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Irrigation of paddy has been practised for centuries in Bali, based on the use of upland weirs for diverting river waters to irrigate downstreams lands ranging from upland terraces to flat coastal plains. While in earlier times, traditional irrigation practices have met the island's food needs, in recent decades an increasing population has increased food requirements to levels surpassing the productivity of traditional methods. Government assistance programs were initiated beginning in about 1960, and a major new program, called the Bali Irrigation Project, is now being implemented. These programs recognize that little additional farm lands will be available, hence their objective is to increase productivity through intensified agriculture, including the use of high-yield rice varieties and increasing amounts of agricultural chemicals, including both fertilizers and pesticides. The feasibility study for the Bali Irrigation Project included an evaluation of the pollutional effects of agricultural chemicals used in Bali. The study showed that past use of hard organochlorides has pervasively polluted the island's soil and water resources and, while the Government's programs now use only relatively degradable chemicals, considerable environmental damage has already occurred and much care will be needed in avoiding the use of hard toxics in the future. The study also indicated no adverse effects from increased use of fertilizers.  相似文献   

When evaluating the atmospheric environment in regional strategic environment assessment (R-SEA), the variation and choice of the spatial scale have a substantial influence on the conclusions of the assessment. In this study, we used numerical simulation to investigate the spatial-scale effect. Two varying spatial extents and two varying spatial details of pollutant emission data (emission inventories in this case) were provided for numerical modeling, and output distributions of atmospheric pollutants at different air pollution levels were compared. The results show that the resolution and spatial range of data collection do indeed influence the atmospheric prediction and assessment results in R-SEA. The spatial-scale effect is more significant under the air pollution condition than under excellent and good air quality conditions. A comparison of varying spatial extents of emission inventory shows that narrowing the prediction area to a local scale is more conducive to identifying the impact of local pollution sources. A comparison of varying spatial details of emission inventory indicates that a higher resolution is favorable for identifying local high concentrations of pollutants and their locations.  相似文献   

The accelerated industrialization and urbanization in the last three decades around the Pearl River Delta within Guangdong Province in China have led to serious concerns about the impacts on the aquatic environment. In the present study, the genotoxicity of the sediments collected from the Pearl River was evaluated by micronucleus (MN) assay with Vicia faba root tip cells, and the 16 EPA priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and heavy metals (HMs, including Cr, Cu, As, Se, Cd, Hg, and Pb) in the sediments were determined respectively by GC-MS, inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, and inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry. The results showed that there were significant increases of MN frequencies observed in the sediment-exposed groups, compared with the negative group (P?相似文献   

Nanoscale materials offer new possibilities for the development of novel remediation and environmental monitoring technologies. Different nanoscale materials have been exploited for preventing environmental degradation and pollutant transformation. However, the rapid self-aggregation of nanoparticles or their association with suspended solids or sediments where they could bioaccumulate supports the need for polymeric coatings to improve mobility, allows faster site cleanups and reduces remediation cost. The ideal material must be able to coordinate different nanomaterials functionalities and exhibit the potential for reusability. We hereby describe two novel environmental applications of nanostructured poly (amic acid)-based (nPAA) materials. In the first application, nPAA was used as both reductant and stabilizer during the in situ chemical reduction of chromium(vi) to chromium(iii). Results showed that Cr(vi) species were rapidly reduced within the concentration range of 10(-1) to 10(2) mM with efficiency of 99.9% at 40 °C in water samples and 90% at 40 °C in soil samples respectively. Furthermore, the presence of PdNPs on the PAA-Au electrode was found to significantly enhance the rate of reduction. In the second application, nPAA membranes were tested as filters to capture, isolate and detect nanosilver. Preliminary results demonstrate the capability of the nPAA membranes to quantitatively capture nanoparticles from suspension and quantify their abundance on the membranes. Silver nanoparticles detection at concentrations near the toxic threshold of silver was also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The study illustrates the response of epiphytic lichens to changing atmospheric conditions in Central Europe, where the emission of air pollutants has significantly decreased from 1990, in the area in and around Bratislava City. Variation in concentrations of seven metal elements (Cu, Cd, Cr, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn) in the thalli of Evernia prunastri, Hypogymnia physodes and Parmelia sulcata is assessed. Samples of these species were exposed in lichen bags in 39 sites throughout the territory of the city (more than 300 km(2)) during the period December 2006-February 2007. The samples were analyzed by AAS for metal element contents prior to and after exposure. The decrease in air pollution (for all studied elements by more than 90%) corresponded to a decrease in the accumulation of elements in lichen thalli, e.g. the contents of Pb decreased by 69% and of Cd by 34% on average. The results show also variations in accumulation between with different lichen species. The background values of metal element contents in thalli of H. physodes growing in situ were measured in semi-natural sites in Slovakia. It is suggested that these can be used as a reference in large-scale monitoring studies in Central Europe. Analysis of compatible data from the current study, and the study performed at the end of 1990s shows a significant decrease of metal elements in the air pollution load.  相似文献   

Total dissolved trace and major metals and their partitioning in porewater sediment have been investigated at two sites in the Seine River estuary (France). For this purpose, solid phase extraction (SPE) has been employed using specific chelating resins for the separation and preconcentration of organic and inorganic forms of studied metals under controlled (N2) inert atmosphere. In fact, the study is focused on the development of a method for sample collection and handling under inert atmosphere in order to avoid some potential artefacts of the extracted porewater, to preserve the samples from possible chemical oxidation changes and to determine metals partitioning between organic and inorganic forms. For this point, a separation and preconcentration method using two columns in series (chelamine and C18 columns) was used. The trace and major metals fixed on the two resins for all determinations were stripped by nitric acid (2 M) and analyzed by Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) and Zeeman Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (ZGF-AAS). The relationship between the distribution of metals and physico-chemical parameters such as pH and Eh (redox potential) as a function of depth was discussed. Some tendency in the distributions and seasonal variability of these traces and major metals are improved. The concentrations for all studied metals decreased as a function of depth where iron and manganese were found at mg L(-1) levels and other metals were found at [micro sign]g L(-1) levels, as well as there were significant fractions of all metals (except of manganese) which were complexed by organic matter. The comparison of data for the major elements (Fe and Mn), obtained by direct determination (without preconcentration) and preconcentration, show a very good recovery.  相似文献   

A collaborative problem-solving approach was applied to environmental impact assessment of regional waste management strategy in Pirkanmaa, Finland. Various actors—interest groups, authorities, and experts—were invited to engage in joint fact finding and to exchange their views on the goals of alternative waste management strategies. The experiences of these encounters suggest that collaborative EIA can serve as a learning and civic discovery process where people can act together and find new solutions. During the process, the participants were able to reflect on their preferences and factual beliefs and to create a previously unconsidered waste management strategy that most parties found acceptable. The potential for learning and finding mutually acceptable solutions depended, however, on the legitimacy and institutional settings of the process: to what extent different perspectives were considered in the process, not only included, and how EIA was connected to a political decision-making process.  相似文献   

Heavy metals and organic pollutants were investigated in the Adour estuary (South West France) and associated wetlands using the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) as a bioindicator. Heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Zn, Pb, and Ag) were measured in soft tissue of yellow eels. Mercury (total Hg and MeHg) and organochlorinated compounds (7 PCBs, 11 OCPs) were analysed in muscle. Concentrations in muscle were in agreement with moderately contaminated environments in Europe and were below the norms fixed for eel consumption for heavy metals and OCPs. Analyses of liver showed a higher pressure of Ag and Zn in the downstream estuary than in the freshwater sites whereas Cd was lower in the estuary probably because of the salinity influence. According to quality classes 100% of eels from freshwater sites indicated clean or slightly polluted environments. However, total mercury concentrations were close to the thresholds fixed by the European Community in the downstream estuary, whereas the sum of PCBs was found to be greatly above the fixed value. 100% of the individuals from the estuary were classified in quality classes corresponding to polluted or highly polluted sites. These first results highlight the need of further investigations focused on mercury and PCBs in this area taking the seasonal temperature influence into account for a better understanding of the pollution distribution and the possible threat on the eel population from the Adour basin.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the usefulness of various biological parameters for monitoring of workers exposed to methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). Fifty male workers from a large magnetic videotape factory participated in this study. Personal air samples were collected using 3M organic vapor monitors and analysed for MEK by gas chromatography with flame ionisation detector (FID). 10 mL of urine; blood (1 mL) and exhaled air were also collected at the end of an 8-hour workshift. The headspace GC method was applied for measurement of urinary and blood MEK. MEK in expired air was analysed directly by using a GC/FID.The correlation coefficients (r) between environmental MEK and all other biological parameters measured show significant positive relationships. The r for environmental MEK and urine MEK was 0.84; for blood 0.73 and for breath 0.64. The correlation coefficients between blood and urine was 0.72; blood and breath was 0.88 and urine and breath 0.60. These findings suggest that measurements of unmetabolised MEK in blood, exhaled air and urine can be used for biological monitoring of MEK exposure. Nevertheless, laboratory methodological assessment is in favour of measuring urinary MEK as it is non-invasive and does not have to be analysed immediately after collection.  相似文献   

The results of a 1-year long survey of trace metals concentrations (Al, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Hg, Ni, Pb, Zn) measured in beach sand, limpets and, occasionally, in fish and shellfish from the North Cotentin area (France), where nuclear industries are implanted, are presented. The objective of these study was to provide useful data for the validation of models predicting the impact of these industries on the marine environment. Even if differences were noted between sites for various metals, the levels are consistent with existing data published for similar site and do not appear to give evidence of contamination by industrial sites.  相似文献   

Samples of inspirable air particulate(inhalable + ingestable) were obtained at two urbanlocations in southern Argentina which differ in theirexposure to pollution by class B2 polynuclear aromatichydrocarbons (PAHs). Sample extracts were tested in vitro for induction of chromosomal aberrations incultured rat hepatocytes. The average induced amountof chromosomal aberrations did not vary amonggeographic locations, but significant differences wereidentified in samples near known emitting sources. Thedifferences were analyzed in the frame of a model ofthe emissions and their subsequent distribution andre-suspension from the soil and other surfaces. Theresults show that the rat hepatocyte test is sensitiveto genotoxic activity of the urban air particulate inthe low dose range of the tested fractions. Adequatemodels of human exposure to these materials shouldconsider emissions and re-suspension of pollutants bywind. The implications of these results on theformulation of policies of emission reduction, urbansoil management and the design of cancer epidemiologystudies are discussed.  相似文献   

通过对中国土壤环境监测现状的分析评价,提出了未来需要建立的土壤环境监测技术体系和需要重点开展的土壤环境监测科研领域。  相似文献   

Serum vitellogenin (VTG) contents of wild goldfish (Carassius auratus) were investigated as a sensitive biomarker for artificial estrogenic compounds in aquatic environments. Goldfish was sampled from a pristine area, a river situated 5 km downstream from a sewage treatment works (STW), and also from the Young-San River in Korea. The female yolk precursor protein VTG was not detected when gonadosomatic index (GSI) was less than 0.85%, while VTG levels of >10 microg/ml were found in males whose GSI was less than 1.53%. In male goldfish sampled from STW and the Young-San River, the higher VTG corresponded to lower GSI. This study suggested a trend that gonad development was connected to VTG levels in both sexes, and the application of GSI and histological analysis provide an attractive possibility that it could be included in the panel of markers used for estrogenic activity investigation of aquatic environments.  相似文献   

Sediments from the Tagus estuary (Portugal) were collected at 40 stations in July and December 2004. Total LAS concentrations ranged between 0.03 and 17.76 mg LAS.kg(-1) dry weight in July, and between 0.09 and 9.57 mg LAS.kg(-1) in December. Highest LAS concentrations were found at the upper northern part of the estuary, coincident with the localisation of an important waste water treatment station. According to the Predicted No Effect Concentration (PNEC) of 8.1 mg.kg(-1) derived for this compound, Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) identified a hazard for the ecosystem at the station with the highest LAS concentration, and similar results are obtained by Equilibrium Partitioning Method (EPM). Nevertheless, LAS concentrations decreased significantly between samplings in the stations with the highest LAS concentrations in July, whereas increased LAS concentrations at adjacent stations were found in December. In the remaining stations, LAS concentrations were up to three orders of magnitude lower, representing no hazard for the sediment community.  相似文献   

A group of 50 inexperienced scorers were asked to estimate –using standard reference photos – foliar injury induced by the gas pollutant ozone on the supersensitive indicator planttobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cv. Bel-W3. Theaverage accuracy level was 56.1% (95.9% when theclasses nearest to the reality were also consideredcorrect) and the average repeatability was 65.4%. Theextreme classes were easily scored. Central classesproved to be more difficult to be evaluated: this maydepend on the fact that two leaves may have similaractual total injured area, but substantially differentnumbers and spatial distribution of the lesions. Insome cases we observed a prevalence of overestimationerrors in the high classes and underestimation in thelow classes: this is in contradiction with theWeber-Fechner law. It is noteworthy the very shorttime required by operators to score, regardless of the results.  相似文献   

持久性有机污染物(POPs)的环境问题与研究进展   总被引:39,自引:0,他引:39  
对持久性有机污染物(persistentorganicpollutants:POPs)的定义、来源和特征进行了介绍。阐述了POPs对环境安全性构成威胁的原因。分析了持久性有机污染物,特别是12类优先控制的"dirtydozen"的环境污染状况,并分析了这些物质在全球大气、水体和土壤中存在的量和来源。这些物质在不同生物体内的浓度存在差异,反映出它们在食物链上的生物累积和放大,也加剧了对环境和人体的毒害作用。总结回顾了有关POPs的相关基础研究,并对将来继续深入研究和对环境监测的指导意义进行了展望。  相似文献   

A biennial integrated survey, based on the use of vascular plants for the bioindication of the effects of tropospheric ozone, was performed in the area of Pisa (Tuscany, Central Italy). It also investigated the distribution of selected trace elements in plants and the data were compared with those obtained from the use of passive samplers, automatic analysers of ozone and lichen biodiversity. Photochemically produced ozone proved to be present during the warm season, with maximum hourly means surpassing 100 ppb: the use of supersensitive tobacco Bel-W3 confirmed the value of detailed, cost-effective, monitoring surveys. Trials with clover clones demonstrate that sensitive plants undergo severe biomass reduction in the current ozone regime. The mean NC-S (clover clone sensitive to ozone):NC-R (resistant) biomass ratio ranged from 0.7 (in 1999) to 0.5 (in 2000). The economic impact of these reductions deserves attention. The data obtained using passive ozone samplers exceeded those obtained using an automatic analyser. The mapping of epiphytic lichen biodiversity was not related to the geographical ozone distribution as can be seen from the tobacco's response. Lettuce plants grown under standardized conditions were used positively as bioaccumulators of trace elements: Pb was abundantly recovered, but a large portion of this element was removed by washing.  相似文献   

The elemental mercury evasion from non-impacted natural areas is of significant importance in the global Hg cycle due to their large spatial coverage. Intertidal areas represent a dynamic environment promoting the transformations of Hg species and their subsequent redistribution. A major challenge remains in providing reliable data on Hg species variability and fluxes under typical transient tidal conditions found in such environment. Field experiments were thus carried out to allow the assessment and comparison of the magnitude of the gaseous Hg fluxes at the three interfaces, sediment-water, sediment-atmosphere and water-atmosphere of a mesotidal temperate lagoon (Arcachon Bay, Aquitaine, France) over three distinct seasonal conditions. The fluxes between the sediment-water and the sediment-atmosphere interfaces were directly evaluated with field flux chambers, respectively static or dynamic. Water-atmosphere fluxes were evaluated from ambient concentrations using a gas exchange model. The fluxes at the sediment-water interface ranged from -5.0 to 5.1 ng m(-2) h(-1) and appeared mainly controlled by diffusion. The occurrence of macrophytic covers (i.e.Zostera noltii sp.) enhanced the fluxes under light radiations. The first direct measurements of sediment-atmosphere fluxes are reported here. The exchanges were more intense and variable than the two other interfaces, ranging between -78 and 40 ng m(-2) h(-1) and were mostly driven by the overlying atmospheric Hg concentrations and superficial sediment temperature. The exchanges between the water column and the atmosphere, computed as a function of wind speed and gaseous mercury saturation ranged from 0.4 to 14.5 ng m(-2) h(-1). The flux intensities recorded over the intertidal sediments periodically exposed to the atmosphere were roughly 2 to 3 times higher than the fluxes of the other interfaces. The evasion of elemental mercury from emerged intertidal sediments is probably a significant pathway for Hg evasion in such tidal environments exhibiting background contamination level.  相似文献   

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