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In general, indoor radon concentration is subject to seasonal variability. The reasons are to be found (1) in meteorological influence on the transport properties of soil, e.g. through temperature, frozen soil layers and soil water saturation; and (2) in living habits, e.g. the tendency to open windows in summer and keep them closed in winter, which in general leads to higher accumulation of geogenic Rn in closed rooms in winter. If one wants to standardize indoor Rn measurements originally performed at different times of the year, e.g. in order to make them comparable, some correction transform as a function of measurement time which accounts for these effects must be estimated. In this paper, the seasonality of indoor Rn concentration measured in Austria is investigated as a function of other factors that influence indoor Rn. Indoor radon concentration is clearly shown to have seasonal variability, with higher Rn levels in winter. However, it is complicated to quantify the effect because, as a consequence of the history of an Rn survey, the measurement season maybe correlated to geological regions, which may introduce a bias in the estimate of the seasonality amplitude.  相似文献   

The RAD Laboratory measured annual means of radon activity concentrations in 15 277 first-floor rooms of dwellings and in 325 rooms on upper floors in Hungary (1994-2004). The original purpose of the survey was to find radon-prone area in Hungary. The maximum measured value was 5800 Bq m(-3), while the minimum was 10 Bq m(-3). Due to geological diversity and different structures of buildings, the data set of first-floor rooms did not follow the lognormal distribution. Therefore, strata were chosen so that the measured data fitted the lognormal distribution. The numbers of dwellings above a given radon level were determined in each stratum. The national distribution was then taken as the sum of the individual distributions of all strata. This distribution was not lognormal. The parameters of the best fitting lognormal distribution were GM = 58 Bq m(-3), GSD = 2.2. The weighted averages of strata values GM = 62 Bq m(-3), GSD=2.1 were obtained corresponding to 92% of Hungarian dwellings.  相似文献   

Significantly elevated radon concentrations were found in several adjacent houses in Clinton, New Jersey. The United States Environmental Protection Agency screened 56 of the houses and selected 10 for demonstration of radon-reduction techniques. Each of the 10 houses received an intensive radon diagnostic evaluation before a house-specific radon reduction plan was developed. Depressurization effects caused by temperature differentials and the operation of mechanical equipment were quantified. Before and after radon reduction plans were implemented, radon concentrations were determined by charcoal canisters and continuous radon monitors. A variety of sealing and subslab depressurization techniques were applied to the 10 houses. Radon concentrations were reduced by over 95% in all 10 houses. The cost of applying radon reduction techniques ranged from $1500 to $8500 per house. House construction characteristics were described which contributed to the high cost of radon reduction. In summary, the 10-house radon reduction demonstration in Clinton, New Jersey was successful in showing homeowners with similar house types some effective ways of reducing radon concentrations.  相似文献   

ANOVA is used to show that approximately 25% of the total variation of indoor radon concentrations in England and Wales can be explained by the mapped bedrock and superficial geology. The proportion of the total variation explained by geology is higher (up to 37%) in areas where there is strong contrast between the radon potential of sedimentary geological units and lower (14%) where the influence of confounding geological controls, such as uranium mineralisation, cut across mapped geological boundaries. When indoor radon measurements are grouped by geology and 1-km squares of the national grid, the cumulative percentage of the variation between and within mapped geological units is shown to be 34-40%. The proportion of the variation that can be attributed to mapped geological units increases with the level of detail of the digital geological data. This study confirms the importance of radon maps that show the variation of indoor radon concentrations both between and within mapped geological boundaries.  相似文献   

Radon ((222)Rn) concentration was measured at indoor workplaces in Japan to estimate effective dose to the public from (222)Rn and its progeny. Measurements were made from 2000 to 2003 at 705 sites in four categories of office, factory, school and hospital. Passive type Rn monitors equipped with two sheets of polycarbonate thin films for measuring radon concentrations were installed at observation sites and replaced every 3 months to observe seasonal variations in (222)Rn concentrations. The range of annual mean (222)Rn concentrations for all sites was 1.4-182 Bq m(-3), with the arithmetic mean and standard deviation were 20.8 and 19.5 Bq m(-3). Annual mean (222)Rn concentration observed at office, factory, school and hospital were 22.6, 10.1, 28.4 and 19.8 Bq m(-3), respectively. Seasonal variations in (222)Rn concentrations at offices, schools and hospitals were similar to those found in dwellings, and variations in factories were similar to those found in outdoor environments. (222)Rn concentration observed in every quarter period was found to decrease as follows: school>office>hospital>factory. The average effective dose to the public due to (222)Rn was estimated to be 0.41 mSv y(-1) weighted by the working population. Considering the (222)Rn exposure in indoor workplaces, effective dose to the general public is estimated to be in the range from approximately 0.42 to 0.52 mSv y(-1).  相似文献   

Galician soils are among those with the highest (222)Rn exhalation rates in Spain. A year-round study of the indoor (222)Rn concentration in buildings in the Santiago de Compostela area (Galicia, Northwest of Spain) was performed. The study is based on systematic samplings with active charcoal canisters, following a modified EPA 520/5-87-005 protocol. These measurements were complemented by others obtained using etched track dosimeters. Each data set follows a log-normal distribution, with a geometric mean of (253+/-3)Bqm(-3) for charcoal canisters and (285+/-2.5)Bqm(-3) for etched track detectors. After correcting for the different measuring conditions, the mean value of both methods differed by only 2%. A careful analysis of the seasonal dependence of our measurements did not reveal any significant seasonal variations in the (222)Rn concentration. Parallel to these measurements, different meteorological parameters were recorded, which revealed a direct correlation between the indoor radon concentration and the outdoor temperature derivative with respect to time.  相似文献   

Measurements of indoor radon concentrations were performed in 28 low-rise houses and 30 apartments in Patras area from December 1996 to November 1997, using nuclear track detectors. The investigation was focused on the effects of season and floor number, as well as on the existence of a basement in low-rise houses on indoor radon levels. It was found that the differences in mean radon concentrations between adjacent seasons, in a number of 61 selected sampling sites distributed in 28 houses, were statistically significant. As expected, a maximum was found in winter and a minimum in summer. The differences in mean radon concentration on different floors of the same houses were also statistically significant and followed a linear decrease from underground to 2nd floor. In addition, indoor radon concentrations in the ground floor were found to be influenced by the existence or not of a basement. The average annual radon concentration was found to be 41 Bq m(-3) for the houses, 28 Bq m(-3) for the apartments and 38 Bq m(-3) for all the dwellings. These values lead to an average effective dose equivalent of 1.1, 0.7 and 0.9 mSv y(-1), respectively. Residents living on the underground in low-rise houses, during winter, where the average effective dose equivalent is 2.1 mSv y(-1), attain the higher risk.  相似文献   

Indoor radon survey and gamma activity measurements in soil samples were carried out in the Giresun province (Northeastern Turkey). The result of analysis of variance showed a relationship between indoor radon and radium content in soil (R(2)=0.54). It was found that indoor radon activity concentration ranged from 52 to 360 Bq m(-3) with an average value of 130 Bq m(-3). A model built by BEIR VI was used to predict the number of lung cancer deaths due to indoor radon exposure. It was found that indoor radon is responsible for 8% of all lung cancer deaths occurring in this province. (137)Cs activity concentration was measured 21 years after the Chernobyl accident. The results showed that (137)Cs activity concentration ranged from 41 to 1304 Bq kg(-1) with an average value of 307 Bq kg(-1). The indoor radon results and the geology of the studied area were discussed. Annual effective doses to the both radionuclides of natural origin and (137)Cs were estimated.  相似文献   

Instantaneous measurements of equilibrium equivalent concentration of radon (EEC(Rn)) were taken over a period of 1 year in 2004 in a typical house at Amritsar city, located in the northwest part of India. A method based on absolute beta counting subsequent to grab aerosol sampling was used. During that year, EEC(Rn) varied between 1.56B qm(-3) and 22.77B qm(-3) with average value of 8.76Bb qm(-3). EEC(Rn) decreased with the transition from winter to summer and vice versa, having a negative correlation with outdoor temperature. The use of mechanical ventilation, under normal living conditions during summer, caused an extra decrease in the concentrations. The variations with temperature and mechanical ventilation are discussed. Some major issues related to the uncertainties in dose calculations caused by the lack of knowledge of equilibrium factor and ignoring the effect of life style on the radon and its progeny concentrations are discussed.  相似文献   

Mitigation of radon gas and radon progeny in buildings is based largely on reducing the pressure difference between the point of the radiation source and the point of entry to indoor air. This study identifies the influence of mechanical systems, of air-conditioning and 'wet' systems of central heating as potential remediation agents in the control of radon and progeny concentrations. Air-conditioning was found to reduce radon levels in a systematic way within a few hours of start-up, to a low fraction of the immediately preceding concentration. Central heating reduced the level by around 40% of the preceding high within a few hours of start-up. Importantly for health concerns, under operating conditions of both types of system the level of radon progeny was reduced to a greater extent than the radon progenitor.  相似文献   

Domestic radon levels in parts of the United Kingdom are sufficiently high as to increase the risk of lung-cancer among residents. Public health campaigns in the county of Northamptonshire, a designated radon Affected Area with 6.3% of homes having average radon levels in excess of the UK Action Level of 200 Bq m(-3), have encouraged householders to test for radon and then, if indicated to be necessary, to carry out remediation in their homes. These campaigns have been only partially successful, since to date only 40% of Northamptonshire houses have been tested, and only 15% of those householders finding raised levels have proceeded to remediate. Those who remediate have been shown to have smaller families, to be older, and to include fewer smokers than the average population, suggesting that current strategies to reduce domestic radon exposure are not reaching those most at risk. During 2004-2005, the NHS Stop-Smoking Services in Northamptonshire assisted 2847 smokers to quit to the 4-week stage, the 15% (435) of these 4-week quitters remaining quitters at 1year forming the subjects of a retrospective study considering whether smoking cessation campaigns contribute significantly to radon risk reduction. Quantitative assessment of the risk of lung-cancer among the study population, from knowledge of the individuals' age, gender, and smoking habits, together with the radon levels in their homes, demonstrates that smoking cessation programmes have significant added value in reducing the incidence of lung-cancer in radon Affected Areas, and contribute a substantially greater health benefit at a lower cost than the alternative strategy of reducing radon levels in the smokers' homes, while they remain smokers. Both radon remediation and smoking cessation programmes are very cost effective in Northamptonshire, with smoking cessation being significantly more cost effective, and these are potentially valuable programmes to drive health improvements through promotion of the uptake or environmental management for radon in the home.  相似文献   

Radon (Rn(222)) levels in an indoor atmosphere of a multi-storey building at Mumbai have been measured for one year covering all the four seasons. Monitoring was carried out using the time-integrated passive detector technique, using Kodak-115 type Solid State Nuclear Track Detector (SSNTD) films of 2.5x2.5 cm size. Measured indoor radon levels showed a decreasing trend with height with concentration ranging from 41 Bq m(-3) at ground floor level to 15 Bq m(-3) at 19th floor level. Using the dose conversion factors, the inhalation dose due to breathing of radon gas is estimated to be 1.03 mSv y(-1) at the ground floor to 0.38 mSv y(-1) at the 19th floor level. Measured indoor radon concentrations on each floor were compared with the computed values using a mathematical model. The agreement between measured values and calculated values of indoor concentrations at different floors was very good within the limitations of various field parameter values.  相似文献   

This study investigates the contribution of radon (222Rn)-bearing water to indoor 222Rn in thermal baths. The 222Rn concentrations in air were monitored in the bathroom and the bedroom. Particulate matter (PM, both PM10 and PM2.5) and carbon dioxide (CO2) were also monitored with portable analyzers. The bathrooms were supplied with hot spring water containing 66-260 kBq m−3 of 222Rn. The results show that the spray of hot spring water from the bath spouts is the dominant mechanism by which 222Rn is released into the air of the bathroom, and then it diffuses into the bedroom. Average 222Rn level was 110-410% higher in the bedrooms and 510-1200% higher in the bathrooms compared to the corresponding average levels when there was no use of hot spring water. The indoor 222Rn levels were influenced by the 222Rn concentrations in the hot spring water and the bathing times. The average 222Rn transfer coefficients from water to air were 6.2 × 10−4-4.1 × 10−3. The 24-h average levels of CO2 and PM10 in the hotel rooms were 89% and 22% higher than the present Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) standard of China. The main particle pollutant in the hotel rooms was PM2.5. Radon and PM10 levels in some hotel rooms were at much higher concentrations than guideline levels, and thus the potential health risks to tourists and especially to the hotel workers should be of great concern, and measures should be taken to lower inhalation exposure to these air pollutants.  相似文献   

Within the context of its institutional scientific support to the European Commission, in 2005 the Radioactivity Environmental Monitoring (REM) group at the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission, started to explore the possibility of mapping indoor radon in European houses as a first step towards preparing a European Atlas of Natural Radiations. The main objective of such an atlas is to contribute to familiarizing the public with its naturally radioactive environment. The process of preparing the atlas should also provide the scientific community with a database of information that can be used for further studies and for highlighting regions with elevated levels of natural radiation. This document presents the status of the European indoor radon (Rn) map, first statistical results, and outlines of forthcoming challenges.  相似文献   

In the UK, excessive levels of radon gas have been detected in domestic housing. Areas where 1% of existing homes were found to be over the Action Level of 200 Bq · m 3 were declared to be Radon Affected Areas. Building Regulations have been introduced which require that, for areas where between 3% and 10% of existing houses are above the Action Level, new homes should be built with basic radon protection using a membrane, and that, where 10% or more of existing homes exceed this level, new homes should be built with full radon protection.Initially these affected areas followed administrative boundaries, known as Counties. However, with increasing numbers of measurements of radon levels in domestic homes recorded in the national database, these areas have been successively refined into smaller units – 5 km grid squares in 1999, down to 1 km grid squares in 2007.One result is the identification of small areas with raised radon levels within regions where previously no problem had been identified. In addition, some parts of areas that were previously considered radon affected are now considered low, or no, risk. Our analysis suggests that the net result of improved mapping is to increase the number of affected houses. Further, the process is more complex for local builders, and inspectors, who need to work out whether radon protection in new homes is appropriate.Our group has assessed the cost-effectiveness of radon remediation programmes, and has applied this analysis to consider the cost-effectiveness of providing radon protection in both new and existing homes. This includes modelling the potential failure rate of membranes, and whether testing radon levels in new homes is appropriate. The analysis concludes that it is more cost effective to provide targeted radon protection in high radon areas, although this introduces more complexity.The paper also considers the trend in housing to a greater proportion of apartments, the regional variations in types of housing and the decreasing average number of occupants in each dwelling, and concludes that data and methods are now available to respond to the health risks of radon at a local level, in keeping with a general initiative to prioritise responses to health and social welfare issues at a more local level.  相似文献   

It is shown that the addition of ammonia to urea formaldehyde foam insulation (UFFI) can reduce the release of formaldehyde from the foam. Other amines are also effective, indicating that the residual acid may be an important cause of the UFFI decomposition. Measurements of pH slurries of the foam confirm this. By circulating indoor air through filters treated with polymeric amines, it is possible to reduce the formaldehyde level in homes.  相似文献   

Geology has been highlighted by a number of authors as a key factor in high indoor radon levels. In the light of this, this study examines the application of seasonal correction factors to indoor radon concentrations in the UK. This practice is based on an extensive database gathered by the National Radiological Protection Board over the years (small-scale surveys began in 1976 and continued with a larger scale survey in 1988) and reflects well known seasonal variations observed in indoor radon levels. However, due to the complexity of underlying geology (the UK arguably has the world's most complex solid and surficial geology over the shortest distances) and considerable variations in permeability of underlying materials it is clear that there are a significant number of occurrences where the application of a seasonal correction factor may give rise to over-estimated or under-estimated radon levels. Therefore, the practice of applying a seasonal correction should be one that is undertaken with caution, or not at all. This work is based on case studies taken from the Northamptonshire region and comparisons made to other permeable geologies in the UK.  相似文献   

An experimental study concerning the transport of 222Rn in uranium mill tailings (UMTs) and in the cover layer was launched in 1997 with the participation of the French uranium mining company (COGEMA). Evaluation of the cover layer's effectiveness in reducing 222Rn flux emanating from UMTs was one of its objectives. In the first phase, the 222Rn flux densities were measured regularly on a UMT layer. In the second phase, the UMT was covered with a one-meter layer of compacted material consisting of crushed waste rock derived from mining activities. Radon-222 flux was then measured at the surface of this cover layer. Observations were compared with radon flux calculated using TRACI, a model for vertical water and gas flow and radon transport. The results show that the calculations bear a fair resemblance to the observations in both cases. They also show that the effectiveness of the cover layer calculated with TRACI, using the thickness and textural properties of the cover material, is very close to the measured effectiveness.  相似文献   

This paper reports on radon concentrations in dwellings from fifty different locations of India. The incorporated data were obtained using the passive solid state nuclear track detector technique. The estimated geometric mean value for India is 67.1 Bq m(-3). Chuadanga in Bangladesh had the lowest observed indoor radon concentration of 27.3 Bq m(-3) and Una in the northern part of India had the highest concentration of 281.5 Bq m(-3). This paper discusses the national geometrical mean value in terms of the national geometric mean values of other countries and also in terms of the geological influence. The estimated indoor radon levels are compared with the indoor radon levels as recommended by the International Commission on Radiation Protection (ICRP). It was observed that there are several locations in India where dwellings have higher indoor radon levels than the ICRP recommended value and requires some sort of intervention from regulating authorities. The mean value for indoor radon level given in the report of UNSCEAR 2000 for India needs to be revised.  相似文献   

Based on an idealized model, both the annual and the seasonal radon ((222)Rn) flux densities from the soil surface at 1099 sites in China were estimated by linking a database of soil (226)Ra content and a global ecosystems database. Digital maps of the (222)Rn flux density in China were constructed in a spatial resolution of 25 km x 25 km by interpolation among the estimated data. An area-weighted annual average (222)Rn flux density from the soil surface across China was estimated to be 29.7+/-9.4 mBq m(-2)s(-1). Both regional and seasonal variations in the (222)Rn flux densities are significant in China. Annual average flux densities in the southeastern and northwestern China are generally higher than those in other regions of China, because of high soil (226)Ra content in the southeastern area and high soil aridity in the northwestern one. The seasonal average flux density is generally higher in summer/spring than winter, since relatively higher soil temperature and lower soil water saturation in summer/spring than other seasons are common in China.  相似文献   

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