挥了对全局性改革的示范、突破和带动作用,但也存在部分试点政策执行进展偏慢、效果不如预期等问题,亟待进行系统评估。本研究基于政策过程理论,从政策制定与政策执行两个维度遴选26项评估指标,通过定量分析与定性分析相结合,对我国的生态文明试点政策体系(共9大类、53项)进行系统评估。研究发现:(1)政策目标有待完善,考核机制尚需健全;(2)改革任务交叉重复且分工不明,存在部门利益导向;(3)试点的空间、类型分布不均衡,试点选择科学性不足;(4)立法、市场、社会参与等管理手段有待进一步完善。在此基础上,本研究从目标设置、任务优化、试点布局以及管理机制运用等四个方面提出了若干对策建议,以期对完善我国生态文明建设制度体系提供决策参考。  相似文献   

Since taking office 1 December 1988, Mexico's incumbent president, Carlos Salinas de Gortari, has introduced important innovations in environmental policy that distinguish his administration from those of his predecessors. Greater administrative continuity, improved regulatory capacity achieved through statutory change, focused priorities centering on pollution abatement in Mexico City, and an aggressive search for external financing for pollution control are hallmarks of Salinas' approach. The success of these environmental reforms depends heavily on economic recovery, however, and environmental policy still suffers from underfunding, bureaucratic fragmentation, and heavy reliance on voluntarist enforcement mechanisms. Recently, U.S. congressional debate on a proposed free trade agreement with Mexico has been a factor in spurring the Salinas government to take new antipollution and conservation measures. Mexico's growing environmental movement is also an important force behind the government's new responsiveness in environmental matters. The Salinas administration recognizes the issue's political salience and has sought to defuse environmental criticism using a large arsenal of resources at its disposal. Salinas' environmental policy strategy may thus be characterized as both proactive and reactive in nature. While the reforms are evidence that Mexico is beginning to take environmental matters more seriously, economic recovery and sustained environmental activism remain vital to further progress.  相似文献   

This paper explains how the well-accepted concept of improved stakeholder participation during mineral policy development leads to a national mineral policy that accommodates the diverging views and interests that allows wide acceptance of decisions, enhancing the success of implementation and, ultimately, national benefits. This process is based on lessons learnt during the South African experience and has been successfully applied in the development of the Namibian and Malawian national minerals policies. An effective policy in the SADC will engineer the delicate balance between poverty reduction and an internationally competitive minerals sector. This balance enhances the possibility of long-term economic growth and development in the SADC region. The overriding advantage of this strategy is that it generates ‘home-grown’ policy instruments and implementation of mineral law with which stakeholders can identify. This process presents a new challenge to traditional policy formulation strategies in emerging economies and the bottom-up approach, linked to wide political support, allows the potential realisation of national objectives.  相似文献   

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