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A Lagrangian module has been developed and coupled with the 3D circulation model Symphonie to study the influence of hydrodynamic processes on zooplankton transport and distributions in the North Western Mediterranean (NWM). Individuals are released every 3 days from March to August 2001 in two initial areas: around the DYFAMED sampling station in the central Ligurian Sea and in the Rhône river plume. Then the individuals are tracked for 40 days either as passive particles or with a simple diel vertical migration (DVM) pattern. The simulations suggest strong seasonal patterns in the distributions of the individuals released around the DYFAMED sampling station. Individuals spread all over the NWM basin after 40 days but different patterns occur depending on the season, the initial depths of release and the capacity of DVM. Offshore-shelf transport only occurs in April and May with particles ending up in the Gulf of Lions (GoL) in low concentrations. In other months, the Northern Current (NC) can be considered as a barrier for particles entering the GoL from the offshore sea. A quarter to a half of passive individuals released in the Rhône river plume remain in the GoL. The rest is transported by the NC towards the Catalan Sea. Applying a simple DVM scheme does not increase the retention of particles on the shelf. 相似文献
A stage structured population (SSP) model based on Fennel's [Fennel, W., 2001. Modelling copepods with links to circulation models. Journal of Plankton Research, 23, 1217–1232] equations is applied to Centropages typicus (Kröyer), a dominant copepod species of the North Western Mediterranean Sea (NWMS) and a prey of small pelagic fish. The model considers five groups of stages and development rates are represented by a mechanistic formulation depending on individual specific growth in each stage. Individual growth is calculated from the individual energy budget depending on food availability and temperature. 相似文献
Seasonal Fluctuations in the Nutritional Value of Particulate Organic Matter in A Lagoon 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Water samples were collected on a fortnightly basis in the lagoon of S. Gilla (Sardinia, Mediterranean Sea) in order to study seasonal nutritional fluctuations of particulate organic matter. the lagoon is characterized by high quantities of suspended matter throughout the year. Thermohaline conditions had no effect on particulate matter quantity and composition, but the quantity as well as quality of suspended particles was drastically affected by the wind, the major effecter of sediment resuspension. As a result of sediment resuspension, seston was always richer in inorganic fraction. However, throughout the year of investigation, most particulate organic carbon was quite appealing for filter feeding communities, although the best POM quality was available during phytoplankton blooming. the phytoplankton pool of suspended matter was just a small fraction of the bulk, accounting for only 13% on average of particulate organic carbon. in terms of energy available in the seston, the highest amount was stored in organic matter heterotrophic fraction, whilst the smallest was to be found in living phytoplankton. 相似文献
Mohammed Rasheed Christian Wild Carin Jantzen Mohammed Badran 《Chemistry and Ecology》2013,29(1):13-20
In situ and laboratory incubation experiments in a fringing reef in the Gulf of Aqaba were performed to study degradation rates of particulate organic matter in reef sediments. Coral mucus, clam eggs, and zooxanthellae were used as model particulate organic compounds for these experiments. Aerobic and anaerobic mineralization rates were calculated by dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and O2 fluxes from the sediments under different particulate organic matter additions. Fast enhancement (approximately twofold) of O2 and DIC fluxes were found with the addition of coral mucus and clam eggs compared with control incubations without addition. Most of the degradation is believed to have occurred anaerobically rather than aerobically (DIC:O2 ratios were 4.3–28.1). Higher degradation rates of coral mucus and clam eggs were estimated in carbonate sediment than in silicate sediment (1.2–1.6-fold), which was attributed to the different physical and chemical properties of both sediments. Our study shows the significance of the reef sediment as a suitable site for microbial degradation of particulate organic material excreted from different reef community organisms. This may increase the regeneration of nutrients in the reef environment necessary to sustain high biological productivity. 相似文献
Mohammed Rasheed Christian Wild Carin Jantzen Mohammed Badran 《Chemistry and Ecology》2006,22(1):13-20
In situ and laboratory incubation experiments in a fringing reef in the Gulf of Aqaba were performed to study degradation rates of particulate organic matter in reef sediments. Coral mucus, clam eggs, and zooxanthellae were used as model particulate organic compounds for these experiments. Aerobic and anaerobic mineralization rates were calculated by dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) and O2 fluxes from the sediments under different particulate organic matter additions. Fast enhancement (approximately twofold) of O2 and DIC fluxes were found with the addition of coral mucus and clam eggs compared with control incubations without addition. Most of the degradation is believed to have occurred anaerobically rather than aerobically (DIC:O2 ratios were 4.3-28.1). Higher degradation rates of coral mucus and clam eggs were estimated in carbonate sediment than in silicate sediment (1.2-1.6-fold), which was attributed to the different physical and chemical properties of both sediments. Our study shows the significance of the reef sediment as a suitable site for microbial degradation of particulate organic material excreted from different reef community organisms. This may increase the regeneration of nutrients in the reef environment necessary to sustain high biological productivity. 相似文献
Giulia Atzori Violetta Aru Flaminia Cesare Marincola Laura Chiarantini Daniela Medas Giorgia Sarais 《Chemistry and Ecology》2018,34(8):727-746
Coastal lagoons are subject to several sources of contaminations. To shade light on the contamination level of the Santa Gilla lagoon (Tyrrhenian Sea) we investigated the spatial distribution of Cr, Ni, Pb, Zn and Hg in sediments and their correlation with grain size and organic matter contents. Moreover, sediment contamination levels and the ecological risk associated with metal concentration were assessed using different abiotic indicators. The lagoon is characterised by low levels of contamination, with exceptions for Pb and Hg, whose distribution reflects the position of an old chlor-alkali plant and that of an airport. These results indicate that the restoration put in place 30 years ago have not reached the expected target and that the presence of the airport deserves further attention. In the outer section of the lagoon, where clam fishery occurs, we observed low levels of contamination suggesting that such artisanal fishery could somehow help mobilising metals. We conclude that the area exposed to Hg pollution, though tentatively restored, still suffers of a potential risk of ecosystem deterioration. We pinpoint that further investigations on the mobility, bioavailability and toxicity of metals are needed to finally address the actual impairment of the Santa Gilla lagoon. 相似文献
Microbial decomposition of particulate organic matter in sediments can substantially modulate eutrophication of nearshore marine environments. Flux budgets for nitrogen compounds and quantification of rates of microbial transformation can provide important information on the process of eutrophication. This survey documents sediment nitrogen budgets for a eutrophic nearshore marine environment at La Parguera on southwest coast of Puerto Rico, including consideration of the organic fraction in addition to microbial transformations.
Sediments of the inshore channel at La Parguera denote the input of heavy organic loads with low redox potentials and high ammonium contents. Benthic fluxes of dissolved organic nitrogen are below those recorded for ammonium. These observations suggest that nearshore tropical sediments subject to heavy nitrogen loads act as a sink for organic nitrogen and that ammonification is a key process in the release of nitrogen from sediments to the water column. Nitrification and denitrification rates are low overall and inversely related to the redox potential. Depuration of excess nitrogen through denitrification is ineffective in these sediments. in contrast to more robust temperate environments, our work demonstrates that tropical marine systems are particularly susceptible to eutrophication given their limited capacity for depuration of excess nitrogen. 相似文献
Sediments of the inshore channel at La Parguera denote the input of heavy organic loads with low redox potentials and high ammonium contents. Benthic fluxes of dissolved organic nitrogen are below those recorded for ammonium. These observations suggest that nearshore tropical sediments subject to heavy nitrogen loads act as a sink for organic nitrogen and that ammonification is a key process in the release of nitrogen from sediments to the water column. Nitrification and denitrification rates are low overall and inversely related to the redox potential. Depuration of excess nitrogen through denitrification is ineffective in these sediments. in contrast to more robust temperate environments, our work demonstrates that tropical marine systems are particularly susceptible to eutrophication given their limited capacity for depuration of excess nitrogen. 相似文献
Microbial decomposition of particulate organic matter in sediments can substantially modulate eutrophication of nearshore marine environments. Flux budgets for nitrogen compounds and quantification of rates of microbial transformation can provide important information on the process of eutrophication. This survey documents sediment nitrogen budgets for a eutrophic nearshore marine environment at La Parguera on southwest coast of Puerto Rico, including consideration of the organic fraction in addition to microbial transformations. Sediments of the inshore channel at La Parguera denote the input of heavy organic loads with low redox potentials and high ammonium contents. Benthic fluxes of dissolved organic nitrogen are below those recorded for ammonium. These observations suggest that nearshore tropical sediments subject to heavy nitrogen loads act as a sink for organic nitrogen and that ammonification is a key process in the release of nitrogen from sediments to the water column. Nitrification and denitrification rates are low overall and inversely related to the redox potential. Depuration of excess nitrogen through denitrification is ineffective in these sediments. in contrast to more robust temperate environments, our work demonstrates that tropical marine systems are particularly susceptible to eutrophication given their limited capacity for depuration of excess nitrogen. 相似文献
Seasonal changes in the concentration of nutrients and various organic compounds were studied in the waters surrounding mangroves and in the marshy areas of mangroves. Higher amounts of nutrients and organic compounds were observed during low tide. This is due to the remineralisation of plant detritus in this area. High concentration of carbohydrates, proteins, chlorophyll and phosphate were observed during monsoon, which can be attributed to the leaching of plant detritus as well as the land run-off. During pre-monsoon and post-monsoon high tannin and lignin concentration was noted. A 24-hour sampling was also done to study the tidal impact on the concentrations of various organic compounds and nutrients in this ecosystem. Even though a tidal impact was observed, a clear picture was not reported in this study. 相似文献
Seasonal changes in the concentration of nutrients and various organic compounds were studied in the waters surrounding mangroves and in the marshy areas of mangroves. Higher amounts of nutrients and organic compounds were observed during low tide. This is due to the remineralisation of plant detritus in this area. High concentration of carbohydrates, proteins, chlorophyll and phosphate were observed during monsoon, which can be attributed to the leaching of plant detritus as well as the land run-off. During pre-monsoon and post-monsoon high tannin and lignin concentration was noted. A 24-hour sampling was also done to study the tidal impact on the concentrations of various organic compounds and nutrients in this ecosystem. Even though a tidal impact was observed, a clear picture was not reported in this study. 相似文献
The variations of the biochemical composition of Tetraselmis suecica and Isochrysis galbana during growth and decay were determined. the content of chlorophyll a (Chl-a) of the cultures, as expected, slowly degraded into phaeopigments during decay, confirming that chlorophyll measurements do not always provide an accurate estimate of phytoplanktonic biomass and, consequently, may fail if used to measure the food availability of particulate matter for consumers. Measurements of total amounts of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids, related to the nutritional value of particles in terms of caloric content, are shown to provide information on the readily available food for consumers, particularly during the blooms. the protein/carbohydrate, C/N and POC/Chl-a ratios were used to evaluate the differences between these two species during the growth and the decomposition processes. A comparison between experimental and field conditions was undertaken to implement our understanding of the growth and degradation processes of particulate organic matter of phytoplanktonic origin in the sea and its role on natural systems, during and after phytoplankton blooms. 相似文献
Benthic communities on soft bottoms off Barcelona, at and around two main pollution sources, the mouth of the Besòs River and the outlet of the submarine pipeline draining wastewater and organic sludges from the wastewater treatment plant of Sant Adrià del Besòs, have been studied. Samples were obtained with a Van Veen grab from 36 stations covering a 100 km2 grid, between 10 and 70 m in depth. The effect of both pollution sources is clearly seen both at the species (the following macrofauna groups have been studied: Polychaeta, Mollusca, Echinodermata and Crustacea Decapoda) and community levels. The distribution of species and individuals numbers, species diversity and a pollution index, and of some selected (indicator) polychaeta species, all clearly define the degree of environmental degradation and the extent of the areas under the influence of the organic pollution. 相似文献
Sea surface colour data, derived from the Coastal Zone Colour Scanner (CZCS) archive, have been used to assess the space/time
variability of coastal plumes and run-off in the Mediterranean Sea. A time series of 2645 scenes, collected by the CZCS from
1979 to 1985, was processed to apply sensor calibration algorithms, correct for atmospheric contamination, and derive chlorophyll-like
pigment concentration. Individual images, remapped on a 1-km2 pixel grid, were generated for each available day, and then mean values calculated pixel by pixel to form monthly, seasonal
and annual composites. The results obtained must be taken with caution, due to the CZCS limitations in the quantitative assessment
of bio-optical pigments when high concentrations of dissolved organics or suspended sediments are present, e.g. along littorals
or within plumes. Marked differences appear in the distribution of water constituents between coastal zones and open sea,
northern and southern near-coastal areas, western and eastern sub-basins. The oligotrophic character of the basin contrasts
with areas of high concentration related to river plumes—Ebro (Ebre), Po, Rhone, Nile—, coastal run-off patterns, and persistent
mesoscale features (e.g. coastal filaments and eddies). Seasonal variability appears to be high, with higher concentrations
occurring over most of the basin in the cold season, when climatic conditions are favourable to coastal run-off and vertical
mixing. Atmospheric forcing (wind and rainfall over continental margins) could play an important role in establishing the
observed space/time distribution of water constituents. The impact of continental interactions (fluvial and coastal run-off),
or that of exchanges between coastal zone and open sea, could have paramount influence on the biogeochemical fluxes in the
entire basin. 相似文献
Sediment biotic and abiotic attributes were determined during the PRISMA II oceanographic campaigns in the northern and central Adriatic Sea. The radiotracer orthophosphate 32 P was used under laboratory conditions to analyse the role of micro- and macrofauna in phosphorus dynamics at the water-sediment interface. Effects of infaunal suspensivores on microfungal growth were also investigated. Our findings emphasised: 1) significant differences in sediment 32 P uptake as related to the sampling area, occurrence of the pelagic frontal system, sediment grain size, microbial activity, and anoxia; 2) the crucial role played in 32 P dynamics by different tropho-functional groups r - r i.e ., infaunal filter-feeders and epifaunal detritivore characterising the benthic community of the northern Adriatic basin. The significant changes in ergosterol concentration (adopted as an index of microfungal growth) observed in sediments subjected to infaunal activity, eventually provided a comprehensive insight into macrofauna-microorganism interactions. The potential impact of macrofaunal activity in phosphorus dynamics in the Adriatic benthic system is discussed. 相似文献
Sergio Rodríguez Xavier Querol Andrés Alastuey Jesús de la Rosa 《Environmental Chemistry Letters》2007,5(1):1-7
This article synthesises the results obtained in several projects on atmospheric aerosol (particulate matter – PM) pollution
developed during the last years in the Western Mediterranean. It focuses on particulate matter sources and the strategies
for suitable monitoring in ambient air. The article has been structured in several sections that give response to the main
questions that prompted these studies. After analysing the main PM features in the Mediterranean, a brief review of the main
factors differentiating the particulate matter composition with respect to Central Europe is presented. Finally, the suitability
of the different metrics or parameters for monitoring ambient air PM levels in different types of environments is discussed.
Selected article from the 6th European Meeting on Environmental Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro organized
by Prof. Dr. Branimir Jovancicevic (www.research.plymouth.ac.uk/ace). 相似文献
稻草还田方式对双季稻田耕层土壤有机碳积累的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
选择南方典型双季稻田,研究不同的稻草还田方式对土壤不同层次有机碳的积累、表土碳密度、C/N比值及水稻产量的影响。结果表明,不同的稻草还田和耕作处理对水稻产量无显著影响;不同稻草还田处理的土壤有机碳和C/N均随土层加深而减小;3个稻草还田处理0-5 cm土层土壤有机碳质量分数显著高于不还田对照,其中,以高桩免耕处理最高,比无草翻耕处理提高13.8%(P〈0.01);5-10 cm土层表现为高桩翻耕处理显著高于其他处理,增加幅度为1.39-1.66 g kg-1;10-15 cm为翻耕处理(包括稻草不还田和还田)显著高于各免耕处理;稻草翻耕处理(0-15 cm)的耕层有机碳密度显著高于其他处理。因此,南方双季稻田采取稻草翻耕还田方式有利于增加土壤有机碳汇。 相似文献
The Mediterranean basin has undergone widespread land cover change. Urbanization of coastal areas, land abandonment of steeper slopes, and agricultural intensification in alluvial plains are recurrent themes. The objective of this study was to examine how vineyard land cover changes have affected agricultural soil erosion in a 50 year period (1950–2011). The study area covers a 235 km2 catchment located near the Gulf of St Tropez. Aerial photographs were used to map land cover in 1950, 1982, 2003 and 2011, and the RUSLE soil erosion model was run to estimate soil erosion.Between 1950 and 2011, vineyard went from about 2,426 ha to 1,561 ha. Mean soil erosion increased as vineyard slopes became steeper (11.8 T ha?1, 13.2 T ha?1, 14.4 T ha?1 and 13.5 T ha?1 for 1950, 1982, 2003 and 2011). Total erosion decreased after 1982: 28,621 T y?1 in 1950, 29,030 T y?1 in 1982, 22,848 T y?1 in 2003, and 21,074 T y?1 in 2011. Total soil loss in 2011 is about 75% of values in 1950–1982, so impacts on water pollution and channel dredging have evolved positively over time. 相似文献
In the context of coastal management the aim of this paper is to present the development of a fuzzy model through the application of a Genetic algorithm in order to select the most appropriate set of variables and improve our understanding with a set of rules. The case studied is the chlorophyll response as bioindicator of ecological status in the Northeast coastal upwelling system of Rio de Janeiro state, Southeastern of Brazil. The prediction of the fuzzy model has shown an improved performance when compared to the traditional approaches as Multiple Regression modelling. The results show that the set of inferred rules can assess three different water masses. Despite the increased occurrence of upwelling is observed in spring–summer period and some instability of the model, it is able to forecast some chlorophyll peaks. We conclude that the sampling frequency is crucial to reach a better performance. 相似文献
河流有机质生物地球化学研究进展 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
探讨了近年来河流中有机质的生物地球化学研究状况。大多数河流有机质的来源主要是外源即流域侵蚀而来的,经过河流的新陈代谢过程,把河流中的悬浮物分解为不同类型的有机质。在有机质分解过程中由于外部条件的差异,形成粒径大小不同的颗粒物和溶解有机质、无机质等。河流水体中的溶解有机碳(DOC)在全球不同纬度、不同区域,其含量差异较大,但目前对其生物地球化学控制的量级缺乏足够的理解和认识。另外碳氮同位素及其比值在当前的河流有机质生物地球化学研究中仍起着非常重要的示踪作用。 相似文献