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Extensive studies of the radiocarbon (14C) distribution and transfer in the marine environment of the North-Cotentin peninsula and along the English Channel have been carried out. The main aims of these studies have been to estimate the spatial and temporal variation of the 14C concentration in seawater and to calculate 14C concentration factors for some biological species. Such information will be helpful in order to calculate precisely radiation doses to humans. First results obtained in the vicinity of the COGEMA La Hague nuclear plant (Goury) indicate a 14C labelling of the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in seawater (8.0-26.2 Bq.m(-3)) and a tight relationship between the 14C in the liquid releases from the plant and the 14C concentrations in DIC. The particulate organic carbon (POC) is also labelled. The concentration factor calculations for the brown algae (Fucus serratus) sampled from Goury, and also along the English Channel, give 14C values around 3000 Bq.kg(-1) fresh weight / Bq.L(-1).  相似文献   

In recent years, the field of AMS has expanded into many areas of science. This paper reviews a variety of applications of AMS in the marine environment, focusing particularly on recent developments and applications. Following a brief summary of the three main isotope techniques used in environmental studies: dating, tracing and source identification, a number of applications are considered. Traditional (14)C-dating is no longer the dominant application of AMS measurements, and together with measurements of (10)Be, (26)Al and (36)Cl, much of the research is now directed towards an understanding of global climate change via studies of oceanic circulation, atmospheric processes and past climates by cosmic ray exposure dating. Profiles of long-lived cosmogenic radionuclides in sediments and ice cores, as a function of depth and, thus, age, provide key information on past solar variability, production rate changes and atmospheric transport and deposition mechanisms. Useful paleoclimatic information may be derived from these archives both because deposition is influenced by climate and because solar activity (which influences production) and solar radiance (which influences climate) are correlated. In recent years, emphasis has been put on the development and application of AMS techniques for the measurement of heavier long-lived isotopes, including (99)Tc, (129)I, (236)U and other actinide isotopes. AMS combines ultra low detection limits and the possibility to analyse isotope ratios that can be difficult with traditional instruments and has been used in a number of applications on the consequences and uses of releases from nuclear energy. Finally, the use AMS in environmental sciences is expected to expand further in the foreseeable future with long-lived cosmogenic radionuclides contributing to a large body of knowledge on processes involving atmosphere, oceans, ice sheets, biosphere, soils and sediments.  相似文献   

Migration of 14C derived from 14C-acetic acid was examined by using soils sampled from paddies in four administrative areas in Japan (Aomori, Yamanashi, Ehime and Okinawa) and rice plant in a tracer experiment to understand the fate of 14C in the paddy soil-to-rice plant system. The loss of 14C radioactivity levels derived from 14C-acetic acid was caused by soil microorganism breakdown. A part of the 14C fixation to soil was caused by microbial assimilation into the fatty acid fraction. 14C moved upward via two different types of 14C dynamics in soil: quick movement upward; and constant but slow movement upward. 14C was highly assimilated into the plant panicle and that was caused by the root-uptake and the transfer of 14C. Migration of 14C derived from 14C-acetic acid relied heavily upon changes of chemical forms and characteristics of 14C-compound as caused by microorganisms in soil.  相似文献   

Records of prehistoric tropical cyclones occur in the form of ridges of coral rubble, sand, shell, sand and shell, and pumice; erosional terraces in raised gravel beaches; barrier washover deposits; and, sediments deposited in the shallow offshore marine environment. Other less well-documented records occur as variations in isotopic ratios within speleothems and possibly tree rings, and changes in pollen records resulting from introduction of new species after forest disturbance due to cyclonic winds. As yet, such records have not been identified beyond 5500 years of age. Recent palaeotempestological studies in the United States and northern Australia have highlighted that the frequency and magnitude of these natural hazards do not remain constant over time, and there are periods when cyclogenesis is enhanced, and others of relative quiescence. Recognition of such regime changes, or non-stationarity in the long-term record, is important for risk assessments of this hazard. Until now however, few if any risk assessments have incorporated data from the long-term record of tropical cyclones, and instead have relied on generally short instrumented historical records. The longer-term records suggest that such an approach may miscalculate the 1% Annual Exceedance Probability risk to coastal communities from future tropical cyclones.  相似文献   

The article studies tourism eco-environment of 14 cities of Gangsu Province, China, based on GIS with many kinds of multi-subject spatial database, such as remote sensing data, observation data and literature data. The research results were as follows. First, spatial features of 14 cities' tourism eco-environment are displayed with five levels of vulnerability respectively. The vulnerability in Gansu becomes worse from Gannan City, located in southern Gansu to Hexi Corridor which lies in northwestern Gansu. Second, the areas of above the middle vulnerability level make up 75% of the total areas of Gansu Province. Third, more than 70% of high-level human and natural tourism resources are in the areas with high vulnerability eco-environment. Fourth, it is crucial to develop comprehensive tourism industry in order to improve the harmonious development between tourism industry and eco-environment in Gansu Province.  相似文献   

Lanthanides are a chemically uniform group of metals (La–Lu) that, together with yttrium (Y) and scandium (Sc), form the group of rare earth elements (REEs). Because of their many applications (e.g., agriculture, medicine, motor industry), their global production has increased exponentially in the last decades and their biogeochemical cycles are being disrupted by human uses (e.g., gadolinium anomalies in freshwater and tap water, REEs enrichment of soils as a consequence of agricultural practices). However, ecotoxicological effects and mechanism of action of these elements are still poorly understood. In particular, there is no consensus as to lanthanides showing a coherent and predictable pattern of (eco)toxicity in the same way as their atomic properties. For aquatic organisms, contradictory conclusions on this issue can be found in the bibliography. This review shows that the variable composition of culture media used in ecotoxicology, and the associated differences in lanthanide's speciation, are the most likely cause for such discrepancies. In particular, the formation of insoluble species in some highly complexing media likely leads to changes in the soluble concentration of lanthanide during some tests; with the potential for a generalized underestimation of their toxicity at the present state of knowledge. For terrestrial organisms, suitable studies to establish trends in lanthanides' toxicity are practically nonexistent; with most research focusing on the effects of REE mixtures. Molecular level studies to elucidate the mechanisms of action of lanthanides are essentially limited to La, pointing to the need for further research to identify common mechanisms of action or modes of action across lanthanides. Overall, agreement on the correct procedures to follow to obtain reliable and comparable data for individual lanthanide is the first action to take in order to arrive at a reliable risk assessment for this group of elements in both aquatic and terrestrial systems.  相似文献   

To realize the dynamical behavior of 14C among exchangeable carbon reservoirs in terrestrial environment, a method for in situ determination of 14CO2 flux at soil-atmosphere interface and a high flow rate CO2 sampler were developed. This method allowed us to collect integrated quantity of CO2 for determining 14C activity over an extended time period under environmental conditions with minimal site disturbance. The 14CO2 flux from ground surface was estimated to be 1.59 x 10(-5) Bq m (-2) S (-1) in a forest floor with the method. The specific activities of 14C in environmental materials such as some biological and air samples were also determined in the vicinity of the place, where the flux measurement was made, to discuss the behavior of 14C in the forest ecosystem. The results indicated that fresh pine needles had a similar 14C specific activity to the atmospheric CO2 at the same height due to its fairly rapid equilibrium, 14C specific activity in the atmospheric CO2 has a concentration gradient near the ground surface and, at least in this site, CO2 with high 14C specific activity was generated by decomposition of soil organic matter which may be accumulated in soil as a result of former nuclear weapons tests.  相似文献   

The distribution and behaviour of the natural-series alpha-emitter polonium-210 in the marine environment has been under study for many years primarily due to its enhanced bioaccumulation, its strong affinity for binding with certain internal tissues, and its importance as a contributor to the natural radiation dose received by marine biota as well as humans consuming seafoods. Results from studies spanning nearly 5 decades show that 210Po concentrations in organisms vary widely among the different phylogenic groups as well as between the different tissues of a given species. Such variation results in 210Po concentration factors ranging from approximately 103 to over 106 depending upon the organism or tissue considered. 210Po/210Pb ratios in marine species are generally greater than unity and tend to increase up the food chain indicating that 210Po is preferentially taken up by organisms compared to its progenitor 210Pb. The effective transfer of 210Po up the food chain is primarily due to the high degree of assimilation of the radionuclide from ingested food and its subsequent strong retention in the organisms. In some cases this mechanism may lead to an apparent biomagnification of 210Po at the higher trophic level. Various pelagic species release 210Po and 210Pb packaged in organic biodetrital particles that sink and remove these radionuclides from the upper water column, a biogeochemical process which, coupled with scavenging rates of this radionuclide pair, is being examined as a possible proxy for estimating downward organic carbon fluxes in the sea. Data related to preferential bioaccumulation in various organisms, their tissues, resultant radiation doses to these species, and the processes by which 210Po is transferred and recycled through the food web are discussed. In addition, the main gaps in our present knowledge and proposed areas for future studies on the biogeochemical behaviour of 210Po and its use as a tracer of oceanographic processes are highlighted in this review.  相似文献   

The concept of the life table originated in longevity studies of man, where it was always presented as a subject peculiar to public health, demography, and actuarial science. As a result, its development has not received sufficient attention in the field of statistics. Actually, the problems of mortality studies are similar to those of reliability theory and life testing, and they may be described in terms familiar to the statistically oriented mind. From a statistical point of view, human life is a random experiment and its outcome, survival or death, ss subject to chance. The life table systematically records the outcomes of many such experiments for a large number of individuals over a period of time. Thus, the quantities in the table are random variables subject to established statistical analysis. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the life table from a statistical viewpoint.  相似文献   

The concept of the life table originated in longevity studies of man, where it was always presented as a subject peculiar to public health, demography, and actuarial science. As a result, its development has not received sufficient attention in the field of statistics. Actually, the problems of mortality studies are similar to those of reliability theory and life testing, and they may be described in terms familiar to the statistically oriented mind. From a statistical point of view, human life is a random experiment and its outcome, survival or death, ss subject to chance. The life table systematically records the outcomes of many such experiments for a large number of individuals over a period of time. Thus, the quantities in the table are random variables subject to established statistical analysis. The purpose of this presentation is to discuss the life table from a statistical viewpoint.  相似文献   

Sediment cores were taken from six sites across the UK. Apart from Banbury Reservoir in London, all the other sites are relatively remote lakes. Trace elements Pb, Zn, Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni, Sn, As and V, major elements such as Fe, Mn, Ti and Al were analysed, and organic content measured as loss-on-ignition was determined in all of these cores. The result shows that these relatively remote sites have experienced enhanced atmospheric deposition of anthropogenically derived trace elements for over 100 years, and the contamination might start before industrialisation. Trace metal contamination remains the highest level at Banbury Reservoir showing "pollution source" influence. Despite the considerable reduction in atmospheric deposition in recent years, although some of the element concentrations in the surface sediments have declined, they are still much higher than their natural background values. In these sites, trace element pollution records have been influenced by many different factors. Redox condition could affect As distribution in the sediments. Sediment matrix could also affect trace element pollution signal. Apart from direct atmospheric deposition, the distributions of trace elements in the sediments have been affected by forestry activities and catchment erosion, and more contaminated soil in-wash could increase sediment pollution whilst less contaminated soil could dilute sediment pollution. In some sites, data suggest that catchment in-wash is an important source of elements for the lakes.  相似文献   

This paper reviews methods for carbon-14 dating using accelerators. 14C is accelerated to high energies. Subsequently 14C is separated from 14N by passing it through a xenon gas cell or electrostatic separator. Advantages, limits and applications of the techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the distribution of 137Cs and 210Pb(xs) in 51 estuarine and marine sediment cores collected between the Upstart Bay and Rockingham Bay in the Great Barrier Reef Lagoon, north-eastern Australia. Historical records of 210Pb(xs) and 137Cs atmospheric deposition and present day terrestrial inventories in north-eastern Australia are presented. 210Pb(xs) and 137Cs fluxes measured on suspended sediments in the Burdekin River are considered to be a source of recent inputs of these nuclides to the nearshore region of this part of the Great Barrier Reef. Direct correlations between sediment nuclide inventories, maximum detectable depths, and sediment mass accumulation rates (MARs), calculated using both 137Cs and 210Pb(xs), are explored. In relation to inventories of 210Pb(xs), 60% of atmospheric fallout 137Cs appears to be missing from the sediments. The reasons for these differences in two tracers, primarily of atmospheric origin, are discussed in terms of the geochemical properties of these two nuclides. Evidence is presented to support the hypothesis that the 137Cs distribution in these cores can be a useful independent tracer which provides confirmation of MARs calculated from the decay of 210Pb(xs).  相似文献   

234Th, a commonly used short-lived particle-reactive tracer in marine systems, was measured in three different holding pond series at the Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site (RFETS), Colorado, along with its parent nuclide 238U, to determine steady-state residence times of particle-reactive actinides such as Pu, and of particles. Series B ponds, which received industrial effluent that includes ortho-phosphate (PO4) and actinides, differed from series A and C ponds, which did not. This difference was also evident in the calculated particle residence times, which were <1 day for the ponds B4 and B5, where PO4 concentrations were higher (1.4 and 1.8 mg/l), and 3 and 3.4 days for ponds A3 and C2, respectively, where ortho-phosphate concentrations were lower (<0.1 mg/l). Particle residence times thus showed an inverse relationship with the concentration of ortho-phosphate, the limiting nutrient in fresh water systems. The same relationship to the concentration of ortho-phosphate or any of the other nutrient elements was not evident for the residence times of dissolved 234Th, which ranged between 0.1 and 2 days. This can be attributed to higher concentrations of dissolved and particulate ligands with greater binding potential for actinides such as four-valent Th and Pu in ponds with higher ortho-phosphate concentrations. Regardless of actual ortho-phosphate concentration, however, at water residence (holding) times of 1 month in these ponds, particles and associated actinides would be expected to be completely removed from the pond water to sediments.  相似文献   

Data on indoor/outdoor pollutant and tracer concentrations were collected during different periods in 1981 at a residence in Newton, MA. Special studies within the kitchen were conducted to determine the vertical and horizontal variability of pollutant and tracer gas concentrations. A reactive chemistry model incorporating simplified NOx chemistry was developed to simulate pollutant concentrations indoors. Multicompartmental mathematical modeling tools were also developed and tested to estimate efficiently the effective, emission, ventilation, and removal rates, as well as the intercompartmental pollutant exchange coefficients. Model studies utilizing two- and three-compartment systems and tracer measurements proved that the dynamics of pollutant mixing inside a kitchen is not only complex but may be quite important in controlling spatial and temporal variability of reactive species. Further monitoring and modeling studies to investigate the critical aspects of the short-term dynamics of the reactive pollutants inside homes with gas cooking stoves are recommended.  相似文献   

The results of (14)C measurements in the annual tree rings from the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (INPP) surroundings, Lithuania, for the period of its operation from 1984 to 2002 are presented. The terrestrial samples, mainly moss and related soil, are studied in places as well. The tree rings have shown slightly enhanced (14)C activity due to operation of the nuclear power plant. The maximal calculated normalized (14)C release of 11TBqGW(e)(-1)year(-1) and the maximal effective dose of 2.0x10(-3)mSvyear(-1) resulting from the (14)C were estimated for 1999. For other years of INPP operation these values are lower. The excess of (14)C specific activity measured in the moss and soil samples from moss-covered sites near the nuclear power plant (up to 0.5km) showed highly elevated (14)C contents (up to 813pMC), probably indicating releases of particulate material.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes a number of studies in two disciplines of particular interest to environmental scientists and managers: academic ecology and academic economics. These studies suggest that too often in the past we have been extremely cavalier in our acceptance and use of some theoretical mathematical models purporting great importance and generality. Of particular concern is that on a number of occasions, data have been presented as substantiation of certain theoretical models while in fact, on closer examination, they are not. In many cases, the use of these formulations have led to unnecessary environmental destruction and illogical economic decisions. I conclude that, although there are many good reasons to continue to formalize our knowledge about systems through explicit model development, we must not continue to confuse mathematical rigor with scientific rigor, and we must subject our theoretical formulations to more rigid tests vis-a-vis nature than we have in the past.  相似文献   

Toxic effects of brominated flame retardants in man and in wildlife   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) are ubiquitous industrial chemicals, and many of them are produced in large volumes. Due to this fact, several BFRs are found in quantifiable levels in wildlife, as well as in humans. However, we are still lacking information on the effects of BFR in wildlife and, especially, in man. This review summarises the biological effects of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) and derivates, hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) and polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), however excluding other aspects such as environmental levels. These BFR groups were selected because of a large volume production (PBDEs, TBBPA and derivates), and availability of some toxicity data in spite of much lower production volumes (HBCD and PBBs). In addition, the increase in levels of PBDEs in human (breast milk) and wildlife samples during later time made it especially interesting to include this BFR group. PBDES: The commercial PBDE products predominantly consist of so-called penta-, octa- and decabromodiphenyl ether products. Each product consists of a rather narrow range of congeners and is named after the dominating congener as regards the bromination pattern. Generally, the PentaBDEs seem to cause adverse effects at the comparably lowest dose, whereas much higher doses were needed for effects of the DecaBDEs. The critical effects of PentaBDEs are those on neurobehavioural development (from 0.6 mg/kg body weight) and, at somewhat higher dose, thyroid hormone levels in rats and mice, of OctaBDEs on fetal toxicity/teratogenicity in rats and rabbits (from 2 mg/kg body weight), and of DecaBDEs on thyroid, liver and kidney morphology in adult animals (from 80 mg/kg body weight). Carcinogenicity studies, only performed for DecaBDEs, show some effects at very high levels, and IARC (1990) evaluates DecaBDEs not classifiable as to its carcinogenicity to humans. TBBPA: The toxicity of TBBPA in the experimental in vivo studies is suggested to be low. In most reported studies, only doses in g/kg body weight were effective, but at least one study suggested renal effects at around 250 mg/kg body weight. Although difficult to include and interpret in a quantitative risk assessment, the in vitro effects on immunological and thyroid hormones, as well as binding to erythrocytes should be noted. Before a solid standpoint could be reached on TBBPA toxicity additional studies must be performed. This statement is even more valid regarding the TBBPA derivates, where there is an almost complete lack of toxicity data. HBCD: Also in the case of HBCD, relevant toxicity studies are lacking. Based on the present animal studies, a critical effect is seen in the liver and on thyroid hormones (LOAEL 100 mg/kg body weight/day). However, in a recent short paper behavioural effects in mice pups were observed already at 0.9 mg/kg body weight, and behavioural effects may be a sensitive endpoint for HBCD, as well as for other BFRs. PBBS: Due to the Michigan accident in 1973-1974, many toxicity studies on PBBs are available. The critical experimental effects are those on reproduction and carcinogenicity, and a NOAEL of 0.15 mg/kg body weight/day could be suggested based on the cancer effects. In man no unequivocal effects have been observed, although in some studies neurological and musculoskeletal symptoms were suggested. Based on the carcinogenic effects in animals, a human TDI of 0.15 microg/kg body weight has been presented.To conclude, the toxicity data are almost entirely based on experimental models. There are differences among the BFR groups, as well as within these groups, both regarding type of toxic effect and at what dose it appears. As BFRs will continue to appear both in industrial applications and, even if the production has ceased, in our environment, there is a continued need for effects studies on BFRs.  相似文献   

The indoor concentration of suspended particulate matter (SPM) was measured in forty-four retrofitted and tight dwellings, which had electric cooking and were central heated and where the basic ventilation rate in median amounted 0.23 air changes per hour as measured with a tracer dilution method. The indoor concentration of SPM was in median 230 μg/m3 with a strong correlation to the tobacco consumption (rs=0.716), but with no correlation to the frequency of airing or the basic ventilation rate. Tobacco smoking seems to be the main indoor source of SPM in contemporary dwellings. The importance of these findings is underlined by epidemiologic studies on passive smoking and health. Air quality standards for the ambient air are based on certain risk groups such as infants, children, persons with chronic obstructive lung disorders, and indoor air standards should be based on the same concepts of health protection.  相似文献   

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