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<正>溅着血泪的生存与毁灭的悲壮史诗石破天惊的大自然与人类命运的交响曲!(接上期)第三章海城,震撼世界的奇迹4.被强震击中的岔沟、丁家沟海城县,现已改为市。岔沟镇,那时还叫公社,坐落在一片开阔的半丘陵地带。镇的西北角独独地冒出一座小山包来,这里的人们给它起名叫德家后山。山上有草有树也有鸟,远远望去像似一座小盆景。一条溪流在山北的鹿  相似文献   

七年前,北京申奥成功的喜讯,令全中国13亿人欣喜若狂、欢呼跃动;七年中,一座座现代化城市地标性建筑拔地而起,一条条四通八达的城市主干道建成投入使用;七年后的今天,奥林匹克运动会成功举办,古老的北京旧貌换新  相似文献   

在我国名胜古迹中有许多建筑,如寺庙、佛塔、亭台等被地震破坏的为数不少。但其中也不乏经历多次强烈地震而巍然挺立、完好无损的,成为中国乃至世界建筑史上抗震的奇迹。 广西合浦县山口镇有座古建筑,名叫四排楼,它就是在《中国古代名胜大全》中专列的“人士阁”。每到盛夏,天气闷热,人士阁内凉风习习,冷意扑面。这与它紧邻大海,以及特殊的建筑结构有关系。全阁由前后两亭组成。中间无天井,下部全由圆柱支撑。楼为两层,主要  相似文献   

2021年3月23日,一场十年不遇的强沙尘暴袭来,成为刷屏的话题.网络上,人们晒出一张张黄沙蔽日的照片、一条条爆表的PM10、PM2.5测试值.据国家有关部门监测评估显示,这场浩荡强势的沙尘暴主要起源于蒙古国.一场起源于国外的沙尘暴,进入到我们的生活和视线中,很多人的第一反应可能是错愕:多年不见的沙尘暴,怎么又出现了?  相似文献   

郭耕 《防灾博览》2002,(3):41-41
夹金山是中国工农红军当年长征翻越的第一座大雪山。在山环水绕的四川宝兴县硗碛乡海拔1060米的显要位置,屹立着一座直插云天的纪念碑,上书“红军长征翻越夹金山纪念碑”几个金光夺目的大字。当地热情的藏族同胞无不自豪地向我们讲述起62年前发生在这里的“红旗卷起农奴戟、三次翻越大雪山”  相似文献   

正说到澳门,出现在大部分人脑海里的印象就是"赌城",这里有着亚洲"拉斯维加斯"的称号。澳门分为澳门半岛、凼(dàng,也被写作"凼")仔岛和路环岛。澳门半岛上聚集了大三巴、炮台、玫瑰堂等文化景点。大桥的另一边则是另外一幅画面。凼仔岛上坐落着一座座奢华的高级酒店,通宵不熄的赌场灯光,金碧辉煌的酒店大堂,  相似文献   

针对设计地震动的变异性,提出了地下隧道抗震安全性分析的蒙特卡罗方法。1建立地下隧道非线性地震响应分析模型。采用粘弹性边界方法和地震动输入等效节点力方法模拟半无限场地的地震激励,结合通用有限元软件ANSYS,建立地下隧道地震响应分析模型,模型采用等效线性化方法模拟土体非线性,采用瑞利阻尼和材料阻尼相结合方法模拟土体阻尼,分别考虑衬砌中混凝土和钢筋的非线性,并考虑衬砌和土体之间的接触问题。2确定设计地震动,然后利用模拟产生目标谱符合某一设计地震动时变功率谱的非平稳地震动模拟方法,产生若干条与设计地震动具有同一统计特征的非平稳地震动。3进行样本地震动激励下的地下隧道非线性地震响应分析,求得地下隧道地震响应的变异性。该研究为地下隧道抗震安全性分析提供了一种简单实用的方法,对地下隧道抗震设计有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

以一座最大墩高50m曲线钢管混凝土空间组合桁架连续梁桥为工程背景,采用OpenSees建立其弹塑性三维有限元动力分析模型,从PEER地震数据库中选取10条地震动记录对其进行增量动力分析。以典型墩最不利截面材料损伤应变所对应截面曲率为损伤指标,利用能力需求比对数函数进行回归分析,计算不同构件在不同损伤状态下的破坏概率,建立墩柱易损性曲线和支座易损性曲线。基于联合失效概率分析方法,形成了桥梁系统易损性曲线。同时建立多个对比模型,分析墩跨比和曲线半径对桥梁易损性影响。结果表明:钢管格构桥墩高度差异不大时,和钢筋混凝土桥墩相邻的首个钢管格构桥墩震动响应较大;本桥墩和梁之间大量使用橡胶支座从而形成弹性连接和铰接的减震措施,可有效降低桥梁完全破坏概率;墩跨比增大将导致桥梁系统完全破坏损伤概率随之增大;随着曲线半径增大,损伤概率逐渐增大,曲线桥本身拱结构对顺桥向地震有一定抵抗作用。  相似文献   

白璧 《防灾博览》2011,(3):78-85
里斯本是一座历史悠久的海滨城市,也是葡萄牙的政治、经济中心和第一大港口都市。2010年10月,我有幸来到这里,浏览之余最深的体会就是.里斯本在城市建设方面是集古老文化与现代文明干一体的典范。  相似文献   

耐震时程法是一种新的基于时域的动力弹塑性抗震分析方法,与其他抗震方法相比,耐震时程法在大型复杂结构非线性分析时极具优势。以一座典型高墩刚构桥为例,介绍了耐震时程法的概念、基于桥梁抗震规范反应谱的耐震时程波生成方法及其在桥梁抗震分析中的应用,并且提出了符合高墩桥梁实际的计算Park-Ang损伤指数加权系数的方法。结果表明:耐震时程法预测柔性桥梁结构地震响应是合理的,宏观上表现为传统非线性分析响应的均值;耐震时程法分析时输入结构的能量与中等持时的天然波能量相比偏大,评估桥梁地震损伤时较为保守;耐震时程法用于设计初期桥梁方案比选时,只需1次非线性分析即可高效评估不同桥型抗震性能。  相似文献   

女性与诺贝尔和平奖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
欧阳 《防灾博览》2007,(2):26-27
自从1908年以来.已有12位女性在诺贝尔和平奖的获奖名单中留下了自己的芳名。她们来自于不同的国家.有着不同的文化背景.但所有的人心中都在呼唤着一个共同的声音——世界和平,她们关注女性与儿童,信仰女权与平等,保护自然环境,也热爱人类的文化遗产。她们的声音是母性的.性格是温柔的,胸怀是博大的,行为是英勇的。  相似文献   

在对影响桥梁抗震性能的因素进行分析的基础上,选取了26项对桥梁抗震安全性影响较大的子因素作为评价指标,从桥梁结构、基坑设计、维修养护、抗震设备和场地条件等5个方面,建立了桥梁抗震多级模糊综合评价体系,并对广州市某一特大桥抗震安全性的进行了分析。结果表明,多级模糊综合理论评价方法的计算结果与实际桥梁服役情况相符合,维修养护是此桥梁抗震安全性的薄弱环节,多级模糊综合理论的评价方法为建筑及其他工程抗震防灾方面的提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

李锐 《防灾博览》2004,(5):17-17
“曹科长,我们现在住这新房子结实得很,绝对不会出现安全事故,遇到地震灾害也不会怕的”。这是在新疆兵团农五师九十团在安全大检查时,该团10连职工向安办领导反映住“金边屋”的一幕。  相似文献   

Michael Pugh 《Disasters》2001,25(4):345-357
The relationship between military and civilian humanitarian organisations has developed in an increasingly integrative way. Military initiatives to institutionalise the relationship, since the interventions in Somalia and the Balkans, entail a dilution of humanitarian independence as was manifested in practice in Kosovo. Further, the state-centric foundations of military intervention run counter to the potential for humanitarian organisations to foster a cosmopolitan ethos that would not only preserve humanitarian principles but also contest statist assumptions about conflict, development and power.  相似文献   

Buzz Sharp 《Disasters》2007,31(S1):S104-S123
In the post-Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) era a greater impact on the unacceptably high prevalence of child malnutrition is more likely to come from additional investment and attention to education, health, hygiene, sanitation and childcare practices than from expanded food aid interventions. The negligible impact of food aid on malnutrition, although most commonly challenged on the quality of needs assessments, is equally attributable to the timing of deliveries, and a dysfunctional distribution system. Comparatively few resources have been allocated to strengthen skills for assessing, analysing and understanding community priorities, local economies, and social safety nets. A more thoughtful allocation of scarce funds could have more impact if a range of alternative responses was considered. Participation in and commitment to a more independent livelihoods analytical forum would improve communication with the new government, local leaders and other partners, as well as providing a platform for reaching consensus on both humanitarian and development planning over the next five years.  相似文献   

Cease-fires in the Caucasus during the past five years have prevented large-scale life-threatening emergencies and created space for peace negotiations. Yet genuine conflict resolution and normalisation have proven elusive, frustrating the return of uprooted populations and constraining reconstruction. This paper reviews a series of seven strategy sessions held in Moscow and the Caucasus in late 1998 to reflect upon the performance of humanitarian agencies and stimulate greater synergies with diplomatic actors. An experiment in promoting discussion of recently conducted independent policy research throughout the north and south Caucasus, the series resulted in a fresh look at the issues in the region and at agency headquarters. The generic nature of the policy challenges gives the experience potential relevance well beyond the region.  相似文献   

This paper explores how social networks and bonds within and across organisations shape disaster operations and strategies. Local government disaster training exercises serve as a window through which to view these relations, and ‘social capital’ is used as an analytic for making sense of the human relations at the core of disaster management operations. These elements help to expose and substantiate the often intangible relations that compose the culture that exists, and that is shaped by preparations for disasters. The study reveals how this social capital has been generated through personal interactions, which are shared among disaster managers across different organisations and across ‘levels’ within those organisations. Recognition of these ‘group resources’ has significant implications for disaster management in which conducive social relations have become paramount. The paper concludes that socio‐cultural relations, as well as a people‐centred approach to preparations, appear to be effective means of readying for, and ultimately responding to, disasters.  相似文献   

今年入汛以来,我国极端灾害性天气突发多发,江南、华南、西南、东北和江淮等地区先后出现多次大范围强降雨过程,造成全国大范围洪涝灾害种类多,受灾程度重,贵州,云南、甘肃、吉林、辽宁、广东等多地更引发了滑坡、泥石流等次生灾害,给人民生活带来极大损失。  相似文献   

Deployment in a crisis zone is a perilous undertaking. Little is known right now about how humanitarian workers relate social and professional goals to lived experiences of high-risk environments. In South Sudan, ranked as the most dangerous country globally for aid workers, 20 international humanitarian staff were interviewed to examine their sense of place, well-being, and vocation, using thematic and interpretative phenomenological analysis. Subjectivities of humanitarian space hinged upon negotiating physical hardships and social relationships: Juba, the capital, was described as a ‘prison’ and a ‘party hotspot’. For expatriate staff, making sense of spatial, social, and professional transience was sharply gendered and rooted in the subjectivities of risk-taking, crisis management, and career-building. Two policy measures are highlighted here to address the implications of transience for human well-being and organisational effectiveness. Efforts to support teams and structure work environments, altering the humanitarian and vocational bubble, will help to develop resilience at the heart of humanitarian systems.  相似文献   

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