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本文运用元素流分析方法,解析了长江经济带社会经济系统磷代谢的主要过程,构建了磷代谢分析框架及磷流核算模型,并以湖北为例,审视了其磷代谢过程及规律,定量识别了水体磷负荷的主要来源,力图提出减少长江经济带总磷污染的相关建议与对策。结果表明:(1)湖北长江经济带磷代谢系统整体结构不协调,呈现典型的单向型;(2)随着矿物磷—植物磷—动物磷的转换,重要工业化生产性子系统(磷化工、农业种植、规模养殖)磷的物质生产率逐渐退化,污染排放率、废物累积率、养分循环率则次第升高,城镇居民对总磷污染的贡献度要远超农村居民;(3)规模养殖、农业种植、磷化工、城镇居民生活是湖北长江经济带水体总磷污染的主要来源。  相似文献   

吴传清  李姝凡 《中国环境管理》2020,12(2):123-130,41
本文选取1998—2015年30个省份数据,采用超效率SBM模型测算全国、长江经济带工业废气污染治理效率;采用门槛效应模型研判长江经济带工业废气污染治理效率的影响因素.研究发现:1998—2015年长江经济带工业废气污染治理效率大于全国工业废气污染治理效率;长江经济带工业废气污染治理效率与全国工业废气污染治理效率的演变轨迹相似;长江经济带工业废气污染治理效率空间格局从"两极分化型"向"过渡型"演变;长江经济带沿线11省份工业废气污染治理效率与重工业占比呈负相关;当人均GDP较小时,长江经济带工业废气污染治理效率与工业化率、地方法规颁布件数、环境污染与破坏总次数呈负相关,与群众因污染来信数呈正相关;当人均GDP跨过门槛阈值拐点后,相关关系反之.为进一步推动长江经济带高质量发展,应加强中央与地方政府合作共促工业污染防控治理,推动重化工业绿色发展,加强媒体对废气污染的长期有效监督,推动建立科学有效的"三方共治"体系.  相似文献   

近年来,我国长江经济带沿岸地区雾霾天气频发,雾霾污染问题愈加严峻。选取长江经济带2000—2016年省级面板数据,基于莫兰指数、空间滞后模型、空间误差模型和空间杜宾模型对雾霾污染的空间特征和影响因素进行了深入剖析,并对雾霾治理的路径选择进行了探讨。研究发现:分布上,长江经济带雾霾污染具有一定的差异性特征,但整体具有显著的空间相关性;经济成因上,能源消费结构、经济发展水平和产业结构是影响长江经济带雾霾污染的主要因素,以煤炭为主的能源消耗越多、经济发展水平越高、工业产业比重越大,雾霾污染程度越严重。从能源结构、产业升级和协同治理等方面提出了雾霾污染治理对策。  相似文献   

濑溪河流域泸县段水污染源分析及对策研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用输出系数模型、等标污染负荷等方法,以研究区实测数据为基础,评价濑溪河泸县段水质现状,结合基于水文水质资料和文献数据的方法确定输出系数取值,估算了濑溪河泸县段COD、氨氮、总磷污染负荷并分析主要来源。结果表明,濑溪河泸县段水质现状较差,总磷为全流域首要污染物;濑溪河泸县段COD污染负荷的主要来源于城镇生活、工业生产,累计占总入河量的60%;氨氮污染负荷主要来自于城镇生活、农业面源,累计占总入河量的64%;总磷污染负荷主要来自农业面源、分散畜禽养殖,累计占总入河量的75%。建议进一步加快城镇生活污染治理设施建设,强化工业企业污染治理,完善农村农业污染防治,实施流域综合整治及生态修复。  相似文献   

2016年1月,习近平总书记在推动长江经济带发展座谈会上提出要“共抓大保护、不搞大开发”,走“生态优先、绿色发展”之路。2018年4月,习近平总书记将“长江保护修复”列为标志性的污染防治攻坚战战役之一。其中,长江经济带固体废物污染治理是长江生态环境保护修复工作的重要一环。目前长江经济带固废污染治理主要存在以下四方面问题:一是固废处理处置规划不系统,呈现“碎片化”,在固废处理处置设施分布、处理处置工艺、产业链条,以及主管部门及其政策资金安排、行政区划等方面缺乏整体的区域规划。  相似文献   

流域整治前,排入福建省南安市兰溪流域的CODCr总量1320.319t/a、氨氮总量113.905t/a、磷总量24.231t/a,远高于水环境容量CODCr807.7t/a、氨氮42.5t/a、总磷8.5t/a的理论值。针对流域主要污染源是生活污水、农业面源和养殖污水的源解析成果,采取了强化村镇生活污水收集治理,严格整治养殖业污染,加强农业面源污染防治的针对性措施,历经两年的整治,兰溪水质已从劣V类基本恢复到Ⅲ类水平。  相似文献   

污水处理设施作为废水排放的处理终端,在区域水环境治理的过程中发挥关键作用。本文以长江经济带沿线1117座污水处理设施为样本,以单位污水处理能耗作为污水处理设施的投入变量,BOD5等污染物的削减率作为产出变量,在考虑各类污染物对环境造成的异质性影响下利用WSBM模型对污水处理设施的减排效率进行测度,并运用CLAD模型对影响污水处理设施减排效率的外部因素进行研究。结果表明:长江经济带污水处理设施综合减排效率较低且差异较大,设施单位污水处理能耗冗余率较高以及对总磷污染物减排效果不理想是制约其减排效率提高的重要因素;长江经济带污水处理设施的减排纯技术效率总体呈现"东高西低",以上海、湖南、云南三省份形成"三极"的空间分布特征,而设施减排规模效率则呈现出"中部高、东西低"的空间分布格局;设施减排效率外部影响因素的驱动效应差异明显,并据此提出了排水管网合理规划、推进新型城镇化建设等对策建议。  相似文献   

长江经济带城市生态环境协同发展能力评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
生态优先、绿色发展是长江经济带国家战略的核心要求,城市生态协同发展是落实"共抓大保护、不搞大开发"的关键。城市生态协同发展主要体现为特定地方对全流域生态环境质量的贡献度,体现了特定地方对流域性生态公共物品和服务的供给能力。长江经济带110个地级以上城市生态环境协同发展能力差异悬殊。协同发展水平较高的城市主要集中在经济发展水平较高、能耗和污染排放较少的城市以及经济发展水平不高、工业污染较少的城市。而生态协同发展能力较差的城市多集中在那些能耗和污染严重的地区。这些城市形成了三大一级城市群和八大二级城市子群的空间分异格局。该格局表明,区域经济发展水平与生态协同发展能力之间在现阶段并非存在着严格的对应关系。长江经济带生态协同发展需要切实体现一体化治理(流域性)、中央集中性治理(国家战略性)和经济、社会、生态、环境统筹性治理(复合地域生态系统)三大内在需求。从长江流域整个生态系统恢复与地方生态环境保护的分工协作入手,处理好中央与地方政府在流域生态环境治理中的责权利关系,实现上下游之间、中央与地方政府之间在生态环境治理实践中的战略协同。  相似文献   

周迪 《中国环境管理》2021,13(3):159-167
推动长江经济带发展是中共中央作出的重大决策,是关系国家发展全局的重要战略。法治是长江经济带实现高质量发展的根本保障。2021年3月1日,我国第一部流域法律《长江保护法》正式施行。长江流域司法协同治理是实现《长江保护法》提出的统筹协调、系统保护机制的重要保障。当前,我国长江经济带司法治理呈现碎片化特征,流域生态系统在司法保护尺度内尚未统一。本文基于对司法空间属性的理论分析,结合美国流域司法治理相关案例的考察,提出从空间协同性和专业协同性两个角度构建我国长江司法协同治理机制。  相似文献   

三峡库区水污染治理工程地理位置 :三峡库区及其上游区包括四川宜宾到湖北宜昌的长江干流江段 ,并汇集了岷江、沱江、金沙江、嘉陵江、乌江几大流域来水。环境问题 :2 0 0 0年三峡库区及其上游区废水排放总量为 4 4 1亿吨 ,COD135 6万吨 ,氨氮 11 4万吨 ,工业固体废物 977 8万吨 ,生活垃圾产生量 6 6 8 6万吨 ,危险废物约 4 0万吨。治理目标 :2 0 0 5年基本遏制住人为因素造成新的水土流失 ;化学需氧量入库量控制在 11万吨 /年 ,总氮和总磷入库量得到控制 ;主要水质指标达到或好于国家地表水环境质量标准Ⅲ类。南水北调东线治污工程地理位…  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A Visual Perception Test, consisting of photographic slides of water sites, was designed to examine laymen's water quality perceptions. The slides were taken at five water sites where the level of visual pollution was artifically altered by the investigator. Analysis of variance indicated that the water sites were evaluated differently for each of five pollution levels. Increases in water discoloration and the quality of litter were viewed as increases in level of pollution. Laymen not only evaluated visually polluted sites lower for uses such as picnicking, but they also evaluated the quality of the actual water lower. Stepwise multiple regression indicated that a combination of water color, scenic beauty appreciation, quality of the surrounding environment and industry as a pollution source explained 73 percent of the variance in predicting Overall Pollution. Application of factor analysis simplified the variables to an Overall Pollution Factor and a Boating Use Factor.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: An index of residential water efficiency - a “W-Index” - can serve as a measure of effectiveness of water conservation features in the home. The index provides a calculated numerical value for each dwelling unit, derived from the number and kind of water-saving features present, including indoor and outdoor water savers and water harvesting or recycling systems. A W-Index worksheet, devised for on-site evaluation of single-family residences in the Tucson, Arizona, region shows that a nonconserving residence with all the water-using features would use 151,000 gallons per year or 148 gallons per capita per day (gpcpd), while the fully conserving model would use 35,300 gallons per year or 35 gpcpd and with water harvesting and graywater recycling systems would have a maximum W-Index of W-160. A Tucson water conservation demonstration home, Casa del Agua, received a rating of W-139, and field tests of about 30 homes in new Tucson subdivisions show values ranging from W-75 to W-100, indicating the incorporation of some water conservation in current new models. By adjustment of some climatic or water-use parameters, the W-Index format can be applied to various types of dwelling units or to other urban areas. The W-Index can be used by individual homeowners or builders to evaluate water efficiency of residential units, or by water providers or water management agencies as a device for promoting and achieving water conservation goals.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This work begins by defining rational water use, and then discusses important factors that most strongly influence it. A general model is then developed to enable factories to quantify the ratio of rational industrial water reuse based on the least cost method. The model is established to minimize the cost of water with reference to gross water use and three subsystems ‐ the intake, reuse, and discharge of industrial water. Discharge cost is determined using data from a 1997 survey of 38 factories, and reuse costs are ranked and expressed by a step function. The model is verified using data from a typical semiconductor factory in northern Taiwan's Hsinchu Science Based Industrial Park, whose effective rational water reuse ratio is about 38 percent. A sensitivity analysis shows that improving water reuse technology is the most important factor in determining the rational water reuse ratio, and the price of water is the second most important. When water costs over NT$30 (New Taiwan Dollar, US$1 = NT$34) per cubic meter, increasing reuse becomes significant. The model provides a step towards the scientific management of industrial water.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Most southwestern cities were founded along rivers or in areas having springs or readily available ground water. Because of the generally sparse precipitation, the renewable fresh water supply in the Southwest is smaller than most other areas of the United States. Despite the arid climate, water use has increased rapidly, first in the form of irrigation, and more recently the use in cities. This has caused extensive development of local water resources and overdraft of ground water basins in some areas. It is difficult to implement new local supplies and importation projects due to a myriad of environmental and legal constraints and a general shortage of public funds. Various opportunities and plans for water management, both on the demand and supply sides, are discussed. Evolving water strategies in four metropolitan areas - El Paso, Albuquerque, Las Vegas, and Phoenix - and issues regarding the Central Arizona Project are presented.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In the near future, groundwater storage of imported water may become increasingly important as sites for surface storage are less available. This article explores the potential economic costs and benefits of groundwater storage. The costs include capital outlays, maintenance costs, land costs, legal costs, energy costs, and opportunity costs. The benefits include land cost savings, prevention of subsidence, aquifer protection, and higher economic use of surface lands that might be covered by a reservoir.  相似文献   

水资源短缺的有效解决途径——虚拟水战略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对中国水资源利用现状,系统论述了水足迹、虚拟水以及虚拟水战略的概念和内涵。通过水足迹来揭示人类对水资源的实际需求和占用,介绍了虚拟水战略的研究展望及存在的不足,通过应用虚拟水战略可以缓解水资源短缺现状,保证水资源与人口、耕地的地域组合均衡。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper summarizes contemporary water management issues as recognized by 19 U.S. organizations. Only the issues are identified herein. Individual organization stands are not presented. Most suggestions for action are those of the author. Addresses of all organizations whose documents were reviewed are included in the Reference section so that those desiring to learn more about an organization's stand can readily make contact.  相似文献   

Leidner, Andrew J., M. Edward Rister, Ronald D. Lacewell, and Allen W. Sturdivant, 2011. The Water Market for the Middle and Lower Portions of the Texas Rio Grande Basin. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 47(3):597‐610. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752‐1688.2011.00527.x Abstract: Regional water management on the United States’ side of the middle and lower portions of the Rio Grande basin of Texas has been aided by a functioning water market since the early 1970s. The water market operates over a region that stretches from the Amistad Reservoir to the Rio Grande’s terminus into the Gulf of Mexico. This article provides an overview of the organizations, institutions, policies, and geographic particulars of the region’s water‐management system and its water market. In recent years, this region has experienced high population growth, periodic droughts, and a reallocation of water resources from the area’s agricultural sector to the municipal sector. Demand growth for potable water and a relatively fixed supply of raw water are reflected in increasing prices for domestic, municipal, and industrial water rights. Rising prices in the presence of scarcity and the transfer of water from lower‐value to higher‐value uses indicate that the market is operating as suggested by economic theory. Reasons for the market’s functionality are presented and discussed. Finally, suggestions are presented which might mitigate potential complications to market operations from aquifer depletion and aid the management of instream river flows.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The paper outlines both the methods used and the results obtained in a study of the demand for municipal and industrial water for the Seattle region. The study was made as part of a regional water management study program, one objective of which is to “… identify, quantify, and set priorities for all current and future water uses …”. A basic concept in the study of municipal and industrial water use is that the demand for water is derived from the demand for output and the direct services that water provides. Principal characteristics of the study are: (1) Water use is studied by type - residential, commercial, industrial and public -with identification of factors affecting each; (2) Water demands are studied by season as well as on an annual basis; (3) Projections of future water use are tied directly to projections of economic change in the service area; and (4) The effects of alternative policies on water use are estimated. Water use levels are projected under alternative regional growth assumptions provided by the Puget Sound Governmental Conference, a regional planning agency. Thus, the water use planning is consistent with other regional planning programs in this respect. The results can be varied according to changes in specific factors affecting water use. The factors considered in the present study include: single-family residential lot size, distribution of population between single- and multi-family units, per capita water use by multi-family unit residents, and industrial and commercial water use per employee. An income elasticity of demand was estimated for single-family residential water use.  相似文献   

Water scarcity presents an obstacle to economic development in the western United States. Water rights markets help improve water allocation, allowing states to derive the highest economic benefit from available resources, and supporting new uses and economic development. However, the implicit (marginal) prices of water rights attributes are uncertain. To address this problem, we apply econometric analysis to a unique dataset to estimate the implicit values that market participants place on the attributes of shares of ditch company water rights in Colorado's South Platte River Basin. Our analysis demonstrates that ditch company share buyers value proximity of water diversion, reliability of water deliveries, and temporal flexibility of water use. To assess reliability we introduce the use of the coefficient of variation to capture, in one variable, the randomness of supply from ditch company shares that are not a single water right, but a portfolio of rights with different appropriation dates. Finally, we test and correct for spatial autocorrelation for the first time in a study of water market prices.  相似文献   

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