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施倚 《劳动保护》2008,(4):113-113
编辑同志: 我公司要上压缩机项目,想做一下前期的项目安全评价,请问哪里可以做,都需要准备哪些材料?  相似文献   

随着工业经济的发展,小型制冷装置在工厂中的使用越来越多。由于企业管理方面的原因,往往会碰到设备资料缺损或遗失的情况,这些情况导致特种设备检验人员在检验中,对容器安全状况的判断有很大的困难。如何保证这些设备安全运行的同时,又能减少企业不必要的损失。在检测小型制冷装置压力容器时,运用好硬度检测也是一种行之有效的方法。  相似文献   

本文通过对气田典型集气站增压站压缩机工艺安全现状进行分析研究,查找现场工艺安全的薄弱环节,对增压站压缩机的工艺安全、火灾性提出了防范安全措施,提出工艺、安全管理改进意见和建议,促进天然气压缩机的运行安全管理。  相似文献   

钟义章 《安防科技》2007,(2):69-71,53
在国家经济高速发展的同时,我国越来越重视安全生产,并逐步把生产防火安全作为其中一项重要工作来抓,特别是针对一些易燃易爆危险场所进行的火灾报警和火灾处理情况监督检查中,严格要求设置火警受理控制系统.火警受理控制系统要确保安全、可靠、实用,基于这一原则我们设计了一套采用可编程控制器的火警受理控制系统并安装在某饲料厂,经过厂家使用,得到厂家的高度评价,认为该系统可靠性能高,处理的反应速度快捷,系统扩展方便,可以根据需要随时增加扩展单元,整套机体积小、结构简单、经济实用.  相似文献   

根据精神状态能通过心理机能的变化客观反应出来的相关理论,研制出精神状态测试装置.该装置基于单片微机,能通过综合测试工作人员的注意力、记忆力、判断力及闪光频率分辨能力来评估其精神状态.在生产班组的实际应用表明,该装置操作简捷方便,能较准确地对工作人员的精神状态进行评估,使用后能有效地降低事故发生概率,对于电力、钢铁、建筑等安全生产行业具有借鉴意义.  相似文献   

对逻辑在安全生产中的应用和作用,进行了较全面的分析和探讨。逻辑在职业安全卫生领域里的应用十分广泛,在分析、预防事故,探求其规律,以及在职业危害方面,起着十分重要的作用。随着安全系统工程等现代安全技术和劳动安全卫生预评价方法的拓展,逻辑学的应用更加深入,从演绎逻辑到归纳逻辑、辩证逻辑,特别是由数理逻辑诞生而发展起来的现代逻辑,以及现代模拟类比,均被有效地应用。因此,安全逻辑已成为逻辑的一个新分支,也成为安全科学的一个重要组成部分。它对安全生产的发展有着重要的实用价值和指导意义  相似文献   

阐述了基于PLC的粗放式控制系统在曝气生物滤池污水处理中的设计思路、功能特点及控制硬件、软件的设计.曝气生物滤池粗放式控制系统主要由鼓风机及反冲洗控制2个子系统组成,并由工控机及PLC有机地耦合在一起形成强大的监控、数据处理等功能.自控技术的发展有利于曝气生物滤池在污水处理中的应用.  相似文献   

基于PLC和组态王的交通信号灯监控系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了有效地提高交通信号灯的控制效率,克服以往信号灯出现故障不能及时发现和返修的现象,利用PLC强大的逻辑控制功能,基于King View 6.0设计了1套交通信号灯监控系统.该系统用户界面友好,实际运行效果良好.  相似文献   

蔡子玉 《安全》2010,31(1):11-13,17
实现化工反应装置的反应釜压力安全监测与报警,在现实化工生产中具有重要的意义。本文是基于西门子S7200PLC控制器,并且配备了触摸屏MT4300CE,以实现对4台化工反应釜的反应压力参数进行快速探测并进行预警。并就其安全预警系统的硬件组成和控制程序设计等方面都进行了较为详细的介绍。  相似文献   

IntroductionSafety performance functions (SPFs) are essential tools for highway agencies to predict crashes, identify hotspots and assess safety countermeasures. In the Highway Safety Manual (HSM), a variety of SPFs are provided for different types of roadway facilities, crash types and severity levels. Agencies, lacking the necessary resources to develop own localized SPFs, may opt to apply the HSM’s SPFs for their jurisdictions. Yet, municipalities that want to develop and maintain their regional SPFs might encounter the issue of the small sample bias. Bayesian inference is being conducted to address this issue by combining the current data with prior information to achieve reliable results. It follows that the essence of Bayesian statistics is the application of informative priors, obtained from other SPFs or experts’ experiences.MethodIn this study, we investigate the applicability of informative priors for Bayesian negative binomial SPFs for rural divided multilane highway segments in Florida and California. An SPF with non-informative priors is developed for each state and its parameters’ distributions are assigned to the other state’s SPF as informative priors. The performances of SPFs are evaluated by applying each state’s SPFs to the other state. The analysis is conducted for both total (KABCO) and severe (KAB) crashes.Results, conclusions and practical applicationsAs per the results, applying one state’s SPF with informative priors, which are the other state’s SPF independent variable estimates, to the latter state’s conditions yields better goodness of fit (GOF) values than applying the former state’s SPF with non-informative priors to the conditions of the latter state. This is for both total and severe crash SPFs. Hence, for localities where it is not preferred to develop own localized SPFs and adopt SPFs from elsewhere to cut down on resources, application of informative priors is shown to facilitate the process.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2003,41(8):641-680
Safety climate surveys were conducted on 13 offshore oil and gas installations in separate years (N=682 and 806, respectively), with nine installations common to both years. In addition, data on safety management practices were collected by questionnaire from senior management on eight installations in each year. The associations between management practices and climate scores with official accident statistics and self-reported accident involvement were tested via a series of hypotheses. Associations were found between certain safety climate scales and official accident statistics and also the proportion of respondents reporting an accident in the previous 12 months. Proficiency in some safety management practices was associated with lower official accident rates and fewer respondents reporting accidents.  相似文献   

IntroductionSafety management in construction is complicated due to the complex “nature” of the construction industry. The aim of this research was to identify safety management factors (e.g., risk management and site management), contextual factors (e.g., organisational complexity) and combinations of such factors connected to safety performance. Method: Twelve construction projects were selected to compare their safety management and safety performance. An analytical framework was developed based on previous research, regulations, and standards where each management factor was defined. We employed qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) to produce case knowledge, compare the cases, and identify connections between the factors and safety performance. The material collected and analyzed included, for example, construction planning documents, reports from OHS-inspections, safety indicators, and interviews with project leaders and OHS experts. Results and conclusions: The research showed that: (a) the average score on 12 safety management factors was higher among projects with high safety performance compared to projects with low safety performance; (b) high safety performance can be achieved with both high and low construction complexity and organizational complexity, but these factors complicate coordination of actors and operations; (c) it is possible to achieve high safety performance despite relatively poor performance on many safety management factors; (d) eight safety management factors were found to be “necessary” for high safety performance, namely roles and responsibilities, project management, OHS management and integration, safety climate, learning, site management, staff management, and operative risk management. Site management, operative risk management, and staff management were the three factors most strongly connected to safety performance. Practical implications: Construction stakeholders should understand that the ability to achieve high safety performance in construction projects is connected to key safety management factors, contextual factors, and combinations of such factors.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Safety in the construction industry is a major issue in Hong Kong, representing about 46% of all occupational injuries in 1998. This study explored linear and curvilinear relations between age and safety performance (accident rates and occupational injuries), as well as safety attitudes, in construction workers in Hong Kong. METHOD: A Chinese version of the Safety Attitude Questionnaire (SAQ by Donald & Canter) was developed and administered to a sample of Chinese construction workers (N=374, 366 males, 8 females) from 27 construction sites. RESULTS: Accident rates were not related to age. Occupational injuries were related to age in a curvilinear manner, with injuries at first increasing with age, then decreasing. Two safety attitude scales were related to age with older workers exhibiting more positive attitudes to safety. If age and tenure are controlled, some attitude scales are predictors of safety performance. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Management/supervisors, team leaders, and workers are all responsible for safety, and any negative bias toward older construction workers is unfounded.  相似文献   

在广泛开展矿山企业在用空气压缩机安全检测检验工作过程中,发现90%以上的设备普遍存在未配置或未完全配置应有的温度、压力安全保护装置。分析各装置的功能要求和标准的相关规定,基于设备当前安装、使用状态和存在的各类问题,探讨在原系统相应部位通过增加系列电气元件及机械配件,使之满足标准的安全要求的改造方法,从而消除空压机系统因温度、压力过高而造成爆炸事故的隐患,同时避免重复投入造成资金浪费。为使所装设的安全保护装置动作可靠、发挥有效作用,特介绍了有关检测试验方法,以增强检测检验工作的可操作性,确保检测数据真实可靠。  相似文献   

构造企业安全绩效管理体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
坚持安全管理方法的创新,是现代企业制度下企业提高安全管理水平、有效控制安全生产事故、取得良好的安全生产绩效的客观需要。安全绩效管理体系建立在先进安全文化、责任明确的安全管理体系、奖罚分明的激励机制以及坚持不懈的安全教育基础之上,通过确立复合型安全绩效目标、合理的分解和落实目标并进行良好的绩效沟通来达到提高安全管理效果的目的。这种安全管理体系是当前我国企业安全管理改革的追求目标,是落实安全责任的前提要求,对于推动安全管理工作的改革具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

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