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Male velvet swimming crabs [Necora puber (L.)] were observed to engage in long and vigorous agonistic interactions to gain possession of a sexually receptive female. The role of agonistic behaviour in male mate competition in this species was examined by investigating the effect of the perceived presence of sexually receptive females on interactions between males. Exposing male crabs to water conditioned by sexually receptive females resulted in prolonged interactions, with a greater incidence of potentially injurious behaviour than interactions between control crabs, exposed only to sea water. Maleconditioned water also resulted in more offensive behaviour, but these interactions were of shorter duration and not significantly different from sea water controls. Agonistic superiority was strongly correlated with contestant relative size when males were exposed to male-conditioned water or sea water, but not when exposed to female-conditioned water. Overall, the results conformed with the general predictions of game theoretic models in relation to the influence of resource value on agonistic behaviour. Crabs were more persistent and probably incurred greater fitness costs in the perceived presence of a sexually receptive female, when interactions may have been resolved on the basis of factors more closely related to actual fighting ability than the relative body sizes of contestants.  相似文献   

R. Diesel 《Marine Biology》1986,91(4):481-489
The ecology of the spider crab Inachus phalangium (Fabricius, 1775) (Decapoda: Maiidae) was studied in the field. I. phalangium inhabits the sublittoral on the sea anemone Anemonia sulcata Pennant. From July 1981 to April 1984 in the Mediterranean (Banyuls sur Mer, southern France) more than 3000 anemones were examined and ca 1800 I. phalangium were found on them. The population dynamics' generation cycles, reproductive activities and the dynamics of the sex ratio were investigated. The density of juveniles (crabs before the pubertal moult) on anemones changed in a yearly cycle from low in the first six months to very high in the second six months. The first occasional young crabs of a generation appeared in March/April (3rd and 4th decapodite stages) on the anemones. Their density increased enormously in the following months. The generation grew gradually on the anemones and moulted into puberty in September-January. Density of adults (crabs after the pubertal moult) on anemones changed in a yearly cycle from low to high from the summer to winter months. A new adult generation was recruited every autumn through the pubertal moult and disappeared in the following summer. Female reproductive activity continued throughout the year. Females carried several broods in succession, but the frequency of breeding females fluctuated on a yearly cycle. The highest percentage of egg-carrying females, i.e. the peak of the reproductive season, lay in the first half of the year. The maximal life span of a generation, from the hatching of the first larvae to the disappearance of the last adults, lasted 1.5 to 2 years. Males moulted into puberty ca one month later than females. The moulting distribution of adult males had roughly the same course as in females. An adult male generation diet out about one to two months before the female generation. Life expectancy was therefore 14 to 17 months for females and 12 to 15 months for males. The sex ratio of juveniles shortly before the pubertal moult was balanced. The sex ratio of adults shifted from 1:1 at the beginning of the reproductive period to ca 1:9 in favour of females at its end.  相似文献   

Temperature and salinity affected both length of larval development and mortality inNecora puber collected in the Ría de A Coruña during December 1984 and January 1985. Development time decreased considerably with increased temperature. This decrease was sharper when temperature increased from 15° to 20°C than when it increased from 20° to 25°C. At 35S, average development took 48, 32 and 28 d at 15°, 20° and 25°C, respectively. At the three salinities tested (25, 30 and 35), larval development was completed only at 15°C, at 20°C/30 and 35S, and at 25°C/35S. Development times at 15° and 20°C were highly significantly different at both 35 and 30S (P 0.01). However, there were no significant differences between development times at 20° and 25°C (P > 0.05). Within any one specific temperature series, no significant difference was observed between the salinity values tested (P > 0.05). The duration of each of the five zoeal stages was similar within each and the same temperature/salinity combination, whereas the duration of the megalop was twice as long as any of the zoeal stages. The combination of the lowest temperature (15°C) and the highest salinity (35) tested resulted in the greatest larval survival of 28%. Highest mortality occurred at 25°C, at which temperature development was completed only at 35S. A sharp drop in larval survival was observed in the transition period Zoea V — megalop in all combinations of temperature and salinity tested. Within the limits of tolerance to temperature and salinity, the former effected more pronounced differences in the duration of larval development, while salinity appeared to constitute a limiting factor for survival.  相似文献   

The velvet swimming crab Necora puber is a common species along the European Atlantic coasts. Due to its increasing commercial importance, many studies have been carried out to characterize its growth and reproduction, but no genetic assessment has ever been attempted at the population level. Here, we describe the genetic diversity and population structure of N. puber in northwestern Spain (Galicia), including additional samples from France, Portugal, and southern Spain. To do so, we analysed two mitochondrial fragments of the COI and 16S genes in 217 individuals collected from ten localities. Our results unveil low-genetic diversity and weak population structure along the studied range. A range expansion after the last glacial maximum, followed by ongoing gene flow, seems to be the most likely explanation for the observed genetic pattern.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural comparison between the sperm of the dorippid crabNeodorippe astuta (Fabricius, 1793) and the portunidPortunus pelagicus (Linnaeus, 1766) from Queensland, Australia, supports placement of dorippids with portunids and their relatives in the heterotreme section of the Eubrachyura (the Heterotremata - Thoracotremata or the Oxyrhyncha - Cancridea - Brachygnatha assemblage) and not withRanina ranina (in the Archaeobrachyura or the Oxystomata). Similarities between spermatozoa ofN. astuta and ofP. pelagicus (and other Eubrachyura) andR. ranina include: the large spherical, multi-layered, capsule-bound acrosome vesicle; the electron-dense operculum capping the vesicle; an invaginated core, or perforatorium; concentric zonation of the contents of the vesicle; a layer of cytoplasm, between the acrosome vesicle and the nucleus, which contains mitochondria (mostly degenerating) and lattice-like lamellar complexes or membrane remnants; a diffuse nucleus which is bounded externally by a combined nuclear and plasma membrane and cups the scanty cytoplasm and the large acrosome vesicle; and lateral arms into which the chromatin extends. Characteristic eubrachyuran features of theN. astuta sperm absent fromR. ranina are the long perforatorium (short and conical with a unique subacrosomal chamber inR. ranina) extending almost to the operculum; presence in the perforatorium of longitudinally arranged convoluted tubules; a zone of acrosomal rays forming the outer part of an inner dense zone; the presence of a thickened ring surrounding the basal part of the perforatorium; and, basally, two centrioles (absent fromR. ranina but also from some eubrachyurans). The sperm ofN. astuta is more similar to that ofP. pelagicus than to that of other investigated Brachyura. A heterotreme status ofN. astuta is thus unequivocally supported. Both species lack the posterior median process seen in the nucleus of majids andR. ranina.  相似文献   

Ovigerous females of the subtidal xanthid crab Neopanope sayi (Smith) and the high intertidal grapsid crab Sesarma cinereum (Bosc) were collected during the summers of 1986 and 1987 in the Beaufort, North Carolina (USA), area and brought into the laboratory, where rhythms in larval release were monitored. When crabs with late-stage embryos were put under a 14 h light:10 h dark cycle in an otherwise constant-environment room, an apparent tidal rhythm in release of larvae was observed for both species, with N. sayi releasing near the time of day and night high tides, and S. cinereum releasing around the time of night high tides. The time of sunset relative to high tide was a complicating factor, since larval release for both species was often concentrated around sunset when evening high tides fell several hours before sunset. When a group of N. sayi and S. cinereum were brought into the laboratory and placed under constant lowlevel light for 5 d, the release rhythm of the population persisted, thus implying that the rhythm is endogenous. Larval release near the time of high tide and often at night is common among brachyurans living in tidal areas, regardless of specific adult habitat, suggesting a common functional advantage. Possibilities include transport of larvae from areas where predation and the likelihood of stranding and exposure to low-salinity waters are high, as well as a reduced probability of predation on adult females. Results of the present study suggest that the importance of release after darkness may increase with increasing tidal height of the adult.  相似文献   

Zoea-1 larvae of Carcinus maenas L. (Decapoda: Brachyura: Portunidae) were from Helgoland in March 1984 and reared in the laboratory at 18°C through ecdysis. Dry weight (DW) and elemental composition of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and hydrogen (H) were analyzed in newly hatched zoea-1, after different initial starvation periods, and in newly moulted zoea-2. Continually starved zoea-1 lost biomass and energy steadily, and logarithmic functions show best fit of empirical and predicted data. Biomass and energy equivalents of newly moulted zoea-2 are significantly correlated with starvation periods in the zoea-1, showing lower values with longer initial starvation. After about 25 to 34% individual biomass and energy losses, larvae exceed the point-of-noreturn (PNR), and do not recover or moult to the zoea-2, even if re-fed. When starvation ceases before the PNR, larvae moult to the zoea-2, and develop with lower average growth rates (AGR) after prolonged periods of initial food deprivation. The later larvae were re-fed, the less absolute amounts of DW, C, H, and individual energy, but more DW-related energy equivalents and N accumulated during subsequent feeding towards ecdysis. It is suggested that lipid, rather than protein, is the main source of energy controlling the maintenance of larval moult cycles. After lipid reserves are depleted, zoea-1 larvae live on body protein, and lose the ability to absorb and restore sufficient lipid if re-fed later than the PNR.Contribution to research project An-145/1-1 granted by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of intracellular diffusion on muscle fiber design in several swimming and non-swimming brachyuran crabs. Species with sustained swimming behavior had aerobic dark fibers subdivided into small metabolic functional units, creating short diffusion distances necessary to support the high rates of aerobic ATP turnover associated with endurance activity. This dark fiber design was observed in all swimming species including Ovalipes ocellatus, which has apparently evolved swimming behavior independently of other Portunidae. In addition, we observed fiber and subdivision size-dependent differences in organelle distribution. Mitochondria, which rely on oxygen to function, were uniformly distributed in small fibers/subdivisions, but were clustered at the fiber periphery in larger fibers. The inverse pattern was observed for nuclei, which are not oxygen dependent, but rely on the transport of slow diffusing macromolecules. Phylogenetically independent contrast analysis revealed that these relationships were largely independent of phylogeny. Our results demonstrate cellular responses to diffusion that were necessary for the evolution of swimming and that are likely to be broadly applicable.  相似文献   

Analyses of individual content of carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and hydrogen (H) were carried out for all larval stages of Pagurus bernhardus and Carcinus maenas, and for newly metamorphosed crabs. Maximum range in total larval development is 12.8 to 165.8 g C, 3.2 to 35.1 g N, and 1.9 to 24.9 g H in P. bernhardus and 3.1 to 43.2 g C, 0.7 to 10.1 g N, and 0.4 to 6.3 g H in C. maenas. From these data energy equivalents were calculated. Maximum range in total larval life is 0.43 to 6.38 J ind. -1 in P. bernhardus and 0.1 to 1.49 J ind. -1 in C. maenas. There is a 32.4% mean loss of energy in P. bernhardus megalopa development; this seems to describe the normal developmental pattern in this stage. Biomass was determined as fresh and dry weight respectively. Individual dry weight is about 3.6 to 5.6 times higher in P. bernhardus (44 to 340 g) than in C. maenas (12 to 93 g) larvae.Contribution to research project Experimentelle marine Ökosystemanalyse sponsored by Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie, Bonn (Grant No. MFU-0328/1)  相似文献   

The effects of various potential cues on the survival and time to metamorphosis of larvae of the sand crab Emerita talpoida (Say) were examined. Zoeal duration, which ranged from 25 to 43 d, was not correlated with subsequent megalopal survival but had a weak, negative correlation with the duration of the megalopal stage. Neither food, sand nor water from containers with adults directly affected megalopal survival or duration. In a second experiment, the presence of sand both increased the probability of survival and shortened the duration of late zoeal stages. This is the first experimental evidence for delayed zoeal metamorphosis in a decapod. Settlement of E. talpoida appears to occur primarily during the zoeal phase, not at the megalopal stage.  相似文献   

The large, edible mud crab Scylla serrata (Forskål) exhibits different phenotypes which are recognised by the fishermen of Southeast Asia and are given local names such as “white”, “green”, “red” or “black” crabs on the basis of their colouration. A preliminary study using multivariate techniques was undertaken in order to examine the degree of dissimilarity between the different morphs of commercially fished stocks of S. serrata. Twenty-two morphometric and 20 meristic characters were measured on male crabs from four locations in three countries in Southeast Asia, including Surat Thani in Thailand where “black” and “white” morphs exist sympatrically. Canonical variate analysis (CVA) on the morphometric data discriminated three groups with no chain-linking. Surat Thani “white” crabs and those from south Vietnam were phenotypically similar and formed one distinct group; a second group contained crabs from Ranong (Thailand) and Sarawak which were phenotypically “black”; the third group contained “black” crabs from Surat Thani. CVA on meristic data confirmed two groupings, but implied that the Surat Thani “black” morph may only be a variant of the Surat Thani/Vietnam “white” form, rather than a third species. These findings are discussed in relation to the ecology, fishery management and aquaculture potenial of S. serrata.  相似文献   

Sesarma leptosoma, somewhat similar to the Atlantic related species, Aratus pisonii, is an East-African mangrove crab which spends its entire life on the roots and branches of mangrove trees (mostly Rhizophora mucronata, Bruguiera gymnorhiza and Ceriops tagal). S. leptosoma never enters the water, nor does it ever venture onto the free mud surface at low tide. Part of the day and night it remains on the lower parts of the mangrove aerial roots, which are often encrusted with a wet algal mat of Bostrichia spp., searching for food and water. Twice a day, from ca. 06:00 to 08:00 hrs in the morning and 16:00 to 18:00 hrs in the afternoon, many of the crabs migrate as far as the leaves at the top of the tree on which they feed. However, they only spend a brief period among the leaves, from ca. 07:00 to 10:00 and 17:00 to 19:00 hrs, after which time they make their way back towards the roots again in two downward migrations. In the morning, the downward migration brings all the crabs back to the roots, but in the evening not all the crabs take part in the downwards migration and some of them pass the whole night in the tree tops. A comparison of the migration time patterns for two different periods of the year (June–July and November) shows that the number of crabs migrating along the tree trunk is modulated by the spring-neap tidal cycle, while the onset of daily migration seems to be controlled mostly by the light level and/or other climatological cues. The adaptive significance of this migratory behaviour is discussed. Observations reported in our study were made in Mida Creek, Dabaso, Kenya in 1991 and 1992.  相似文献   

Age and growth in Nephrops norvegicus (Decapoda: Nephropidae)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The growth of the lobster Nephrops norvegicus (L.) in laboratory tanks was studied. The moult increments of males and females were not significantly different. The growth per moult was of the progressive geometric type throughout the life of the lobster, including the larval instars. Moulting in both the laboratory and the natural population occurred throughout the year in males, but there was a peak of moulting activity in females from June to August. There was no indication of a terminal anecdysis. Size-frequency histograms from monthly samples taken 10 to 20 miles south-west of the Isle of Man over a period of 21/2 years provided data on the growth of the year classes. It is possible to recognise the year classes in females at least, until the lobsters are 3 to 4 years old. Instar determination based on the numbers of aesthetasc-bearing segments of the antennule and on the numbers of lamellae in the endocuticle was unsuccessful. Estimates of the numbers of moults occurring in each year, and the expected mean sizes of the year classes are given.  相似文献   

The population genetics and historical demography of the swimming crab Callinectes bellicosus from the eastern Pacific were assessed using mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from portions of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and cytochrome b (Cytb) genes. Analysis of molecular variance of sequence data from crabs collected from nine localities, ranging from the upper to lower Gulf of California and the outer coast of the Baja California peninsula, revealed an absence of population structure, suggesting a high level of gene flow over a wide geographic area. Maximum-likelihood estimates of long-term effective population size obtained with the program FLUCTUATE, in addition to highly significant values obtained from neutrality tests (Tajimas D, Fu and Lis D, and Fus FS) and mismatch analysis, are consistent with a population expansion dating to the Pleistocene epoch. Phylogenetic analysis of C. bellicosus sequences using both neighbor-joining and Bayesian methods revealed a widely distributed subclade (clade II) cryptically embedded at low frequency in the main (clade I) population. Although sequence divergence between the two clades was low (1.1% COI; 0.6% Cytb), statistical support for the split was high. The Kimura-2-parameter genetic distance between C. bellicosus and the sympatric and morphologically similar C. arcuatus was high (d=0.17) and similar to the genetic distance between C. bellicosus and the allopatric C. sapidus from the western Atlantic (d=0.18), suggesting an ancient (Miocene) divergence of C. bellicosus and C. arcuatus.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

Fagetti  E.  Campodonico  I. 《Marine Biology》1971,8(1):70-81
Larvae of Pleuroncodes monodon (Milne-Edwards, 1837), a red crab of commercial importance in South America, were reared in the laboratory at 2 different temperatures (15° and 20°C), from hatching up to the last larval stage. The 5 typical stages, with their corresponding functional appendages, are described and figured. The main characteristics useful in differentiating larvae of P. monodon from those of the other Chilean species of Galatheidae and its northern congener P. planipes are discussed. Data on duration of each larval stage, length of moulting intervals and mortality at the 2 test temperatures are also given.This study was financially supported by the Chilean Ministry of Agriculture and by the National Commission for Scientific and Technological Research (CONICYT).  相似文献   

K. Anger 《Marine Biology》1996,126(2):283-296
Larvae of the northern stone crab, Lithodes maja L., were reared in the laboratory from hatching to the second crab stage. complete larval development (at constant 9°C) lasted about 7 wk, invariably consisting of three pelagic zoeal stages and a semibenthic Megalopa; only two zoeal stages have been described in the literature. All larval stages are lecithotrophic. First feeding was consistently observed only after metamorphosis, in the first juvenile crab stage. In short intervals (every 1 to 5 d), developmental changes in biomass, B (expressed as: dry weight, W; carbon, C; nitrogen, N; hydrogen, H) and oxygen consumption (respiration, R) were measured in larvae and early juveniles; additionally, protein and carbohydrates were measured, but only in the zoeal stages and early Megalopa. Unusually high C contents (varying between 56 and 61% of W in eggs and freshly hatched Zoea I larvae from 12 different females) and high C:N weight ratios (8 to 11) indicate enhanced initial lipid stores, which are utilized as the major metabolic substrate during both embryonic and lecithotrophic larval development. Predominant degradation of lipids is shown indirectly; the C:N ratio decreased significantly, from 10 (at hatching) to 6 (at metamorphosis), while larval protein decreased only little, from ca. 55% of W (at hatching) to 48% (in the Megalopa). From hatching to metamorphosis, about 27% of the initially present W, 48% of C, 18% of N, and 52% of H were lost. This decrease in larval biomass can be described as an exponential function of development time. The major part of these losses were associated with metabolic energy requirements, while exuvial losses were comparably small. In each of the zoeal stages, only about 1 to 2% of late premoult (LPM) B was shed with the exuvia. The Megalopa, which produces a much thicker, calcified exoskeleton, lost 20% of LPM W, but only 5 to 8% of organic constituents (C, N, H). Much higher exuvial losses were measured in the Crab I stage (51% in W, 21% in C, 5% in N, and 7% in H). Maximum respiration was found in the actively swimming zoeal stages, a minimum in the predominantly benthic, mostly inactive Megalopa. The Crab I stage exhibits also a sluggish behaviour and low R, in spite of beginning food uptake and growth. Immediately after metamorphosis, the juvenile crab gained rapidly in W, in particular in its C fraction. A transitorily steep increase in the C:N ratio indicates a replenishment of partially depleted lipid stores, but also a rapid initial increase of inorganic C in the heavily calcified exoskeleton. Instantaneous rates of growth, assimilation, and net growth efficiency (K 2) were high during the initial (postmoult) phase in the first juvenile crab stage (C-specific growth rate: 6% d-1; K 2:70%), but decreased towards zero values during laterstages of the moulting cycle; metabolism remained practically constant during the Crab I stage. Entirely lecithotrophic larval development from hatching to metamorphosis in L. maja is considered an adaptation to seasonally short and limited planktonic food production in subarctic regions of the northern Atlantic.  相似文献   

J. Freire 《Marine Biology》1996,126(2):297-311
The diet of the portunid crab Liocarcinus depurator (L.) in soft-bottom areas of the Ría de Arousa (Galicia, north-west Spain) was studied by analysis of stomach contents, and by comparison of habitats of contrasting abundance, composition and diversity of prey communities. Monthly samples were taken from July 1989 to June 1990 (N=3747) in mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis) raft-culture areas and central channel zones. Ninety-two food items were identified: crustaceans, molluscs, polychaetes, ophiuroids and fishes were the dominant prey. The raft epifauna and the mussels constituted the dominant group of prey in the raft areas and inner channel station (the epifaunal crab Pisidia longicornis comprised 30 to 52% of the diet), whereas the benthic macroinfauna was the dominant food component in the mid-outer channel (polychaetes constituted 32% of the diet). In the epifaunal community, diet selection for P. longicornis was positive and for amphipods was negative, whereas within the infauna diet selection for bivalves and ophiuroids was positive and for polychaetes negative or neutral. The seasonal importance of P. longicornis and M. galloprovincialis varied in the diet of L. depurator parallel to seasonal activities connected with mussel culture (seeding, thinning, harvesting) that determine the availability of prey from the rafts. Major changes in the composition of the diet related to the life history of L. depurator occurred during ontogeny. In the raft zones, consumption of mussels and fishes increased with increasing body size, while the consumption of Natantia, non-decapod crustaceans, gastropods, polychaetes Pectinariidae and plants decreased with increasing crab size. Maximum consumption of P. longicornis was by L. depurator individuals of intermediate size (15 to 44 mm carapace width). Stomach fullness (measured as dry weight of food) increased with increasing body size, but with negative allometry. During the late pre-moult and early post-moult periods L. depurator did not consume any food; maximum stomach fullness was recorded for the late post-moult and intermoult stages. Female food consumption decreased during egg incubation. Food consumption was greater in autumn and winter than at other seasons; this appears to be related to seasonal changes in reproduction and moulting.  相似文献   

About 2,500 specimens of the Kamchatka king crab Paralithodes camtschatica (Tilesius), ca. 5 to 15 years old, and about 10,000 juveniles, ca. 1 to 3 years old, were released into the Barents Sea from 1961 to 1969. One large berried female was caught in 1974, and the number of records increased in 1976 (at least 100 records, including 6 reliable ones). The crab therefore seems to have become a permanent inhabitant of the Barents Sea. It will be important in future to continually record new occurrences of the crabs, especially of juveniles, in order to document the extent of their distributional range and to obtain evidence of successful reproduction of the species.  相似文献   

The tree crab Sesarma leptosoma Hilgendorf migrates up the mangrove trunks twice a day, both in the morning and in the evening, leaving its refuge near the tree base to feed on fresh leaves. In spite of the 150 cm of tide excursion at the base of the trees, the timing of the migrations seems largely controlled by nontidal factors. The timing of the morning upward migration is controlled by the light level alone. The morning downward migration takes place as soon as the temperature rises and relative humidity falls, with no relationship to tidal cycle or light level. Only the evening upward flow seems primarily controlled by the tide, while the evening downward flow, which ends at twilight, seems to be related to the timing of the evening upward migration, to the tide and again to light levels. During the day, crabs abandon the canopy to avoid low relative humidity, usually coupled with the higher wind speeds, which would quickly dehydrate them. At night, crabs stop migrating, probably because their movements and orientation capability along the trunk and in the canopy are largely vision dependent. Nontidal factors have never previously been shown to influence the migratory behaviour of an intertidal crustacean species so extensively. Received: 14 June 1997 / Accepted: 17 July 1997  相似文献   

Changes in lipid class, fatty acid, fat-soluble vitamins, amino acid and minerals were studied during larval development of Maja brachydactyla Balss, 1922 in order to provide information of its ontogeny and evaluate possible dietary deficiencies and constraints. Four different batches were analyzed from hatching to metamorphosis using enriched Artemia as food. Cultured larvae were in a good nutritional condition as confirmed by the continuous lipid accumulation throughout ontogeny. A regulation of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) occurred during development in order to maintain adequate basal levels of ω-3 fatty acids (likely through a retro conversion of C20 and C22 into C18 PUFA). Variations in the tocopherol levels indicated its possible role in PUFA protection against oxidation. Essential amino acid balance during development was not correlated with the Artemia feeding regime, but rather reflected inherent variations of the own species ontogeny. Larval requirements in essential minerals were fully supplied by the enriched Artemia.  相似文献   

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