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城市生态研究概述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文阐述了城市生态学的起源、发展过程和研究内容,以及国内外城市生态学研究进展;研究了我国城市主要生态环境问题及对策。并提出生态城市是人类可持续发展城市的理想模式。  相似文献   

建设生态城市 走向生态文明   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
可持续发展的道路是扬州城市发展的必然选择,生态城市建设是实施可持续发展的载体,是实施可持续发展战略的基本经济社会形式,文章简述了扬州生态城市建设的可行性,必要性,内容,目标及其实施构想。  相似文献   

城市生态可持续发展指标的进展   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
建设生态城市是一种国际趋势,也在中国受到关注。为了监测评估城市的生态可持续发展,要有一套科学的指标体系。文章讨论了生态城市的特点;评述了国外的3类指标体系和国内采用世界银行“真实储蓄率”指标在城市一应用研究,提出了建立这类指标的一些原则与方法。  相似文献   

城市总体规划中的生态观点   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章介绍了采用城市生态学进行《抚顺市城市总体规划》的观点和方法,从6个方面论述了抚顺市总体规划中的生态观点的应用。在把城市生态思想作为城市规划基本原则固定下来、克服城市在景观建设方面的缺陷、增强城市作为一个生态系统的整体功能、增加保护自然环境的动力,建立一个高效、主谐的生态城市等方面进行了深入的探讨。  相似文献   

生态城市的构架理论研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
生态城市的建设是可持续发展战略的一项重要内容。近几年关于生态城市的研究较多,然而生态城市的构架体系至今不明确。文章探讨了生态城市的内涵、特征和指标体系等构架理论,提出了创建生态城市的基本策略,以期推动我国生态城市的建设工作。  相似文献   

发展经济,保护环境,是社会主义经济建设不可忽视的两个方面。生态经济学是把两者作为统一体研究的学科。将城市生态学原理用于城镇布局,以节约能源,提高效益,减少污染,保护环境为目标,得出宜发展的四种城市类型;沿海城市,资源城市,内陆交通通枢纽城市和旅游城市。  相似文献   

城市可持续发展的生态原则   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
从人类和城市面临的问题出发,本文介绍了可持续发展的概念及其基本原则,可持续城市的基本内涵;重点探讨了城市可持续发展的七条生态原则:(1)预防和保护为主的原则;(2)普遍联系原则;(3)废物最小化原则;(4)最大限度地利用可更新和可循环的物质;(5)认别和尊重地方、区域和全球的环境容忍度;(6)保持和扩大“必要的多样性;(7)通过研究增进对环境的认识。  相似文献   

城市景观生态特点与建设途径—以佛山市为例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
城市景观生态设计是城市生态规划的基本内容,以广东省佛山市为例,运用景观生态学原理,分析了佛山市景观生态现状和生态设计内函,对佛山市景观生态建设提出了一些思路与对策。  相似文献   

交通文化及其生态机制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在阐述交通文化的定义及其生态机制的基础上,构造了交通文化指导下的绿色交通建设框架。  相似文献   

金华典型中药材产地环境地球化学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在金华市主要中药材种植区采集耕作层土壤和中药材样品,分析其重金属含量,并从环境地球化学角度分析中药材重金属超标的原因.结果表明,白术(Rhizoma Atractylodis Macrocephalae)、玄参(Radix Scrophulariae)和浙贝母(Bulbus Fritillariae Thunbergii)中Cd超标率分别为64.3%、40.0%和47.2%,白术、玄参和元胡(Rhizoma Corydalis)中Cu超标率分别为35.7%、10.0%和5.9%.从中药材对重金属的选择性吸收、种植区的土壤环境、地形地貌和气候条件等方面研究发现,气候温暖湿润,地形陡峭,岩石在风化成土过程中淋溶作用强烈,从土壤母质、淋溶层到土壤表层pH值逐渐降低,土壤酸化是导致中药材Cd和Cu含量超标的主要原因.  相似文献   

转基因生物风险评估和管理的国家能力建设的内容,包括机构、机制、专家知识、环境监测以及信息收集和交流等。风险评估和管理的能力建设必须根据本国生物技术研究和应用水平、资金、信息以及人员数量和素质来确定其优先领域、行动和项目。目前,中国转基因生物风险评估和管理的国家能力建设工作亟待开展的有:成立国家生物安全委员会;建立转基因生物风险评估和管理的制度以及公众参与的机制;提高技术人员和管理者在生态学、遗传学和风险评估方法学等方面的专家技能;制定转基因生物的环境监测规划;建立有关转基因生物的环境监测网络和基地;新建一批生物安全数据库和信息库  相似文献   

Although the selection criteria for toxicity test species are well-documented, they do not provide a clear approach for establishing the suitability of a species for regulatory testing. This study looks at the approach used to determine if Ceriodaphnia rigaudii, an indigenous tropical cladoceran species, may be designated as a suitable freshwater test species for regulatory testing in Trinidad and Tobago. The approach involved species identification, life cycle characterization, salinity tolerance, toxicological responses to standard chemicals, and comparative sensitivity evaluation with an established test species. The results showed that C. rigaudii (0.45 mm) was significantly smaller in size, had a shorter life cycle and matured faster than temperate cladoceran species such as Ceriodaphnia dubia and Daphnia magna (3–6 mm). Ceriodaphnia rigaudii has a life span of about 10–15 days and reached sexual maturity within 2 days, whereas D. magna had a life span of about 40–50 days and attained sexual maturity within 6–10 days. The LC50 values for C. rigaudii were significantly less than D. magna for the six compounds tested. Interspecies correlation also showed a low positive correlation, suggesting that the sensitivities of both species were not similar for the compounds tested. The sensitivity factors of C. rigaudii and D. magna for the toxicants ranged 0.01–12.3, suggesting that C. rigaudii was more sensitive than D. magna. This study was useful in defining a stepwise approach to help establish C. rigaudii as an indigenous tropical toxicity test species in Trinidad.  相似文献   

Abstract:   Successful biodiversity management, including the selection and subsequent management of protected areas, depends in large measure on classifications showing land areas with similar ecosystem character. In contrast to widely used, qualitative land-classification techniques, we used a numerical classification of explicit spatial layers describing aspects of New Zealand's climate and landforms. We chose input variables for their strong functional links with major physiological processes of trees and high statistical correlations with geographic distributions of individual tree species as determined from previous studies. Higher-level divisions of the resulting classification were dominated by macroclimatic variation associated with change in both latitude and orographic protection provided by New Zealand's main mountain ranges, but variation in landform became more important at finer scales of classification. Classification units showed marked variation in the proportional extent of both indigenous vegetation cover and land set aside for conservation purposes. Indigenous ecosystem remnants of the highest priority for increased protection occurred in warm, lowland domains, particularly in drier environments, where both indigenous cover and protected areas are of minimal geographic extent. Such results underline the considerable potential of an environmental classification to provide a landscape context for systematic conservation management, particularly in environments where the natural ecosystem pattern has been severely modified by human activity.  相似文献   

植被信息提取是城市绿化遥感调查的关键内容之一,在分析城市彩红外航空摄影特点的基础上,研究了彩红外航空遥感图像植被信息的表现特征,提出了针对城市绿化航空遥感调查新的植被指数———非线性彩红外植被指数(NCIVI),并应用于宁波市城市绿化调查。研究结果表明,NCIVI对城市绿化提取效果明显优于NDVI,正确提取率可以提高3.5%。  相似文献   

An automatic recording apparatus for measuring the filtration rate in suspension-feeding bivalves is described. The concentration of algae in the experimental medium is kept constant throughout each experiment by addition of Phaeodactylum tricornutum from a chemostat. Within the range of body size 5.7 to 283 mg (W=dry weight of tissues), the filtration rate (F=ml min-1) at 15°C in Mytilus edulis L. follows the allometric equation F=0.85 W 0.72. Within the concentrations 0.18 to 0.70 mg algal dry weight l-1, the filtration rate in mussels of 132 mg dry flesh weight ranges from 33.1 to 41.0 ml min-1. At 0.18 mg algal dry weight l-1 the mussels filter continuously for 20 h, with a high constant rate that presumably represents the water transport capacity under optimal laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Fundulus heteroclitus is known to ascend onto the marsh surface to feed. Our study investigated whether the marsh surface food items are a necessary source of caloric intake for the Canary Creek, Delaware, USA population of this species. Enclosure techniques were used to restrict mummichogs from the marsh surface and the growth rates of these fish were compared to those having access to the marsh surface. Growth rates were significantly higher for mummichogs allowed access to the marsh surface. Food addition and density reduction experiments showed that food availability per fish, rather than behavioral responses due to fish crowding, was responsible for the increased growth. Although food was available in the subtidal portion of the habitat, it was of insufficient quantity for fish at natural density to grow at a normal rate, and mummichogs must utilize the marsh surface for at least a portion of their energy intake.  相似文献   

可持续发展战略的环境保护行动   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从可持续发展论释义,以及以污染现实反证,提出环境是可持续发展的基础,保护环境就是保护人类社会赖以生存和发展的自然资源,自然资源是发展的根本条件的论点,进而提出环境保护工作的二项基本任务。依此提出可持续发展战略的环境保护行动框架意见。  相似文献   

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