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Feed additives can change the microbiological environment of the animal digestive track, nutrient composition of feces, and its gaseous emissions. This 2-yr field study involving commercial laying-hen houses in central Iowa was conducted to assess the effects of feeding diets containing EcoCal and corn-dried distillers grain with solubles (DDGS) on ammonia (NH3), hydrogen sulfide (H2S), and greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4, and N2O) emissions. Three high-rise layer houses (256,600 W-36 hens per house) received standard industry diet (Control), a diet containing 7% EcoCal (EcoCal) or a diet containing 10% DDGS (DDGS). Gaseous emissions were continuously monitored during the period of December 2007 to December 2009, covering the full production cycle. The 24-month test results revealed that mean NH3 emission rates were 0.58 +/- 0.05, 0.82 +/- 0.04, and 0.96 +/- 0.05 g/hen/day for the EcoCal, DDGS, and Control diet, respectively. Namely, compared to the Control diet, the EcoCal and DDGS diets reduced NH3 emission by an average of 39.2% and 14.3%, respectively. The concurrent H2S emission rates were 5.39 +/- 0.46, 1.91 +/- 0.13, and 1.79 +/- 0.16 mg/ hen/day for the EcoCal, DDGS, and Control diet, respectively. CO2 emission rates were similar for the three diets, 87.3 +/- 1.37, 87.4 +/- 1.26, and 89.6 +/- 1.6 g/hen/day for EcoCal, DDGS, and Control, respectively (P = 0.45). The DDGS and EcoCal houses tended to emit less CH4 than the Control house (0.16 and 0.12 vs. 0.20 g/hen/day) during the monitored summer season. The efficacy of NH3 emission reduction by the EcoCal diet decreased with increasing outside temperature, varying from 72.2% in February 2009 to -7.10% in September 2008. Manure of the EcoCal diet contained 68% higher ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) and 4.7 times higher sulfur content than that of the Control diet. Manure pH values were 8.0, 8.9, and 9.3 for EcoCal, DDGS, and Control diets, respectively. This extensive field study verifies that dietary manipulation provides a viable means to reduce NH3 emissions from modern laying-hen houses.  相似文献   

A number of techniques have been developed to quantify ammonia (NH(3)) emissions following land application of manure or fertiliser. In this study, coefficients of variation were determined for three commonly used field techniques (mass balance integrated horizontal flux, wind tunnels and the equilibrium concentration technique) for measuring emissions from a range of manure types. Coefficients of variation (CV) for absorption flasks, passive flux samplers and passive diffusion samplers were 21, 10 and 14%, respectively. In comparative measurements, concentrations measured using passive flux samplers and absorption flasks did not differ significantly, but those measured using passive diffusion samplers were on average 1.8 times greater. The mass balance technique and wind tunnels gave broadly similar results in two out of four field tests. Overexposure of passive diffusion samplers for some sampling periods meant that estimation of cumulative NH(3) emission using the equilibrium concentration technique in the field tests could not be made. For cumulative NH(3) emissions, CVs were in the range of 23-52, 46-74 and 21-39% for the mass balance, wind tunnel and equilibrium concentration techniques, respectively. Lower CVs were associated with measurements following slurry compared with solid manure applications. Our conclusions from this study are that for the measurement of absolute emissions the mass balance technique is to be preferred, and for small-plot comparative measurements the wind tunnel system is preferred to the equilibrium concentration technique.  相似文献   

A field-based intercomparison study for ammonia measurements was conducted using seven analytical methods. It included sulphuric acid impinger, citric acid denuder, differential optical absorption spectroscopy (DOAS), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS), and continuous aqueous extraction followed by measurement of conductivity (Airrmonia). Measurements were done at the entrance and the exit of the Gubrist highway tunnel near Zurich, Switzerland. For DOAS, FTIR, PAS and Airrmonia, 24 hour means were calculated based on a time resolution of 10 minutes. At the tunnel exit, all 24 hour averages were within 13%, and the continuous data of the time-resolved methods agreed well. At the tunnel entrance, a slightly reduced method comparison included four methods, and daily mean values agreed within 23%. Ammonia emission factors, based on 4 weeks of continuous measurements with the Airrmonia, were 31 ± 4 mg km-1 for light-duty vehicles and 14 ± 7 mg km-1 for heavy-duty vehicles.  相似文献   

In response to lingering concerns about the utility of dynamometer data for mobile source emissions modeling, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has constructed an on-road test facility to characterize the real-world emissions of heavy-duty trucks. The facility was designed to effectively demonstrate the full range of vehicle operation and to measure the emissions produced. Since it began operation, the facility has been continuously upgraded to incorporate state-of-the-art technology. Its potential uses include collecting modal emissions data, validating dynamometer test parameters and results, and demonstrating new emission control technologies.  相似文献   

This paper reports a desk study to quantify the total-nitrogen (N) and ammoniacal-N contents of livestock excreta, and to compare them with estimates of N losses to the environment from that excreta. Inventories of ammonia (NH3), nitrous oxide (N2O), dinitrogen (N2), and nitric oxide emissions (NO), together with estimates of nitrate (NO3-) leaching and crop N uptake were collated. A balance sheet was constructed to determine whether our estimates of N in livestock excreta were consistent with current estimates of N losses and crop N uptake from that N, or whether emissions of N compounds from livestock excreta may have been underestimated. Total N excretion by livestock in England and Wales (E&W) was estimated as 767-816 x 10(3) t of which 487-518 x 10(3) t was estimated to be total ammoniacal-N (TAN). Estimates of NH3 and N2O losses during housing and storage were derived from the difference between the total amount of TAN in excreta deposited in and around buildings, and the total amount of TAN in manure (i.e. the excreta deposited in and around buildings after collection and storage) prior to spreading and were ca. 64-88 x 10(3) t. The NH3-N emission from livestock buildings and manure storage in E&W quoted in the UK Emission Inventory (Pain et al., 1999. Inventory of Ammonia Emission from UK Agriculture, 1977. Report of MAFF contract WAO630, IGER, North Wyke) is ca. 80 x 10(3) t. Losses from NO3- leaching in the season after manure application and grazing were estimated as 73 and 32 x 10(3) t, respectively. Other gaseous losses of N were estimated as ca. 54 x 10(3) t. Crop uptake of manure N was estimated to be between 7 and 24 x 10(3) t. For manures, estimated N losses, immobilization and crop uptake total 326 x 10(3) t compared with estimates of 293-319 x 10(3) t TAN in excreta. Total N losses and crop uptake from TAN deposited at grazing were estimated to be 179-199 x 10(3) t compared with ca. 224 x 10(3) t TAN excreted. Thus all the TAN in manures appears to be accounted for, but ca. 25-45 x 10(3) t of TAN in urine deposited at grazing were not, and could be an underestimated source of gaseous emission or nitrate leaching.  相似文献   

Ammonia-nitrogen flux (NH3-N=(14/17)NH3) was determined from six anaerobic swine waste storage and treatment lagoons (primary, secondary, and tertiary) using the dynamic chamber system. Measurements occurred during the fall of 1998 through the early spring of 1999, and each lagoon was examined for approximately one week. Analysis of flux variation was made with respect to lagoon surface water temperature (∼15 cm below the surface), lagoon water pH, total aqueous phase NHx(=NH3+NH4+) concentration, and total Kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN). Average lagoon temperatures (across all six lagoons) ranged from approximately 10.3 to 23.3°C. The pH ranged in value from 6.8 to 8.1. Aqueous NHx concentration ranged from 37 to 909 mg N l−1, and TKN varied from 87 to 950 mg N l−1. Fluxes were the largest at the primary lagoon in Kenansville, NC (March 1999) with an average value of 120.3 μg N m−2 min−1, and smallest at the tertiary lagoon in Rocky Mount, NC (November 1998) at 40.7 μg N m−2 min−1. Emission rates were found to be correlated with both surface lagoon water temperature and aqueous NHx concentration. The NH3-N flux may be modeled as ln(NH3-N flux)=1.0788+0.0406TL+0.0015([NHx]) (R2=0.74), where NH3-N flux is the ammonia flux from the lagoon surface in μg N m−2 min−1, TL is the lagoon surface water temperature in °C, and [NHx] is the total ammonia-nitrogen concentration in mg N l−1.  相似文献   

The animal husbandry industry is a major emitter of ammonia (NH3), which is a precursor of fine particulate matter (PM2.5)--arguably, the number-one environment-related public health threat facing the nation. The industry is also a major emitter of methane (CH4), which is an important greenhouse gas (GHG). We present an integrated process model of the engineering economics of technologies to reduce NH3 and CH4 emissions at dairy operations in California. Three policy options are explored: PM offset credits for NH3 control, GHG offset credits for CH4 control, and expanded net metering policies to provide revenue for the sale of electricity generated from captured methane (CH4) gas. Individually these policies vary substantially in the economic incentives they provide for farm operators to reduce emissions. We report on initial steps to fully develop the integrated process model that will provide guidance for policy-makers.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - In Turkey, facilities for the use of biomass resources in energy production are increasing, and new conversion facilities are commissioned every year...  相似文献   

Knowledge of the sources and distribution of ammonia (NH3) emissions underpins our understanding of the nitrogen budget. Research has focused on quantifying NH3 emissions from anthropogenic sources, whilst those from natural sources have received little attention internationally. Seabirds excrete large quantities of nitrogen, making seabird colonies a major natural source of NH3. Ammonia emissions from each UK seabird species were estimated and combined with population distribution data to model their spatial distribution. Total NH3 emissions from UK seabirds were estimated at 2.7 kt per year. Seabird emissions are concentrated in remote parts of the UK where anthropogenic emissions are small, so that seabirds often represent the main source of NH3 emissions in these areas. Seabird NH3 emissions were found to have increased by 34% since the 1970s. This corresponds to population changes which may be influenced by human activities, showing that even this natural source can be anthropogenically modified.  相似文献   

In the vicinity of a large ammonia emission area, dry and wet deposition of acidifying and eutrophying compounds onto Douglas Fir forests was studied by sampling throughfall, stemflow and bulk precipitation. Deposition amounts of NH(4)(+) and SO(4)(2-) were recognised to be among the highest of Central Europe, resulting in extremely high inputs of (potential) acid to the forest soils (13.1 kEq ha(-1) year(-1)). The contribution of NH(3) emissions from agriculture to the total acid deposition to the forests was 52%. The total nitrogen deposition amounted to 115.0 kg ha(-1) year(-1), 83% originating from NH(3) emissions and 17% from NO(x) emissions. Calculated mean dry deposition velocities of NH(3) and SO(2) were much larger than reported in the literature. A synergistic effect between NH(3) and SO(2) in the process of dry deposition is suggested and evidence for this effect is discussed. When deposition models do not take this interaction into account, they will underestimate NH(3) and SO(2) deposition amounts in areas with intensive animal husbandry.  相似文献   

Aerial ammonia concentrations (Cg) are measured using acid scrubbers, filter packs, denuders, or optical methods. Using Cg and wind speed or airflow rate, ammonia emission rate or flux can be directly estimated using enclosures or micrometeorological methods. Using nitrogen (N) recovery is not recommended, mainly because the different gaseous N components cannot be separated. Although low cost and replicable, chambers modify environmental conditions and are suitable only for comparing treatments. Wind tunnels do not modify environmental conditions as much as chambers, but they may not be appropriate for determining ammonia fluxes; however, they can be used to compare emissions and test models. Larger wind tunnels that also simulate natural wind profiles may be more useful for comparing treatments than micrometeorological methods because the latter require larger plots and are, thus, difficult to replicate. For determining absolute ammonia flux, the micrometeorological methods are the most suitable because they are nonintrusive. For use with micrometeorological methods, both the passive denuders and optical methods give comparable accuracies, although the latter give real-time Cg but at a higher cost. The passive denuder is wind weighted and also costs less than forced-air Cg measurement methods, but it requires calibration. When ammonia contamination during sample preparation and handling is a concern and separating the gas-phase ammonia and aerosol ammonium is not required, the scrubber is preferred over the passive denuder. The photothermal interferometer, because of its low detection limit and robustness, may hold potential for use in agriculture, but it requires evaluation. With its simpler theoretical basis and fewer restrictions, the integrated horizontal flux (IHF) method is preferable over other micrometeorological methods, particularly for lagoons, where berms and land-lagoon boundaries modify wind flow and flux gradients. With uniform wind flow, the ZINST method requiring measurement at one predetermined height may perform comparably to the IHF method but at a lower cost.  相似文献   

The study presents the measurement of carbonyl, BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, and xylene), ammonia, elemental/organic carbon (EC/OC), and greenhouse gas emissions from modern heavy-duty diesel and natural gas vehicles. Vehicles from different vocations that included goods movement, refuse trucks, and transit buses were tested on driving cycles representative of their duty cycle. The natural gas vehicle technologies included the stoichiometric engine platform equipped with a three-way catalyst and a diesel-like dual-fuel high-pressure direct-injection technology equipped with a diesel particulate filter (DPF) and a selective catalytic reduction (SCR). The diesel vehicles were equipped with a DPF and SCR. Results of the study show that the BTEX emissions were below detection limits for both diesel and natural gas vehicles, while carbonyl emissions were observed during cold start and low-temperature operations of the natural gas vehicles. Ammonia emissions of about 1 g/mile were observed from the stoichiometric natural gas vehicles equipped with TWC over all the driving cycles. The tailpipe GWP of the stoichiometric natural gas goods movement application was 7% lower than DPF and SCR equipped diesel. In the case of a refuse truck application the stoichiometric natural gas engine exhibited 22% lower GWP than a diesel vehicle. Tailpipe methane emissions contribute to less than 6% of the total GHG emissions.

Implications: Modern heavy-duty diesel and natural gas engines are equipped with multiple after-treatment systems and complex control strategies aimed at meeting both the performance standards for the end user and meeting stringent U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) emissions regulation. Compared to older technology diesel and natural gas engines, modern engines and after-treatment technology have reduced unregulated emissions to levels close to detection limits. However, brief periods of inefficiencies related to low exhaust thermal energy have been shown to increase both carbonyl and nitrous oxide emissions.  相似文献   

There is a need for a robust and accurate technique to measure ammonia (NH3) emissions from animal feeding operations (AFOs) to obtain emission inventories and to develop abatement strategies. Two consecutive seasonal studies were conducted to measure NH3 emissions from an open-lot dairy in central Texas in July and December of 2005. Data including NH3 concentrations were collected and NH3 emission fluxes (EFls), emission rates (ERs), and emission factors (EFs) were calculated for the open-lot dairy. A protocol using flux chambers (FCs) was used to determine these NH3 emissions from the open-lot dairy. NH3 concentration measurements were made using chemiluminescence-based analyzers. The ground-level area sources (GLAS) including open lots (cows on earthen corrals), separated solids, primary and secondary lagoons, and milking parlors were sampled to estimate NH3 emissions. The seasonal NH3 EFs were 11.6 +/- 7.1 kg-NH3 yr(-1)head(-1) for the summer and 6.2 +/- 3.7 kg-NH3 yr(-1)head(-1) for the winter season. The estimated annual NH3 EF was 9.4 +/- 5.7 kg-NH3 yr(-1)head(-1) for this open-lot dairy. The estimated NH3 EF for winter was nearly 47% lower than summer EF. Primary and secondary lagoons (approximately 37) and open-lot corrals (approximately 63%) in summer, and open-lot corrals (approximately 95%) in winter were the highest contributors to NH3 emissions for the open-lot dairy. These EF estimates using the FC protocol and real-time analyzer were lower than many previously reported EFs estimated based on nitrogen mass balance and nitrogen content in manure. The difference between the overall emissions from each season was due to ambient temperature variations and loading rates of manure on GLAS. There was spatial variation of NH3 emission from the open-lot earthen corrals due to variable animal density within feeding and shaded and dry divisions of the open lot. This spatial variability was attributed to dispirit manure loading within these areas.  相似文献   

Here we present an uncertainty analysis of NH3 emissions from agricultural production systems based on a global NH3 emission inventory with a 5×5 min resolution. Of all results the mean is given with a range (10% and 90% percentile). The uncertainty range for the global NH3 emission from agricultural systems is 27–38 (with a mean of 32) Tg NH3-N yr−1, N fertilizer use contributing 10–12 (11) Tg yr−1 and livestock production 16–27 (21) Tg yr−1. Most of the emissions from livestock production come from animal houses and storage systems (31–55%); smaller contributions come from the spreading of animal manure (23–38%) and grazing animals (17–37%). This uncertainty analysis allows for identifying and improving those input parameters with a major influence on the results. The most important determinants of the uncertainty related to the global agricultural NH3 emission comprise four parameters (N excretion rates, NH3 emission rates for manure in animal houses and storage, the fraction of the time that ruminants graze and the fraction of non-agricultural use of manure) specific to mixed and landless systems, and total animal stocks. Nitrogen excretion rates and NH3 emission rates from animal houses and storage systems are shown consistently to be the most important parameters in most parts of the world. Input parameters for pastoral systems are less relevant. However, there are clear differences between world regions and individual countries, reflecting the differences in livestock production systems.  相似文献   

Modelling the spatial distribution of ammonia emissions in the UK   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ammonia emissions (NH3) are characterised by a high spatial variability at a local scale. When modelling the spatial distribution of NH3 emissions, it is important to provide robust emission estimates, since the model output is used to assess potential environmental impacts, e.g. exceedance of critical loads. The aim of this study was to provide a new, updated spatial NH3 emission inventory for the UK for the year 2000, based on an improved modelling approach and the use of updated input datasets. The AENEID model distributes NH3 emissions from a range of agricultural activities, such as grazing and housing of livestock, storage and spreading of manures, and fertilizer application, at a 1-km grid resolution over the most suitable landcover types. The results of the emission calculation for the year 2000 are analysed and the methodology is compared with a previous spatial emission inventory for 1996.  相似文献   

Atmospheric emission of the soil fumigant 1,3-dichloropropene (1,3-D) has been associated with the deterioration of air quality in certain fumigation areas. To minimize the environmental impacts of 1,3-D, feasible and cost-effective control strategies are in need of investigation. One approach to reduce emissions is to enhance the surface layer of a soil to degrade 1,3-D. A field study was conducted to determine the effectiveness of composted steer manure (SM) and composted chicken manure (CKM) to reduce 1,3-D emissions. SM or CKM were applied to the top 5-cm soil layer at a rate of 3.3 or 6.5 kg m(-2). An emulsified formulation of 1,3-D was applied through drip tape at 130.6 kg ha(-1) into raised beds. The drip tape was placed in the center of each bed (102 cm wide) and 15 cm below the surface. Passive flux chambers were used to measure the loss of 1,3-D for 170 h after fumigant application. Results indicated that the cumulative loss of 1,3-D was about 48% and 28% lower in SM- and CKM-amended beds, respectively, than in the unamended beds. Overall, both isomers of 1,3-D behaved similarly in all treatments. The cumulative loss of 1,3-D, however, was not significantly different between the two manure application rates for either SM or CKM. The results of this study demonstrate the feasibility of using composted animal manures to control 1,3-D emissions.  相似文献   

A Lagrangian dispersion model has been used to predict daily sulphate aerosol in 2006 at five UK rural measurement sites and hourly nitrate aerosol in April 2003 at Harwell (UK). The sensitivity of aqueous phase sulphate production to the meteorological input has been investigated. Large differences were found between cloud fraction and cloud liquid water output from the regional and mesoscale Met Office Unified Model. The impact on the sulphate aerosol was relatively small, with the mesoscale meteorology giving better results.Sulphate aerosol production in the aqueous phase was found to be very sensitive to modelled cloud pH. As the cloud becomes acidic sulphate production is greatly limited, conversely if the cloud is basic large amounts of sulphate aerosol are produced. A fixed model pH of 5.8 was found to produce better results than allowing the model to calculate pH which resulted in large over-predictions of measured sulphate aerosol in some episodes.Nitrate aerosol was not sensitive to cloud variables or pH, but showed a slight increase with 30% more ammonia emissions, and a slight decrease with 30% less ammonia.Sulphate production in model runs with fixed pH was not sensitive to changing ammonia emissions, however the sulphate production with modelled pH was very sensitive to plus or minus 30% ammonia. This work suggests that good modelling of ammonia is essential to correct estimation of aqueous phase sulphate aerosol if cloud pH is modelled. It is concluded that modelling to estimate the effect of reduced ammonia emission scenarios on future ambient aerosol levels should also take into account the neutralising effect of ammonia in cloud and hence the effect on aqueous phase production of sulphate.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the potential of trees planted around commercial poultry farms to trap ammonia (NH(3)) and dust or particulate matter (PM). Norway spruce, Spike hybrid poplar, hybrid willow, and Streamco purpleosier willow were planted on five commercial farms from 2003 to 2004. Plant foliage was sampled in front of the exhaust fans and at a control distance away from the fans on one turkey, two laying hen, and two broiler chicken farms between June and July 2006. Samples were analyzed for dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N), and PM content. In addition, NH(3) concentrations were measured downwind of the exhaust fans among the trees and at a control distance using NH(3) passive dosi-tubes. Foliage samples were taken and analyzed separately based on plant species. The two layer farms had both spruce and poplar plantings whereas the two broiler farms had hybrid willow and Streamco willow plantings which allowed sampling and species comparisons with the effect of plant location (control vs. fan). The results showed that NH(3) concentration h(- 1) was reduced by distance from housing fans (P < or = 0.0001), especially between 0 m (12.01 ppm), 11.4 m (2.59 ppm), 15 m (2.03 ppm), and 30 m (0.31 ppm). Foliar N of plants near the fans was greater than those sampled away from the fans for poplar (3.87 vs. 2.56%; P < or = 0.0005) and hybrid willow (3.41 vs. 3.02%; P < or = 0.05). The trends for foliar N in spruce (1.91 vs. 1.77%; P = 0.26) and Streamco willow (3.85 vs. 3.33; P = 0.07) were not significant. Pooling results of the four plant species indicated greater N concentration from foliage sampled near the fans than of that away from the fans (3.27 vs. 2.67%; P < or = 0.0001). Foliar DM concentration was not affected by plant location, and when pooled the foliar DM of the four plant species near the fans was 51.3% in comparison with 48.5% at a control distance. There was a significant effect of plant location on foliar N and DM on the two layer farms with greater N and DM adjacent to fans than at a control distance (2.95 vs. 2.15% N and 45.4 vs. 38.2% DM, respectively). There were also significant plant species effects on foliar N and DM with poplar retaining greater N (3.22 vs. 1.88%) and DM (43.7 vs. 39.9%) than spruce. The interaction of location by species (P < or = 0.005) indicated that poplar was more responsive in terms of foliar N, but less responsive for DM than spruce. The effect of location and species on foliar N and DM were not clear among the two willow species on the broiler farms. Plant location had no effect on plant foliar PM weight, but plant species significantly influenced the ability of the plant foliage to trap PM with spruce and hybrid willow showing greater potential than poplar and Streamco willow for PM(2.5)(0.0054, 0.0054, 0.0005, and 0.0016 mg cm(- 2); P < or = 0.05) and total PM (0.0309, 0.0102, 0.0038, and 0.0046 mg cm(- 2), respectively; P < or = 0.001). Spruce trapped more dust compared to the other three species (hybrid willow, poplar, and Streamco willow) for PM(10) (0.0248 vs. 0.0036 mg cm(- 2); P < or = 0.0001) and PM(> 10) (0.0033 vs. 0.0003 mg cm(- 2); P = 0.052). This study indicates that poplar, hybrid willow, and Streamco willow are appropriate species to absorb poultry house aerial NH(3)-N, whereas spruce and hybrid willow are effective traps for dust and its associated odors.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the potential of trees planted around commercial poultry farms to trap ammonia (NH3) and dust or particulate matter (PM). Norway spruce, Spike hybrid poplar, hybrid willow, and Streamco purpleosier willow were planted on five commercial farms from 2003 to 2004. Plant foliage was sampled in front of the exhaust fans and at a control distance away from the fans on one turkey, two laying hen, and two broiler chicken farms between June and July 2006. Samples were analyzed for dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N), and PM content. In addition, NH3 concentrations were measured downwind of the exhaust fans among the trees and at a control distance using NH3 passive dosi–tubes. Foliage samples were taken and analyzed separately based on plant species. The two layer farms had both spruce and poplar plantings whereas the two broiler farms had hybrid willow and Streamco willow plantings which allowed sampling and species comparisons with the effect of plant location (control vs. fan). The results showed that NH3 concentration h? 1 was reduced by distance from housing fans (P ≤ 0.0001), especially between 0 m (12.01 ppm), 11.4 m (2.59 ppm), 15 m (2.03 ppm), and 30 m (0.31 ppm). Foliar N of plants near the fans was greater than those sampled away from the fans for poplar (3.87 vs. 2.56%; P ≤ 0.0005) and hybrid willow (3.41 vs. 3.02%; P ≤ 0.05). The trends for foliar N in spruce (1.91 vs. 1.77%; P = 0.26) and Streamco willow (3.85 vs. 3.33; P = 0.07) were not significant. Pooling results of the four plant species indicated greater N concentration from foliage sampled near the fans than of that away from the fans (3.27 vs. 2.67%; P ≤ 0.0001). Foliar DM concentration was not affected by plant location, and when pooled the foliar DM of the four plant species near the fans was 51.3% in comparison with 48.5% at a control distance. There was a significant effect of plant location on foliar N and DM on the two layer farms with greater N and DM adjacent to fans than at a control distance (2.95 vs. 2.15% N and 45.4 vs. 38.2% DM, respectively). There were also significant plant species effects on foliar N and DM with poplar retaining greater N (3.22 vs. 1.88%) and DM (43.7 vs. 39.9%) than spruce. The interaction of location by species (P ≤ 0.005) indicated that poplar was more responsive in terms of foliar N, but less responsive for DM than spruce. The effect of location and species on foliar N and DM were not clear among the two willow species on the broiler farms. Plant location had no effect on plant foliar PM weight, but plant species significantly influenced the ability of the plant foliage to trap PM with spruce and hybrid willow showing greater potential than poplar and Streamco willow for PM2.5(0.0054, 0.0054, 0.0005, and 0.0016 mg cm? 2; P ≤ 0.05) and total PM (0.0309, 0.0102, 0.0038, and 0.0046 mg cm? 2, respectively; P ≤ 0.001). Spruce trapped more dust compared to the other three species (hybrid willow, poplar, and Streamco willow) for PM10 (0.0248 vs. 0.0036 mg cm? 2; P ≤ 0.0001) and PM> 10 (0.0033 vs. 0.0003 mg cm? 2; P = 0.052). This study indicates that poplar, hybrid willow, and Streamco willow are appropriate species to absorb poultry house aerial NH3–N, whereas spruce and hybrid willow are effective traps for dust and its associated odors.  相似文献   

In China, the continuously increasing amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) has resulted in an urgent need for changing the current municipal solid waste management (MSWM) system based on mixed collection. A pilot program focusing on source-separated MSW collection was thus launched (2010) in Hangzhou, China, to lessen the related environmental loads. And greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Kyoto Protocol) are singled out in particular. This paper uses life cycle assessment modeling to evaluate the potential environmental improvement with regard to GHG emissions. The pre-existing MSWM system is assessed as baseline, while the source separation scenario is compared internally. Results show that 23 % GHG emissions can be decreased by source-separated collection compared with the base scenario. In addition, the use of composting and anaerobic digestion (AD) is suggested for further optimizing the management of food waste. 260.79, 82.21, and ?86.21 thousand tonnes of GHG emissions are emitted from food waste landfill, composting, and AD, respectively, proving the emission reduction potential brought by advanced food waste treatment technologies. Realizing the fact, a modified MSWM system is proposed by taking AD as food waste substitution option, with additional 44 % GHG emissions saved than current source separation scenario. Moreover, a preliminary economic assessment is implemented. It is demonstrated that both source separation scenarios have a good cost reduction potential than mixed collection, with the proposed new system the most cost-effective one.  相似文献   

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